# To compile on SunOS: add "-lsocket -lnsl" to LDFLAGS ifndef MBEDTLS_PATH MBEDTLS_PATH := .. endif ifeq (,$(wildcard $(MBEDTLS_PATH)/framework/exported.make)) # Use the define keyword to get a multi-line message. # GNU make appends ". Stop.", so tweak the ending of our message accordingly. define error_message $(MBEDTLS_PATH)/framework/exported.make not found. Run `git submodule update --init` to fetch the submodule contents. This is a fatal error endef $(error $(error_message)) endif include $(MBEDTLS_PATH)/framework/exported.make CFLAGS ?= -O2 WARNING_CFLAGS ?= -Wall -Wextra -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-nonliteral WARNING_CXXFLAGS ?= -Wall -Wextra -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-nonliteral -std=c++11 -pedantic LDFLAGS ?= LOCAL_CFLAGS = $(WARNING_CFLAGS) -I$(MBEDTLS_TEST_PATH)/include \ -I$(MBEDTLS_PATH)/framework/tests/include \ -I$(MBEDTLS_PATH)/include \ -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 LOCAL_CXXFLAGS = $(WARNING_CXXFLAGS) $(LOCAL_CFLAGS) LOCAL_LDFLAGS = ${MBEDTLS_TEST_OBJS} \ -L$(MBEDTLS_PATH)/library \ -lmbedtls$(SHARED_SUFFIX) \ -lmbedx509$(SHARED_SUFFIX) \ -lmbedcrypto$(SHARED_SUFFIX) include $(MBEDTLS_PATH)/3rdparty/Makefile.inc LOCAL_CFLAGS+=$(THIRDPARTY_INCLUDES) ifndef SHARED MBEDLIBS=$(MBEDTLS_PATH)/library/libmbedcrypto.a $(MBEDTLS_PATH)/library/libmbedx509.a $(MBEDTLS_PATH)/library/libmbedtls.a else MBEDLIBS=$(MBEDTLS_PATH)/library/libmbedcrypto.$(DLEXT) $(MBEDTLS_PATH)/library/libmbedx509.$(DLEXT) $(MBEDTLS_PATH)/library/libmbedtls.$(DLEXT) endif ifdef DEBUG LOCAL_CFLAGS += -g3 endif # if we're running on Windows, build for Windows ifdef WINDOWS WINDOWS_BUILD=1 endif ## Usage: $(call remove_enabled_options,PREPROCESSOR_INPUT) ## Remove the preprocessor symbols that are set in the current configuration ## from PREPROCESSOR_INPUT. Also normalize whitespace. ## Example: ## $(call remove_enabled_options,MBEDTLS_FOO MBEDTLS_BAR) ## This expands to an empty string "" if MBEDTLS_FOO and MBEDTLS_BAR are both ## enabled, to "MBEDTLS_FOO" if MBEDTLS_BAR is enabled but MBEDTLS_FOO is ## disabled, etc. ## ## This only works with a Unix-like shell environment (Bourne/POSIX-style shell ## and standard commands) and a Unix-like compiler (supporting -E). In ## other environments, the output is likely to be empty. define remove_enabled_options $(strip $(shell exec 2>/dev/null; { echo '#include '; echo $(1); } | $(CC) $(LOCAL_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -E - | tail -n 1 )) endef ifdef WINDOWS_BUILD DLEXT=dll EXEXT=.exe LOCAL_LDFLAGS += -lws2_32 -lbcrypt ifdef SHARED SHARED_SUFFIX=.$(DLEXT) endif else # Not building for Windows DLEXT ?= so EXEXT= SHARED_SUFFIX= ifndef THREADING # Auto-detect configurations with pthread. # If the call to remove_enabled_options returns "control", the symbols # are confirmed set and we link with pthread. # If the auto-detection fails, the result of the call is empty and # we keep THREADING undefined. ifeq (control,$(call remove_enabled_options,control MBEDTLS_THREADING_C MBEDTLS_THREADING_PTHREAD)) THREADING := pthread endif endif ifeq ($(THREADING),pthread) LOCAL_LDFLAGS += -lpthread endif endif ifdef WINDOWS PYTHON ?= python else PYTHON ?= $(shell if type python3 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then echo python3; else echo python; fi) endif # See root Makefile GEN_FILES ?= yes ifdef GEN_FILES gen_file_dep = else gen_file_dep = | endif default: all $(MBEDLIBS): $(MAKE) -C $(MBEDTLS_PATH)/library neat: clean ifndef WINDOWS rm -f $(GENERATED_FILES) else for %f in ($(subst /,\,$(GENERATED_FILES))) if exist %f del /Q /F %f endif # Auxiliary modules used by tests and some sample programs MBEDTLS_CORE_TEST_OBJS := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard \ ${MBEDTLS_PATH}/framework/tests/src/*.c \ ${MBEDTLS_PATH}/framework/tests/src/drivers/*.c \ )) # Additional auxiliary modules for TLS testing MBEDTLS_TLS_TEST_OBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard \ ${MBEDTLS_TEST_PATH}/src/*.c \ ${MBEDTLS_TEST_PATH}/src/test_helpers/*.c \ )) MBEDTLS_TEST_OBJS = $(MBEDTLS_CORE_TEST_OBJS) $(MBEDTLS_TLS_TEST_OBJS)