#!/bin/sh help () { cat <<EOF Usage: $0 [-r] Collect coverage statistics of library code into an HTML report. General instructions: 1. Build the library with CFLAGS="--coverage -O0 -g3" and link the test programs with LDFLAGS="--coverage". This can be an out-of-tree build. For example (in-tree): make CFLAGS="--coverage -O0 -g3" LDFLAGS="--coverage" Or (out-of-tree): mkdir build-coverage && cd build-coverage && cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Coverage .. && make 2. Run whatever tests you want. 3. Run this script from the parent of the directory containing the library object files and coverage statistics files. 4. Browse the coverage report in Coverage/index.html. 5. After rework, run "$0 -r", then re-test and run "$0" to get a fresh report. Options -r Reset traces. Run this before re-testing to get fresh measurements. EOF } # Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later set -eu # Project detection PROJECT_NAME_FILE='./scripts/project_name.txt' if read -r PROJECT_NAME < "$PROJECT_NAME_FILE"; then :; else echo "$PROJECT_NAME_FILE does not exist... Exiting..." >&2 exit 1 fi in_mbedtls_repo () { test "$PROJECT_NAME" = "Mbed TLS" } # Collect stats and build a HTML report. lcov_library_report () { rm -rf Coverage mkdir Coverage Coverage/tmp # Pass absolute paths as lcov output files. This works around a bug # whereby lcov tries to create the output file in the root directory # if it has emitted a warning. A fix was released in lcov 1.13 in 2016. # Ubuntu 16.04 is affected, 18.04 and above are not. # https://github.com/linux-test-project/lcov/commit/632c25a0d1f5e4d2f4fd5b28ce7c8b86d388c91f COVTMP=$PWD/Coverage/tmp lcov --capture --initial ${lcov_dirs} -o "$COVTMP/files.info" lcov --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --capture ${lcov_dirs} -o "$COVTMP/tests.info" lcov --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --add-tracefile "$COVTMP/files.info" --add-tracefile "$COVTMP/tests.info" -o "$COVTMP/all.info" lcov --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --remove "$COVTMP/all.info" -o "$COVTMP/final.info" '*.h' gendesc tests/Descriptions.txt -o "$COVTMP/descriptions" genhtml --title "$title" --description-file "$COVTMP/descriptions" --keep-descriptions --legend --branch-coverage -o Coverage "$COVTMP/final.info" rm -f "$COVTMP/"*.info "$COVTMP/descriptions" echo "Coverage report in: Coverage/index.html" } # Reset the traces to 0. lcov_reset_traces () { # Location with plain make for dir in ${library_dirs}; do rm -f ${dir}/*.gcda done # Location with CMake for dir in ${library_dirs}; do rm -f ${dir}/CMakeFiles/*.dir/*.gcda done } if [ $# -gt 0 ] && [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then help exit fi if in_mbedtls_repo; then library_dirs='library tf-psa-crypto/core tf-psa-crypto/drivers/builtin' title='Mbed TLS' else library_dirs='core drivers/builtin' title='TF-PSA-Crypto' fi lcov_dirs="" for dir in ${library_dirs}; do lcov_dirs="${lcov_dirs} --directory ${dir}" done main=lcov_library_report while getopts r OPTLET; do case $OPTLET in r) main=lcov_reset_traces;; *) help 2>&1; exit 120;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) "$main" "$@"