#!/usr/bin/env perl # test-ref-configs.pl # # This file is part of mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org) # # Copyright (c) 2013-2016, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved # # Purpose # # For each reference configuration file in the configs directory, build the # configuration and run the test suites. # # Usage: tests/scripts/test-ref-configs.pl [config-name [...]] use warnings; use strict; my %configs = ( 'config-default.h' => { }, 'config-mini-tls1_1.h' => { }, 'config-suite-b.h' => { }, 'config-symmetric-only.h' => { }, 'config-ccm-psk-tls1_2.h' => { }, 'config-thread.h' => { }, ); # If no config-name is provided, use all known configs. # Otherwise, use the provided names only. if ($#ARGV >= 0) { my %configs_ori = ( %configs ); %configs = (); foreach my $conf_name (@ARGV) { if( ! exists $configs_ori{$conf_name} ) { die "Unknown configuration: $conf_name\n"; } else { $configs{$conf_name} = $configs_ori{$conf_name}; } } } -d 'library' && -d 'include' && -d 'tests' or die "Must be run from root\n"; my $config_h = 'include/mbedtls/config.h'; system( "cp $config_h $config_h.bak" ) and die; sub abort { system( "mv $config_h.bak $config_h" ) and warn "$config_h not restored\n"; # use an exit code between 1 and 124 for git bisect (die returns 255) warn $_[0]; exit 1; } # Create a seedfile for configurations that enable MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED. # For test purposes, this doesn't have to be cryptographically random. if (!-e "tests/seedfile" || -s "tests/seedfile" < 64) { local *SEEDFILE; open SEEDFILE, ">tests/seedfile" or die; print SEEDFILE "*" x 64 or die; close SEEDFILE or die; } while( my ($conf, $data) = each %configs ) { system( "cp $config_h.bak $config_h" ) and die; system( "make clean" ) and die; print "\n******************************************\n"; print "* Testing configuration: $conf\n"; print "******************************************\n"; $ENV{MBEDTLS_TEST_CONFIGURATION} = $conf; system( "cp configs/$conf $config_h" ) and abort "Failed to activate $conf\n"; system( "CFLAGS='-Os -Werror -Wall -Wextra' make" ) and abort "Failed to build: $conf\n"; system( "make test" ) and abort "Failed test suite: $conf\n"; } system( "mv $config_h.bak $config_h" ) and warn "$config_h not restored\n"; system( "make clean" ); exit 0;