#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This script confirms that the naming of all symbols and identifiers in Mbed TLS are consistent with the house style and are also self-consistent. It only runs on Linux and macOS since it depends on nm. The script performs the following checks: - All exported and available symbols in the library object files, are explicitly declared in the header files. This uses the nm command. - All macros, constants, and identifiers (function names, struct names, etc) follow the required pattern. - Typo checking: All words that begin with MBED exist as macros or constants. """ import argparse import textwrap import os import sys import traceback import re import shutil import subprocess import logging # Naming patterns to check against. These are defined outside the NameCheck # class for ease of modification. MACRO_PATTERN = r"^(MBEDTLS|PSA)_[0-9A-Z_]*[0-9A-Z]$" CONSTANTS_PATTERN = MACRO_PATTERN IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = r"^(mbedtls|psa)_[0-9a-z_]*[0-9a-z]$" class Match(object): """ A class representing a match, together with its found position. Fields: * filename: the file that the match was in. * line: the full line containing the match. * pos: a tuple of (start, end) positions on the line where the match is. * name: the match itself. """ def __init__(self, filename, line, pos, name): self.filename = filename self.line = line self.pos = pos self.name = name class Problem(object): """ A parent class representing a form of static analysis error. Fields: * textwrapper: a TextWrapper instance to format problems nicely. """ def __init__(self): self.textwrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper() self.textwrapper.width = 80 self.textwrapper.initial_indent = " * " self.textwrapper.subsequent_indent = " " class SymbolNotInHeader(Problem): """ A problem that occurs when an exported/available symbol in the object file is not explicitly declared in header files. Created with NameCheck.check_symbols_declared_in_header() Fields: * symbol_name: the name of the symbol. """ def __init__(self, symbol_name): self.symbol_name = symbol_name Problem.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return self.textwrapper.fill( "'{0}' was found as an available symbol in the output of nm, " "however it was not declared in any header files." .format(self.symbol_name)) class PatternMismatch(Problem): """ A problem that occurs when something doesn't match the expected pattern. Created with NameCheck.check_match_pattern() Fields: * pattern: the expected regex pattern * match: the Match object in question """ def __init__(self, pattern, match): self.pattern = pattern self.match = match Problem.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return self.textwrapper.fill( "{0}: '{1}' does not match the required pattern '{2}'." .format(self.match.filename, self.match.name, self.pattern)) class Typo(Problem): """ A problem that occurs when a word using MBED doesn't appear to be defined as constants nor enum values. Created with NameCheck.check_for_typos() Fields: * match: the Match object of the MBED name in question. """ def __init__(self, match): self.match = match Problem.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return self.textwrapper.fill( "{0}: '{1}' looks like a typo. It was not found in any macros or " "any enums. If this is not a typo, put //no-check-names after it." .format(self.match.filename, self.match.name)) class NameCheck(object): """ Representation of the core name checking operation performed by this script. Shares a common logger, common excluded filenames, and a shared return_code. """ def __init__(self): self.log = None self.check_repo_path() self.return_code = 0 self.excluded_files = ["bn_mul", "compat-2.x.h"] def set_return_code(self, return_code): if return_code > self.return_code: self.log.debug("Setting new return code to {}".format(return_code)) self.return_code = return_code def setup_logger(self, verbose=False): """ Set up a logger and set the change the default logging level from WARNING to INFO. Loggers are better than print statements since their verbosity can be controlled. """ self.log = logging.getLogger() if verbose: self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) def check_repo_path(self): """ Check that the current working directory is the project root, and throw an exception if not. """ if (not os.path.isdir("include") or not os.path.isdir("tests") or not os.path.isdir("library")): raise Exception("This script must be run from Mbed TLS root") def get_files(self, extension, directory): """ Get all files that end with .extension in the specified directory recursively. Args: * extension: the file extension to search for, without the dot * directory: the directory to recursively search for Returns a List of relative filepaths. """ filenames = [] for root, dirs, files in sorted(os.walk(directory)): for filename in sorted(files): if (filename not in self.excluded_files and filename.endswith("." + extension)): filenames.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return filenames def parse_names_in_source(self): """ Calls each parsing function to retrieve various elements of the code, together with their source location. Puts the parsed values in the internal variable self.parse_result. """ self.log.info("Parsing source code...") self.log.debug( "The following files are excluded from the search: {}" .format(str(self.excluded_files)) ) m_headers = self.get_files("h", os.path.join("include", "mbedtls")) p_headers = self.get_files("h", os.path.join("include", "psa")) t_headers = ["3rdparty/everest/include/everest/everest.h", "3rdparty/everest/include/everest/x25519.h"] d_headers = self.get_files("h", os.path.join("tests", "include", "test", "drivers")) l_headers = self.get_files("h", "library") libraries = self.get_files("c", "library") + [ "3rdparty/everest/library/everest.c", "3rdparty/everest/library/x25519.c"] all_macros = self.parse_macros( m_headers + p_headers + t_headers + l_headers + d_headers) enum_consts = self.parse_enum_consts( m_headers + l_headers + t_headers) identifiers = self.parse_identifiers( m_headers + p_headers + t_headers + l_headers) mbed_names = self.parse_MBED_names( m_headers + p_headers + t_headers + l_headers + libraries) symbols = self.parse_symbols() # Remove identifier macros like mbedtls_printf or mbedtls_calloc identifiers_justname = [x.name for x in identifiers] actual_macros = [] for macro in all_macros: if macro.name not in identifiers_justname: actual_macros.append(macro) self.log.debug("Found:") self.log.debug(" {} Macros".format(len(all_macros))) self.log.debug(" {} Non-identifier Macros".format(len(actual_macros))) self.log.debug(" {} Enum Constants".format(len(enum_consts))) self.log.debug(" {} Identifiers".format(len(identifiers))) self.log.debug(" {} Exported Symbols".format(len(symbols))) self.log.info("Analysing...") self.parse_result = { "macros": actual_macros, "enum_consts": enum_consts, "identifiers": identifiers, "symbols": symbols, "mbed_names": mbed_names } def parse_macros(self, header_files): """ Parse all macros defined by #define preprocessor directives. Args: * header_files: A List of filepaths to look through. Returns a List of Match objects for the found macros. """ MACRO_REGEX = r"# *define +(?P\w+)" NON_MACROS = ( "asm", "inline", "EMIT", "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE", "MULADDC_" ) macros = [] self.log.debug("Looking for macros in {} files".format(len(header_files))) for header_file in header_files: with open(header_file, "r") as header: for line in header: for macro in re.finditer(MACRO_REGEX, line): if not macro.group("macro").startswith(NON_MACROS): macros.append(Match( header_file, line, (macro.start(), macro.end()), macro.group("macro"))) return macros def parse_MBED_names(self, files): """ Parse all words in the file that begin with MBED. Includes macros. There have been typos of TLS, hence the broader check than MBEDTLS. Args: * files: a List of filepaths to look through. Returns a List of Match objects for words beginning with MBED. """ MBED_names = [] self.log.debug("Looking for MBED names in {} files".format(len(files))) for filename in files: with open(filename, "r") as fp: for line in fp: # Ignore any names that are deliberately opted-out or in # legacy error directives if re.search(r"// *no-check-names|#error", line): continue for name in re.finditer(r"\bMBED.+?_[A-Z0-9_]*", line): MBED_names.append(Match( filename, line, (name.start(), name.end()), name.group(0) )) return MBED_names def parse_enum_consts(self, header_files): """ Parse all enum value constants that are declared. Args: * header_files: A List of filepaths to look through. Returns a List of Match objects for the findings. """ enum_consts = [] self.log.debug("Looking for enum consts in {} files".format(len(header_files))) for header_file in header_files: # Emulate a finite state machine to parse enum declarations. # 0 = not in enum # 1 = inside enum # 2 = almost inside enum state = 0 with open(header_file, "r") as header: for line in header: # Match typedefs and brackets only when they are at the # beginning of the line -- if they are indented, they might # be sub-structures within structs, etc. if state is 0 and re.match(r"^(typedef +)?enum +{", line): state = 1 elif state is 0 and re.match(r"^(typedef +)?enum", line): state = 2 elif state is 2 and re.match(r"^{", line): state = 1 elif state is 1 and re.match(r"^}", line): state = 0 elif state is 1 and not re.match(r" *#", line): enum_const = re.match(r" *(?P\w+)", line) if enum_const: enum_consts.append(Match( header_file, line, (enum_const.start(), enum_const.end()), enum_const.group("enum_const"))) return enum_consts def parse_identifiers(self, header_files): """ Parse all lines of a header where a function identifier is declared, based on some huersitics. Highly dependent on formatting style. Args: * header_files: A List of filepaths to look through. Returns a List of Match objects with identifiers. """ EXCLUDED_LINES = ( r"^(" r"extern +\"C\"|" r"(typedef +)?(struct|union|enum)( *{)?$|" r"} *;?$|" r"$|" r"//|" r"#" r")" ) identifiers = [] self.log.debug("Looking for identifiers in {} files".format(len(header_files))) for header_file in header_files: with open(header_file, "r") as header: in_block_comment = False previous_line = None for line in header: # Skip parsing this line if a block comment ends on it, # but don't skip if it has just started -- there is a chance # it ends on the same line. if re.search(r"/\*", line): in_block_comment = not in_block_comment if re.search(r"\*/", line): in_block_comment = not in_block_comment continue if in_block_comment: previous_line = None continue if re.match(EXCLUDED_LINES, line): previous_line = None continue # Match "^something something$", with optional inline/static # This *might* be a function with its argument brackets on # the next line, or a struct declaration, so keep note of it if re.match( r"(inline +|static +|typedef +)*\w+ +\w+$", line): previous_line = line continue # If previous line seemed to start an unfinished declaration # (as above), and this line begins with a bracket, concat # them and treat them as one line. if previous_line and re.match(" *[\({]", line): line = previous_line.strip() + line.strip() previous_line = None # Skip parsing if line has a space in front = hueristic to # skip function argument lines (highly subject to formatting # changes) if line[0] == " ": continue identifier = re.search( # Match " something(" or " *something(". function calls. r".* \**(\w+)\(|" # Match (*something)( r".*\( *\* *(\w+) *\) *\(|" # Match names of named data structures r"(?:typedef +)?(?:struct|union|enum) +(\w+)(?: *{)?$|" # Match names of typedef instances, after closing bracket r"}? *(\w+)[;[].*", line ) if identifier: # Find the group that matched, and append it for group in identifier.groups(): if group: identifiers.append(Match( header_file, line, (identifier.start(), identifier.end()), group)) return identifiers def parse_symbols(self): """ Compile the Mbed TLS libraries, and parse the TLS, Crypto, and x509 object files using nm to retrieve the list of referenced symbols. Exceptions thrown here are rethrown because they would be critical errors that void several tests, and thus needs to halt the program. This is explicitly done for clarity. Returns a List of unique symbols defined and used in the libraries. """ self.log.info("Compiling...") symbols = [] # Back up the config and atomically compile with the full configratuion. shutil.copy("include/mbedtls/mbedtls_config.h", "include/mbedtls/mbedtls_config.h.bak") try: # Use check=True in all subprocess calls so that failures are raised # as exceptions and logged. subprocess.run( ["python3", "scripts/config.py", "full"], encoding=sys.stdout.encoding, check=True ) my_environment = os.environ.copy() my_environment["CFLAGS"] = "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables" subprocess.run( ["make", "clean", "lib"], env=my_environment, encoding=sys.stdout.encoding, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=True ) # Perform object file analysis using nm symbols = self.parse_symbols_from_nm( ["library/libmbedcrypto.a", "library/libmbedtls.a", "library/libmbedx509.a"]) symbols.sort() subprocess.run( ["make", "clean"], encoding=sys.stdout.encoding, check=True ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: self.set_return_code(2) raise error finally: shutil.move("include/mbedtls/mbedtls_config.h.bak", "include/mbedtls/mbedtls_config.h") return symbols def parse_symbols_from_nm(self, object_files): """ Run nm to retrieve the list of referenced symbols in each object file. Does not return the position data since it is of no use. Args: * object_files: a List of compiled object files to search through. Returns a List of unique symbols defined and used in any of the object files. """ UNDEFINED_SYMBOL = r"^\S+: +U |^$|^\S+:$" VALID_SYMBOL = r"^\S+( [0-9A-Fa-f]+)* . _*(?P\w+)" EXCLUSIONS = ("FStar", "Hacl") symbols = [] # Gather all outputs of nm nm_output = "" for lib in object_files: nm_output += subprocess.run( ["nm", "-og", lib], encoding=sys.stdout.encoding, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=True ).stdout for line in nm_output.splitlines(): if not re.match(UNDEFINED_SYMBOL, line): symbol = re.match(VALID_SYMBOL, line) if symbol and not symbol.group("symbol").startswith(EXCLUSIONS): symbols.append(symbol.group("symbol")) else: self.log.error(line) return symbols def perform_checks(self, show_problems: True): """ Perform each check in order, output its PASS/FAIL status. Maintain an overall test status, and output that at the end. Args: * show_problems: whether to show the problematic examples. """ self.log.info("=============") problems = 0 problems += self.check_symbols_declared_in_header(show_problems) pattern_checks = [ ("macros", MACRO_PATTERN), ("enum_consts", CONSTANTS_PATTERN), ("identifiers", IDENTIFIER_PATTERN)] for group, check_pattern in pattern_checks: problems += self.check_match_pattern( show_problems, group, check_pattern) problems += self.check_for_typos(show_problems) self.log.info("=============") if problems > 0: self.log.info("FAIL: {0} problem(s) to fix".format(str(problems))) if not show_problems: self.log.info("Remove --quiet to show the problems.") else: self.log.info("PASS") def check_symbols_declared_in_header(self, show_problems): """ Perform a check that all detected symbols in the library object files are properly declared in headers. Args: * show_problems: whether to show the problematic examples. Returns the number of problems that need fixing. """ problems = [] for symbol in self.parse_result["symbols"]: found_symbol_declared = False for identifier_match in self.parse_result["identifiers"]: if symbol == identifier_match.name: found_symbol_declared = True break if not found_symbol_declared: problems.append(SymbolNotInHeader(symbol)) self.output_check_result("All symbols in header", problems, show_problems) return len(problems) def check_match_pattern(self, show_problems, group_to_check, check_pattern): """ Perform a check that all items of a group conform to a regex pattern. Args: * show_problems: whether to show the problematic examples. * group_to_check: string key to index into self.parse_result. * check_pattern: the regex to check against. Returns the number of problems that need fixing. """ problems = [] for item_match in self.parse_result[group_to_check]: if not re.match(check_pattern, item_match.name): problems.append(PatternMismatch(check_pattern, item_match)) # Double underscore is a reserved identifier, never to be used if re.match(r".*__.*", item_match.name): problems.append(PatternMismatch("double underscore", item_match)) self.output_check_result( "Naming patterns of {}".format(group_to_check), problems, show_problems) return len(problems) def check_for_typos(self, show_problems): """ Perform a check that all words in the soure code beginning with MBED are either defined as macros, or as enum constants. Args: * show_problems: whether to show the problematic examples. Returns the number of problems that need fixing. """ problems = [] all_caps_names = list(set([ match.name for match in self.parse_result["macros"] + self.parse_result["enum_consts"]] )) TYPO_EXCLUSION = r"XXX|__|_$|^MBEDTLS_.*CONFIG_FILE$" for name_match in self.parse_result["mbed_names"]: found = name_match.name in all_caps_names # Since MBEDTLS_PSA_ACCEL_XXX defines are defined by the # PSA driver, they will not exist as macros. However, they # should still be checked for typos using the equivalent # BUILTINs that exist. if "MBEDTLS_PSA_ACCEL_" in name_match.name: found = name_match.name.replace( "MBEDTLS_PSA_ACCEL_", "MBEDTLS_PSA_BUILTIN_") in all_caps_names if not found and not re.search(TYPO_EXCLUSION, name_match.name): problems.append(Typo(name_match)) self.output_check_result("Likely typos", problems, show_problems) return len(problems) def output_check_result(self, name, problems, show_problems): """ Write out the PASS/FAIL status of a performed check depending on whether there were problems. Args: * show_problems: whether to show the problematic examples. """ if problems: self.set_return_code(1) self.log.info("{}: FAIL".format(name)) if show_problems: self.log.info("") for problem in problems: self.log.warn(str(problem) + "\n") else: self.log.info("{}: PASS".format(name)) def main(): """ Perform argument parsing, and create an instance of NameCheck to begin the core operation. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=( "This script confirms that the naming of all symbols and identifiers " "in Mbed TLS are consistent with the house style and are also " "self-consistent.\n\n" "Expected to be run from the MbedTLS root directory.")) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="show parse results") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="hide unnecessary text and problematic examples") args = parser.parse_args() try: name_check = NameCheck() name_check.setup_logger(verbose=args.verbose) name_check.parse_names_in_source() name_check.perform_checks(show_problems=not args.quiet) sys.exit(name_check.return_code) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: traceback.print_exc() print("!! Compilation faced a critical error, " "check-names can't continue further.") sys.exit(name_check.return_code) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": main()