In preparation for the import/export format change for private
elliptic curve keys from RFC 5915 to the raw secret value,
remove ASN.1-based sanity checks. For the raw secret value, most byte
strings of the correct length are valid (the details depend on the
curve), so as a sanity check, just check the length.
In preparation for the import/export format change for private
elliptic curve keys from RFC 5915 to the raw secret value, transform the
test data to the new format.
Tests will not pass until the implementation has been changed to the
new format and some test cases and test functions have been adjusted.
I used the script below to look for lines containing a
PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_KEYPAIR and change the first hex string in the
line with an ASN.1 header that looks like the beginning of an RFC 5915
ECPrivateKey. This always happens to be a private key input.
perl -a -F: -i -pe 'sub pad { local ($_) = @_; s/^00// if length == $digits + 2; die if length > $digits; sprintf("\"%0${digits}s\"", $_) } if ($F[0] !~ /\W/ && /:PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_KEYPAIR\( *PSA_ECC_CURVE_[A-Z_]+([0-9]+)/) {$digits = int(($1+7)/8)*2; s/"30(?:[0-7].|81..|82....)02010104(..)([0-9a-f]+)"/pad(substr($2, 0, hex($1)*2))/ie}' tests/suites/
In the test function for export_public_key, don't just check the
length of the result. Compare the actual result to the expected
Take an extra argument that allows using an export buffer that's
larger or smaller than needed. Zero is the size given by
Don't check the output of psa_get_key_information. That's useful in
import_export because it tests both import and export, but not in
import_export_public_key whose goal is only to test public key export.
This commit adjusts the existing test data but does not add new test
Key derivation test now uses an indirect way to test generator validity
as the direct way previously used isn't compatible with the PSA IPC
implementation. Additional bad path test for the generator added
to check basic bad-path scenarios.
Add comments noting that the maximum length of a MAC must fit in
PSA_ALG_MAC_TRUNCATION_MASK. Add a unit test that verifies that the
maximum MAC size fits.
Pass the nonce first, then the AD, then the input. This is the order
in which the data is processed and it's the order of the parameters to
the API functions.
This commit fixes some missing size comparison. In
aead_encrypt_decrypt, aead_encrypt and aead_decrypt, the test code
would not have noticed if the library function had reported an output
length that was not the expected length.
ASSERT_COMPARE tests that the two buffers have the same size and
content. The intended use is to replace TEST_ASSERT( size1 == size2 )
followed by memcmp on the content. Keep using memcmp when comparing
two buffers that have the same size by construction.
This commit resolves a bug whereby some test cases failed on systems
where mbedtls_calloc returns NULL when the size of 0, because the test
case asserted `pointer != NULL` regardless of the size.
The new macro ASSERT_ALLOC allocates memory with mbedtls_calloc and
fails the test if the allocation fails. It outputs a null pointer if
the requested size is 0. It is meant to replace existing calls to
If some algorithms are excluded in the build, it's ok for the corresponding
macros not to give the correct results. Therefore the corresponding test cases
should depend on the implementation of the algorithm. For example, it's ok for
PSA_HASH_MAX_SIZE to be less than PSA_HASH_SIZE(PSA_ALG_SHA_512) if we build
without SHA-512 support, and we indeed do this. It's even ok for an
implementation to return 0 for PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(PSA_ALG_SHA_512) if it doesn't
support SHA-512; we return 1 anyway but the tests are less
implementation-specific if we don't enforce it.
This commit adds dependencies on symbols that don't exist in Mbed TLS,
for algorithms that Mbed TLS doesn't implement. These are:
MBEDTLS_SHA512_256 for SHA-512/256, MBEDTLS_SHA3_C for SHA-3,
MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_xxx_ENABLED for elliptic curves that have a PSA
encoding but are not supported in Mbed TLS.
For all key types, validate feature test macros (PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_xxx).
For asymmetric keys (public key or key pair), validate the
corresponding public/pair type.
For ECC keys, validate GET_CURVE.
For all algorithms, validate feature test macros (PSA_ALG_IS_xxx).
For hash algorithms, validate the exact hash size, and validate
xxx_GET_HASH macros on dependent algorithms.
For MAC algorithms, validate the MAC size. For AEAD algorithms,
validate the tag size.
There is a separate test case for each HMAC algorithm, which is
necessary because each has its own MAC size. For other hash-dependent
algorithms, there is no interesting variation to test here, so only
one hash gets tested.
OFB and CFB are streaming modes. XTS is a not a cipher mode but it
doesn't use a separate padding step. This leaves only CBC as a block
cipher mode that needs a padding step.
Since CBC is the only mode that uses a separate padding step, and is
likely to remain the only mode in the future, encode the padding mode
directly in the algorithm constant, rather than building up an
algorithm value from a chaining mode and a padding mode. This greatly
simplifies the interface as well as some parts of the implementation.