mbedtls_dhm_get_value can be seen as either a copy function or a getter
function. Given the name and the semantics, it's more of a getter, even if
it "gets" by doing a copy. Therefore, put the context first, and the
selector next, leaving the output for last.
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
It would be possible to make SSL debugging compatible with MBEDTLS_DHM_ALT,
but too much low-priority work right now, so don't require it.
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
... unless the alt implementation defines a group structure that's mostly
compatible with the built-in one and supports partially filled group
structures in the same way.
It would be possible to rewrite the SpecifiedECDomain parsing code to avoid
requiring support for partially filled group structures, but that's too
complicated to do now.
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
Add two functions mbedtls_dhm_get_len() and mbedtls_dhm_get_bitlen() to
query the length of the modulus in bytes or bits.
Remove the len field: the cost of calling mbedtls_dhm_get_len() each time
it's needed is negligible, and this improves the abstraction of the DHM
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
Use headers defining dummy context types.
The test does not pass yet. I plan to fix this in subsequent commits.
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
Follow-up to "Create xxx_alt.h headers for testing". The inclusion of
threading_alt.h in include/mbedtls/threading.h does not follow the
same pattern as the others so it was missed by the script.
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
These headers define the context types that alternative implementations must
provide. The context types are dummy types, suitable for building but not
meant to be usable by an implementation.
This is the output of the following script:
perl -0777 -ne '
m@^#if !defined\((MBEDTLS_\w+_ALT)\).*\n((?:.*\n)*?)#else.*\n#include "(.*_alt\.h)"\n#endif@m or next;
$symbol = $1; $content = $2; $header = $3;
$header_symbol = $header; $header_symbol =~ y/a-z./A-Z_/;
m@/\*[ *\n]*Copyright .*?\*/@s or die; $copyright = $&;
open OUT, ">tests/include/alt-dummy/$header" or die;
$content =~ s@//.*@@mg;
$content =~ s@/\*.*?\*/@@sg;
$content =~ s@\{.*?\}@{\n int dummy;\n}@sg;
$content =~ s@ +$@@mg;
$content =~ s@\n{3,}@\n\n@g; $content =~ s@\A\n+@@; $content =~ s@\n*\Z@\n@;
print OUT "/* $header with dummy types for $symbol */\n$copyright\n\n#ifndef $header_symbol\n#define $header_symbol\n\n$content\n\n#endif /* $header */\n" or die;
close OUT or die;
' include/mbedtls/*.h
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
Conflicts fixed by using the code from development branch
and manually re-applying the MBEDTLS_PRIVATE wrapping.
Remove padding parameters as mbedtls_rsa_init()
cannot return an error code when padding
parameters are invalid.
Signed-off-by: Ronald Cron <ronald.cron@arm.com>
mbedtls_rsa_set_padding() now returns the error
padding parameters are invalid.
Signed-off-by: Ronald Cron <ronald.cron@arm.com>
This commit removes the API
which allows to configure lists of acceptable ciphersuites
for each supported version of SSL/TLS: SSL3, TLS 1.{0,1,2}.
With Mbed TLS 3.0, support for SSL3, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1
is dropped. Moreover, upcoming TLS 1.3 support has a different
notion of cipher suite and will require a different API.
This means that it's only for TLS 1.2 that we require
a ciphersuite configuration API, and
can be used for that. The version-specific ciphersuite
configuration API `mbedtls_ssl_conf_ciphersuites_for_version()`,
in turn, is no longer needed.
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <hanno.becker@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <manuel.pegourie-gonnard@arm.com>
Do more iterations with small values. This makes it more likely that a
mistake on bounds will be detected.
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
Slightly simplify is_significantly_above_a_power_of_2() to make it
easier to understand:
* Remove the explicit negative answer for x <= 4. The only functional
difference this makes is that is_significantly_above_a_power_of_2(3)
is now true.
* Shift the most significant bit of x to position 8 rather than 15.
This makes the final comparison easier to explain.
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
Add unit tests for mbedtls_mpi_fill_random() and mbedtls_mpi_random()
when the resulting MPI object previously had a nonzero value. I wrote
those to catch a bug that I introduced during the development of
mbedtls_mpi_random() (but does not appear in a committed version).
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>