4315 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Neil Armstrong
ebd9a03743 Cleanup PSA pake test dependency
Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <narmstrong@baylibre.com>
2022-08-31 10:49:18 +02:00
Neil Armstrong
d597bc705f Add PSA PAKE tests
Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <narmstrong@baylibre.com>
2022-08-31 10:49:18 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
Merge pull request #6208 from AndrzejKurek/tls-tests-no-md-structured
Remove the dependency on MD from TLS 1.2 tests
2022-08-30 12:34:37 +02:00
Werner Lewis
c4afef7f46 Use spec values as-is for test data
Spec values are now always used for test data, and conversion to
internal representation is done in the test function.

Signed-off-by: Werner Lewis <werner.lewis@arm.com>
2022-08-25 10:32:30 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
b2c06f4acf Remove stale comment, and fix whitespace issue
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <tom.cosgrove@arm.com>
2022-08-24 17:45:58 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
f0ffb1585a Have mbedtls_mpi_montg_init() take the modulus, rather than just its least significant limb
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <tom.cosgrove@arm.com>
2022-08-24 11:17:15 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
9384284530 Use mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul() in mpi_montmul()
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <tom.cosgrove@arm.com>
2022-08-23 16:29:32 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
f334d9622b Add unit tests for bignum_new.c:mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul()
These tests are also used to test the existing mpi_montmul() function (which
too is renamed with mbedtls_ prefix). Some of these are replays of captured
invocations during unit test runs. Others are generated.  They use a mixture
of primes and odd numbers for N, with four randomly-generated cases for each N.

The lines in the .data file were generated by the following script

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # mpi-test-core-montmul.pl - generate MPI tests in Perl for mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul()
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use sort 'stable';


    sub generate_tests {

    # XXX mbedtls_mpi_grow() and mbedtls_mpi_shrink() work in little-endian manner

    # \brief Montgomery multiplication: X = A * B * R^-1 mod N  (HAC 14.36)
    # \param[out]     X      The destination MPI, as a big endian array of length \p n.
    #                        On successful completion, X contains the result of
    #                        the multiplication A * B * R^-1 mod N where
    #                        R = (2^ciL)^n.
    # \param[in]      A      Big endian presentation of first operand.
    #                        Must have exactly \p n limbs.
    # \param[in]      B      Big endian presentation of second operand.
    # \param[in]      B_len  The number of limbs in \p B.
    # \param[in]      N      Big endian presentation of the modulus.
    #                        This must be odd and have exactly \p n limbs.
    # \param[in]      n      The number of limbs in \p X, \p A, \p N.
    # \param          mm     The Montgomery constant for \p N: -N^-1 mod 2^ciL.
    #                        This can be calculated by `mbedtls_mpi_montg_init()`.
    # \param[in,out]  T      Temporary storage of size at least 2*n+1 limbs.
    #                        Its initial content is unused and
    #                        its final content is indeterminate.
    # void mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul( mbedtls_mpi_uint *X,
    #                                const mbedtls_mpi_uint *A,
    #                                const mbedtls_mpi_uint *B, size_t B_len,
    #                                const mbedtls_mpi_uint *N, size_t n,
    #                                mbedtls_mpi_uint mm, mbedtls_mpi_uint *T );

    sub generate_mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul {

        my $sub_name = (caller(0))[3];      # e.g. main::generate_mbedtls_mpi_sub_mpi
        my ($ignore, $test_name) = split("main::generate_", $sub_name);

        my @cases = ();

        my @replay = (
            # [ limbsAN_4, limbsB_4, limbsAN_8, limbsB_8, hexA, hexB, hexN, hexExpected ]
            [ 2, 1, 1, 1, "19", "1", "1D", "18" ],
            [ 2, 1, 1, 1, "7", "1", "9", "1" ],
            [ 2, 1, 1, 1, "4", "1", "9", "7" ],
            #A.n = 3
            #A.p = FFFE000000008004
            #      0000000000007FFC
            #      0000000000000000
            #B.n = 1
            #B.p = 0000000000000001
            #N.n = 3
            #N.p = 0000000000000001
            #      0000000000008000
            #      0000000000000000
            #mm = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
            #res.n = 3
            #res.p = EFFF9FFF3FFF8001
            #        0000000000007FFF
            #        0000000000000000
            #[ "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT32", 3, 1, 3, "7FFCFFFE000000008004", "1", "80000000000000000001", "2000C001800100000000" ],
            #[ "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT64", 3, 1, 3, "7FFCFFFE000000008004", "1", "80000000000000000001", "7FFFEFFF9FFF3FFF8001" ],

            [ 12, 1, 6, 1, "3C246D0E059A93A266288A7718419EC741661B474C58C032C5EDAF92709402B07CC8C7CE0B781C641A1EA8DB2F4343", "1", "66A198186C18C10B2F5ED9B522752A9830B69916E535C8F047518A889A43A594B6BED27A168D31D4A52F88925AA8F5", "36E139AEA55215609D2816998ED020BBBD96C37890F65171D948E9BC7CBAA4D9325D24D6A3C12710F10A09FA08AB87" ],

            #A.n = 5
            #A.p = 340E918CE03C6211
            #      9888165CB75BFA1F
            #      FCCE74B999E470CA
            #      1E442976B0E63D64
            #      0000000000000000
            #B.n = 1
            #B.p = 0000000000000001
            #N.n = 4
            #N.p = 8054B3D124D0E561
            #      92A338655DCE4CA8
            #      E28581ECD892E0F5
            #      B3A119602EE213CD
            #mm = E41CFB909805815F
            #res.n = 5
            #res.p = 0E65383B59F8CA5B
            #        B103B17A2EEF84E6
            #        F23BC08FD0801C55
            #        38EB7749F4A5DA80
            #        0000000000000000
            [ 8, 1, 4, 1, "1E442976B0E63D64FCCE74B999E470CA9888165CB75BFA1F340E918CE03C6211", "1", "B3A119602EE213CDE28581ECD892E0F592A338655DCE4CA88054B3D124D0E561", "38EB7749F4A5DA80F23BC08FD0801C55B103B17A2EEF84E60E65383B59F8CA5B" ],

            #A.n = 12
            #A.p = 542306BCA7A2366E
            #      D2780B2B4968F8D8
            #      CBDFC696104353E4
            #      7776839B0AC9DB23
            #      B7E125BE407E7415
            #      D711917FD7537E13
            #      82392870D6D08F87
            #      D83ED5FA38560FFB
            #      9994B0FED1D2A8D3
            #      63C65413F57249F5
            #      007CF5AC97304E0B
            #      0000000000000000
            #B.n = 1
            #B.p = 0000000000000001
            #N.n = 11
            #N.p = E1AD22CEB7BA0123
            #      32B2A6AA42ADA923
            #      C56C62082912B661
            #      C6F0EAD752500A32
            #      DBC8D651793E93C9
            #      0B2F60D99CC1950C
            #      5B4CDCB5734C58F9
            #      09D3CB5BC5585472
            #      9A2C2BE12ED487A8
            #      BE09A8111926AAA3
            #      0284139EA19C139E
            #mm = C02E2164B293C975
            #res.n = 12
            #res.p = F6B14471839D8D31
            #        FF843ED3B17C44D7
            #        1C3D52C7CB9E0BA6
            #        82F3590C866BF9F8
            #        49C371DB2A4FB164
            #        964ECA2527A031ED
            #        FAACEC6982E0E5BE
            #        1F70C4CB2426AEE1
            #        2C92B02886267AB4
            #        0630B14113BEAD74
            #        01E4426A3D6C425F
            #        0000000000000000
            [ 22, 1, 11, 1, "7CF5AC97304E0B63C65413F57249F59994B0FED1D2A8D3D83ED5FA38560FFB82392870D6D08F87D711917FD7537E13B7E125BE407E74157776839B0AC9DB23CBDFC696104353E4D2780B2B4968F8D8542306BCA7A2366E", "1", "284139EA19C139EBE09A8111926AAA39A2C2BE12ED487A809D3CB5BC55854725B4CDCB5734C58F90B2F60D99CC1950CDBC8D651793E93C9C6F0EAD752500A32C56C62082912B66132B2A6AA42ADA923E1AD22CEB7BA0123", "1E4426A3D6C425F0630B14113BEAD742C92B02886267AB41F70C4CB2426AEE1FAACEC6982E0E5BE964ECA2527A031ED49C371DB2A4FB16482F3590C866BF9F81C3D52C7CB9E0BA6FF843ED3B17C44D7F6B14471839D8D31" ],

        for my $c (@replay) {
            # For all of these, la4 = 2 * la8, so $xh4 == $xh8 (so we just have $xh)
            my ($la4, $lb4, $la8, $lb8, $ah, $bh, $nh, $xh) = @$c;    # limbs(A), limbs(B), limbs(N), (A, B, N, expected) hex

            my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
            my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
            my $n = Math::BigInt->from_hex($nh);

            my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER (replay)";
            # mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul:mpiSize:limbs(A,N):limbs(B):<A>:<B>:<N>:<expected4>:<expected8>
            # (just repeat $xh, as la4 = 2 * la8, so $xh4 == $xh8)
            my $case = output($test_name, $la4, $lb4, $la8, $lb8, str($ah), str($bh), str($nh), str($xh), str($xh));

            push(@cases, [$case, $desc]);

        # see mpi-modmul-gen.pl for the source of these test cases

        my @generate = (
            # [ hexN, hexA, hexB, info ]
            [ "3", "2", "2", "" ],
            [ "3", "1", "2", "" ],
            [ "3", "2", "1", "" ],
            [ "7", "6", "5", "" ],
            [ "7", "3", "4", "" ],
            [ "7", "1", "6", "" ],
            [ "7", "5", "6", "" ],
            [ "B", "3", "4", "" ],
            [ "B", "7", "4", "" ],
            [ "B", "9", "7", "" ],
            [ "B", "2", "a", "" ],
            [ "29", "25", "16", "(0x29 is prime)" ],
            [ "29", "8", "28", "" ],
            [ "29", "18", "21", "" ],
            [ "29", "15", "f", "" ],
            [ "FF", "e2", "ea", "" ],
            [ "FF", "43", "72", "" ],
            [ "FF", "d8", "70", "" ],
            [ "FF", "3c", "7c", "" ],
            [ "101", "99", "b9", "(0x101 is prime)" ],
            [ "101", "65", "b2", "" ],
            [ "101", "81", "32", "" ],
            [ "101", "51", "dd", "" ],
            [ "38B", "d5", "143", "(0x38B is prime)" ],
            [ "38B", "3d", "387", "" ],
            [ "38B", "160", "2e5", "" ],
            [ "38B", "10f", "137", "" ],
            [ "8003", "7dac", "25a", "(0x8003 is prime)" ],
            [ "8003", "6f1c", "3286", "" ],
            [ "8003", "59ed", "2f3f", "" ],
            [ "8003", "6893", "736d", "" ],
            [ "10001", "d199", "2832", "(0x10001 is prime)" ],
            [ "10001", "c3b2", "3e5b", "" ],
            [ "10001", "abe4", "214e", "" ],
            [ "10001", "4360", "a05d", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "3f5a1", "165b2", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "3bd29", "37863", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "60c47", "64819", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "16584", "12c49", "" ],
            [ "800009", "1ff03f", "610347", "(0x800009 is prime)" ],
            [ "800009", "340fd5", "19812e", "" ],
            [ "800009", "3fe2e8", "4d0dc7", "" ],
            [ "800009", "40356", "e6392", "" ],
            [ "100002B", "dd8a1d", "266c0e", "(0x100002B is prime)" ],
            [ "100002B", "3fa1cb", "847fd6", "" ],
            [ "100002B", "5f439d", "5c3196", "" ],
            [ "100002B", "18d645", "f72dc6", "" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "20051ad", "37def6e", "(0x37EEE9D is prime)" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "2ec140b", "3580dbf", "" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "1d91b46", "190d4fc", "" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "34e488d", "1224d24", "" ],
            [ "8000000B", "2a4fe2cb", "263466a9", "(0x8000000B is prime)" ],
            [ "8000000B", "5643fe94", "29a1aefa", "" ],
            [ "8000000B", "29633513", "7b007ac4", "" ],
            [ "8000000B", "2439cef5", "5c9d5a47", "" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "4de3cfaa", "50dea178", "(0x8CD626B9 is prime)" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "b8b8563", "10dbbbac", "" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "4e8a6151", "5574ec19", "" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "69224878", "309cfc23", "" ],
            [ "10000000F", "fb6f7fb6", "afb05423", "(0x10000000F is prime)" ],
            [ "10000000F", "8391a243", "26034dcd", "" ],
            [ "10000000F", "d26b98c", "14b2d6aa", "" ],
            [ "10000000F", "6b9f1371", "a21daf1d", "" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "9f49435ad", "c8264ade8", "0x174876E7E9 is prime (dec) 99999999977" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "c402da434", "1fb427acf", "" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "f6ebc2bb1", "1096d39f2a", "" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "153b7f7b6b", "878fda8ff", "" ],
            [ "8000000017", "2c1adbb8d6", "4384d2d3c6", "(0x8000000017 is prime)" ],
            [ "8000000017", "2e4f9cf5fb", "794f3443d9", "" ],
            [ "8000000017", "149e495582", "3802b8f7b7", "" ],
            [ "8000000017", "7b9d49df82", "69c68a442a", "" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "683a134600", "6dd80ea9f6", "(0x864CB9076D is prime)" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "13a870ff0d", "59b099694a", "" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "37d06b0e63", "4d2147e46f", "" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "661714f8f4", "22e55df507", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "2f0a96363", "52693307b4", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "3c85078e64", "f2275ecb6d", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "352dae68d1", "707775b4c6", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "37ae0f3e0b", "912113040f", "" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "6dada15e31", "f58ed9eff7", "(0x1000000000F is prime)" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "69627a7c89", "cfb5ebd13d", "" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "a5e1ad239b", "afc030c731", "" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "f1cc45f4c5", "c64ad607c8", "" ],
            [ "800000000005", "2ebad87d2e31", "4c72d90bca78", "(0x800000000005 is prime)" ],
            [ "800000000005", "a30b3cc50d", "29ac4fe59490", "" ],
            [ "800000000005", "33674e9647b4", "5ec7ee7e72d3", "" ],
            [ "800000000005", "3d956f474f61", "74070040257d", "" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "48348e3717d6", "43fcb4399571", "(0x800795D9BA47 is prime)" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "5234c03cc99b", "2f3cccb87803", "" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "3ed13db194ab", "44b8f4ba7030", "" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "1c11e843bfdb", "95bd1b47b08", "" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "a81d11cb81fd", "1e5753a3f33d", "(0x1000000000015 is prime)" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "688c4db99232", "36fc0cf7ed", "" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "f0720cc07e07", "fc76140ed903", "" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "2ec61f8d17d1", "d270c85e36d2", "" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "6a24cd3ab63820", "ed4aad55e5e348", "(0x100000000000051 is prime)" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "e680c160d3b248", "31e0d8840ed510", "" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "a80637e9aebc38", "bb81decc4e1738", "" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "9afa5a59e9d630", "be9e65a6d42938", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "ab5e104eeb71c000", "2cffbd639e9fea00", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "197b867547f68a00", "44b796cf94654800", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "329f9483a04f2c00", "9892f76961d0f000", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "4a2e12dfb4545000", "1aa3e89a69794500", "" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "8b9acdf013d140f000", "12e4ceaefabdf2b2f00", "0x25A55A46E5DA99C71C7 is the 3rd repunit prime (dec) 11111111111111111111111" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "1b8d960ea277e3f5500", "14418aa980e37dd000", "" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "7314524977e8075980", "8172fa45618ccd0d80", "" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "ca14f031769be63580", "147a2f3cf2964ca9400", "" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "18532ba119d5cd0cf39735c0000", "25f9838e31634844924733000000", "0x314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879 is (dec)99999999977^3" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "a56e2d2517519e3970e70c40000", "ec27428d4bb380458588fa80000", "" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "1cb5e8257710e8653fff33a00000", "15fdd42fe440fd3a1d121380000", "" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "e50d07a65fc6f93e538ce040000", "1f4b059ca609f3ce597f61240000", "" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "1ea3ade786a095d978d387f30df9f20000000", "127c448575f04af5a367a7be06c7da0000000", "0x47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521 is (dec) 99999999977^4" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "16e15b0ca82764e72e38357b1f10a20000000", "43e2355d8514bbe22b0838fdc3983a0000000", "" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "be39332529d93f25c3d116c004c620000000", "5cccec42370a0a2c89c6772da801a0000000", "" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "ecaa468d90de0eeda474d39b3e1fc0000000", "1e714554018de6dc0fe576bfd3b5660000000", "" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "32298816711c5dce46f9ba06e775c4bedfc770e6700000000000000", "8ee751fd5fb24f0b4a653cb3a0c8b7d9e724574d168000000000000", "0x97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931 is (dec) 99999999977^6" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "29213b9df3cfd15f4b428645b67b677c29d1378d810000000000000", "6cbb732c65e10a28872394dfdd1936d5171c3c3aac0000000000000", "" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "6f18db06ad4abc52c0c50643dd13098abccd4a232f0000000000000", "7e6bf41f2a86098ad51f98dfc10490ba3e8081bc830000000000000", "" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "62d3286cd706ad9d73caff63f1722775d7e8c731208000000000000", "530f7ba02ae2b04c2fe3e3d27ec095925631a6c2528000000000000", "" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "a6c6503e3c031fdbf6009a89ed60582b7233c5a85de28b16000000000000000", "75c8ed18270b583f16d442a467d32bf95c5e491e9b8523798000000000000000", "0xDD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499 is (dec) 99999999977^7" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "bf84d1f85cf6b51e04d2c8f4ffd03532d852053cf99b387d4000000000000000", "397ba5a743c349f4f28bc583ecd5f06e0a25f9c6d98f09134000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "6db11c3a4152ed1a2aa6fa34b0903ec82ea1b88908dcb482000000000000000", "ac8ac576a74ad6ca48f201bf89f77350ce86e821358d85920000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "3001d96d7fe8b733f33687646fc3017e3ac417eb32e0ec708000000000000000", "925ddbdac4174e8321a48a32f79640e8cf7ec6f46ea235a80000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "1029048755f2e60dd98c8de6d9989226b6bb4f0db8e46bd1939de560000000000000000000", "51bb7270b2e25cec0301a03e8275213bb6c2f6e6ec93d4d46d36ca0000000000000000000", "0x141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41 is 99999999977^8" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "1c5337ff982b3ad6611257dbff5bbd7a9920ba2d4f5838a0cc681ce000000000000000000", "520c5d049ca4702031ba728591b665c4d4ccd3b2b86864d4c160fd2000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "57074dfa00e42f6555bae624b7f0209f218adf57f73ed34ab0ff90c000000000000000000", "41eb14b6c07bfd3d1fe4f4a610c17cc44fcfcda695db040e011065000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "d8ed7feed2fe855e6997ad6397f776158573d425031bf085a615784000000000000000000", "6f121dcd18c578ab5e229881006007bb6d319b179f11015fe958b9c000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "2a462b156180ea5fe550d3758c764e06fae54e626b5f503265a09df76edbdfbfa1e6000000000000000000000000", "1136f41d1879fd4fb9e49e0943a46b6704d77c068ee237c3121f9071cfd3e6a00315800000000000000000000000", "0x2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451 is (dec) 99999999977^10" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "c1ac3800dfb3c6954dea391d206200cf3c47f795bf4a5603b4cb88ae7e574de4740800000000000000000000000", "c0d16eda0549ede42fa0deb4635f7b7ce061fadea02ee4d85cba4c4f7096034193c800000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "19e45bb7633094d272588ad2e43bcb3ee341991c6731b6fa9d47c4018d7ce7bba5ee800000000000000000000000", "1e4f83166ae59f6b9cc8fd3e7677ed8bfc01bb99c98bd3eb084246b64c1e18c3365b800000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "1aa93395fad5f9b7f20b8f9028a054c0bb7c11bb8520e6a95e5a34f06cb70bcdd01a800000000000000000000000", "54b45afa5d4310192f8d224634242dd7dcfb342318df3d9bd37b4c614788ba13b8b000000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "544f2628a28cfb5ce0a1b7180ee66b49716f1d9476c466c57f0c4b2308991784306d48f78686115ee19e25400000000000000000000000000000000", "677eb31ef8d66c120fa872a60cd47f6e10cbfdf94f90501bd7883cba03d185be0a0148d1625745e9c4c827300000000000000000000000000000000", "0x8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051 is prime, (dec) 10^143 + 3^4" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "76bb3470985174915e9993522aec989666908f9e8cf5cb9f037bf4aee33d8865cb6464174795d07e30015b80000000000000000000000000000000", "6aaaf60d5784dcef612d133613b179a317532ecca0eed40b8ad0c01e6d4a6d8c79a52af190abd51739009a900000000000000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "6cfdd6e60912e441d2d1fc88f421b533f0103a5322ccd3f4db84861643ad63fd63d1d8cfbc1d498162786ba00000000000000000000000000000000", "1177246ec5e93814816465e7f8f248b350d954439d35b2b5d75d917218e7fd5fb4c2f6d0667f9467fdcf33400000000000000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "7a09a0b0f8bbf8057116fb0277a9bdf3a91b5eaa8830d448081510d8973888be5a9f0ad04facb69aa3715f00000000000000000000000000000000", "764dec6c05a1c0d87b649efa5fd94c91ea28bffb4725d4ab4b33f1a3e8e3b314d799020e244a835a145ec9800000000000000000000000000000000", "" ],

        my %described = ();

        for my $g (@generate) {
            my ($nh, $ah, $bh, $info) = @$g;
            my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
            my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
            my $n = Math::BigInt->from_hex($nh);

            my $ln4 = mpi4s($n);
            my $la4 = mpi4s($a);
            my $lb4 = mpi4s($b);

            my $ln8 = mpi8s($n);
            my $la8 = mpi8s($a);
            my $lb8 = mpi8s($b);

            my $r4 = bound_mpi4($n->copy());
            my $i4 = $r4->copy()->bmodinv($n);
            my $x4 = $a * $b * $i4;
            my $xh4 = Math::BigInt->new($x4)->to_hex();

            my $r8 = bound_mpi8($n->copy());
            my $i8 = $r8->copy()->bmodinv($n);
            my $x8 = $a * $b * $i8;
            my $xh8 = Math::BigInt->new($x8)->to_hex();

            die("") if $la4 > $ln4 || $la8 > $ln8;

            my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER (gen)";
            if ($ln4 > 1) {
                if (!$described{"2-MPI4"}) {
                    $desc .= " (start of 2-MPI 4-byte bignums)";
                    $described{"2-MPI4"} = 1;
            if ($ln8 > 1) {
                if (!$described{"2-MPI8"}) {
                    $desc .= " (start of 2-MPI 8-byte bignums)";
                    $described{"2-MPI8"} = 1;
            if (length($info) && !$described{$info}) {
                $desc .= " " . $info;
                $described{$info} = 1;
            my $case = output($test_name, $ln4, $lb4, $ln8, $lb8, str($ah), str($bh), str($nh), str($xh4), str($xh8));

            #push(@cases, [$case, $desc, "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT64"]);    -- now doing it differently
            push(@cases, [$case, $desc]);

        output_cases("", @cases);

    sub output_cases {

        my ($explain, @cases) = @_;

        my $count = 1;
        for my $c (@cases) {

            my ($case, $desc, $dep) = @$c;
            $desc =~ s/NUMBER/$count/; $count++;
            if (defined($explain) && $desc =~ /EXPLAIN/) {
                $desc =~ s/EXPLAIN/$explain/;
                $explain = "";

            my $depends = "";
            $depends = "depends_on:$dep\n" if defined($dep) && length($dep);

            print <<EOF;


    # The first number (a power of 2) that won't fit in the number of MPIs
    # needed for the given number
    sub bound_mpi4 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi4($_[0]));

    sub bound_mpi8 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi8($_[0]));

    # How many bits (a multiple of 32) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 4-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi4 {
        return 32 * mpi4s($_[0]);

    # How many bits (a multiple of 64) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 8-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi8 {
        return 64 * mpi8s($_[0]);

    # How many 4-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi4s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 7) / 8);

    # How many 8-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi8s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 15) / 16);

    sub output {

        return join(":", @_);

    sub str {
        return '"' . $_[0] . '"';

The data for the generated test cases (@generate) for mpi-test-core-montmul.pl
was created by

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # mpi-modmul-gen.pl - randomly generate test cases for mpi-test-core-montmul.pl
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use sort 'stable';

    my %seen = ();

    my @primes = (
        # From here they require > 1 4-byte MPI
        # From here they require > 1 8-byte MPI
        "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7",      # this is 11111111111111111111111 decimal
        # 10^143 + 3^4: (which is prime)
        # 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081
    my %prime = map { $_ => 1 } @primes;

    my @moduli = (
        [ "3", "" ],
        [ "7", "" ],
        [ "B", "" ],
        [ "29", "" ],
        [ "FF", "" ],
        [ "101", "" ],
        [ "38B", "" ],
        [ "8003", "" ],
        [ "10001", "" ],
        [ "7F7F7", "" ],
        [ "800009", "" ],
        [ "100002B", "" ],
        [ "37EEE9D", "" ],
        [ "8000000B", "" ],
        [ "8CD626B9", "" ],
        [ "10000000F", "" ],
        [ "174876E7E9", "0x174876E7E9 is prime (dec) 99999999977" ],
        [ "8000000017", "" ],
        [ "864CB9076D", "" ],
        [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "" ],
        [ "1000000000F", "" ],
        [ "800000000005", "" ],
        [ "800795D9BA47", "" ],
        [ "1000000000015", "" ],
        [ "100000000000051", "" ],
        [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "" ],
        [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "0x25A55A46E5DA99C71C7 is the 3rd repunit prime (dec) 11111111111111111111111" ],
        [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "0x314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879 is (dec)99999999977^3" ],
        [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "0x47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521 is (dec) 99999999977^4" ],
        [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "0x97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931 is (dec) 99999999977^6" ],
        [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "0xDD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499 is (dec) 99999999977^7" ],
        [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "0x141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41 is 99999999977^8" ],
        [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "0x2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451 is (dec) 99999999977^10" ],
        [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "0x8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051 is prime, (dec) 10^143 + 3^4" ], # 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081

    #ibase=16 ; obase=10 ; 174876E7E9*174876E7E9
    #ibase=16 ; obase=10 ; 174876E7E9*174876E7E9*174876E7E9
    #99999999977^2: 21E19E0C58BACE25211
    #99999999977^3: 314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879
    #99999999977^4: 47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521
    #99999999977^5: 6867A5A664437D20ED7941408583AADA2193CE95695209
    #99999999977^6: 97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931
    #99999999977^7: DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499
    #99999999977^8: 141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41
    #99999999977^9: 1D42AEA1837AA78C6339224E9B39A483E4AAAF12CE7752E1EA1681082CBC8AB056A36B6299557D7A029
    #99999999977^10: 2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451

    my %mentioned = ();

    for my $mod (@moduli) {
        my ($nh, $info) = @$mod;
        my $n = Math::BigInt->from_hex($nh);

        my $xxx = $n->to_hex();
        die("$xxx != $nh") unless lc($xxx) eq lc($nh);

        my $cases = ($n < 5) ? 3 : 4;
        for (my $case = 0; $case < $cases; $case++) {
            my ($a, $b);
            for ($a = 0; $a == 0; ) {
                $a = int(rand($n));
            for ($b = 0; $b == 0; ) {
                $b = int(rand($n));

            my $cstr = "$a|$b|$n";
            if (exists($seen{$cstr})) {     # don't repeat ourselves

            $seen{$cstr} = 1;

            my $ah = Math::BigInt->new($a)->to_hex();
            my $bh = Math::BigInt->new($b)->to_hex();

            my $desc = "";
            if (length($info)) {
                $desc = $info if !$mentioned{$info};
                $mentioned{$info} = 1;
            } elsif (length($nh) > 1 && $prime{$nh} && !$mentioned{$nh}) {
                $desc = "(0x$nh is prime)";
                $mentioned{$nh} = 1;

            print <<EOF;
            [ "$nh", "$ah", "$bh", "$desc" ],

Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <tom.cosgrove@arm.com>
2022-08-23 16:29:00 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
79b70f6394 Make a public version of mpi_montg_init() in bignum_new.c and add unit tests
The unit tests were created by capturing runs of the existing function during
execution of existing unit tests.

Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <tom.cosgrove@arm.com>
2022-08-23 16:28:32 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
659c84add9 Add unit tests for the new function mbedtls_mpi_core_mla() in bignum_new.c
The test cases use the following MPI values:

    0 1 fffe ffffffff 100000000 20000000000000 ffffffffffffffff
    10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0 fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe
    100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0

and the following scalars. The .data files include two sets of results (final
accumulator and carry) for the cases sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4 or 8.

    0 3 fe ff ffff 10000 ffffffff 100000000 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f 8000000000000000

The lines in the .data file were generated by the following script

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # mpi-test-core-mla.pl - generate/run MPI tests in Perl for mbedtls_mpi_core_mla()
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use sort 'stable';

    my @mla_mpis = qw(
        0 1 fffe ffffffff 100000000 20000000000000 ffffffffffffffff
        10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0 fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe
        100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0

    my @mla_scalars = qw(
        0 3 fe ff ffff 10000 ffffffff 100000000 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f 8000000000000000

    my @mla_full_mpis = qw(
        0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
        fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
        8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
        10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
        fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
        100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0

    my @mla_full_scalars = qw(
        0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
        fffffffe ffffffff 100000000
        8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff


    sub generate_tests {

    sub generate_mbedtls_mpi_core_mla {

        my $sub_name = (caller(0))[3];      # e.g. main::generate_mbedtls_mpi_sub_mpi
        my ($ignore, $test_name) = split("main::generate_", $sub_name);

        my @cases = ();

        for my $ah (@mla_mpis) {
            for my $bh (@mla_mpis) {
                for my $ch (@mla_scalars) {

                    # a += b * c (c is scalar)
                    # a_len >= b_len. need carry out.
                    my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
                    my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
                    my $c = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ch);

                    my $max = ($a > $b) ? $a : $b;

                    my $bound4 = bound_mpi4($max);
                    my $bound8 = bound_mpi8($max);

                    my $r = $a + $b * $c;
                    my ($r4, $cy4) = ($r->copy(), 0);
                    my ($r8, $cy8) = ($r->copy(), 0);

                    ($cy4, $r4) = $r4->bdiv($bound4);
                    ($cy8, $r8) = $r8->bdiv($bound8);

                    my $rh4 = $r4->to_hex();
                    my $rh8 = $r8->to_hex();

                    my $cyh4 = $cy4->to_hex();
                    my $cyh8 = $cy8->to_hex();

                    # If the scalar c is too big for 1 x 4-byte MPI, we can only run this test on a system with 8-byte MPIs
                    my $depends = mpi4s($c) > 1 ? "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT64" : "";

                    my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER: 0x$ah + 0x$bh * 0x$ch = (0x$rh4, carry 0x$cyh4)/(0x$rh8, carry 0x$cyh8)EXPLAIN";
                    my $case = output($test_name, str($ah), str($bh), str($ch), str($rh4), str($cyh4), str($rh8), str($cyh8));

                    push(@cases, [$case, $desc, $depends]);

        output_cases(" (for when sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4/8)", @cases);

    sub output_cases {

        my ($explain, @cases) = @_;

        my $count = 1;
        for my $c (@cases) {

            my ($case, $desc, $dep) = @$c;
            $desc =~ s/NUMBER/$count/; $count++;
            if (defined($explain) && $desc =~ /EXPLAIN/) {
                $desc =~ s/EXPLAIN/$explain/;
                $explain = "";

            my $depends = "";
            $depends = "depends_on:$dep\n" if defined($dep) && length($dep);

            print <<EOF;


    # The first number (a power of 2) that won't fit in the number of MPIs
    # needed for the given number
    sub bound_mpi4 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi4($_[0]));

    sub bound_mpi8 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi8($_[0]));

    # How many bits (a multiple of 32) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 4-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi4 {
        return 32 * mpi4s($_[0]);

    # How many bits (a multiple of 64) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 8-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi8 {
        return 64 * mpi8s($_[0]);

    # How many 4-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi4s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 7) / 8);

    # How many 8-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi8s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 15) / 16);

    sub output {

        return join(":", @_);

    sub str {
        return '"' . $_[0] . '"';

Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <tom.cosgrove@arm.com>
2022-08-23 16:28:01 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
2a65b85928 Add unit tests for the new function mbedtls_mpi_core_sub() in bignum_new.c
The test cases use the following MPI values.

The .data file includes two results, for the cases when
sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4 or 8.

    0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
    fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
    8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
    10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
    fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe
    ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 100000000000000000000000000000000

The lines in the .data file were generated by the following script

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # mpi-test-core-sub.pl - generate/run MPI tests in Perl for mbedtls_mpi_core_sub()
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use sort 'stable';

    my @sub_mpis = qw(
        0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
        fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
        8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
        10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
        fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
        100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0


    sub generate_tests {

    sub generate_mbedtls_mpi_core_sub {

        my $sub_name = (caller(0))[3];      # e.g. main::generate_mbedtls_mpi_sub_mpi
        my ($ignore, $test_name) = split("main::generate_", $sub_name);

        my @cases = ();

        for my $ah (@sub_mpis) {
            for my $bh (@sub_mpis) {

                my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
                my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);

                my ($rh4, $rh8, $carry);

                if ($a >= $b) {
                    my $r = $a - $b;
                    $rh4 = $rh8 = $r->to_hex();
                    $carry = 0;
                } else {
                    my $r4 = bound_mpi4($b) + $a - $b;
                    my $r8 = bound_mpi8($b) + $a - $b;

                    $rh4 = $r4->to_hex();
                    $rh8 = $r8->to_hex();

                    $carry = 1;

                my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER: 0x$ah - 0x$bh = 0x$rh4/${rh8}EXPLAIN, carry ${carry}";
                my $case = output($test_name, str($ah), str($bh), str($rh4), str($rh8), $carry);

                push(@cases, [$case, $desc]);

        output_cases(" (for when sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4/8)", @cases);

    sub output_cases {

        my ($explain, @cases) = @_;

        my $count = 1;
        for my $c (@cases) {

            my ($case, $desc, $dep) = @$c;
            $desc =~ s/NUMBER/$count/; $count++;
            if (defined($explain) && $desc =~ /EXPLAIN/) {
                $desc =~ s/EXPLAIN/$explain/;
                $explain = "";

            my $depends = "";
            $depends = "depends_on:$dep\n" if defined($dep) && length($dep);

            print <<EOF;


    # The first number (a power of 2) that won't fit in the number of MPIs
    # needed for the given number
    sub bound_mpi4 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi4($_[0]));

    sub bound_mpi8 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi8($_[0]));

    # How many bits (a multiple of 32) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 4-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi4 {
        return 32 * mpi4s($_[0]);

    # How many bits (a multiple of 64) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 8-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi8 {
        return 64 * mpi8s($_[0]);

    # How many 4-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi4s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 7) / 8);

    # How many 8-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi8s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 15) / 16);

    sub output {
        return join(":", @_);

    sub str {
        return '"' . $_[0] . '"';

Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <tom.cosgrove@arm.com>
2022-08-23 16:27:18 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
0cc78658c3 Add unit tests for the new function mbedtls_mpi_core_add_if() in bignum_new.c
The test cases use the following MPI values.

The .data file only includes those (a, b) values where a <= b, and gives the
sum unconditionally; the test code exercises a >= b and cond == 0 using these
values. The .data file gives two values for the carry out, which are for when
sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4 or 8.

    0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
    fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
    8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
    10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
    fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe
    ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 100000000000000000000000000000000

The lines in the .data file were generated by the following script

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # mpi-test-core-add-if.pl - generate MPI tests in Perl for mbedtls_mpi_core_add_if()
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use sort 'stable';

    my @add_mpis = qw(
        0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
        fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
        8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
        10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
        fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
        100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0


    sub generate_tests {

    sub generate_mbedtls_mpi_core_add_if {

        my $sub_name = (caller(0))[3];      # e.g. main::generate_mbedtls_mpi_add_mpi
        my ($ignore, $test_name) = split("main::generate_", $sub_name);

        my @cases = ();

        for my $ah (@add_mpis) {
            for my $bh (@add_mpis) {

                my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
                my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
                next if $a > $b;                # don't need to repeat test cases

                # $b is the larger (or equal) of the two numbers. That's the number of limbs
                # we'll be using.
                my $bound4 = bound_mpi4($b);
                my $bound8 = bound_mpi8($b);

                my $r = $a + $b;
                my ($r4, $carry4) = ($r->copy(), 0);
                my ($r8, $carry8) = ($r->copy(), 0);

                ($carry4, $r4) = $r4->bdiv($bound4);
                ($carry8, $r8) = $r8->bdiv($bound8);

                my $rh4 = $r4->to_hex();
                my $rh8 = $r8->to_hex();

                my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER: 0x$ah + 0x$bh = (0x$rh4, carry $carry4)/(0x$rh8, carry $carry8)EXPLAIN";
                my $case = output($test_name, str($ah), str($bh), str($rh4), $carry4, str($rh8), $carry8);

                push(@cases, [$case, $desc]);

        output_cases(" (for when sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4/8)", @cases);

    sub output_cases {

        my ($explain, @cases) = @_;

        my $count = 1;
        for my $c (@cases) {

            my ($case, $desc, $dep) = @$c;
            $desc =~ s/NUMBER/$count/; $count++;
            if (defined($explain) && $desc =~ /EXPLAIN/) {
                $desc =~ s/EXPLAIN/$explain/;
                $explain = "";

            my $depends = "";
            $depends = "depends_on:$dep\n" if defined($dep) && length($dep);

            print <<EOF;


    # The first number (a power of 2) that won't fit in the number of MPIs
    # needed for the given number
    sub bound_mpi4 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi4($_[0]));

    sub bound_mpi8 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi8($_[0]));

    # How many bits (a multiple of 32) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 4-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi4 {
        return 32 * mpi4s($_[0]);

    # How many bits (a multiple of 64) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 8-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi8 {
        return 64 * mpi8s($_[0]);

    # How many 4-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi4s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 7) / 8);

    # How many 8-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi8s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 15) / 16);

    sub output {
        return join(":", @_);

    sub str {
        return '"' . $_[0] . '"';

Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <tom.cosgrove@arm.com>
2022-08-23 16:26:52 +01:00
Andrzej Kurek
32bd063773 test_suite_ssl: Add minimal handshake requirements
Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2022-08-23 05:42:44 -04:00
Andrzej Kurek
299b1d6c93 Remove unnecessary psa/crypto.h include
This is now included in `legacy_or_psa.h`.
Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2022-08-23 05:42:33 -04:00
Andrzej Kurek
cccb044804 Style & formatting fixes
Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2022-08-23 05:26:02 -04:00
Janos Follath
Merge pull request #6095 from gabor-mezei-arm/6016_add_new_modulus_and_residue_structures
Add the new modulus and the residue structures with low level I/O operations
2022-08-23 09:02:43 +01:00
Andrzej Kurek
21b6870301 test_suite_ssl: remove unnecessary usage of mbedtls_md_get_size
Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2022-08-22 17:46:50 -04:00
Andrzej Kurek
8c95ac4500 Add missing dependencies / alternatives
A number of places lacked the necessary dependencies on one of
the used features: MD, key exchange with certificate, 
entropy, or ETM.
Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2022-08-22 17:46:50 -04:00
Andrzej Kurek
7bb8bab457 Update SHA and MD5 dependencies in the SSL tests
The same elements are now also used when MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO
is defined and respective SHA / MD5 defines are missing.
A new set of macros added in #6065 is used to reflect these dependencies.
Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2022-08-22 17:46:50 -04:00
Andrzej Kurek
635c2c2be5 test_suite_ssl: replace CTR_DRBG with a fake rng source
This way there are less dependencies in the SSL test suite.
Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2022-08-22 17:46:50 -04:00
Gilles Peskine
Merge pull request #6195 from superna9999/6149-driver-only-hashes-ec-j-pake
Driver-only hashes: EC J-PAKE
2022-08-22 17:28:15 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
Merge pull request #6169 from tom-cosgrove-arm/fix-incorrect-use-of-mbedtls_ecp_group_id
Fix incorrect use of mbedtls_ecp_group_id in test_suite_ssl.function
2022-08-22 17:26:18 +02:00
Janos Follath
6b8e0c2884 Bignum: make tests more readable
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <janos.follath@arm.com>
2022-08-22 09:54:25 +01:00
Janos Follath
494a6d22bd Bignum tests: use TEST_EQUAL
TEST_EQUAL(), has the benefit of outputting the values that don't match,
which can make debugging simpler.

- Recently added new test functions
- Checks making sure the test case/data is consistent is out of scope
- Only checks where printing the values is likely to be helpful

Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <janos.follath@arm.com>
2022-08-22 09:40:01 +01:00
Przemek Stekiel
07c0f12302 test_suite_pem.data: change MBEDTLS_CMAC_C->MBEDTLS_CIPHER_MODE_CBC dependency
MBEDTLS_CMAC_C dependency is ivalid.

"PEM read (unknown encryption algorithm)" needs MBEDTLS_CIPHER_MODE_CBC dependency as
otherwise this test is failing in test_when_no_ciphersuites_have_mac configuration
because mbedtls_pem_read_buffer() returns a different error (MBEDTLS_ERR_PEM_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE).

Signed-off-by: Przemek Stekiel <przemyslaw.stekiel@mobica.com>
2022-08-20 14:24:04 +02:00
Janos Follath
deb8030e9f Improve mbedtls_mpi_core_lt_ct() unit tests
- Improve test descriptions
- Add more test cases with return value of 1
- Remove the mbedtls prefix from the test function

Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <janos.follath@arm.com>
2022-08-19 13:32:17 +01:00
Neil Armstrong
01a7d310d5 Make ecjpake test suite depend on MBEDTLS_HAS_ALG_SHA_256_VIA_MD_OR_PSA
Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <narmstrong@baylibre.com>
2022-08-19 14:03:02 +02:00
Tom Cosgrove
a327b52427 Fix incorrect use of mbedtls_ecp_group_id in test_suite_ssl.function
MBEDTLS_SSL_IANA_TLS_GROUP_SECP192R1 and friends are not members of the mbedtls_ecp_group_id enum

Found by clang's -Wassign-enum

Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <tom.cosgrove@arm.com>
2022-08-19 10:50:26 +01:00
Neil Armstrong
0d76341eac Remove md_info by md_type in ecjpake context, use mbedtls_hash_info_get_size() to get hash length
Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <narmstrong@baylibre.com>
2022-08-19 11:49:22 +02:00
Przemek Stekiel
bc0509a36b test_suite_pem, test_suite_pkparse: Adjust dependecies
Signed-off-by: Przemek Stekiel <przemyslaw.stekiel@mobica.com>
2022-08-19 10:15:56 +02:00
Przemek Stekiel
76b753bbb7 Change the dependencies in pem.c to xxx_BASED_ON_USE_PSA and related files
This is done to be able to bild test_psa_crypto_config_accel_hash component where MD5 is only available accelerated (PSA_WANT_ALG_MD5 is enabled and MBEDTLS_MD5_C is disabled) but MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO is disabled.
So the build should not attempt to enable pem_pbkdf1.

Signed-off-by: Przemek Stekiel <przemyslaw.stekiel@mobica.com>
2022-08-19 10:15:56 +02:00
Przemek Stekiel
81799fd9d8 pem.c, test_suite_pem: fix dependency MBEDTLS_HAS_ALG_MD5_VIA_MD_OR_PSA->MBEDTLS_HAS_ALG_MD5_VIA_LOWLEVEL_OR_PSA
*** Comparing before-default -> after-default ***
   x509parse: total 723; skipped  26 ->  26
   x509write: total  41; skipped   8 ->   8
         pem: total  13; skipped   0 ->   0
         oid: total  28; skipped   0 ->   0

*** Comparing before-full -> after-full ***
   x509parse: total 723; skipped  25 ->  25
   x509write: total  41; skipped   0 ->   0
         pem: total  13; skipped   0 ->   0
         oid: total  28; skipped   0 ->   0

*** Comparing reference -> drivers ***
   x509parse: total 723; skipped  89 ->  89
   x509write: total  41; skipped   3 ->   3
         pem: total  13; skipped   0 ->   0
         oid: total  28; skipped   0 ->   0

Signed-off-by: Przemek Stekiel <przemyslaw.stekiel@mobica.com>
2022-08-19 10:15:56 +02:00
Przemek Stekiel
2c70a0d9e0 test_suite_oid: Replace MBEDTLS_MD5_C and MBEDTLS_SHAxxx_C with the corresponding MBEDTLS_HAS_ALG_xxx_VIA_LOWLEVEL_OR_PSA
*** Comparing before-default -> after-default ***
   x509parse: total 723; skipped  26 ->  26
   x509write: total  41; skipped   8 ->   8
         pem: total  13; skipped   0 ->   0
         oid: total  28; skipped   0 ->   0

*** Comparing before-full -> after-full ***
   x509parse: total 723; skipped  25 ->  25
   x509write: total  41; skipped   0 ->   0
         pem: total  13; skipped   0 ->   0
         oid: total  28; skipped   0 ->   0

*** Comparing reference -> drivers ***
   x509parse: total 723; skipped  89 ->  89
   x509write: total  41; skipped   3 ->   3
         pem: total  13; skipped   0 ->   0
         oid: total  28; skipped   0 ->   0

Signed-off-by: Przemek Stekiel <przemyslaw.stekiel@mobica.com>
2022-08-19 10:15:56 +02:00
Przemek Stekiel
050819c19e test_suite_x509write: Move MBEDTLS_HAS_ALG_SHA_1_VIA_MD_OR_PSA dependency for x509_crt_check to .function file
mbedtls_x509write_crt_set_subject_key_identifier() requires MBEDTLS_HAS_ALG_SHA_1_VIA_MD_OR_PSA

Signed-off-by: Przemek Stekiel <przemyslaw.stekiel@mobica.com>
2022-08-19 10:15:56 +02:00
Przemek Stekiel
41b742f84d test_suite_pem: Adapt dependencies for MD
Signed-off-by: Przemek Stekiel <przemyslaw.stekiel@mobica.com>
2022-08-19 10:15:56 +02:00
Przemek Stekiel
f8087e5ffd x509_crt_check: remove MBEDTLS_SHA1_C dependency from .function file (already handed in .data file)
Signed-off-by: Przemek Stekiel <przemyslaw.stekiel@mobica.com>
2022-08-19 10:15:56 +02:00
Przemek Stekiel
d34f8c36b8 x509 tests: adjust dependencies
*** Comparing before-default -> after-default ***
   x509parse: total 723; skipped  26 ->  26
   x509write: total  41; skipped   8 ->   8

*** Comparing before-full -> after-full ***
   x509parse: total 723; skipped  25 ->  25
   x509write: total  41; skipped   0 ->   0

Signed-off-by: Przemek Stekiel <przemyslaw.stekiel@mobica.com>
2022-08-19 10:15:56 +02:00
Jerry Yu
e28d9745a1 fix coding style issues
Signed-off-by: Jerry Yu <jerry.h.yu@arm.com>
2022-08-18 15:44:03 +08:00
Jerry Yu
5b7c7caee6 fix wrong condition issues
Signed-off-by: Jerry Yu <jerry.h.yu@arm.com>
2022-08-18 11:28:41 +08:00
Dave Rodgman
Merge pull request #6177 from AndrzejKurek/ecdsa-no-md
Adjust hash dependencies in `test_suite_ecdsa`
2022-08-16 09:55:02 +01:00
Dave Rodgman
Merge pull request #6141 from mpg/driver-hashes-rsa-v21
Driver hashes rsa v21
2022-08-16 09:52:39 +01:00
Werner Lewis
e54046c9c2 Add test for ECP group metadata
Test cases added to check curve parameters and information for each
curve supported. Expected parameters are taken from references: SEC 2
for NIST, RFC 5639 for Brainpool, and RFC 7748 for curve25519/curve448.

Signed-off-by: Werner Lewis <werner.lewis@arm.com>
2022-08-15 14:28:20 +01:00
Janos Follath
816206439a Bignum: Improve style
- Instead of macros, use direct calculations for array sizes
- Move variable declarations closer to first use

Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <janos.follath@arm.com>
2022-08-15 11:35:46 +01:00
Gabor Mezei
Unify mpi mod raw read/write test with the other tests
Use 32 bit limbs instead of 64 bit.

Signed-off-by: Gabor Mezei <gabor.mezei@arm.com>
2022-08-12 18:00:33 +02:00
Gabor Mezei
Signed-off-by: Gabor Mezei <gabor.mezei@arm.com>
2022-08-12 15:36:56 +02:00
Janos Follath
6318468183 Improve bignum documentation
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <janos.follath@arm.com>
2022-08-11 17:42:59 +01:00
Andrzej Kurek
1af61cb75b Introduce a new macro for hash size in ecdsa tests
Previously these tests depended on the definition from
inside the MD module, which in turn could be 32 or 64
bytes depending on whether MBEDTLS_SHA512_C was
defined. This is unnecessary, so a constant is itnroduced
Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2022-08-11 09:19:42 -04:00
Janos Follath
9dfb5621ff Test little endian core I/O with odd limbs
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <janos.follath@arm.com>
2022-08-11 12:15:55 +01:00
Janos Follath
1cb3b976c3 Test big endian core I/O with odd limbs
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <janos.follath@arm.com>
2022-08-11 12:06:14 +01:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
7d5271608b Fix undeclared dependencies on SHA-1
Previously the whole .function file had a global dependency on
MBEDTLS_SHA1_C. This hasn't been correct for a long time:
- on principle, dependency declarations in .function files are for
compile-time dependencies;
- in practice, a number of test cases do not depend on SHA-1, as they only
use SHA-256 or SHA-512 - those cases should not be skipped in builds
without SHA-1;
- this was "taken advantage of" to skip dependency declarations for
test cases that only depended on SHA-1.

The previous commit removed the global dependency on SHA1_C; as a result
the test cases that actually depend on SHA-1 were not skipped in builds
without SHA-1. This commit fixes that by adding dependency declarations
where they belong: in the .data file.

All cases compute hashes using MD is available, or PSA otherwise; so
MD_OR_PSA is appropriate here.

Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <manuel.pegourie-gonnard@arm.com>
2022-08-11 12:50:06 +02:00