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synced 2025-03-09 19:14:02 +00:00
Incorporated code revoew comments.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Test suites code generator.
# Copyright (C) 2018, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
# Copyright (C) 2018, Arm Limited, All Rights Reserved
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
@ -180,9 +180,19 @@ END_SUITE_HELPERS_REGEX = r'/\*\s*END_SUITE_HELPERS\s*\*/'
BEGIN_CASE_REGEX = r'/\*\s*BEGIN_CASE\s*(.*?)\s*\*/'
BEGIN_CASE_REGEX = r'/\*\s*BEGIN_CASE\s*(?P<depends_on>.*?)\s*\*/'
END_CASE_REGEX = r'/\*\s*END_CASE\s*\*/'
DEPENDENCY_REGEX = r'depends_on:(?P<dependencies>.*)'
C_IDENTIFIER_REGEX = r'!?[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*'
TEST_FUNCTION_VALIDATION_REGEX = r'\s*void\s+(\w+)\s*\('
INT_CHECK_REGEX = r'int\s+.*'
CHAR_CHECK_REGEX = r'char\s*\*\s*.*'
DATA_T_CHECK_REGEX = r'data_t\s*\*\s*.*'
FUNCTION_ARG_LIST_START_REGEX = r'.*?\s+(\w+)\s*\('
EXIT_LABEL_REGEX = r'^exit:'
class GeneratorInputError(Exception):
@ -228,7 +238,7 @@ class FileWrapper(io.FileIO, object):
self._line_no += 1
# Convert byte array to string with correct encoding and
# strip any whitespaces added in the decoding process.
return line.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).strip() + "\n"
return line.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).rstrip() + '\n'
return None
# Python 3 iterator method
@ -351,7 +361,7 @@ def parse_until_pattern(funcs_f, end_regex):
Matches pattern end_regex to the lines read from the file object.
Returns the lines read until end pattern is matched.
:param funcs_f: file object for .functions file
:param funcs_f: file object for .function file
:param end_regex: Pattern to stop parsing
:return: Lines read before the end pattern
@ -367,6 +377,31 @@ def parse_until_pattern(funcs_f, end_regex):
return headers
def validate_dependency(dependency):
Validates a C macro and raises GeneratorInputError on invalid input.
:param dependency: Input macro dependency
:return: input dependency stripped of leading & trailing white spaces.
dependency = dependency.strip()
if not re.match(C_IDENTIFIER_REGEX, dependency, re.I):
raise GeneratorInputError('Invalid dependency %s' % dependency)
return dependency
def parse_dependencies(inp_str):
Parses dependencies out of inp_str, validates them and returns a
list of macros.
:param inp_str: Input string with macros delimited by ':'.
:return: list of dependencies
dependencies = [dep for dep in map(validate_dependency,
return dependencies
def parse_suite_dependencies(funcs_f):
Parses test suite dependencies specified at the top of a
@ -374,14 +409,18 @@ def parse_suite_dependencies(funcs_f):
and end with END_DEPENDENCIES. Dependencies are specified
after pattern 'depends_on:' and are delimited by ':'.
:param funcs_f: file object for .functions file
:param funcs_f: file object for .function file
:return: List of test suite dependencies.
dependencies = []
for line in funcs_f:
match = re.search('depends_on:(.*)', line.strip())
match = re.search(DEPENDENCY_REGEX, line.strip())
if match:
dependencies += [x.strip() for x in match.group(1).split(':')]
dependencies = parse_dependencies(match.group('dependencies'))
except GeneratorInputError as error:
raise GeneratorInputError(
str(error) + " - %s:%d" % (funcs_f.name, funcs_f.line_no))
if re.search(END_DEP_REGEX, line):
@ -398,19 +437,18 @@ def parse_function_dependencies(line):
comment BEGIN_CASE. Dependencies are specified after pattern
'depends_on:' and are delimited by ':'.
:param line: Line from .functions file that has dependencies.
:param line: Line from .function file that has dependencies.
:return: List of dependencies.
dependencies = []
match = re.search(BEGIN_CASE_REGEX, line)
dep_str = match.group(1)
dep_str = match.group('depends_on')
if dep_str:
match = re.search('depends_on:(.*)', dep_str)
match = re.search(DEPENDENCY_REGEX, dep_str)
if match:
dependencies = [x.strip()
for x in match.group(1).strip().split(':')]
return dependencies
dependencies += parse_dependencies(match.group('dependencies'))
return dependencies
def parse_function_signature(line):
@ -418,7 +456,7 @@ def parse_function_signature(line):
a dispatch wrapper function that translates input test vectors
read from the data file into test function arguments.
:param line: Line from .functions file that has a function
:param line: Line from .function file that has a function
:return: function name, argument list, local variables for
wrapper function and argument dispatch code.
@ -427,23 +465,27 @@ def parse_function_signature(line):
local_vars = ''
args_dispatch = []
# Check if the test function returns void.
match = re.search(r'\s*void\s+(\w+)\s*\(', line, re.I)
match = re.search(TEST_FUNCTION_VALIDATION_REGEX, line, re.I)
if not match:
raise ValueError("Test function should return 'void'\n%s" % line)
name = match.group(1)
line = line[len(match.group(0)):]
arg_idx = 0
# Process arguments, ex: <type> arg1, <type> arg2 )
# This script assumes that the argument list is terminated by ')'
# i.e. the test functions will not have a function pointer
# argument.
for arg in line[:line.find(')')].split(','):
arg = arg.strip()
if arg == '':
if re.search(r'int\s+.*', arg.strip()):
if re.search(INT_CHECK_REGEX, arg.strip()):
args_dispatch.append('*( (int *) params[%d] )' % arg_idx)
elif re.search(r'char\s*\*\s*.*', arg.strip()):
elif re.search(CHAR_CHECK_REGEX, arg.strip()):
args_dispatch.append('(char *) params[%d]' % arg_idx)
elif re.search(r'data_t\s*\*\s*.*', arg.strip()):
elif re.search(DATA_T_CHECK_REGEX, arg.strip()):
# create a structure
pointer_initializer = '(uint8_t *) params[%d]' % arg_idx
@ -472,21 +514,25 @@ def parse_function_code(funcs_f, dependencies, suite_dependencies):
:return: Function name, arguments, function code and dispatch code.
code = '#line %d "%s"\n' % (funcs_f.line_no + 1, funcs_f.name)
has_exit_label = False
for line in funcs_f:
# Check function signature
match = re.match(r'.*?\s+(\w+)\s*\(', line, re.I)
# Check function signature. This script expects function name
# and return type to be specified at the same line.
match = re.match(FUNCTION_ARG_LIST_START_REGEX, line, re.I)
if match:
# check if we have full signature i.e. split in more lines
if not re.match(r'.*\)', line):
if not re.match(FUNCTION_ARG_LIST_END_REGEX, line):
for lin in funcs_f:
line += lin
if re.search(r'.*?\)', line):
if re.search(FUNCTION_ARG_LIST_END_REGEX, line):
name, args, local_vars, args_dispatch = parse_function_signature(
code += line.replace(name, 'test_' + name)
code += line.replace(name, 'test_' + name, 1)
name = 'test_' + name
code += line
raise GeneratorInputError("file: %s - Test functions not found!" %
@ -494,6 +540,9 @@ def parse_function_code(funcs_f, dependencies, suite_dependencies):
for line in funcs_f:
if re.search(END_CASE_REGEX, line):
if not has_exit_label:
has_exit_label = \
re.search(EXIT_LABEL_REGEX, line.strip()) is not None
code += line
raise GeneratorInputError("file: %s - end case pattern [%s] not "
@ -504,7 +553,7 @@ def parse_function_code(funcs_f, dependencies, suite_dependencies):
split_code = code.rsplit('}', 1)
if len(split_code) == 2:
code = """exit:
code += gen_function_wrapper(name, local_vars, args_dispatch)
@ -541,7 +590,12 @@ def parse_functions(funcs_f):
elif re.search(BEGIN_DEP_REGEX, line):
suite_dependencies += parse_suite_dependencies(funcs_f)
elif re.search(BEGIN_CASE_REGEX, line):
dependencies = parse_function_dependencies(line)
dependencies = parse_function_dependencies(line)
except GeneratorInputError as error:
raise GeneratorInputError(
"%s:%d: %s" % (funcs_f.name, funcs_f.line_no,
func_name, args, func_code, func_dispatch =\
parse_function_code(funcs_f, dependencies, suite_dependencies)
suite_functions += func_code
@ -568,7 +622,7 @@ def escaped_split(inp_str, split_char):
:param inp_str: String to split
:param split_char: split character
:param split_char: Split character
:return: List of splits
if len(split_char) > 1:
@ -609,7 +663,8 @@ def parse_test_data(data_f):
name = ''
for line in data_f:
line = line.strip()
if line and line[0] == '#': # Skip comments
# Skip comments
if line.startswith('#'):
# Blank line indicates end of test
@ -627,10 +682,15 @@ def parse_test_data(data_f):
state = __state_read_args
elif state == __state_read_args:
# Check dependencies
match = re.search('depends_on:(.*)', line)
match = re.search(DEPENDENCY_REGEX, line)
if match:
dependencies = [x.strip() for x in match.group(1).split(':')
if len(x.strip())]
dependencies = parse_dependencies(
except GeneratorInputError as error:
raise GeneratorInputError(
str(error) + " - %s:%d" %
(data_f.name, data_f.line_no))
# Read test vectors
parts = escaped_split(line, ':')
@ -742,7 +802,8 @@ def write_parameters(out_data_f, test_args, func_args, unique_expressions):
val = test_args[i]
# check if val is a non literal int val (i.e. an expression)
if typ == 'int' and not re.match(r'(\d+$)|((0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+$)', val):
if typ == 'int' and not re.match(r'(\d+|0x[0-9a-f]+)$',
val, re.I):
typ = 'exp'
if val not in unique_expressions:
@ -764,7 +825,7 @@ def gen_suite_dep_checks(suite_dependencies, dep_check_code, expression_code):
Generates preprocessor checks for test suite dependencies.
:param suite_dependencies: Test suite dependencies read from the
.functions file.
.function file.
:param dep_check_code: Dependency check code
:param expression_code: Expression check code
:return: Dependency and expression code guarded by test suite
@ -797,7 +858,7 @@ def gen_from_test_data(data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_dependencies):
evaluation code.
:param data_f: Data file object
:param out_data_f:Output intermediate data file
:param out_data_f: Output intermediate data file
:param func_info: Dict keyed by function and with function id
and arguments info
:param suite_dependencies: Test suite dependencies
@ -983,7 +1044,7 @@ def generate_code(**input_info):
write_test_source_file(template_file, c_file, snippets)
def check_cmd():
def main():
Command line parser.
@ -1057,7 +1118,7 @@ def check_cmd():
if __name__ == "__main__":
except GeneratorInputError as err:
print("%s: input error: %s" %
(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), str(err)))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Greentea host test script for Mbed TLS on-target test suite testing.
# Copyright (C) 2018, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
# Copyright (C) 2018, Arm Limited, All Rights Reserved
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
@ -19,19 +19,18 @@
Mbed TLS on-target test suite tests are implemented as mbed-os Greentea
Mbed TLS on-target test suite tests are implemented as Greentea
tests. Greentea tests are implemented in two parts: target test and
host test. Target test is a C application that is built for the
target platform and executes on the target. Host test is a Python
class derived from mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest. Target communicates
with the host over serial for the test data.
with the host over serial for the test data and sends back the result.
Python tool mbedgt (Greentea) is responsible for flashing the test
binary on to the target and dynamically loading the host test.
binary on to the target and dynamically loading this host test module.
This script contains the host test for handling target test's
requests for test vectors. It also reports the test results
in format understood by Greentea.
Greentea documentation can be found here:
@ -148,7 +147,9 @@ class MbedTlsTest(BaseHostTest):
identifier, dependency identifiers, expression identifiers and
the test data in binary form. Target test checks dependencies
, evaluate integer constant expressions and dispatches the test
function with received test parameters.
function with received test parameters. After test function is
finished, target sends the result. This class handles the result
event and prints verdict in the form that Greentea understands.
# status/error codes from suites/helpers.function
@ -323,14 +324,14 @@ class MbedTlsTest(BaseHostTest):
Converts result from string type to integer
:param value: Result code in string
:return: Integer result code
:return: Integer result code. Value is from the test status
constants defined under the MbedTlsTest class.
return int(value)
except ValueError:
ValueError("Result should return error number. "
"Instead received %s" % value)
return 0
def on_go(self, _key, _value, _timestamp):
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#line 2 "suites/host_test.function"
* \brief Varifies that string is in string parameter format i.e. "<str>"
* \brief Verifies that string is in string parameter format i.e. "<str>"
* It also strips enclosing '"' from the input string.
* \param str String parameter.
@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ int verify_string( char **str )
return( -1 );
(*str)[strlen( *str ) - 1] = '\0';
( *str )++;
( *str )[strlen( *str ) - 1] = '\0';
return( 0 );
* \brief Varifies that string is an integer. Also gives the converted
* \brief Verifies that string is an integer. Also gives the converted
* integer value.
* \param str Input string.
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ static int convert_params( size_t cnt , char ** params , int * int_params_store
char ** out = params;
while ( cur - params < (int) cnt )
while ( cur < params + cnt )
char * type = *cur++;
char * val = *cur++;
Reference in New Issue
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