diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 9b68d20e6b..4ac9de162c 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Features
      by Fox-IT)
    * Added generic message digest wrapper for integration
      with OpenVPN (donated by Fox-IT)
+   * Added generic cipher wrapper for integration
+     with OpenVPN (donated by Fox-IT)
 = Version 0.14.0 released on 2010-08-16
diff --git a/include/polarssl/cipher.h b/include/polarssl/cipher.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8587f4303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/polarssl/cipher.h
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+ * \file cipher.h
+ * 
+ * \brief Generic cipher wrapper.
+ *
+ * \author Adriaan de Jong <dejong@fox-it.com>
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Brainspark B.V.
+ *
+ *  This file is part of PolarSSL (http://www.polarssl.org)
+ *  Lead Maintainer: Paul Bakker <polarssl_maintainer at polarssl.org>
+ *
+ *  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+typedef enum {
+} cipher_id_t;
+typedef enum {
+} cipher_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+} cipher_mode_t;
+typedef enum {
+} operation_t;
+enum {
+    /** Undefined key length */
+    /** Key length, in bits, for DES keys */
+    /** Key length, in bits, for DES in two key EDE */
+    /** Key length, in bits, for DES in three-key EDE */
+    /** Maximum length of any IV, in bytes */
+ * Cipher information. Allows cipher functions to be called in a generic way.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    /** Full cipher identifier (e.g. POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_256_CBC) */
+    cipher_type_t type;
+    /** Base Cipher type (e.g. POLARSSL_CIPHER_ID_AES) */
+    cipher_id_t cipher;
+    /** Cipher mode (e.g. POLARSSL_CIPHER_MODE_CBC) */
+    cipher_mode_t mode;
+    /** Cipher key length, in bits (default length for variable sized ciphers) */
+    int key_length;
+    /** Name of the message digest */
+    const char * name;
+    /** IV size, in bytes */
+    int iv_size;
+    /** block size, in bytes */
+    int block_size;
+    /** Encrypt using CBC */
+    int (*cbc_func)( void *ctx, operation_t mode, int length, unsigned char *iv,
+            const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output );
+    /** Set key for encryption purposes */
+    int (*setkey_enc_func)( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length);
+    /** Set key for decryption purposes */
+    int (*setkey_dec_func)( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length);
+    /** Allocate a new context */
+    void * (*ctx_alloc_func)( void );
+    /** Free the given context */
+    void (*ctx_free_func)( void *ctx );
+} cipher_info_t;
+ * Generic message digest context.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    /** Information about the associated cipher */
+    const cipher_info_t *cipher_info;
+    /** Key length to use */
+    int key_length;
+    /** Operation that the context's key has been initialised for */
+    operation_t operation;
+    /** Buffer for data that hasn't been encrypted yet */
+    unsigned char unprocessed_data[POLARSSL_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
+    /** Number of bytes that still need processing */
+    int unprocessed_len;
+    /** Current IV */
+    unsigned char iv[POLARSSL_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
+    /** Cipher-specific context */
+    void *cipher_ctx;
+} cipher_context_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * \brief               Returns the cipher information structure associated
+ *                      with the given cipher name.
+ *
+ * \param cipher_name	Name of the cipher to search for.
+ *
+ * \return              the cipher information structure associated with the
+ *                      given cipher_name, or NULL if not found.
+ */
+const cipher_info_t *cipher_info_from_string( const char *cipher_name );
+ * \brief               Returns the cipher information structure associated
+ *                      with the given cipher type.
+ *
+ * \param cipher_type   Type of the cipher to search for.
+ *
+ * \return              the cipher information structure associated with the
+ *                      given cipher_type, or NULL if not found.
+ */
+const cipher_info_t *cipher_info_from_type( const cipher_type_t cipher_type );
+ * \brief               Initialises and fills the cipher context structure with
+ *                      the appropriate values.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           context to initialise. May not be NULL.
+ * \param cipher_info   cipher to use.
+ *
+ * \return              \c 0 on success, \c 1 on parameter failure, \c 2 if
+ *                      allocation of the cipher-specific context failed.
+ */
+int cipher_init_ctx( cipher_context_t *ctx, const cipher_info_t *cipher_info );
+ * \brief               Free the cipher-specific context of ctx. Freeing ctx
+ *                      itself remains the responsibility of the caller.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           Free the cipher-specific context
+ *
+ * \returns             0 on success, 1 if parameter verification fails.
+ */
+int cipher_free_ctx( cipher_context_t *ctx );
+ * \brief               Returns the block size of the given cipher.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           cipher's context. Must have been initialised.
+ *
+ * \return              size of the cipher's blocks, or 0 if ctx has not been
+ *                      initialised.
+ */
+static inline int cipher_get_block_size( const cipher_context_t *ctx )
+    if( NULL == ctx || NULL == ctx->cipher_info )
+        return 0;
+    return ctx->cipher_info->block_size;
+ * \brief               Returns the size of the cipher's IV.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           cipher's context. Must have been initialised.
+ *
+ * \return              size of the cipher's IV, or 0 if ctx has not been
+ *                      initialised.
+ */
+static inline int cipher_get_iv_size( const cipher_context_t *ctx )
+    if( NULL == ctx || NULL == ctx->cipher_info )
+        return 0;
+    return ctx->cipher_info->iv_size;
+ * \brief               Returns the type of the given cipher.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           cipher's context. Must have been initialised.
+ *
+ * \return              type of the cipher, or POLARSSL_CIPHER_NONE if ctx has
+ *                      not been initialised.
+ */
+static inline cipher_type_t cipher_get_type( const cipher_context_t *ctx )
+    if( NULL == ctx || NULL == ctx->cipher_info )
+        return 0;
+    return ctx->cipher_info->type;
+ * \brief               Returns the name of the given cipher, as a string.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           cipher's context. Must have been initialised.
+ *
+ * \return              name of the cipher, or NULL if ctx was not initialised.
+ */
+static inline const char *cipher_get_name( const cipher_context_t *ctx )
+    if( NULL == ctx || NULL == ctx->cipher_info )
+        return 0;
+    return ctx->cipher_info->name;
+ * \brief               Returns the key length of the cipher.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           cipher's context. Must have been initialised.
+ *
+ * \return              cipher's key length, in bits, or
+ *                      POLARSSL_KEY_LENGTH_NONE if ctx has not been
+ *                      initialised.
+ */
+static inline int cipher_get_key_size ( const cipher_context_t *ctx )
+    if( NULL == ctx )
+    return ctx->key_length;
+ * \brief               Set the key to use with the given context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           generic cipher context. May not be NULL. Must have been
+ *                      initialised using cipher_context_from_type or
+ *                      cipher_context_from_name.
+ * \param key           The key to use.
+ * \param key_length    key length to use, in bits.
+ * \param operation     Operation that the key will be used for, either
+ *                      POLARSSL_ENCRYPT or POLARSSL_DECRYPT.
+ *
+ * \returns             0 on success, 1 if parameter verification fails.
+ */
+int cipher_setkey( cipher_context_t *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_len,
+        const operation_t operation );
+ * \brief               Reset the given context, setting the IV to iv
+ *
+ * \param ctx           generic cipher context
+ * \param iv            IV to use
+ *
+ * \returns             0 on success, 1 if parameter verification fails.
+ */
+int cipher_reset( cipher_context_t *ctx, const unsigned char *iv );
+ * \brief               Generic cipher update function. Encrypts/decrypts
+ *                      using the given cipher context. Writes as many block
+ *                      size'd blocks of data as possible to output. Any data
+ *                      that cannot be written immediately will either be added
+ *                      to the next block, or flushed when cipher_final is
+ *                      called.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           generic cipher context
+ * \param input         buffer holding the input data
+ * \param ilen          length of the input data
+ * \param output        buffer for the output data. Should be able to hold at
+ *                      least ilen + block_size
+ * \param olen          length of the output data, will be filled with the
+ *                      actual number of bytes written.
+ *
+ * \returns             0 on success, 1 if parameter verification fails.
+ */
+int cipher_update( cipher_context_t *ctx, const unsigned char *input, int ilen,
+        unsigned char *output, int *olen );
+ * \brief               Generic cipher finalisation function. If data still
+ *                      needs to be flushed from an incomplete block, data
+ *                      contained within it will be padded with the size of
+ *                      the last block, and written to the output buffer.
+ *
+ * \param ctx           Generic message digest context
+ * \param output        buffer to write data to. Needs block_size data available.
+ * \param olen          length of the data written to the output buffer.
+ *
+ * \returns             0 on success, 1 if parameter verification fails.
+ */
+int cipher_finish( cipher_context_t *ctx, unsigned char *output, int *olen);
+ * \brief          Checkup routine
+ *
+ * \return         0 if successful, or 1 if the test failed
+ */
+int cipher_self_test( int verbose );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* POLARSSL_MD_H */
diff --git a/include/polarssl/cipher_wrap.h b/include/polarssl/cipher_wrap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..850de5dd23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/polarssl/cipher_wrap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * \file cipher_wrap.h
+ * 
+ * \brief Cipher wrappers.
+ *
+ * \author Adriaan de Jong <dejong@fox-it.com>
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Brainspark B.V.
+ *
+ *  This file is part of PolarSSL (http://www.polarssl.org)
+ *  Lead Maintainer: Paul Bakker <polarssl_maintainer at polarssl.org>
+ *
+ *  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "polarssl/config.h"
+#include "polarssl/cipher.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#if defined(POLARSSL_AES_C)
+extern const cipher_info_t aes_128_cbc_info;
+extern const cipher_info_t aes_192_cbc_info;
+extern const cipher_info_t aes_256_cbc_info;
+#endif /* defined(POLARSSL_AES_C) */
+extern const cipher_info_t camellia_128_cbc_info;
+extern const cipher_info_t camellia_192_cbc_info;
+extern const cipher_info_t camellia_256_cbc_info;
+#endif /* defined(POLARSSL_CAMELLIA_C) */
+#if defined(POLARSSL_DES_C)
+extern const cipher_info_t des_cbc_info;
+extern const cipher_info_t des_ede_cbc_info;
+extern const cipher_info_t des_ede3_cbc_info;
+#endif /* defined(POLARSSL_DES_C) */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/include/polarssl/config.h b/include/polarssl/config.h
index 3be181d206..3b0c7e7ea0 100644
--- a/include/polarssl/config.h
+++ b/include/polarssl/config.h
@@ -157,6 +157,14 @@
+ * Module:  library/cipher.c
+ * Caller:
+ *
+ * Uncomment to enable generic cipher wrappers.
+ */
  * Module:  library/debug.c
  * Caller:  library/ssl_cli.c
diff --git a/include/polarssl/des.h b/include/polarssl/des.h
index 53bbbff22d..f9778df8d2 100644
--- a/include/polarssl/des.h
+++ b/include/polarssl/des.h
@@ -61,48 +61,60 @@ extern "C" {
  * \param ctx      DES context to be initialized
  * \param key      8-byte secret key
+ *
+ * \return         0
-void des_setkey_enc( des_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[8] );
+int des_setkey_enc( des_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[8] );
  * \brief          DES key schedule (56-bit, decryption)
  * \param ctx      DES context to be initialized
  * \param key      8-byte secret key
+ *
+ * \return         0
-void des_setkey_dec( des_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[8] );
+int des_setkey_dec( des_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[8] );
  * \brief          Triple-DES key schedule (112-bit, encryption)
  * \param ctx      3DES context to be initialized
  * \param key      16-byte secret key
+ *
+ * \return         0
-void des3_set2key_enc( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[16] );
+int des3_set2key_enc( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[16] );
  * \brief          Triple-DES key schedule (112-bit, decryption)
  * \param ctx      3DES context to be initialized
  * \param key      16-byte secret key
+ *
+ * \return         0
-void des3_set2key_dec( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[16] );
+int des3_set2key_dec( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[16] );
  * \brief          Triple-DES key schedule (168-bit, encryption)
  * \param ctx      3DES context to be initialized
  * \param key      24-byte secret key
+ *
+ * \return         0
-void des3_set3key_enc( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[24] );
+int des3_set3key_enc( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[24] );
  * \brief          Triple-DES key schedule (168-bit, decryption)
  * \param ctx      3DES context to be initialized
  * \param key      24-byte secret key
+ *
+ * \return         0
-void des3_set3key_dec( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[24] );
+int des3_set3key_dec( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[24] );
  * \brief          DES-ECB block encryption/decryption
diff --git a/library/CMakeLists.txt b/library/CMakeLists.txt
index 2f2480151b..62a3eb584a 100644
--- a/library/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/library/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ set(src
+     cipher.c
+     cipher_wrap.c
diff --git a/library/Makefile b/library/Makefile
index 26129870a8..7945121646 100644
--- a/library/Makefile
+++ b/library/Makefile
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ OBJS=	aes.o		arc4.o		base64.o	\
 	ssl_cli.o	ssl_srv.o	ssl_tls.o	\
 	timing.o	x509parse.o	xtea.o		\
 	camellia.o  version.o   md.o		\
-	md_wrap.o
+	md_wrap.o	cipher.o 	cipher_wrap.o
diff --git a/library/cipher.c b/library/cipher.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e995ed7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cipher.c
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+ * \file cipher.c
+ * 
+ * \brief Generic cipher wrapper for PolarSSL
+ *
+ * \author Adriaan de Jong <dejong@fox-it.com>
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Brainspark B.V.
+ *
+ *  This file is part of PolarSSL (http://www.polarssl.org)
+ *  Lead Maintainer: Paul Bakker <polarssl_maintainer at polarssl.org>
+ *
+ *  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "polarssl/config.h"
+#if defined(POLARSSL_CIPHER_C)
+#include "polarssl/cipher.h"
+#include "polarssl/cipher_wrap.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+const cipher_info_t *cipher_info_from_type( cipher_type_t cipher_type )
+    /* Find static cipher information */
+    switch ( cipher_type )
+    {
+#if defined(POLARSSL_AES_C)
+        case POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_128_CBC:
+            return &aes_128_cbc_info;
+        case POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_192_CBC:
+            return &aes_192_cbc_info;
+        case POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_256_CBC:
+            return &aes_256_cbc_info;
+            return &camellia_128_cbc_info;
+            return &camellia_192_cbc_info;
+            return &camellia_256_cbc_info;
+#if defined(POLARSSL_DES_C)
+            return &des_cbc_info;
+            return &des_ede_cbc_info;
+            return &des_ede3_cbc_info;
+        default:
+            return NULL;
+    }
+const cipher_info_t *cipher_info_from_string( const char *cipher_name )
+    if( NULL == cipher_name )
+        return NULL;
+    /* Get the appropriate digest information */
+    if( !strcasecmp( "CAMELLIA-128-CBC", cipher_name ) )
+        return cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_CAMELLIA_128_CBC );
+    if( !strcasecmp( "CAMELLIA-192-CBC", cipher_name ) )
+        return cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_CAMELLIA_192_CBC );
+    if( !strcasecmp( "CAMELLIA-256-CBC", cipher_name ) )
+        return cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_CAMELLIA_256_CBC );
+#if defined(POLARSSL_AES_C)
+    if( !strcasecmp( "AES-128-CBC", cipher_name ) )
+        return cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_128_CBC );
+    if( !strcasecmp( "AES-192-CBC", cipher_name ) )
+        return cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_192_CBC );
+    if( !strcasecmp( "AES-256-CBC", cipher_name ) )
+        return cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_256_CBC );
+#if defined(POLARSSL_DES_C)
+    if( !strcasecmp( "DES-CBC", cipher_name ) )
+        return cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_DES_CBC );
+    if( !strcasecmp( "DES-EDE-CBC", cipher_name ) )
+        return cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_DES_EDE_CBC );
+    if( !strcasecmp( "DES-EDE3-CBC", cipher_name ) )
+        return cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_DES_EDE3_CBC );
+    return NULL;
+int cipher_init_ctx( cipher_context_t *ctx, const cipher_info_t *cipher_info )
+    if( NULL == cipher_info || NULL == ctx )
+        return 1;
+    memset( ctx, 0, sizeof( ctx ) );
+    if( NULL == ( ctx->cipher_ctx = cipher_info->ctx_alloc_func() ) )
+        return 2;
+    ctx->cipher_info = cipher_info;
+    return 0;
+int cipher_free_ctx( cipher_context_t *ctx )
+    if( ctx == NULL || ctx->cipher_info == NULL )
+        return 1;
+    ctx->cipher_info->ctx_free_func( ctx->cipher_ctx );
+    return 0;
+int cipher_setkey( cipher_context_t *ctx, const unsigned char *key,
+        int key_length, const operation_t operation )
+    if( NULL == ctx || NULL == ctx->cipher_info )
+        return 1;
+    ctx->key_length = key_length;
+    ctx->operation = operation;
+    if (POLARSSL_ENCRYPT == operation)
+        return ctx->cipher_info->setkey_enc_func( ctx->cipher_ctx, key,
+                ctx->key_length );
+    if (POLARSSL_DECRYPT == operation)
+        return ctx->cipher_info->setkey_dec_func( ctx->cipher_ctx, key,
+                ctx->key_length );
+    return 1;
+int cipher_reset( cipher_context_t *ctx, const unsigned char *iv )
+    if( NULL == ctx || NULL == ctx->cipher_info || NULL == iv )
+        return 1;
+    ctx->unprocessed_len = 0;
+    memcpy( ctx->iv, iv, cipher_get_iv_size( ctx ) );
+    return 0;
+int cipher_update( cipher_context_t *ctx, const unsigned char *input, int ilen,
+        unsigned char *output, int *olen )
+    int copy_len = 0;
+    if( NULL == ctx || NULL == ctx->cipher_info || NULL == olen )
+        return 1;
+    *olen = 0;
+    if( ctx->cipher_info->mode == POLARSSL_MODE_CBC )
+    {
+        /*
+         * If there is not enough data for a full block, cache it.
+         */
+        if( ( ctx->operation == POLARSSL_DECRYPT &&
+                ilen + ctx->unprocessed_len <= cipher_get_block_size( ctx ) ) ||
+             ( ctx->operation == POLARSSL_ENCRYPT &&
+                ilen + ctx->unprocessed_len < cipher_get_block_size( ctx ) ) )
+        {
+            memcpy( &( ctx->unprocessed_data[ctx->unprocessed_len] ), input,
+                    ilen );
+            ctx->unprocessed_len += ilen;
+            return 0;
+        }
+        /*
+         * Process cached data first
+         */
+        if( ctx->unprocessed_len != 0 )
+        {
+            copy_len = cipher_get_block_size( ctx ) - ctx->unprocessed_len;
+            memcpy( &( ctx->unprocessed_data[ctx->unprocessed_len] ), input,
+                    copy_len );
+            if( 0 != ctx->cipher_info->cbc_func( ctx->cipher_ctx,
+                    ctx->operation, cipher_get_block_size( ctx ), ctx->iv,
+                    ctx->unprocessed_data, output) )
+            {
+                return 1;
+            }
+            *olen += cipher_get_block_size( ctx );
+            output += cipher_get_block_size( ctx );
+            ctx->unprocessed_len = 0;
+            input += copy_len;
+            ilen -= copy_len;
+        }
+        /*
+         * Cache final, incomplete block
+         */
+        if( 0 != ilen )
+        {
+            copy_len = ilen % cipher_get_block_size( ctx );
+            if( copy_len == 0 && ctx->operation == POLARSSL_DECRYPT )
+                copy_len = cipher_get_block_size(ctx);
+            memcpy( ctx->unprocessed_data, &( input[ilen - copy_len] ),
+                    copy_len );
+            ctx->unprocessed_len += copy_len;
+            ilen -= copy_len;
+        }
+        /*
+         * Process remaining full blocks
+         */
+        if( ilen )
+        {
+            if( 0 != ctx->cipher_info->cbc_func( ctx->cipher_ctx,
+                    ctx->operation, ilen, ctx->iv, input, output ) )
+            {
+                return 1;
+            }
+            *olen += ilen;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+static void add_pkcs_padding( unsigned char *output, unsigned char output_len,
+        int data_len )
+    unsigned char padding_len = output_len - data_len;
+    unsigned char i = 0;
+    for( i = 0; i < padding_len; i++ )
+        output[data_len + i] = padding_len;
+static int get_pkcs_padding( unsigned char *input, unsigned char input_len,
+        int *data_len)
+    int i = 0;
+    unsigned char padding_len = 0;
+    if ( NULL == input || NULL == data_len )
+        return 1;
+    padding_len = input[input_len - 1];
+    if ( padding_len > input_len )
+        return 2;
+    for ( i = input_len - padding_len; i < input_len; i++ )
+        if ( input[i] != padding_len )
+            return 2;
+    *data_len = input_len - padding_len;
+    return 0;
+int cipher_finish( cipher_context_t *ctx, unsigned char *output, int *olen)
+    if( NULL == ctx || NULL == ctx->cipher_info || NULL == olen )
+        return 1;
+    *olen = 0;
+    if( POLARSSL_MODE_CBC == ctx->cipher_info->mode )
+    {
+        if( POLARSSL_ENCRYPT == ctx->operation )
+        {
+            add_pkcs_padding( ctx->unprocessed_data, cipher_get_iv_size( ctx ),
+                    ctx->unprocessed_len );
+        }
+        else if ( cipher_get_block_size( ctx ) != ctx->unprocessed_len )
+        {
+            /* For decrypt operations, expect a full block */
+            return 1;
+        }
+        /* cipher block */
+        if( 0 != ctx->cipher_info->cbc_func( ctx->cipher_ctx, ctx->operation,
+                cipher_get_block_size( ctx ), ctx->iv, ctx->unprocessed_data,
+                output ) )
+        {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        /* Set output size for decryption */
+        if( POLARSSL_DECRYPT == ctx->operation )
+            return get_pkcs_padding( output, cipher_get_block_size( ctx ), olen );
+        /* Set output size for encryption */
+        *olen = cipher_get_block_size( ctx );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+#if defined(POLARSSL_SELF_TEST)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) { \
+        printf( "failed with %i at %s\n", value, (#x) ); \
+    return( 1 ); \
+ * Checkup routine
+ */
+int cipher_self_test( int verbose )
+    return( 0 );
diff --git a/library/cipher_wrap.c b/library/cipher_wrap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5cce5a901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cipher_wrap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+ * \file md_wrap.c
+ * 
+ * \brief Generic message digest wrapper for PolarSSL
+ *
+ * \author Adriaan de Jong <dejong@fox-it.com>
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Brainspark B.V.
+ *
+ *  This file is part of PolarSSL (http://www.polarssl.org)
+ *  Lead Maintainer: Paul Bakker <polarssl_maintainer at polarssl.org>
+ *
+ *  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "polarssl/config.h"
+#if defined(POLARSSL_CIPHER_C)
+#include "polarssl/cipher_wrap.h"
+#include "polarssl/aes.h"
+#include "polarssl/camellia.h"
+#include "polarssl/des.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#if defined(POLARSSL_AES_C)
+int aes_crypt_cbc_wrap( void *ctx, operation_t operation, int length,
+        unsigned char *iv, const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output )
+    return aes_crypt_cbc( (aes_context *) ctx, operation, length, iv, input, output );
+int aes_setkey_dec_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return aes_setkey_dec( (aes_context *) ctx, key, key_length );
+int aes_setkey_enc_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return aes_setkey_enc( (aes_context *) ctx, key, key_length );
+static void * aes_ctx_alloc( void )
+    return malloc( sizeof( aes_context ) );
+static void aes_ctx_free( void *ctx )
+    free( ctx );
+const cipher_info_t aes_128_cbc_info = {
+    .type = POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_128_CBC,
+    .cipher = POLARSSL_CIPHER_ID_AES,
+    .mode = POLARSSL_MODE_CBC,
+    .key_length = 128,
+    .name = "AES-128-CBC",
+    .iv_size = 16,
+    .block_size = 16,
+    .cbc_func = aes_crypt_cbc_wrap,
+    .setkey_enc_func = aes_setkey_enc_wrap,
+    .setkey_dec_func = aes_setkey_dec_wrap,
+    .ctx_alloc_func = aes_ctx_alloc,
+    .ctx_free_func = aes_ctx_free
+const cipher_info_t aes_192_cbc_info = {
+    .type = POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_192_CBC,
+    .cipher = POLARSSL_CIPHER_ID_AES,
+    .mode = POLARSSL_MODE_CBC,
+    .key_length = 192,
+    .name = "AES-192-CBC",
+    .iv_size = 16,
+    .block_size = 16,
+    .cbc_func = aes_crypt_cbc_wrap,
+    .setkey_enc_func = aes_setkey_enc_wrap,
+    .setkey_dec_func = aes_setkey_dec_wrap,
+    .ctx_alloc_func = aes_ctx_alloc,
+    .ctx_free_func = aes_ctx_free
+const cipher_info_t aes_256_cbc_info = {
+    .type = POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_256_CBC,
+    .cipher = POLARSSL_CIPHER_ID_AES,
+    .mode = POLARSSL_MODE_CBC,
+    .key_length = 256,
+    .name = "AES-256-CBC",
+    .iv_size = 16,
+    .block_size = 16,
+    .cbc_func = aes_crypt_cbc_wrap,
+    .setkey_enc_func = aes_setkey_enc_wrap,
+    .setkey_dec_func = aes_setkey_dec_wrap,
+    .ctx_alloc_func = aes_ctx_alloc,
+    .ctx_free_func = aes_ctx_free
+int camellia_crypt_cbc_wrap( void *ctx, operation_t operation, int length,
+        unsigned char *iv, const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output )
+    return camellia_crypt_cbc( (camellia_context *) ctx, operation, length, iv, input, output );
+int camellia_setkey_dec_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return camellia_setkey_dec( (camellia_context *) ctx, key, key_length );
+int camellia_setkey_enc_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return camellia_setkey_enc( (camellia_context *) ctx, key, key_length );
+static void * camellia_ctx_alloc( void )
+    return malloc( sizeof( camellia_context ) );
+static void camellia_ctx_free( void *ctx )
+    free( ctx );
+const cipher_info_t camellia_128_cbc_info = {
+    .mode = POLARSSL_MODE_CBC,
+    .key_length = 128,
+    .name = "CAMELLIA-128-CBC",
+    .iv_size = 16,
+    .block_size = 16,
+    .cbc_func = camellia_crypt_cbc_wrap,
+    .setkey_enc_func = camellia_setkey_enc_wrap,
+    .setkey_dec_func = camellia_setkey_dec_wrap,
+    .ctx_alloc_func = camellia_ctx_alloc,
+    .ctx_free_func = camellia_ctx_free
+const cipher_info_t camellia_192_cbc_info = {
+    .mode = POLARSSL_MODE_CBC,
+    .key_length = 192,
+    .name = "CAMELLIA-192-CBC",
+    .iv_size = 16,
+    .block_size = 16,
+    .cbc_func = camellia_crypt_cbc_wrap,
+    .setkey_enc_func = camellia_setkey_enc_wrap,
+    .setkey_dec_func = camellia_setkey_dec_wrap,
+    .ctx_alloc_func = camellia_ctx_alloc,
+    .ctx_free_func = camellia_ctx_free
+const cipher_info_t camellia_256_cbc_info = {
+    .mode = POLARSSL_MODE_CBC,
+    .key_length = 256,
+    .name = "CAMELLIA-256-CBC",
+    .iv_size = 16,
+    .block_size = 16,
+    .cbc_func = camellia_crypt_cbc_wrap,
+    .setkey_enc_func = camellia_setkey_enc_wrap,
+    .setkey_dec_func = camellia_setkey_dec_wrap,
+    .ctx_alloc_func = camellia_ctx_alloc,
+    .ctx_free_func = camellia_ctx_free
+#if defined(POLARSSL_DES_C)
+int des_crypt_cbc_wrap( void *ctx, operation_t operation, int length,
+        unsigned char *iv, const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output )
+    return des_crypt_cbc( (des_context *) ctx, operation, length, iv, input, output );
+int des3_crypt_cbc_wrap( void *ctx, operation_t operation, int length,
+        unsigned char *iv, const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output )
+    return des3_crypt_cbc( (des3_context *) ctx, operation, length, iv, input, output );
+int des_setkey_dec_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return des_setkey_dec( (des_context *) ctx, key );
+int des_setkey_enc_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return des_setkey_enc( (des_context *) ctx, key );
+int des3_set2key_dec_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return des3_set2key_dec( (des3_context *) ctx, key );
+int des3_set2key_enc_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return des3_set2key_enc( (des3_context *) ctx, key );
+int des3_set3key_dec_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return des3_set3key_dec( (des3_context *) ctx, key );
+int des3_set3key_enc_wrap( void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_length )
+    return des3_set3key_enc( (des3_context *) ctx, key );
+static void * des_ctx_alloc( void )
+    return malloc( sizeof( des_context ) );
+static void * des3_ctx_alloc( void )
+    return malloc( sizeof( des3_context ) );
+static void des_ctx_free( void *ctx )
+    free( ctx );
+const cipher_info_t des_cbc_info = {
+    .cipher = POLARSSL_CIPHER_ID_DES,
+    .mode = POLARSSL_MODE_CBC,
+    .key_length = POLARSSL_KEY_LENGTH_DES,
+    .name = "DES-CBC",
+    .iv_size = 8,
+    .block_size = 8,
+    .cbc_func = des_crypt_cbc_wrap,
+    .setkey_enc_func = des_setkey_enc_wrap,
+    .setkey_dec_func = des_setkey_dec_wrap,
+    .ctx_alloc_func = des_ctx_alloc,
+    .ctx_free_func = des_ctx_free
+const cipher_info_t des_ede_cbc_info = {
+    .cipher = POLARSSL_CIPHER_ID_DES,
+    .mode = POLARSSL_MODE_CBC,
+    .key_length = POLARSSL_KEY_LENGTH_DES_EDE,
+    .name = "DES-EDE-CBC",
+    .iv_size = 16,
+    .block_size = 16,
+    .cbc_func = des3_crypt_cbc_wrap,
+    .setkey_enc_func = des3_set2key_enc_wrap,
+    .setkey_dec_func = des3_set2key_dec_wrap,
+    .ctx_alloc_func = des3_ctx_alloc,
+    .ctx_free_func = des_ctx_free
+const cipher_info_t des_ede3_cbc_info = {
+    .cipher = POLARSSL_CIPHER_ID_DES,
+    .mode = POLARSSL_MODE_CBC,
+    .key_length = POLARSSL_KEY_LENGTH_DES_EDE3,
+    .name = "DES-EDE3-CBC",
+    .iv_size = 8,
+    .block_size = 8,
+    .cbc_func = des3_crypt_cbc_wrap,
+    .setkey_enc_func = des3_set3key_enc_wrap,
+    .setkey_dec_func = des3_set3key_dec_wrap,
+    .ctx_alloc_func = des3_ctx_alloc,
+    .ctx_free_func = des_ctx_free
diff --git a/library/des.c b/library/des.c
index 33c94596ce..f470220d7b 100644
--- a/library/des.c
+++ b/library/des.c
@@ -362,15 +362,17 @@ static void des_setkey( unsigned long SK[32], const unsigned char key[8] )
  * DES key schedule (56-bit, encryption)
-void des_setkey_enc( des_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[8] )
+int des_setkey_enc( des_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[8] )
     des_setkey( ctx->sk, key );
+    return( 0 );
  * DES key schedule (56-bit, decryption)
-void des_setkey_dec( des_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[8] )
+int des_setkey_dec( des_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[8] )
     int i;
@@ -381,6 +383,8 @@ void des_setkey_dec( des_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[8] )
         SWAP( ctx->sk[i    ], ctx->sk[30 - i] );
         SWAP( ctx->sk[i + 1], ctx->sk[31 - i] );
+    return( 0 );
 static void des3_set2key( unsigned long esk[96],
@@ -411,23 +415,27 @@ static void des3_set2key( unsigned long esk[96],
  * Triple-DES key schedule (112-bit, encryption)
-void des3_set2key_enc( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[16] )
+int des3_set2key_enc( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[16] )
     unsigned long sk[96];
     des3_set2key( ctx->sk, sk, key );
     memset( sk,  0, sizeof( sk ) );
+    return( 0 );
  * Triple-DES key schedule (112-bit, decryption)
-void des3_set2key_dec( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[16] )
+int des3_set2key_dec( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[16] )
     unsigned long sk[96];
     des3_set2key( sk, ctx->sk, key );
     memset( sk,  0, sizeof( sk ) );
+    return( 0 );
 static void des3_set3key( unsigned long esk[96],
@@ -456,23 +464,27 @@ static void des3_set3key( unsigned long esk[96],
  * Triple-DES key schedule (168-bit, encryption)
-void des3_set3key_enc( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[24] )
+int des3_set3key_enc( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[24] )
     unsigned long sk[96];
     des3_set3key( ctx->sk, sk, key );
     memset( sk, 0, sizeof( sk ) );
+    return( 0 );
  * Triple-DES key schedule (168-bit, decryption)
-void des3_set3key_dec( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[24] )
+int des3_set3key_dec( des3_context *ctx, const unsigned char key[24] )
     unsigned long sk[96];
     des3_set3key( sk, ctx->sk, key );
     memset( sk, 0, sizeof( sk ) );
+    return( 0 );
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 81611caa6c..1bfce18472 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ add_test_suite(md)
diff --git a/tests/Makefile b/tests/Makefile
index 2e4f88a1a7..063245b537 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile
+++ b/tests/Makefile
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ APPS =	test_suite_aes			test_suite_arc4		\
 		test_suite_mpi			test_suite_rsa		\
 		test_suite_shax			test_suite_x509parse\
 		test_suite_xtea			test_suite_debug	\
-		test_suite_version		test_suite_md
+		test_suite_version		test_suite_md		\
+		test_suite_cipher
@@ -41,6 +42,10 @@ test_suite_camellia: test_suite_camellia.c ../library/libpolarssl.a
 	echo   "  CC    	$@.c"
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OFLAGS) $@.c	$(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+test_suite_cipher: test_suite_cipher.c ../library/libpolarssl.a
+	echo   "  CC    	$@.c"
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OFLAGS) $@.c	$(LDFLAGS) -o $@
 test_suite_des: test_suite_des.c ../library/libpolarssl.a
 	echo   "  CC    	$@.c"
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OFLAGS) $@.c	$(LDFLAGS) -o $@
diff --git a/tests/suites/test_suite_cipher.data b/tests/suites/test_suite_cipher.data
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..758aa84dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/suites/test_suite_cipher.data
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+Cipher Selftest
+Decrypt empty buffer
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 byte
+Encrypt and decrypt 2 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 7 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 8 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 9 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 15 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 17 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 31 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 47 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 48 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 49 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes in multiple parts
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 3
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 4
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 byte
+Encrypt and decrypt 2 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 7 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 8 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 9 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 15 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 17 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 31 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 47 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 48 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 49 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes in multiple parts
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 3
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 4
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 byte
+Encrypt and decrypt 2 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 7 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 8 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 9 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 15 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 17 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 31 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 47 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 48 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 49 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes in multiple parts
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 3
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 4
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 byte
+Encrypt and decrypt 2 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 7 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 8 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 9 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 15 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 17 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 31 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 47 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 48 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 49 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes in multiple parts
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 3
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 4
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 byte
+Encrypt and decrypt 2 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 7 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 8 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 9 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 15 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 17 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 31 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 47 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 48 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 49 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes in multiple parts
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 3
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 4
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 byte
+Encrypt and decrypt 2 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 7 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 8 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 9 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 15 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 17 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 31 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 47 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 48 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 49 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes in multiple parts
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 3
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 4
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 byte
+Encrypt and decrypt 2 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 7 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 8 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 9 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 15 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 17 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 31 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 47 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 48 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 49 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes in multiple parts
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 3
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 4
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 byte
+Encrypt and decrypt 2 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 7 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 8 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 9 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 15 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 17 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 31 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 47 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 48 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 49 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes in multiple parts
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 3
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 4
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 byte
+Encrypt and decrypt 2 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 7 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 8 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 9 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 15 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 17 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 31 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 47 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 48 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 49 bytes
+Encrypt and decrypt 0 bytes in multiple parts
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 1 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 2
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 3
+Encrypt and decrypt 16 bytes in multiple parts 4
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 22 bytes in multiple parts 1
+Encrypt and decrypt 32 bytes in multiple parts 1
diff --git a/tests/suites/test_suite_cipher.function b/tests/suites/test_suite_cipher.function
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17b8dc29d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/suites/test_suite_cipher.function
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#include <polarssl/config.h>
+#include <polarssl/cipher.h>
+    int length = {length};
+    unsigned char key[32];
+    unsigned char iv[16];
+    const cipher_info_t *cipher_info;
+    cipher_context_t ctx_dec;
+    cipher_context_t ctx_enc;
+    unsigned char inbuf[64];
+    unsigned char encbuf[64];
+    unsigned char decbuf[64];
+    int outlen = 0;
+    int enclen = 0;
+    memset( key, 0, 32 );
+    memset( iv , 0, 16 );
+    memset( &ctx_dec, 0, sizeof( ctx_dec ) );
+    memset( &ctx_enc, 0, sizeof( ctx_enc ) );
+    memset( inbuf, 5, 64 );
+    memset( encbuf, 0, 64 );
+    memset( decbuf, 0, 64 );
+    /* Check and get info structures */
+    cipher_info = cipher_info_from_type( {cipher_id} );
+    TEST_ASSERT( NULL != cipher_info );
+    TEST_ASSERT( cipher_info_from_string( "{cipher_string}" ) == cipher_info );
+    /* Initialise enc and dec contexts */
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_init_ctx( &ctx_dec, cipher_info ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_init_ctx( &ctx_enc, cipher_info ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_setkey( &ctx_dec, key, {key_len}, POLARSSL_DECRYPT ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_setkey( &ctx_enc, key, {key_len}, POLARSSL_ENCRYPT ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_reset( &ctx_dec, iv ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_reset( &ctx_enc, iv ) );
+    enclen = cipher_get_block_size( &ctx_enc )
+                    * ( 1 + length / cipher_get_block_size( &ctx_enc ) );
+    /* encode length number of bytes from inbuf */
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_update( &ctx_enc, inbuf, length, encbuf, &outlen ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( outlen == enclen - cipher_get_block_size ( &ctx_enc ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_finish( &ctx_enc, encbuf + outlen, &outlen ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( outlen == cipher_get_block_size ( &ctx_enc ) );
+    /* decode the previously encoded string */
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_update( &ctx_dec, encbuf, enclen, decbuf, &outlen ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( enclen - cipher_get_block_size ( &ctx_enc ) == outlen );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_finish( &ctx_dec, decbuf + outlen, &outlen ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( length - enclen + cipher_get_block_size ( &ctx_enc ) == outlen );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == memcmp(inbuf, decbuf, length) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_free_ctx( &ctx_dec ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_free_ctx( &ctx_enc ) );
+    unsigned char key[32];
+    unsigned char iv[16];
+    cipher_context_t ctx_dec;
+    const cipher_info_t *cipher_info;
+    unsigned char encbuf[64];
+    unsigned char decbuf[64];
+    int outlen = 0;
+    memset( key, 0, 32 );
+    memset( iv , 0, 16 );
+    memset( &ctx_dec, 0, sizeof( ctx_dec ) );
+    memset( encbuf, 0, 64 );
+    memset( decbuf, 0, 64 );
+    /* Initialise enc and dec contexts */
+    cipher_info = cipher_info_from_type( POLARSSL_CIPHER_AES_128_CBC );
+    TEST_ASSERT( NULL != cipher_info);
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_init_ctx( &ctx_dec, cipher_info ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_setkey( &ctx_dec, key, 128, POLARSSL_DECRYPT ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_reset( &ctx_dec, iv ) );
+    /* decode 0-byte string */
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_update( &ctx_dec, encbuf, 0, decbuf, &outlen ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == outlen );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 1 == cipher_finish( &ctx_dec, decbuf + outlen, &outlen ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == outlen );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_free_ctx( &ctx_dec ) );
+    int first_length = {first_length};
+    int second_length = {second_length};
+    int length = first_length + second_length;
+    unsigned char key[32];
+    unsigned char iv[16];
+    cipher_context_t ctx_dec;
+    cipher_context_t ctx_enc;
+    const cipher_info_t *cipher_info;
+    unsigned char inbuf[64];
+    unsigned char encbuf[64];
+    unsigned char decbuf[64];
+    int outlen = 0;
+    int totaloutlen = 0;
+    int enclen = 0;
+    memset( key, 0, 32 );
+    memset( iv , 0, 16 );
+    memset( &ctx_dec, 0, sizeof( ctx_dec ) );
+    memset( &ctx_enc, 0, sizeof( ctx_enc ) );
+    memset( inbuf, 5, 64 );
+    memset( encbuf, 0, 64 );
+    memset( decbuf, 0, 64 );
+    /* Initialise enc and dec contexts */
+    cipher_info = cipher_info_from_type( {cipher_id} );
+    TEST_ASSERT( NULL != cipher_info);
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_init_ctx( &ctx_dec, cipher_info ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_init_ctx( &ctx_enc, cipher_info ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_setkey( &ctx_dec, key, {key_len}, POLARSSL_DECRYPT ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_setkey( &ctx_enc, key, {key_len}, POLARSSL_ENCRYPT ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_reset( &ctx_dec, iv ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_reset( &ctx_enc, iv ) );
+    enclen = cipher_get_block_size(&ctx_enc )
+                    * ( 1 + length / cipher_get_block_size( &ctx_enc ) );
+    /* encode length number of bytes from inbuf */
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_update( &ctx_enc, inbuf, first_length, encbuf, &outlen ) );
+    totaloutlen = outlen;
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_update( &ctx_enc, inbuf + first_length, second_length, encbuf + totaloutlen, &outlen ) );
+    totaloutlen += outlen;
+    TEST_ASSERT( totaloutlen == enclen - cipher_get_block_size ( &ctx_enc ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_finish( &ctx_enc, encbuf + totaloutlen, &outlen ) );
+    totaloutlen += outlen;
+    TEST_ASSERT( outlen == cipher_get_block_size ( &ctx_enc ) );
+    /* decode the previously encoded string */
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_update( &ctx_dec, encbuf, enclen, decbuf, &outlen ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( enclen - cipher_get_block_size ( &ctx_enc ) == outlen );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_finish( &ctx_dec, decbuf + outlen, &outlen ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( length - enclen + cipher_get_block_size ( &ctx_enc ) == outlen );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == memcmp(inbuf, decbuf, length) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_free_ctx( &ctx_dec ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( 0 == cipher_free_ctx( &ctx_enc ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( cipher_self_test( 0 ) == 0 );