/** * @file * DNS - host name to IP address resolver. * */ /** * This file implements a DNS host name to IP address resolver. * Port to lwIP from uIP * by Jim Pettinato April 2007 * uIP version Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Adam Dunkels. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * DNS.C * * The lwIP DNS resolver functions are used to lookup a host name and * map it to a numerical IP address. It maintains a list of resolved * hostnames that can be queried with the dns_lookup() function. * New hostnames can be resolved using the dns_query() function. * * The lwIP version of the resolver also adds a non-blocking version of * gethostbyname() that will work with a raw API application. This function * checks for an IP address string first and converts it if it is valid. * gethostbyname() then does a dns_lookup() to see if the name is * already in the table. If so, the IP is returned. If not, a query is * issued and the function returns with a DNS_QUERY_QUEUED status. The app * using the dns client must then go into a waiting state. * * Once a hostname has been resolved (or found to be non-existent), * the resolver code calls a specified callback function (which * must be implemented by the module that uses the resolver). */ /** @todo: define good default values (rfc compliance) */ /** @todo: secondary server support */ /** @todo: compressed answer support */ /** @todo: improve answer parsing, more checkings... */ /** @todo: possible alignment problems to access to dns_answer fields? */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RFC 1035 - Domain names - implementation and specification * RFC 2181 - Clarifications to the DNS Specification *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Includes *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "lwip/opt.h" #if LWIP_DNS /* don't build if not configured for use in lwipopts.h */ #include "lwip/udp.h" #include "lwip/dns.h" #include /** DNS server IP address */ #ifndef DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS #define DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS inet_addr("") /* resolver1.opendns.com */ #endif /** DNS server port address */ #ifndef DNS_SERVER_PORT #define DNS_SERVER_PORT 53 #endif /* The maximum number of table entries to maintain locally */ #ifndef DNS_TABLE_SIZE #define DNS_TABLE_SIZE 4 #endif /* The maximum length of a host name supported in the name table. */ #ifndef DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH #define DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 256 #endif /* The maximum number of retries when asking for a name, before "timeout". */ #ifndef DNS_MAX_RETRIES #define DNS_MAX_RETRIES 8 #endif /* DNS entry time to live (in DNS_TMR_INTERVAL ticks) */ #ifndef DNS_TTL_ENTRY #define DNS_TTL_ENTRY 60 #endif /* DNS protocol flags */ #define DNS_FLAG1_RESPONSE 0x80 #define DNS_FLAG1_OPCODE_STATUS 0x10 #define DNS_FLAG1_OPCODE_INVERSE 0x08 #define DNS_FLAG1_OPCODE_STANDARD 0x00 #define DNS_FLAG1_AUTHORATIVE 0x04 #define DNS_FLAG1_TRUNC 0x02 #define DNS_FLAG1_RD 0x01 #define DNS_FLAG2_RA 0x80 #define DNS_FLAG2_ERR_MASK 0x0f #define DNS_FLAG2_ERR_NONE 0x00 #define DNS_FLAG2_ERR_NAME 0x03 /* DNS protocol states */ #define DNS_STATE_UNUSED 0 #define DNS_STATE_NEW 1 #define DNS_STATE_ASKING 2 #define DNS_STATE_DONE 3 /* DNS field TYPE used for "Resource Records" */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_A 1 /* a host address */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_NS 2 /* an authoritative name server */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_MD 3 /* a mail destination (Obsolete - use MX) */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_MF 4 /* a mail forwarder (Obsolete - use MX) */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_CNAME 5 /* the canonical name for an alias */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_SOA 6 /* marks the start of a zone of authority */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_MB 7 /* a mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL) */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_MG 8 /* a mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL) */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_MR 9 /* a mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL) */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_NULL 10 /* a null RR (EXPERIMENTAL) */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_WKS 11 /* a well known service description */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_PTR 12 /* a domain name pointer */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_HINFO 13 /* host information */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_MINFO 14 /* mailbox or mail list information */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_MX 15 /* mail exchange */ #define DNS_RRTYPE_TXT 16 /* text strings */ /* DNS field CLASS used for "Resource Records" */ #define DNS_RRCLASS_IN 1 /* the Internet */ #define DNS_RRCLASS_CS 2 /* the CSNET class (Obsolete - used only for examples in some obsolete RFCs) */ #define DNS_RRCLASS_CH 3 /* the CHAOS class */ #define DNS_RRCLASS_HS 4 /* Hesiod [Dyer 87] */ #define DNS_RRCLASS_FLUSH 0x800 /* Flush bit */ #ifdef PACK_STRUCT_USE_INCLUDES # include "arch/bpstruct.h" #endif PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN /** DNS message header */ struct dns_hdr { u16_t id; u8_t flags1; u8_t flags2; u16_t numquestions; u16_t numanswers; u16_t numauthrr; u16_t numextrarr; } PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT; PACK_STRUCT_END #ifdef PACK_STRUCT_USE_INCLUDES # include "arch/epstruct.h" #endif #ifdef PACK_STRUCT_USE_INCLUDES # include "arch/bpstruct.h" #endif PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN /** DNS answer message structure */ struct dns_answer { /* DNS answer record starts with either a domain name or a pointer to a name already present somewhere in the packet. */ u16_t type; u16_t class; u32_t ttl; u16_t len; struct ip_addr ipaddr; } PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT; PACK_STRUCT_END #ifdef PACK_STRUCT_USE_INCLUDES # include "arch/epstruct.h" #endif #ifdef PACK_STRUCT_USE_INCLUDES # include "arch/bpstruct.h" #endif PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN /** DNS table entry */ struct dns_table_entry { u8_t state; u8_t tmr; u8_t retries; u8_t ttl; u8_t seqno; u8_t err; char name[DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; struct ip_addr ipaddr; void (* found)(const char *name, struct ip_addr *ipaddr, void *arg); /* pointer to callback on DNS query done */ void *arg; } PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT; PACK_STRUCT_END #ifdef PACK_STRUCT_USE_INCLUDES # include "arch/epstruct.h" #endif /* forward declarations */ static void dns_recv(void *s, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port); static void dns_check_entries(void); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Globales *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* DNS variables */ static struct udp_pcb *dns_pcb; static struct dns_table_entry dns_table[DNS_TABLE_SIZE]; static u8_t dns_seqno; /* DNS request termination sequence: zero(1)+type(2)+class(2) */ static unsigned char dns_endquery[] = {0,0,1,0,1}; /** * Initialize the resolver and configure which DNS server to use for queries. * * param dnsserver A pointer to a 4-byte representation of the IP * address of the DNS server to be configured. */ err_t dns_init() { u8_t i; struct ip_addr dnsserver = {DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS}; LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_init: initializing\n")); /* if dns client not yet initialized... */ if (dns_pcb == NULL) { dns_pcb = udp_new(); if (dns_pcb != NULL) { /* initialize DNS table */ for (i=0; iaddr !=0 )) { udp_connect( dns_pcb, dnsserver, DNS_SERVER_PORT); } } /** * Obtain the currently configured DNS server. * return unsigned long encoding of the IP address of * the currently configured DNS server or NULL if no DNS server has * been configured. */ u32_t dns_getserver(u8_t numdns) { LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(numdns); return ((dns_pcb != NULL)?dns_pcb->remote_ip.addr:0); } /** * The DNS resolver client timer - handle retries and timeouts */ void dns_tmr(void) { if (dns_pcb != NULL) { LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_tmr: dns_check_entries\n")); dns_check_entries(); } } /** * Look up a hostname in the array of known hostnames. * * \note This function only looks in the internal array of known * hostnames, it does not send out a query for the hostname if none * was found. The function dns_query() can be used to send a query * for a hostname. * * return A pointer to a 4-byte representation of the hostname's IP * address, or NULL if the hostname was not found in the array of * hostnames. */ u32_t dns_lookup(const char *name) { u8_t i; /* Walk through name list, return entry if found. If not, return NULL. */ for (i=0; i 0) { ++query; --n; }; } while(*query != 0); return query + 1; } /** * dns_send */ static err_t dns_send(const char* name, u8_t id) { struct dns_hdr *hdr; struct pbuf *p; char *query, *nptr; const char *pHostname; u8_t n; LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_send: \"%s\": request\n", name)); /* if here, we have either a new query or a retry on a previous query to process */ p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, sizeof(struct dns_hdr)+DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+sizeof(dns_endquery), PBUF_RAM); if (p) { hdr = (struct dns_hdr *)p->payload; memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(struct dns_hdr)); hdr->id = htons(id); hdr->flags1 = DNS_FLAG1_RD; hdr->numquestions = htons(1); query = (char *)hdr + sizeof(struct dns_hdr); pHostname = name; --pHostname; /* convert hostname into suitable query format. */ do { ++pHostname; nptr = query; ++query; for(n = 0; *pHostname != '.' && *pHostname != 0; ++pHostname) { *query = *pHostname; ++query; ++n; } *nptr = n; } while(*pHostname != 0); memcpy( query, dns_endquery, sizeof(dns_endquery)); /* resize pbuf to the exact dns query */ pbuf_realloc(p, (query+sizeof(dns_endquery))-((char*)(p->payload))); /* send dns packet */ udp_send(dns_pcb, p); /* free pbuf */ pbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } return ERR_BUF; } /** * dns_check_entries() - Runs through the list of names to see if there are any * that have not yet been queried and, if so, sends out a query. */ static void dns_check_entries(void) { u8_t i; struct dns_table_entry *pEntry; for (i = 0; i < DNS_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { pEntry = &dns_table[i]; switch(pEntry->state) { case DNS_STATE_NEW: case DNS_STATE_ASKING: { if (pEntry->state == DNS_STATE_ASKING) { if (--pEntry->tmr == 0) { if (++pEntry->retries == DNS_MAX_RETRIES) { LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_check_entries: \"%s\": timeout\n", pEntry->name)); /* call specified callback function if provided */ if (pEntry->found) (*pEntry->found)(pEntry->name, NULL, pEntry->arg); /* flush this entry */ pEntry->state = DNS_STATE_UNUSED; pEntry->found = NULL; continue; } /* wait longer for the next retry */ pEntry->tmr = pEntry->retries; } else { /* Its timer has not run out, so we move on to next entry. */ continue; } } else { pEntry->state = DNS_STATE_ASKING; pEntry->tmr = 1; pEntry->retries = 0; } /* send DNS packet for this entry */ dns_send(pEntry->name, i); break; } case DNS_STATE_DONE: { /* if the time to live is nul */ if (--pEntry->ttl == 0) { LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_check_entries: \"%s\": flush\n", pEntry->name)); /* flush this entry */ pEntry->state = DNS_STATE_UNUSED; pEntry->found = NULL; } break; } } } } /** * Callback for DNS responses */ static void dns_recv(void *s, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port) { u8_t i; char *pHostname; struct dns_answer *ans; struct dns_hdr *hdr; struct dns_table_entry *pEntry; u8_t nquestions, nanswers; LWIP_ASSERT("dns_recv: pbuf chain not yet supported", (p->next==NULL)); hdr = (struct dns_hdr *)p->payload; /* The ID in the DNS header should be our entry into the name table. */ i = htons(hdr->id); pEntry = &dns_table[i]; if( (i < DNS_TABLE_SIZE) && (pEntry->state == DNS_STATE_ASKING) ) { /* This entry is now completed. */ pEntry->state = DNS_STATE_DONE; pEntry->ttl = DNS_TTL_ENTRY; pEntry->err = hdr->flags2 & DNS_FLAG2_ERR_MASK; /* Check for error. If so, call callback to inform. */ if(pEntry->err != 0) { LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_recv: \"%s\": error in flags\n", pEntry->name)); /* call specified callback function if provided */ if (pEntry->found) (*pEntry->found)(pEntry->name, NULL, pEntry->arg); /* flush this entry */ pEntry->state = DNS_STATE_UNUSED; pEntry->found = NULL; return; } /* We only care about the question(s) and the answers. The authrr and the extrarr are simply discarded. */ nquestions = htons(hdr->numquestions); nanswers = htons(hdr->numanswers); /* Skip the name in the "question" part. This should really be checked agains the name in the question, to be sure that they match. */ pHostname = (char *) dns_parse_name((unsigned char *)p->payload + sizeof(struct dns_hdr)) + 4/*type(2)+class(2)*/; while(nanswers > 0) { /* The first byte in the answer resource record determines if it is a compressed record or a normal one. */ if(*pHostname & 0xc0) { /* Compressed name. */ pHostname +=2; } else { /* Not compressed name. */ pHostname = (char *) dns_parse_name((unsigned char *)pHostname); } /* TODO: isn't it any problem to access to dns_answer fields since pHostname's length can be unaligned? */ ans = (struct dns_answer *)pHostname; /* Check for IP address type and Internet class. Others are discarded. */ if((ntohs(ans->type) == DNS_RRTYPE_A) && (ntohs(ans->class) == DNS_RRCLASS_IN) && (ntohs(ans->len) == 4/*IPv4 address*/) ) { /* TODO: we should really check that this IP address is the one we want. */ pEntry->ipaddr = ans->ipaddr; LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_recv: \"%s\": response = ", pEntry->name)); ip_addr_debug_print(DNS_DEBUG, (&(pEntry->ipaddr))); LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("\n")); /* call specified callback function if provided */ if (pEntry->found) (*pEntry->found)(pEntry->name, &pEntry->ipaddr, pEntry->arg); return; } else { pHostname = pHostname + 10 /*type(2)+class(2)+ttl(4)+len(2)*/ + htons(ans->len); } --nanswers; } LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_recv: \"%s\": error in response\n", pEntry->name)); } } /** * Queues a name so that a question for the name will be sent out. * param name - The hostname that is to be queried. */ static void dns_query(const char *name, void (*found)(const char *name, struct ip_addr *addr, void *arg), void *arg) { u8_t i; u8_t lseq, lseqi; struct dns_table_entry *pEntry; /* search an unused entry, or the oldest one */ lseq = lseqi = 0; for (i = 0; i < DNS_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { pEntry = &dns_table[i]; /* is it an unused entry ? */ if (pEntry->state == DNS_STATE_UNUSED) break; /* check if this is the oldest entry used */ if (dns_seqno - pEntry->seqno > lseq) { lseq = dns_seqno - pEntry->seqno; lseqi = i; } } /* if we don't have found an unused entry, use the oldest one */ if (i == DNS_TABLE_SIZE) { i = lseqi; pEntry = &dns_table[i]; /* since we replace the previous entry, we "unblock" the caller */ LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_query: \"%s\": replaced by new entry\n", pEntry->name)); /* call specified callback function if provided */ if (pEntry->found) (*pEntry->found)(pEntry->name, NULL, pEntry->arg); } /* fill the entry */ strcpy(pEntry->name, name); pEntry->found = found; pEntry->arg = arg; pEntry->state = DNS_STATE_NEW; pEntry->seqno = dns_seqno++; } /** * NON-BLOCKING callback version for use with raw API */ DNS_RESULT dns_gethostbyname(const char *hostname, struct ip_addr *addr, void (*found)(const char *name, struct ip_addr *ipaddr, void *arg), void *arg ) { /* not initialized or no valid server yet, or invalid addr pointer */ if ((dns_pcb == NULL) || (addr == NULL)) return DNS_QUERY_INVALID; /* invalid hostname */ if ((!hostname) || (!hostname[0])) return DNS_QUERY_INVALID; /* invalid hostname length */ if (strlen(hostname) >= DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH) return DNS_QUERY_INVALID; /* host name already in octet notation? set ip addr and return COMPLETE */ if ((addr->addr = inet_addr(hostname)) != INADDR_NONE) return DNS_COMPLETE; /* already have this address cached? */ if ((addr->addr = dns_lookup(hostname)) != 0) return DNS_COMPLETE; /* queue query with specified callback */ dns_query(hostname, found, arg); /* force to send request */ dns_check_entries(); return DNS_QUERY_QUEUED; } #endif /* LWIP_DNS */