#include "test_ip4.h" #include "lwip/icmp.h" #include "lwip/ip4.h" #include "lwip/etharp.h" #include "lwip/inet_chksum.h" #include "lwip/stats.h" #include "lwip/prot/ip.h" #include "lwip/prot/ip4.h" #include "lwip/tcpip.h" #if !LWIP_IPV4 || !IP_REASSEMBLY || !MIB2_STATS || !IPFRAG_STATS #error "This tests needs LWIP_IPV4, IP_REASSEMBLY; MIB2- and IPFRAG-statistics enabled" #endif static struct netif test_netif; static ip4_addr_t test_ipaddr, test_netmask, test_gw; static int linkoutput_ctr; static int linkoutput_byte_ctr; static u16_t linkoutput_pkt_len; static u8_t linkoutput_pkt[100]; /* reference internal lwip variable in netif.c */ static err_t test_netif_linkoutput(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p) { fail_unless(netif == &test_netif); fail_unless(p != NULL); linkoutput_ctr++; linkoutput_byte_ctr += p->tot_len; /* Copy start of packet into buffer */ linkoutput_pkt_len = pbuf_copy_partial(p, linkoutput_pkt, sizeof(linkoutput_pkt), 0); return ERR_OK; } static err_t test_netif_init(struct netif *netif) { fail_unless(netif != NULL); netif->linkoutput = test_netif_linkoutput; netif->output = etharp_output; netif->mtu = 1500; netif->flags = NETIF_FLAG_BROADCAST | NETIF_FLAG_ETHARP | NETIF_FLAG_LINK_UP; netif->hwaddr_len = ETHARP_HWADDR_LEN; return ERR_OK; } static void test_netif_add(void) { IP4_ADDR(&test_gw, 192,168,0,1); IP4_ADDR(&test_ipaddr, 192,168,0,1); IP4_ADDR(&test_netmask, 255,255,0,0); fail_unless(netif_default == NULL); netif_add(&test_netif, &test_ipaddr, &test_netmask, &test_gw, NULL, test_netif_init, NULL); netif_set_default(&test_netif); netif_set_up(&test_netif); } static void test_netif_remove(void) { if (netif_default == &test_netif) { netif_remove(&test_netif); } } /* Helper functions */ static void create_ip4_input_fragment(u16_t ip_id, u16_t start, u16_t len, int last) { struct pbuf *p; struct netif *input_netif = netif_list; /* just use any netif */ fail_unless((start & 7) == 0); fail_unless(((len & 7) == 0) || last); fail_unless(input_netif != NULL); p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, len + sizeof(struct ip_hdr), PBUF_RAM); fail_unless(p != NULL); if (p != NULL) { err_t err; struct ip_hdr *iphdr = (struct ip_hdr *)p->payload; IPH_VHL_SET(iphdr, 4, sizeof(struct ip_hdr) / 4); IPH_TOS_SET(iphdr, 0); IPH_LEN_SET(iphdr, lwip_htons(p->tot_len)); IPH_ID_SET(iphdr, lwip_htons(ip_id)); if (last) { IPH_OFFSET_SET(iphdr, lwip_htons(start / 8)); } else { IPH_OFFSET_SET(iphdr, lwip_htons((start / 8) | IP_MF)); } IPH_TTL_SET(iphdr, 5); IPH_PROTO_SET(iphdr, IP_PROTO_UDP); IPH_CHKSUM_SET(iphdr, 0); ip4_addr_copy(iphdr->src, *netif_ip4_addr(input_netif)); iphdr->src.addr = lwip_htonl(lwip_htonl(iphdr->src.addr) + 1); ip4_addr_copy(iphdr->dest, *netif_ip4_addr(input_netif)); IPH_CHKSUM_SET(iphdr, inet_chksum(iphdr, sizeof(struct ip_hdr))); err = ip4_input(p, input_netif); if (err != ERR_OK) { pbuf_free(p); } fail_unless(err == ERR_OK); } } static err_t arpless_output(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p, const ip4_addr_t *ipaddr) { LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(ipaddr); return netif->linkoutput(netif, p); } /* Setups/teardown functions */ static void ip4_setup(void) { lwip_check_ensure_no_alloc(SKIP_POOL(MEMP_SYS_TIMEOUT)); } static void ip4_teardown(void) { if (netif_list->loop_first != NULL) { pbuf_free(netif_list->loop_first); netif_list->loop_first = NULL; } netif_list->loop_last = NULL; /* poll until all memory is released... */ tcpip_thread_poll_one(); lwip_check_ensure_no_alloc(SKIP_POOL(MEMP_SYS_TIMEOUT)); test_netif_remove(); netif_set_up(netif_get_loopif()); } /* Test functions */ START_TEST(test_ip4_frag) { struct pbuf *data = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_IP, 8000, PBUF_RAM); ip_addr_t peer_ip = IPADDR4_INIT_BYTES(192,168,0,5); err_t err; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(_i); linkoutput_ctr = 0; /* Verify that 8000 byte payload is split into six packets */ fail_unless(data != NULL); test_netif_add(); test_netif.output = arpless_output; err = ip4_output_if_src(data, &test_ipaddr, ip_2_ip4(&peer_ip), 16, 0, IP_PROTO_UDP, &test_netif); fail_unless(err == ERR_OK); fail_unless(linkoutput_ctr == 6); fail_unless(linkoutput_byte_ctr == (8000 + (6 * IP_HLEN))); pbuf_free(data); test_netif_remove(); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ip4_reass) { const u16_t ip_id = 128; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(_i); memset(&lwip_stats.mib2, 0, sizeof(lwip_stats.mib2)); create_ip4_input_fragment(ip_id, 8*200, 200, 1); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.recv == 1); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.err == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.memerr == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.drop == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.mib2.ipreasmoks == 0); create_ip4_input_fragment(ip_id, 0*200, 200, 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.recv == 2); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.err == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.memerr == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.drop == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.mib2.ipreasmoks == 0); create_ip4_input_fragment(ip_id, 1*200, 200, 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.recv == 3); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.err == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.memerr == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.drop == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.mib2.ipreasmoks == 0); create_ip4_input_fragment(ip_id, 2*200, 200, 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.recv == 4); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.err == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.memerr == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.drop == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.mib2.ipreasmoks == 0); create_ip4_input_fragment(ip_id, 3*200, 200, 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.recv == 5); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.err == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.memerr == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.drop == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.mib2.ipreasmoks == 0); create_ip4_input_fragment(ip_id, 4*200, 200, 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.recv == 6); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.err == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.memerr == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.drop == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.mib2.ipreasmoks == 0); create_ip4_input_fragment(ip_id, 7*200, 200, 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.recv == 7); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.err == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.memerr == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.drop == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.mib2.ipreasmoks == 0); create_ip4_input_fragment(ip_id, 6*200, 200, 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.recv == 8); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.err == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.memerr == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.drop == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.mib2.ipreasmoks == 0); create_ip4_input_fragment(ip_id, 5*200, 200, 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.recv == 9); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.err == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.memerr == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.ip_frag.drop == 0); fail_unless(lwip_stats.mib2.ipreasmoks == 1); } END_TEST /* packets to shall not be sent out to netif_default */ START_TEST(test_127_0_0_1) { ip4_addr_t localhost; struct pbuf* p; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(_i); linkoutput_ctr = 0; test_netif_add(); netif_set_down(netif_get_loopif()); IP4_ADDR(&localhost, 127, 0, 0, 1); p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_IP, 10, PBUF_POOL); if(ip4_output(p, netif_ip4_addr(netif_default), &localhost, 0, 0, IP_PROTO_UDP) != ERR_OK) { pbuf_free(p); } fail_unless(linkoutput_ctr == 0); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ip4addr_aton) { ip4_addr_t ip_addr; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(_i); fail_unless(ip4addr_aton("", &ip_addr) == 1); fail_unless(ip4addr_aton("", &ip_addr) == 1); fail_unless(ip4addr_aton("192.168.0.zzz", &ip_addr) == 0); fail_unless(ip4addr_aton("192.168.1", &ip_addr) == 1); fail_unless(ip4addr_aton("192.168.0xd3", &ip_addr) == 1); fail_unless(ip4addr_aton("192.168.0xz5", &ip_addr) == 0); fail_unless(ip4addr_aton("192.168.095", &ip_addr) == 0); } END_TEST /* Test for bug #59364 */ START_TEST(test_ip4_icmp_replylen_short) { /* IP packet to using proto 0x22 and 1 byte payload */ const u8_t unknown_proto[] = { 0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x15, 0xd4, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x22, 0x66, 0x41, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x02, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x01, 0xaa }; struct pbuf *p; const int icmp_len = IP_HLEN + sizeof(struct icmp_hdr); LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(_i); linkoutput_ctr = 0; test_netif_add(); test_netif.output = arpless_output; p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_IP, sizeof(unknown_proto), PBUF_RAM); pbuf_take(p, unknown_proto, sizeof(unknown_proto)); fail_unless(ip4_input(p, &test_netif) == ERR_OK); fail_unless(linkoutput_ctr == 1); /* Verify outgoing ICMP packet has no extra data */ fail_unless(linkoutput_pkt_len == icmp_len + sizeof(unknown_proto)); fail_if(memcmp(&linkoutput_pkt[icmp_len], unknown_proto, sizeof(unknown_proto))); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ip4_icmp_replylen_first_8) { /* IP packet to using proto 0x22 and 11 bytes payload */ const u8_t unknown_proto[] = { 0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1f, 0xd4, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x22, 0x66, 0x37, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x02, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x01, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa }; struct pbuf *p; const int icmp_len = IP_HLEN + sizeof(struct icmp_hdr); const int unreach_len = IP_HLEN + 8; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(_i); linkoutput_ctr = 0; test_netif_add(); test_netif.output = arpless_output; p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_IP, sizeof(unknown_proto), PBUF_RAM); pbuf_take(p, unknown_proto, sizeof(unknown_proto)); fail_unless(ip4_input(p, &test_netif) == ERR_OK); fail_unless(linkoutput_ctr == 1); fail_unless(linkoutput_pkt_len == icmp_len + unreach_len); fail_if(memcmp(&linkoutput_pkt[icmp_len], unknown_proto, unreach_len)); } END_TEST /** Create the suite including all tests for this module */ Suite * ip4_suite(void) { testfunc tests[] = { TESTFUNC(test_ip4_frag), TESTFUNC(test_ip4_reass), TESTFUNC(test_127_0_0_1), TESTFUNC(test_ip4addr_aton), TESTFUNC(test_ip4_icmp_replylen_short), TESTFUNC(test_ip4_icmp_replylen_first_8), }; return create_suite("IPv4", tests, sizeof(tests)/sizeof(testfunc), ip4_setup, ip4_teardown); }