#include "test_tcp_oos.h" #include "lwip/tcp.h" #include "lwip/stats.h" #include "tcp_helper.h" #if !LWIP_STATS || !TCP_STATS || !MEMP_STATS #error "This tests needs TCP- and MEMP-statistics enabled" #endif #if !TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ #error "This tests needs TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ enabled" #endif /* Setups/teardown functions */ static void tcp_oos_setup(void) { tcp_remove_all(); } static void tcp_oos_teardown(void) { tcp_remove_all(); } /* Test functions */ /** create multiple segments and pass them to tcp_input in a wrong * order to see if ooseq-caching works correctly */ START_TEST(test_tcp_recv_ooseq) { struct test_tcp_counters counters; struct tcp_pcb* pcb; struct pbuf *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *pinseq; char data[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16}; struct ip_addr remote_ip, local_ip; u16_t data_len; u16_t remote_port = 0x100, local_port = 0x101; struct netif netif; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(_i); /* initialize local vars */ memset(&netif, 0, sizeof(netif)); IP4_ADDR(&local_ip, 192, 168, 1, 1); IP4_ADDR(&remote_ip, 192, 168, 1, 2); data_len = sizeof(data); /* initialize counter struct */ memset(&counters, 0, sizeof(counters)); counters.expected_data_len = data_len; counters.expected_data = data; /* create and initialize the pcb */ pcb = test_tcp_new_counters_pcb(&counters); EXPECT_RET(pcb != NULL); tcp_set_state(pcb, ESTABLISHED, &local_ip, &remote_ip, local_port, remote_port); /* create segments */ /* pinseq is sent as last segment! */ pinseq = tcp_create_rx_segment(pcb, &data[0], 4, 0, 0, TCP_ACK); /* p1: 8 bytes before FIN */ /* seqno: 8..15 */ p1 = tcp_create_rx_segment(pcb, &data[8], 8, 8, 0, TCP_ACK|TCP_FIN); /* p2: 4 bytes before p1, including the first 4 bytes of p1 (partly duplicate) */ /* seqno: 4..11 */ p2 = tcp_create_rx_segment(pcb, &data[4], 8, 4, 0, TCP_ACK); /* p3: same as p2 but 2 bytes longer */ /* seqno: 4..13 */ p3 = tcp_create_rx_segment(pcb, &data[4], 10, 4, 0, TCP_ACK); /* p4: 14 bytes before FIN, includes data from p1 and p2, plus partly from pinseq */ /* seqno: 2..15 */ p4 = tcp_create_rx_segment(pcb, &data[2], 14, 2, 0, TCP_ACK|TCP_FIN); EXPECT(pinseq != NULL); EXPECT(p1 != NULL); EXPECT(p2 != NULL); EXPECT(p3 != NULL); if ((pinseq != NULL) && (p1 != NULL) && (p2 != NULL) && (p3 != NULL)) { /* pass the segment to tcp_input */ tcp_input(p1, &netif); /* check if counters are as expected */ EXPECT(counters.close_calls == 0); EXPECT(counters.recv_calls == 0); EXPECT(counters.recved_bytes == 0); EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 0); /* @todo check ooseq queue? */ /* pass the segment to tcp_input */ tcp_input(p2, &netif); /* check if counters are as expected */ EXPECT(counters.close_calls == 0); EXPECT(counters.recv_calls == 0); EXPECT(counters.recved_bytes == 0); EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 0); /* @todo check ooseq queue? */ /* pass the segment to tcp_input */ tcp_input(p3, &netif); /* check if counters are as expected */ EXPECT(counters.close_calls == 0); EXPECT(counters.recv_calls == 0); EXPECT(counters.recved_bytes == 0); EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 0); /* @todo check ooseq queue? */ /* pass the segment to tcp_input */ tcp_input(p4, &netif); /* check if counters are as expected */ EXPECT(counters.close_calls == 0); EXPECT(counters.recv_calls == 0); EXPECT(counters.recved_bytes == 0); EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 0); /* @todo check ooseq queue? */ /* pass the segment to tcp_input */ tcp_input(pinseq, &netif); /* check if counters are as expected */ EXPECT(counters.close_calls == 1); EXPECT(counters.recv_calls == 1); EXPECT(counters.recved_bytes == data_len); EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 0); EXPECT(pcb->ooseq == NULL); } /* make sure the pcb is freed */ EXPECT(lwip_stats.memp[MEMP_TCP_PCB].used == 1); tcp_abort(pcb); EXPECT(lwip_stats.memp[MEMP_TCP_PCB].used == 0); } END_TEST /** Create the suite including all tests for this module */ Suite * tcp_oos_suite(void) { TFun tests[] = { test_tcp_recv_ooseq, }; return create_suite("TCP_OOS", tests, sizeof(tests)/sizeof(TFun), tcp_oos_setup, tcp_oos_teardown); }