SNMPv1 agent for lwIP [preliminairy] Author: Christiaan Simons This is a brief introduction how to use and configure the SNMP agent. Note the agent uses the raw-API UDP interface so you may also want to read rawapi.txt to gain a better understanding of the SNMP messages handling. Agent capabilities ================== SNMPv1 per RFC1157 This is an old(er) standard but is still widely supported. For SNMPv2c and v3 have a greater complexity and need many more lines of code. IMHO this breaks the idea of "lightweight IP". Note the S in SNMP stands for "Simple" and is actually a bad joke. MIB II per RFC1213 The standard lwIP stack management information base. This is a required MIB, so this is always enabled. Loading additional MIBs MIBs can only be added in compile-time, not in run-time. There is no MIB compiler thus additional MIBs must be hand coded. Large SNMP message support The packet decoding and encoding routines are designed to use pbuf-chains. Larger payloads then the minimum SNMP requirement of 484 octets are supported if the PBUF_POOL_SIZE and IP_REASS_BUFSIZE are set to match your local requirement. Building the agent ================== First of all you'll need to add the following define to your local lwipopts.h: #define LWIP_SNMP 1 and add the source files in lwip/src/core/snmp and some snmp headers in lwip/src/include/lwip to your makefile. Note you'll might need to adapt you network driver to update the mib2 variables for your interface. Running the agent ================= The following function calls must be made in your program to actually get the SNMP agent running. In the lwIP initialisation sequence call snmp_init() just after the call to udp_init(). Exactly every 10 msec the SNMP uptime timestamp must be updated with snmp_inc_sysuptime(). You should call this from a timer interrupt or a timer signal handler depending on your runtime environment. Private MIBs ============ If want to extend the agent with your own private MIB you'll need to add the following define to your local lwipopts.h: #define SNMP_PRIVATE_MIB 1 You must provide the private_mib.h and associated files yourself. Note we don't have a "MIB compiler" that generates C source from a MIB, so you're required to do some serious coding if you enable this! Note the lwIP enterprise ID (26381) is assigned to the lwIP project, ALL OBJECT IDENTIFIERS LIVING UNDER THIS ID ARE ASSIGNED BY THE lwIP MAINTAINERS! If you need to create your own private MIB you'll need to apply for your own enterprise ID with IANA: You can supply it in your lwipopts.h #define SNMP_ENTERPRISE_ID your_id Agent internals [advanced use] ============================== todo