/* * Created by SharpDevelop. * User: lextm * Date: 2008/5/17 * Time: 16:50 * * To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Mib.Elements.Types; namespace Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Mib { /// /// Lexer class that parses MIB files into symbol list. /// public sealed class Lexer { private readonly SymbolList _symbols = new SymbolList(); public Lexer(string file) : this(file, new StreamReader(file)) { } public Lexer(string file, TextReader stream) { this.Parse(file, stream); } public ISymbolEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return _symbols.GetSymbolEnumerator(); } #region Parsing of MIB File private class ParseParams { public string File; public StringBuilder Temp = new StringBuilder(); public bool StringSection = false; public bool AssignSection = false; public bool AssignAhead = false; public bool DotSection = false; } /// /// Parses MIB file to symbol list. /// /// File /// File stream private void Parse(string file, TextReader stream) { if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); } ParseParams pp = new ParseParams(); pp.File = file; string line; int row = 0; while ((line = stream.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!pp.StringSection && line.TrimStart().StartsWith("--", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { row++; continue; // commented line } ParseLine(pp, line, row); row++; } } private void ParseLine(ParseParams pp, string line, int row) { line = line + "\n"; int count = line.Length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { char current = line[i]; bool moveNext = Parse(pp, current, row, i); if (moveNext) { break; } } } private bool Parse(ParseParams pp, char current, int row, int column) { switch (current) { case '\n': case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case ';': case ',': case '|': if (!pp.StringSection) { bool moveNext = ParseLastSymbol(pp, row, column); if (moveNext) { _symbols.Add(CreateSpecialSymbol(pp.File, '\n', row, column)); return true; } _symbols.Add(CreateSpecialSymbol(pp.File, current, row, column)); return false; } break; case '"': pp.StringSection = !pp.StringSection; break; case '\r': return false; default: if ((int)current == 0x1A) { // IMPORTANT: ignore invisible characters such as SUB. return false; } if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(current) && !pp.AssignSection && !pp.StringSection) { bool moveNext = ParseLastSymbol(pp, row, column); if (moveNext) { _symbols.Add(CreateSpecialSymbol(pp.File, '\n', row, column)); return true; } return false; } if (pp.AssignAhead) { pp.AssignAhead = false; ParseLastSymbol(pp, row, column); break; } if (pp.DotSection && current != '.') { ParseLastSymbol(pp, row, column); pp.DotSection = false; } if (current == '.' && !pp.StringSection) { if (!pp.DotSection) { ParseLastSymbol(pp, row, column); pp.DotSection = true; } } if (current == ':' && !pp.StringSection) { if (!pp.AssignSection) { ParseLastSymbol(pp, row, column); } pp.AssignSection = true; } if (current == '=' && !pp.StringSection) { pp.AssignSection = false; pp.AssignAhead = true; } break; } pp.Temp.Append(current); return false; } private bool ParseLastSymbol(ParseParams pp, int row, int column) { if (pp.Temp.Length > 0) { Symbol s = new Symbol(pp.File, pp.Temp.ToString(), row, column); pp.Temp.Length = 0; if (s.ToString().StartsWith(Symbol.Comment.ToString())) { // ignore the rest symbols on this line because they are in comment. return true; } _symbols.Add(s); } return false; } private static Symbol CreateSpecialSymbol(string file, char value, int row, int column) { string str; switch (value) { case '\n': str = Environment.NewLine; break; case '{': str = "{"; break; case '}': str = "}"; break; case '(': str = "("; break; case ')': str = ")"; break; case '[': str = "["; break; case ']': str = "]"; break; case ';': str = ";"; break; case ',': str = ","; break; case '|': str = "|"; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("value is not a special character"); } return new Symbol(file, str, row, column); } #endregion #region Static Parse Helper public static ITypeAssignment ParseBasicTypeDef(IModule module, string name, ISymbolEnumerator symbols, bool isMacroSyntax = false) { Symbol current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); if (current == Symbol.Bits) { return new BitsType(module, name, symbols); } if (IntegerType.IsIntegerType(current)) { return new IntegerType(module, name, current, symbols); } if (UnsignedType.IsUnsignedType(current)) { return new UnsignedType(module, name, current, symbols); } if (current == Symbol.Opaque) { return new OpaqueType(module, name, symbols); } if (current == Symbol.IpAddress) { return new IpAddressType(module, name, symbols); } if (current == Symbol.TextualConvention) { return new TextualConvention(module, name, symbols); } if (current == Symbol.Octet) { Symbol next = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); if (next == Symbol.String) { return new OctetStringType(module, name, symbols); } symbols.PutBack(next); } if (current == Symbol.Object) { Symbol next = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); if (next == Symbol.Identifier) { return new ObjectIdentifierType(module, name, symbols); } symbols.PutBack(next); } if (current == Symbol.Sequence) { Symbol next = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); if (next == Symbol.Of) { return new SequenceOf(module, name, symbols); } else { symbols.PutBack(next); return new Sequence(module, name, symbols); } } if (current == Symbol.Choice) { return new Choice(module, name, symbols); } return new TypeAssignment(module, name, current, symbols, isMacroSyntax); } public static void ParseOidValue(ISymbolEnumerator symbols, out string parent, out uint value) { parent = null; value = 0; Symbol current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); current.Expect(Symbol.OpenBracket); Symbol previous = null; StringBuilder longParent = new StringBuilder(); current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); longParent.Append(current); while ((current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol()) != null) { bool succeeded; if (current == Symbol.OpenParentheses) { longParent.Append(current); current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); succeeded = UInt32.TryParse(current.ToString(), out value); current.Assert(succeeded, "not a decimal"); longParent.Append(current); current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); current.Expect(Symbol.CloseParentheses); longParent.Append(current); continue; } if (current == Symbol.CloseBracket) { parent = longParent.ToString(); return; } succeeded = UInt32.TryParse(current.ToString(), out value); if (succeeded) { // numerical way while ((current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol()) != Symbol.CloseBracket) { longParent.Append(".").Append(value); succeeded = UInt32.TryParse(current.ToString(), out value); current.Assert(succeeded, "not a decimal"); } current.Expect(Symbol.CloseBracket); parent = longParent.ToString(); return; } longParent.Append("."); longParent.Append(current); current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); current.Expect(Symbol.OpenParentheses); longParent.Append(current); current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); succeeded = UInt32.TryParse(current.ToString(), out value); current.Assert(succeeded, "not a decimal"); longParent.Append(current); current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); current.Expect(Symbol.CloseParentheses); longParent.Append(current); previous = current; } throw MibException.Create("end of file reached", previous); } public static ValueRanges DecodeRanges(ISymbolEnumerator symbols) { ValueRanges result = new ValueRanges(); Symbol startSymbol = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); Symbol current = startSymbol; current.Expect(Symbol.OpenParentheses); while (current != Symbol.CloseParentheses) { Symbol value1Symbol = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); if ((value1Symbol == Symbol.Size) && !result.IsSizeDeclaration) { result.IsSizeDeclaration = true; symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol().Expect(Symbol.OpenParentheses); continue; } // check for valid number Int64? value1 = DecodeNumber(value1Symbol); if (!value1.HasValue) { value1Symbol.Assert(false, "Invalid range declaration!"); } // process next symbol ValueRange range; current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); if (current == Symbol.DoubleDot) { // its a continuous range Symbol value2Symbol = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); Int64? value2 = DecodeNumber(value2Symbol); value2Symbol.Assert(value2.HasValue && (value2.Value >= value1.Value), "Invalid range declaration!"); if (value2.Value == value1.Value) { range = new ValueRange(value1.Value, null); } else { range = new ValueRange(value1.Value, value2.Value); } current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); } else { // its a single number range = new ValueRange(value1.Value, null); } // validate range if (result.IsSizeDeclaration) { value1Symbol.Assert(range.Start >= 0, "Invalid range declaration! Size must be greater than 0"); } result.Add(range); // check next symbol current.Expect(Symbol.Pipe, Symbol.CloseParentheses); } if (result.IsSizeDeclaration) { current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); current.Expect(Symbol.CloseParentheses); } // validate ranges in between for (int i=0; i 3)) { // search second apostrophe int end = numString.IndexOf('\'', 1); if (end == (numString.Length - 2)) { try { switch (numString[numString.Length - 1]) { case 'b': case 'B': result = Convert.ToInt64(numString.Substring(1, numString.Length - 3), 2); return result; case 'h': case 'H': result = Convert.ToInt64(numString.Substring(1, numString.Length - 3), 16); return result; } } catch { } } } else if (Int64.TryParse(numString, out result)) { return result; } } return null; } public static ValueMap DecodeEnumerations(ISymbolEnumerator symbols) { Symbol current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); current.Expect(Symbol.OpenBracket); ValueMap map = new ValueMap(); do { current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); string identifier = current.ToString(); current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); current.Expect(Symbol.OpenParentheses); current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); Int64 enumValue; if (Int64.TryParse(current.ToString(), out enumValue)) { try { // Have to include the number as it seems repeated identifiers are allowed ?? map.Add(enumValue, String.Format("{0}({1})", identifier, enumValue)); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { current.Assert(false, ex.Message); } } else { // Need to get "DefinedValue". } current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); current.Expect(Symbol.CloseParentheses); current = symbols.NextNonEOLSymbol(); } while (current == Symbol.Comma); current.Expect(Symbol.CloseBracket); return map; } #endregion } }