/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack. * * Author: Martin Hentschel * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using CCodeGeneration; using Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Mib; using Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Mib.Elements.Entities; using Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Mib.Elements.Types; using LwipSnmpCodeGeneration; namespace LwipMibCompiler { class Program { private static readonly Regex _alphaNumericRegex = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]"); static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("lwIP MIB Compiler"); Console.WriteLine(""); // check args if ((args.Length < 2) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[0]) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[1])) { PrintUsage(); return; } string mibFile = args[0]; if (!File.Exists(mibFile)) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Unable to find file '{0}'!", mibFile)); } string destFile = args[1]; string destHeaderFile; if (Directory.Exists(destFile)) { // only directory passed -> create dest filename from mib filename string mibFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mibFile).ToLowerInvariant(); destFile = Path.Combine(destFile, mibFileName + ".c"); } string destFileExt = Path.GetExtension(destFile); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(destFileExt)) { destHeaderFile = destFile.Substring(0, destFile.Length - destFileExt.Length); } else { destHeaderFile = destFile; } destHeaderFile += ".h"; for (int i=2; i [ ...]", appName)); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" Path and filename of MIB file to convert."); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" Destination path and file. If a path is passed only, filename is auto"); Console.WriteLine(" generated from MIB file name."); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" It's important to provide all referred MIB's in order to correctly "); Console.WriteLine(" resolve all used types."); Console.WriteLine(""); } #region Generation of LWIP Object Tree private static void ProcessMibTreeNode(MibTreeNode mibTreeNode, SnmpTreeNode assignedSnmpNode) { foreach (MibTreeNode mtn in mibTreeNode.ChildNodes) { // in theory container nodes may also be scalars or tables at the same time (for now only process real containers) if (mtn.NodeType == MibTreeNodeType.Container) { SnmpTreeNode snmpTreeNode = GenerateSnmpTreeNode(mtn, assignedSnmpNode); assignedSnmpNode.ChildNodes.Add(snmpTreeNode); ProcessMibTreeNode(mtn, snmpTreeNode); } else if ((mtn.NodeType & MibTreeNodeType.Scalar) != 0) { SnmpScalarNode snmpScalarNode = GenerateSnmpScalarNode(mtn, assignedSnmpNode); if (snmpScalarNode != null) { assignedSnmpNode.ChildNodes.Add(snmpScalarNode); } } else if ((mtn.NodeType & MibTreeNodeType.Table) != 0) { SnmpTableNode snmpTableNode = GenerateSnmpTableNode(mtn, assignedSnmpNode); if (snmpTableNode != null) { assignedSnmpNode.ChildNodes.Add(snmpTableNode); } } } } private static SnmpTreeNode GenerateSnmpTreeNode(MibTreeNode mibTreeNode, SnmpTreeNode parentNode) { SnmpTreeNode result = new SnmpTreeNode(parentNode); result.Name = _alphaNumericRegex.Replace (mibTreeNode.Entity.Name, ""); result.Oid = mibTreeNode.Entity.Value; result.FullOid = MibTypesResolver.ResolveOid(mibTreeNode.Entity).GetOidString(); return result; } private static SnmpScalarNode GenerateSnmpScalarNode(MibTreeNode mibTreeNode, SnmpTreeNode parentNode, bool ignoreAccessibleFlag = false) { ObjectType ote = mibTreeNode.Entity as ObjectType; if (ote != null) { return GenerateSnmpScalarNode(ote, parentNode, ignoreAccessibleFlag); } return null; } private static SnmpScalarNode GenerateSnmpScalarNode(ObjectType ote, SnmpTreeNode parentNode, bool ignoreAccessibleFlag = false) { SnmpScalarNode result; ITypeAssignment mibType = ote.BaseType; IntegerType it = (mibType as IntegerType); if (it != null) { if (ote.ReferredType.Name == Symbol.TruthValue.ToString()) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeTruthValue(parentNode); } else if ((it.Type == IntegerType.Types.Integer) || (it.Type == IntegerType.Types.Integer32)) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeInt(parentNode); } else { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Unsupported IntegerType '{0}'!", it.Type)); return null; } if (it.IsEnumeration) { result.Restrictions.AddRange(CreateRestrictions(it.Enumeration)); } else { result.Restrictions.AddRange(CreateRestrictions(it.Ranges)); } } else { UnsignedType ut = (mibType as UnsignedType); if (ut != null) { if ((ut.Type == UnsignedType.Types.Unsigned32) || (ut.Type == UnsignedType.Types.Gauge32)) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeUint(SnmpDataType.Gauge, parentNode); } else if (ut.Type == UnsignedType.Types.Counter32) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeUint(SnmpDataType.Counter, parentNode); } else if (ut.Type == UnsignedType.Types.TimeTicks) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeUint(SnmpDataType.TimeTicks, parentNode); } else if (ut.Type == UnsignedType.Types.Counter64) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeCounter64(parentNode); if ((ut.Ranges != null) && (ut.Ranges.Count > 0)) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Generation of ranges is not supported for Counter64 type!")); return null; } } else { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Unsupported UnsignedType '{0}'!", ut.Type)); return null; } result.Restrictions.AddRange(CreateRestrictions(ut.Ranges)); } else if (mibType is IpAddressType) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeOctetString(SnmpDataType.IpAddress, parentNode); result.Restrictions.AddRange(CreateRestrictions((mibType as OctetStringType).Size)); } else if (mibType is OpaqueType) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeOctetString(SnmpDataType.Opaque, parentNode); result.Restrictions.AddRange(CreateRestrictions((mibType as OctetStringType).Size)); } else if (mibType is OctetStringType) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeOctetString(SnmpDataType.OctetString, parentNode); result.Restrictions.AddRange(CreateRestrictions((mibType as OctetStringType).Size)); } else if (mibType is ObjectIdentifierType) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeObjectIdentifier(parentNode); } else if (mibType is BitsType) { result = new SnmpScalarNodeBits(parentNode, (uint)((mibType as BitsType).Map.GetHighestValue() + 1)); result.Restrictions.AddRange(CreateRestrictions(mibType as BitsType)); } else { TypeAssignment ta = mibType as TypeAssignment; if (ta != null) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Unsupported BaseType: Module='{0}', Name='{1}', Type='{2}'!", ta.Module.Name, ta.Name, ta.Type)); } else { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Unsupported BaseType: Module='{0}', Name='{1}'!", mibType.Module, mibType.Name)); } return null; } } result.Name = _alphaNumericRegex.Replace(ote.Name, ""); result.Oid = ote.Value; if (ote.Access == MaxAccess.readWrite) { result.AccessMode = SnmpAccessMode.ReadWrite; } else if (ote.Access == MaxAccess.readOnly) { result.AccessMode = SnmpAccessMode.ReadOnly; } else if (ote.Access == MaxAccess.readCreate) { result.AccessMode = SnmpAccessMode.ReadOnly; } else if (ignoreAccessibleFlag && (ote.Access == MaxAccess.notAccessible)) { result.AccessMode = SnmpAccessMode.NotAccessible; } else { // not accessible or unsupported access type return null; } return result; } private static IEnumerable CreateRestrictions(ValueRanges ranges) { List result = new List(); if (ranges != null) { foreach (ValueRange range in ranges) { if (!range.End.HasValue) { result.Add(new IsEqualRestriction(range.Start)); } else { result.Add(new IsInRangeRestriction(range.Start, range.End.Value)); } } } return result; } private static IEnumerable CreateRestrictions(ValueMap map) { if ((map != null) && (map.Count > 0)) { return CreateRestrictions(map.GetContinousRanges()); } return new List(); } private static IEnumerable CreateRestrictions(BitsType bt) { List result = new List(); if ((bt != null) && (bt.Map != null)) { result.Add(new BitMaskRestriction(bt.Map.GetBitMask())); } return result; } private static SnmpTableNode GenerateSnmpTableNode(MibTreeNode mibTreeNode, SnmpTreeNode parentNode) { SnmpTableNode result = new SnmpTableNode(parentNode); result.Name = mibTreeNode.Entity.Name; result.Oid = mibTreeNode.Entity.Value; // expect exactly one row entry if ((mibTreeNode.ChildNodes.Count != 1) || ((mibTreeNode.ChildNodes[0].NodeType & MibTreeNodeType.TableRow) == 0) || (mibTreeNode.ChildNodes[0].Entity.Value != 1)) { Console.WriteLine("Found table with unsupported properties! Table needs exactly one (fixed) TableRow with OID=1 ! (" + mibTreeNode.Entity.Name + ")"); return null; } MibTreeNode rowNode = mibTreeNode.ChildNodes[0]; ObjectType rot = rowNode.Entity as ObjectType; if (rot != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rot.Augments)) { result.AugmentedTableRow = rot.Augments; // the indices from another table shall be used because this table is only an extension of it rot = MibTypesResolver.ResolveDeclaration(rot.Module, rot.Augments) as ObjectType; } if (rot.Indices != null) { foreach (string index in rot.Indices) { ObjectType indexEntity = MibTypesResolver.ResolveDeclaration(rot.Module, index) as ObjectType; if (indexEntity == null) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Could not resolve index '{0}' for table '{1}'! Table omitted!", index, result.Name)); return null; } result.IndexNodes.Add(GenerateSnmpScalarNode(indexEntity, parentNode, ignoreAccessibleFlag: true)); } } } if (result.IndexNodes.Count == 0) { // a table cannot be used without index Console.WriteLine("Found table without any index column ! (" + mibTreeNode.Entity.Name + ")"); return null; } // add child nodes foreach (MibTreeNode cellNode in rowNode.ChildNodes) { SnmpScalarNode ssn = GenerateSnmpScalarNode(cellNode, parentNode); if (ssn != null) { result.CellNodes.Add(ssn); } } return result; } #endregion } }