/* Author: Magnus Ivarsson */ /* to get rid of implicit function declarations */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #define _GNU_SOURCE /* build with Darwin C extensions not part of POSIX, i.e. FASYNC, SIGIO. we can't use LWIP_UNIX_MACH because extensions need to be turned on before any system headers (which are pulled in through cc.h) are included */ #if defined(__APPLE__) #define _DARWIN_C_SOURCE #endif #include "netif/sio.h" #include "netif/fifo.h" #include "lwip/debug.h" #include "lwip/def.h" #include "lwip/sys.h" #include "lwip/arch.h" #include "lwip/sio.h" #include "netif/ppp/ppp_opts.h" /* Following #undefs are here to keep compiler from issuing warnings about them being double defined. (They are defined in lwip/inet.h as well as the Unix #includes below.) */ #undef htonl #undef ntohl #undef htons #undef ntohs #undef HTONL #undef NTOHL #undef HTONS #undef NTOHS #include #include #if defined(LWIP_UNIX_OPENBSD) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF #define LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF 0 #endif #if (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) && defined(LWIP_UNIX_LINUX) #include #endif /*#define BAUDRATE B19200 */ /*#define BAUDRATE B57600 */ #define BAUDRATE B115200 #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif /* for all of you who don't define SIO_DEBUG in debug.h */ #ifndef SIO_DEBUG #define SIO_DEBUG 0 #endif /* typedef struct siostruct_t */ /* { */ /* sio_status_t *sio; */ /* } siostruct_t; */ /** array of ((siostruct*)netif->state)->sio structs */ static sio_status_t statusar[4]; #if ! (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) /* --private-functions----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Signal handler for ttyXX0 to indicate bytes received * one per interface is needed since we cannot send a instance number / pointer as callback argument (?) */ static void signal_handler_IO_0( int status ) { LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(status); LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("SigHand: rxSignal channel 0\n")); fifoPut( &statusar[0].myfifo, statusar[0].fd ); } /** * Signal handler for ttyXX1 to indicate bytes received * one per interface is needed since we cannot send a instance number / pointer as callback argument (?) */ static void signal_handler_IO_1( int status ) { LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(status); LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("SigHand: rxSignal channel 1\n")); fifoPut( &statusar[1].myfifo, statusar[1].fd ); } #endif /* ! (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) */ /** * Initiation of serial device * @param device string with the device name and path, eg. "/dev/ttyS0" * @param devnum device number * @param siostat status * @return file handle to serial dev. */ static int sio_init( char * device, int devnum, sio_status_t * siostat ) { struct termios oldtio,newtio; #if ! (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) struct sigaction saio; /* definition of signal action */ #endif int fd; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(siostat); LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(devnum); /* open the device to be non-blocking (read will return immediately) */ fd = open( device, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd < 0 ) { perror( device ); exit( -1 ); } #if ! (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) memset(&saio, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); /* install the signal handler before making the device asynchronous */ switch ( devnum ) { case 0: LWIP_DEBUGF( SIO_DEBUG, ("sioinit, signal_handler_IO_0\n") ); saio.sa_handler = signal_handler_IO_0; break; case 1: LWIP_DEBUGF( SIO_DEBUG, ("sioinit, signal_handler_IO_1\n") ); saio.sa_handler = signal_handler_IO_1; break; default: LWIP_DEBUGF( SIO_DEBUG,("sioinit, devnum not allowed\n") ); break; } sigaction( SIGIO,&saio,NULL ); /* allow the process to receive SIGIO */ if ( fcntl( fd, F_SETOWN, getpid( ) ) != 0) { perror( device ); exit( -1 ); } /* Make the file descriptor asynchronous (the manual page says only O_APPEND and O_NONBLOCK, will work with F_SETFL...) */ if ( fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, FASYNC ) != 0) { perror( device ); exit( -1 ); } #else if ( fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, 0 ) != 0) { perror( device ); exit( -1 ); } #endif /* ! (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) */ tcgetattr( fd,&oldtio ); /* save current port settings */ /* set new port settings */ /* see 'man termios' for further settings */ memset(&newtio, 0, sizeof(newtio)); newtio.c_cflag = BAUDRATE | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD | CRTSCTS; newtio.c_iflag = 0; newtio.c_oflag = 0; newtio.c_lflag = 0; /*ECHO; */ newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* Read 1 byte at a time, no timer */ newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr( fd,TCSANOW,&newtio ); tcflush( fd, TCIOFLUSH ); return fd; } /** * */ static void sio_speed( int fd, int speed ) { struct termios oldtio,newtio; /* int fd; */ LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_speed[%d]: baudcode:%d enter\n", fd, speed)); if ( fd < 0 ) { LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_speed[%d]: fd ERROR\n", fd)); exit( -1 ); } tcgetattr( fd,&oldtio ); /* get current port settings */ /* set new port settings * see 'man termios' for further settings */ memset(&newtio, 0, sizeof(newtio)); newtio.c_cflag = speed | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; /* | CRTSCTS; */ newtio.c_iflag = 0; newtio.c_oflag = 0; newtio.c_lflag = 0; /*ECHO; */ newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* Read 1 byte at a time, no timer */ newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr( fd,TCSANOW,&newtio ); tcflush( fd, TCIOFLUSH ); LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_speed[%d]: leave\n", fd)); } /* --public-functions----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void sio_send( u8_t c, sio_status_t * siostat ) { /* sio_status_t * siostat = ((siostruct_t*)netif->state)->sio; */ if ( write( siostat->fd, &c, 1 ) <= 0 ) { LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_send[%d]: write refused\n", siostat->fd)); } } void sio_send_string( u8_t *str, sio_status_t * siostat ) { /* sio_status_t * siostat = ((siostruct_t*)netif->state)->sio; */ int len = strlen( (const char *)str ); if ( write( siostat->fd, str, len ) <= 0 ) { LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_send_string[%d]: write refused\n", siostat->fd)); } LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_send_string[%d]: sent: %s\n", siostat->fd, str)); } void sio_flush( sio_status_t * siostat ) { LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(siostat); /* not implemented in unix as it is not needed */ /*sio_status_t * siostat = ((siostruct_t*)netif->state)->sio; */ } #if ! (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) /*u8_t sio_recv( struct netif * netif )*/ u8_t sio_recv( sio_status_t * siostat ) { /* sio_status_t * siostat = ((siostruct_t*)netif->state)->sio; */ return fifoGet( &(siostat->myfifo) ); } s16_t sio_poll(sio_status_t * siostat) { /* sio_status_t * siostat = ((siostruct_t*)netif->state)->sio;*/ return fifoGetNonBlock( &(siostat->myfifo) ); } void sio_expect_string( u8_t *str, sio_status_t * siostat ) { /* sio_status_t * siostat = ((siostruct_t*)netif->state)->sio;*/ u8_t c; int finger=0; LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_expect_string[%d]: %s\n", siostat->fd, str)); while ( 1 ) { c=fifoGet( &(siostat->myfifo) ); LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("_%c", c)); if ( c==str[finger] ) { finger++; } else if ( finger > 0 ) { /*it might fit in the beginning? */ if ( str[0] == c ) { finger = 1; } } if ( 0 == str[finger] ) break; /* done, we have a match */ } LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_expect_string[%d]: [match]\n", siostat->fd)); } #endif /* ! (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) */ #if (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) u32_t sio_write(sio_status_t * siostat, u8_t *buf, u32_t size) { ssize_t wsz = write( siostat->fd, buf, size ); return wsz < 0 ? 0 : wsz; } u32_t sio_read(sio_status_t * siostat, u8_t *buf, u32_t size) { ssize_t rsz = read( siostat->fd, buf, size ); return rsz < 0 ? 0 : rsz; } void sio_read_abort(sio_status_t * siostat) { LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(siostat); printf("sio_read_abort[%d]: not yet implemented for unix\n", siostat->fd); } #endif /* (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) */ sio_fd_t sio_open(u8_t devnum) { char dev[20]; /* would be nice with dynamic memory alloc */ sio_status_t * siostate = &statusar[ devnum ]; /* siostruct_t * tmp; */ /* tmp = (siostruct_t*)(netif->state); */ /* tmp->sio = siostate; */ /* tmp = (siostruct_t*)(netif->state); */ /* ((sio_status_t*)(tmp->sio))->fd = 0; */ LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_open: for devnum %d\n", devnum)); #if ! (PPP_SUPPORT || LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF) fifoInit( &siostate->myfifo ); #endif /* ! PPP_SUPPORT */ snprintf( dev, sizeof(dev), "/dev/ttyS%d", devnum ); if ( (devnum == 1) || (devnum == 0) ) { if ( ( siostate->fd = sio_init( dev, devnum, siostate ) ) == 0 ) { LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_open: ERROR opening serial device dev=%s\n", dev)); abort( ); return NULL; } LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_open[%d]: dev=%s open.\n", siostate->fd, dev)); } #if PPP_SUPPORT else if (devnum == 2) { pid_t childpid; char name[256]; childpid = forkpty(&siostate->fd, name, NULL, NULL); if(childpid < 0) { perror("forkpty"); exit (1); } if(childpid == 0) { execl("/usr/sbin/pppd", "pppd", "ms-dns", "", "local", "crtscts", "debug", #ifdef LWIP_PPP_CHAP_TEST "auth", "require-chap", "remotename", "lwip", #else "noauth", #endif #if LWIP_IPV6 "+ipv6", #endif "", NULL); perror("execl pppd"); exit (1); } else { LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_open[%d]: spawned pppd pid %d on %s\n", siostate->fd, childpid, name)); } } #endif #if LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF else if (devnum == 3) { pid_t childpid; /* create PTY pair */ siostate->fd = posix_openpt(O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if (siostate->fd < 0) { perror("open pty master"); exit (1); } if (grantpt(siostate->fd) != 0) { perror("grant pty master"); exit (1); } if (unlockpt(siostate->fd) != 0) { perror("unlock pty master"); exit (1); } LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_open[%d]: for %s\n", siostate->fd, ptsname(siostate->fd))); /* fork for slattach */ childpid = fork(); if(childpid < 0) { perror("fork"); exit (1); } if(childpid == 0) { /* esteblish SLIP interface on host side connected to PTY slave */ execl("/sbin/slattach", "slattach", "-d", "-v", "-L", "-p", "slip", ptsname(siostate->fd), NULL); perror("execl slattach"); exit (1); } else { int ret; char buf[1024]; LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_open[%d]: spawned slattach pid %d on %s\n", siostate->fd, childpid, ptsname(siostate->fd))); /* wait a moment for slattach startup */ sleep(1); /* configure SLIP interface on host side as P2P interface */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/sbin/ifconfig sl0 mtu %d %s pointopoint %s up", SLIP_MAX_SIZE, "", ""); LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_open[%d]: system(\"%s\");\n", siostate->fd, buf)); ret = system(buf); if (ret < 0) { perror("ifconfig failed"); exit(1); } } } #endif /* LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF */ else { LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_open: device %s (%d) is not supported\n", dev, devnum)); return NULL; } return siostate; } /** * */ void sio_change_baud( sioBaudrates baud, sio_status_t * siostat ) { /* sio_status_t * siostat = ((siostruct_t*)netif->state)->sio;*/ LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_change_baud[%d]\n", siostat->fd)); switch ( baud ) { case SIO_BAUD_9600: sio_speed( siostat->fd, B9600 ); break; case SIO_BAUD_19200: sio_speed( siostat->fd, B19200 ); break; case SIO_BAUD_38400: sio_speed( siostat->fd, B38400 ); break; case SIO_BAUD_57600: sio_speed( siostat->fd, B57600 ); break; case SIO_BAUD_115200: sio_speed( siostat->fd, B115200 ); break; default: LWIP_DEBUGF(SIO_DEBUG, ("sio_change_baud[%d]: Unknown baudrate, code:%d\n", siostat->fd, baud)); break; } }