#!/bin/sh #USER DEFINES #------------ #These options should be defined inside your own #local libretro-config-user.sh file rather than here. #The following below is just a sample. if [ -f "libretro-config-user.sh" ]; then . ./libretro-config-user.sh fi #if uncommented, will fetch repos with read+write access. Useful for committers #export WRITERIGHTS=1 #if uncommented, will build experimental cores as well which are not yet fit for release. #export BUILD_EXPERIMENTAL=1 #ARM DEFINES #----------- #if uncommented, will build cores with Cortex A8 compiler optimizations #export CORTEX_A8=1 #if uncommented, will build cores with Cortex A9 compiler optimizations #export CORTEX_A9=1 #if uncommented, will build cores with ARM hardfloat ABI #export ARM_HARDFLOAT=1 #if uncommented, will build cores with ARM softfloat ABI #export ARM_SOFTFLOAT=1 #if uncommented, will build cores with ARM NEON support (ARMv7+ only) #export ARM_NEON=1 #OPENGL DEFINES #-------------- #if uncommented, will build libretro GL cores. Ignored for mobile platforms - GL cores will always be built there. export BUILD_LIBRETRO_GL=1 #if uncommented, will build cores with OpenGL ES 2 support. Not needed #for platform-specific cores - only for generic core builds (ie. libretro-build.sh) #export ENABLE_GLES=1