#!/usr/bin/env python3 # License: MIT # Copyright (C) Google # Author: Vladimit 'phcoder' Serbinenko import os import csv import requests hostname = 'git.libretro.com' namespace = 'libretro' MISSING = 'missing' OK = 'OK' BROKEN = 'broken' coremap = {} allcores = set() allplatformset = set() corestatus = {} corereason = {} SUBCORE_SUFFIXES = [ "plus", # bsnes "accuracy", "balanced", # Beetle PSX "hw", # Quake "rogue", "xatrix", "zaero", # VICE "xpet", "xplus4", "xscpu64", "xvic", "x128", "x64sc", "xcbm2", "xcbm5x0", # Boom3 "xp", # MAME "cdi2015" ] GFX_FEATS = ['gfxaccel', 'gl1', 'gl2', 'gl3', 'gles2', 'gles3'] CPU_FEATS = ['x86_any', 'libco', 'cpu64', 'threads', 'thread-local', 'jit', 'little_endian'] PERIPHERAL_FEATS = ['cdrom', 'usb'] LANG_FEATS = ['c++14'] MISC_FEATS = ['physfs'] ALL_FEATS = GFX_FEATS + CPU_FEATS + PERIPHERAL_FEATS + MISC_FEATS + LANG_FEATS DESKTOP_COMMON = list(set(ALL_FEATS) - set(['gles2', 'gles3', 'cpu64', 'x86_any', 'little_endian'])) DESKTOP_X64 = DESKTOP_COMMON + ['x86_any', 'cpu64', 'little_endian'] DESKTOP_X86 = DESKTOP_COMMON + ['x86_any', 'little_endian'] DESKTOP_ARM32LE = DESKTOP_COMMON + ['little_endian'] DESKTOP_PPC = DESKTOP_COMMON UWP = ['gfxaccel', 'gles2', 'threads', 'thread-local', 'libco'] + ['cdrom', 'usb', 'physfs', 'c++14'] # unsure about second part MOBILE_LE = ['gfxaccel', 'gles2', 'gles3', 'threads', 'libco', 'little_endian'] ANDROID = MOBILE_LE + ['jit', 'physfs', 'thread-local', 'c++14'] features_platforms = { # Misc 'emscripten': ['gfxaccel', 'gles2', 'little_endian', 'physfs', 'c++14'], # consoles 'ctr': ['threads', 'thread-local', 'libco', 'jit', 'little_endian', 'c++14'], 'psl1ght': ['cpu64'] + ['libco', 'cdrom', 'usb', 'jit', 'c++14'], # unsure about second part 'ngc': ['threads', 'thread-local', 'libco'] + ['cdrom', 'jit', 'c++14'], # unsure about second part 'wii': ['threads', 'thread-local', 'libco'] + ['cdrom', 'usb', 'jit', 'c++14'], # unsure about second part 'ps2': ['little_endian'] + ['libco', 'cpu64', 'threads', 'thread-local', 'cdrom', 'usb', 'jit', 'c++14'], # unsure about second part 'ps3': ['threads', 'thread-local', 'cpu64'] + ['libco', 'cdrom', 'usb', 'jit', 'c++14'], # unsure about second part 'psp': ['libco', 'threads', 'thread-local', 'little_endian'] + ['jit', 'c++14'], # unsure about second part 'libnx-aarch64': ['gfxaccel', 'gl1', 'gl2', 'gl3', 'libco', 'cpu64', 'threads', 'thread-local', 'jit', 'little_endian'] + ['usb', 'c++14'], # unsure about second part 'wiiu': ['libco'] + ['cdrom', 'usb', 'jit', 'c++14'], # unsure about second part 'vita': ['gfxaccel', 'gl1', 'gl2', 'threads', 'thread-local', 'libco', 'jit', 'little_endian', 'c++14'], # 'gl3', 'gles2', 'gles3'? # UWP 'windows-uwp-arm': UWP + ['little_endian'], 'windows-uwp-x64': UWP + ['x86_any', 'cpu64', 'little_endian'], 'windows-uwp-x86': UWP + ['x86_any', 'little_endian'], # Mobile 'android-arm64-v8a': ANDROID + ['cpu64'], 'android-armeabi-v7a': ANDROID, 'android-x86': ANDROID + ['x86_any'], 'android-x86_64': ANDROID + ['x86_any', 'cpu64'], 'ios': MOBILE_LE + ['physfs', 'c++14'], 'ios9': MOBILE_LE + ['physfs', 'c++14'], 'ios-arm64': MOBILE_LE + ['cpu64', 'physfs', 'thread-local', 'c++14'], 'tvos-arm64': MOBILE_LE + ['cpu64', 'physfs', 'thread-local', 'c++14'], 'qnx': MOBILE_LE + ['physfs', 'thread-local', 'c++14'], # Unsure about usb and thread-local # Desktop 'linux-x64': DESKTOP_X64, 'windows-x64': DESKTOP_X64, 'osx-x64': DESKTOP_X64, 'linux-i686': DESKTOP_X86, 'windows-i686': DESKTOP_X86, 'linux-arm7neonhf': DESKTOP_ARM32LE, 'linux-armhf': DESKTOP_ARM32LE, 'xbox-x86': DESKTOP_X86, 'osx-ppc': [x for x in DESKTOP_PPC if x != 'c++14'] } features_cores = { '3dengine': ['gl2'], # Should be gl2 or gles2 but current bugs prevent operating with gles2 'atari800': ['libco'], 'blastem': ['x86_any'], 'boom3': ['gl1'], 'boom3-xp': ['gl1'], 'bsnes': ['libco'], 'bsnes2014': ['libco'], 'bsnes-libretro-cplusplus98': ['libco'], 'bsnes-hd': ['libco'], 'bsnes-mercury': ['libco'], 'chailove': ['physfs', 'thread-local', 'threads'], 'citra': ['gfxaccel'], 'citra2018': ['gfxaccel'], 'Craft': ['gfxaccel'], 'chailove': ['c++14'], 'dolphin': ['cpu64', 'jit'], 'dosbox-svn': ['libco'], 'dosbox-core': ['threads'], 'ffmpeg': ['threads'], 'flycast': ['gfxaccel'], 'flycast-upstream': ['gfxaccel'], 'frodo': ['libco'], 'hatari': ['libco'], 'gpsp': ['libco'], 'ishiiruka': ['cpu64'], 'kronos': ['gl3'], 'mupen64plus': ['gfxaccel', 'libco'], 'OpenLara': ['gfxaccel'], 'parallel-n64': ['gfxaccel', 'libco'], 'play': ['gfxaccel'], 'redbook': ['cdrom'], 'remotejoy': ['usb'], 'retro8': ['c++14'], 'REminiscence': ['libco'], 'scummvm': ['libco'], 'ThePowderToy': ['threads'], 'tic80': ['little_endian'], 'vitaquake3': ['gl1'], 'vitavoyager': ['gl1'], 'yabasanshiro': ['gfxaccel'] } def strip_suffix(s, suffix): if s.endswith(suffix): return s[:-len(suffix)] return s def strip_suffixes(s, suffixes): r = s for suffix in suffixes + suffixes + suffixes: r = strip_suffix(r, suffix) return r def strip_prefix(s, prefix): if s.startswith(prefix): return s[len(prefix):] return s def strip_prefixes(s, prefixes): r = s for prefix in prefixes: r = strip_prefix(r, prefix) return r def file_to_platform(fname): s = strip_suffixes(fname, [ "-legacy", "-mingw", # Mupen64 "-gles2", "-gles3", ] + ["-" + x for x in SUBCORE_SUFFIXES]) s = strip_prefixes(s, ["libretro-", "build-", "static-", "retroarch-", "dummy-", "deps:", "test:"]) # for infix in ["msvc05", "msvc10"]: # s = s.replace("-" + infix + "-", "-") mp = {'code_quality': None, 'ios-9': 'ios9', 'trigger_static-cores': None, "switch": "libnx-aarch64", "android": None, 'osx': None, 'dingux-arm32': 'miyoo-arm32', 'dingux': 'dingux-mips32', 'linux-x86': 'linux-i686'} if s in mp: s = mp[s] subcore = list(filter(lambda x: "-" + x + "-" in fname or fname.endswith("-" + x), SUBCORE_SUFFIXES)) return (s, "-".join(subcore)) def repo_to_core(repname): s = strip_suffixes(repname, ["-nx", "-libretro"]) s = strip_prefixes(s, ["libretro-"]) return s def page_get(base): per_page = 20 res = [] for page in range(1, 30): add = requests.get(base + ('per_page=%d&page=%d' % (per_page, page))).json() res += add if len(add) != per_page: return res return res def parse_pipelines(projectid, sha): pipelines = requests.get('https://%s/api/v4/projects/%d/pipelines?sha=%s&per_page=20' % (hostname, projectid, sha)).json() for pipeline in pipelines: if pipeline['status'] == 'success': # print(pipeline) return page_get('https://%s/api/v4/projects/%d/pipelines/%d/jobs?' % (hostname, projectid, pipeline['id'])) return None projects_all = page_get('https://%s/api/v4/projects?simple=true&' % hostname) projects = list(filter(lambda x: x['namespace']['path'] == namespace, projects_all)) for project in projects: print(project['path_with_namespace']) projectid = project['id'] core_base = repo_to_core(project['path']) if core_base == 'RetroArch': continue commits = requests.get('https://%s/api/v4/projects/%d/repository/commits?ref_name=%s' % (hostname, projectid, project['default_branch'])).json() # print(commits[0]) jobs = None for commit in commits: jobs = parse_pipelines(projectid, commit['id']) if jobs is not None: break if jobs is None: jobs = [] if not jobs: allcores.add(core_base) for job in jobs: # print(job) (platform, subcore) = file_to_platform(job['name']) if platform is None: continue if subcore: core = core_base + "-" + subcore else: core = core_base allplatformset.add(platform) allcores.add(core) k = (platform, core) if k not in coremap: coremap[k] = [] coremap[k].append({'status': job['status']}) allplatforms = sorted(allplatformset) cf = open ("comptable.csv", "w") c = csv.writer(cf) c.writerow([""] + allplatforms) for core in allcores: row = [core] for platform in allplatforms: k = (platform, core) if k not in coremap: status = MISSING else: status = OK if any(map(lambda x: x['status'], coremap[k])) else BROKEN corestatus[k] = status if core in features_cores and platform in features_platforms: missing = set(features_cores[core]) - set(features_platforms[platform]) if missing: corereason[k] = ','.join(missing) for core in sorted (allcores): if core in ('dosbox-libretro',): continue row = [core] for platform in allplatforms: k = (platform, core) st = corestatus[k] s = st if st != OK and k in corereason: s += " (" + corereason[k] + ")" if st == OK and k in corereason: print("%s is enabled on %s despite %s" % (core, platform, corereason[k])) row += [s] c.writerow(row) cf.close()