# Software Information display_name = "Fairchild ChannelF (FreeChaF)" authors = "David Richardson" supported_extensions = "bin|chf" corename = "FreeChaF" license = "GPLv3" permissions = "" display_version = "GIT" categories = "Emulator" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Fairchild" systemname = "FreeChaF" # Libretro Features database = "FreeChaF" supports_no_game = "false" # BIOS / Firmware firmware_count = 3 firmware0_desc = "sl31253.bin" firmware0_path = "sl31253.bin" firmware0_opt = "false" firmware1_desc = "sl31254.bin" firmware1_path = "sl31254.bin" firmware1_opt = "false" firmware2_desc = "sl90025.bin" firmware2_path = "sl90025.bin" firmware2_opt = "false" notes = "(!) sl31253.bin (md5): ac9804d4c0e9d07e33472e3726ed15c3|(!) sl31254.bin (md5): da98f4bb3242ab80d76629021bb27585|(!) sl90025.bin (md5): 95d339631d867c8f1d15a5f2ec26069d" description = "A lightweight Fairchild ChannelF / Video Entertainment System designed for libretro. This core was written specifically for use with low-power devices, such as Raspberry Pi, and supports loading a 'no cart' ROM to play the built-in games, controller swapping and dual-analog controls. The core requires the sl31253 and sl31254 BIOS images but the sl90025 BIOS will supersede the sl31253 version if found."