#!/bin/bash RECIPE=recipes/nintendo/3ds sudo mkdir -p /home/buildbot/tools sudo chmod -R 777 /home/buildbot cd /home/buildbot/tools wget -O 3ds.tar.xz 'https://github.com/libretro/libretro-toolchains/blob/master/3ds.tar.xz?raw=true' tar Jkxf 3ds.tar.xz cd ~/libretro-super if [ "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}" ]; then CORE_DIRNAME=`grep ${CORE} ${RECIPE} | head -1 | awk '{print $2}'` rm -fr ${CORE_DIRNAME} mv ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} ${CORE_DIRNAME} fi [ -z "${NAME:-}" ] && NAME="${CORE}" # only build the one core specified in $CORE, use NOCLEAN so we don't reset the repo back to master/HEAD in case this is a PR NOCLEAN=1 FORCE=YES SINGLE_CORE="${CORE}" CORE="${NAME}" ./libretro-buildbot-recipe.sh "${RECIPE}"