# Software Information display_name = "FFmpeg" authors = "Fabrice Bellard|FFmpeg team" supported_extensions = "mkv|avi|f4v|f4f|3gp|ogm|flv|mp4|mp3|flac|ogg|m4a|webm|3g2|mov|wmv|mpg|mpeg|vob|asf|divx|m2p|m2ts|ps|ts|mxf|wma|wav" corename = "FFmpeg" categories = "Media player" systemname = "FFmpeg" license = "LGPLv2, GPLv2" permissions = "" display_version = "Git" # Libretro Features supports_no_game = "false" hw_render = "true" required_hw_api = "OpenGL Core >= 3.3" description = "A port of the powerful audio/video encoding/decoding library FFmpeg to libretro. This core allows playback of a variety of audio and video formats, with a fancy audio visualizer and the ability to do interframe blending for smoother scrolling of non-native framerates."