# Software Information display_name = "Nintendo - Game Boy / Color (SameBoy)" authors = "LIJI32" supported_extensions = "gb|gbc" corename = "SameBoy" display_version = "v0.9.0" categories = "Emulator" license = "MIT" permissions = "" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Nintendo" systemname = "Game Boy/Game Boy Color" systemid = "game_boy" # Libretro Features database = "Nintendo - Game Boy|Nintendo - Game Boy Color" supports_no_game = "false" # Firmware / BIOS firmware_count = 2 firmware0_desc = "dmg_boot.bin (Game Boy boot ROM)" firmware0_path = "dmg_boot.bin" firmware0_opt = "true" firmware1_desc = "cgb_boot.bin (Game Boy Color boot ROM)" firmware1_path = "cgb_boot.bin" firmware1_opt = "true" notes = "(!) dmg_boot.bin (md5): 32fbbd84168d3482956eb3c5051637f5|(!) cgb_boot.bin (md5): dbfce9db9deaa2567f6a84fde55f9680" description = "A port of the highly accurate Game Boy emulator, SameBoy, to libretro. This core has the highest accuracy of any Game Boy emulator and also supports a variety of fun features and improvements. While its requirements are higher than most other Game Boy cores, it is a good first choice for devices strong enough to run it full speed. Lower-power devices will be better-served by Gambatte-libretro, which still has very high accuracy/compatibility and runs blisteringly fast."