# Software Information display_name = "Atari - 5200 (a5200)" authors = "Petr Stehlik|zx81|Alekmaul|wavemotion-dave" supported_extensions = "a52|bin" corename = "a5200" license = "GPLv2" permissions = "" display_version = "2.0.2" categories = "Emulator" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Atari" systemname = "Atari 5200" systemid = "atari_5200" # Libretro Features supports_no_game = "false" database = "Atari - 5200" savestate = "true" savestate_features = "deterministic" # Firmware / BIOS firmware_count = 1 firmware0_desc = "5200.rom (5200 BIOS)" firmware0_path = "5200.rom" firmware0_opt = "true" notes = "(!) 5200.rom (md5): 281f20ea4320404ec820fb7ec0693b38" description = "A port of the a5200 Atari 5200 emulator to libretro. Based on Atari800 2.0.2 and originally developed for the GCW Zero, this core runs fast on low-powered hardware. With a design focussed on ease of use and good libretro integration, the core is intended as a simple 'plug and play' solution for Atari 5200 content."