# Software Information display_name = "Nintendo - NES / Famicom (Nestopia UE)" authors = "Martin Freij|R. Belmont|R. Danbrook" supported_extensions = "nes|fds|unf|unif" corename = "Nestopia" license = "GPLv2" permissions = "" categories = "Emulator" display_version = "1.51.1" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Nintendo" systemname = "Nintendo Entertainment System" systemid = "nes" # Libretro Features supports_no_game = "false" database = "Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System|Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System" # Firmware / BIOS firmware_count = 1 firmware0_desc = "disksys.rom (Family Computer Disk System BIOS)" firmware0_path = "disksys.rom" firmware0_opt = "true" notes = "(!) disksys.rom (md5): ca30b50f880eb660a320674ed365ef7a|Press Retropad L1 to switch disk side." description = "Nestopia is based on the most up-to-date code from the Nestopia-Undead emulator. This core strikes a good balance between performance and accuracy, with support for a wide variety of games and mappers. In general, this core is a good choice for most users on desktop and mobile platforms."