# Software Information display_name = "Arcade (FB Alpha 2012 CPS-2)" authors = "Team FB Alpha" supported_extensions = "zip" corename = "FB Alpha 2012 CPS-2" license = "Non-commercial" permissions = "" display_version = "v0.2.97.28" categories = "Emulator" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Capcom" systemname = "CP System II" systemid = "fb_alpha" # Libretro Features supports_no_game = "false" notes = "(!) The BIOS files must be inside the ROM directory." description = "Based on a snapshot of the Final Burn Alpha codebase from circa 2012, 'FB Alpha 2012 CPS-2' is compatible with FB Alpha v0.2.97.28 ROM sets. This core variant is for CPS-2 games only. It exists solely for use with RAM-constrained platforms, such as certain console or embedded platforms, that do not have the capacity to load the full core along with large games. Most users should use up-to-date FBNeo instead."