# Software Information display_name = "McSoftServe" display_version = "1.0.0" description = "An experimental libretro core for the Taylor C713 soft-serve ice cream machine, popularized by a well-known American fast food chain. Provides an accurate user experience without the need for firmware dumps." authors = "Jesse Talavera" categories = "Emulator" corename = "mcsoftserve" license = "MIT" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Taylor" systemname = "C713" systemid = "taylor" # Libretro Features cheats = "false" core_options = "false" hw_render = "false" input_descriptors = "false" is_experimental = "false" libretro_saves = "false" load_subsystem = "false" needs_fullpath = "false" savestate = "false" single_purpose = "true" supports_no_game = "true"