# Software Information display_name = "DOS (DOSBox-core)" authors = "DOSBox Team|radius|Nikos Chantziaras" supported_extensions = "exe|com|bat|conf|cue|iso" corename = "DOSBox-core" categories = "Emulator" license = "GPLv2" permissions = "" display_version = "SVN" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Microsoft" systemname = "DOS" systemid = "dos" # BIOS / Firmware firmware_count = 10 firmware0_desc = "MT32_CONTROL.ROM (MT-32 Control ROM v1.07)" firmware0_path = "MT32_CONTROL.ROM" firmware0_opt = "true" firmware1_desc = "MT32_PCM.ROM (MT-32 PCM ROM)" firmware1_path = "MT32_PCM.ROM" firmware1_opt = "true" firmware2_desc = "CM32L_CONTROL.ROM (CM-32L/LAPC-I Control ROM v1.02)" firmware2_path = "CM32L_CONTROL.ROM" firmware2_opt = "true" firmware3_desc = "CM32L_PCM.ROM (CM-32L/CM-64/LAPC-I PCM ROM)" firmware3_path = "CM32L_PCM.ROM" firmware3_opt = "true" firmware4_desc = "libbass.so (BASS Linux library)" firmware4_path = "libbass.so" firmware4_opt = "true" firmware5_desc = "libbassmidi.so (BASSMIDI Linux library)" firmware5_path = "libbassmidi.so" firmware5_opt = "true" firmware6_desc = "bass.dll (BASS Windows library)" firmware6_path = "bass.dll" firmware6_opt = "true" firmware7_desc = "bassmidi.dll (BASSMIDI Windows library)" firmware7_path = "bassmidi.dll" firmware7_opt = "true" firmware8_desc = "libbass.dylib (BASS macOS library)" firmware8_path = "libbass.dylib" firmware8_opt = "true" firmware9_desc = "libbassmidi.dylib (BASSMIDI macOS library)" firmware9_path = "libbassmidi.dylib" firmware9_opt = "true" notes = "(!) MT32_CONTROL.ROM (md5): 5626206284b22c2734f3e9efefcd2675|(!) MT32_PCM.ROM (md5): 89e42e386e82e0cacb4a2704a03706ca|(!) CM32L_CONTROL.ROM (md5): bfff32b6144c1d706109accb6e6b1113|(!) CM32L_PCM.ROM (md5): 08cdcfa0ed93e9cb16afa76e6ac5f0a4|(!) libbass.so|(!) libbassmidi.so|(!) bass.dll|(!) bassmidi.dll|(!) libbass.dylib|(!) libbassmidi.dylib" # Libretro Features database = "DOS" supports_no_game = "true" savestate = "false" savestate_features = "null" libretro_saves = "false" cheats = "false" input_descriptors = "true" memory_descriptors = "false" core_options = "true" core_options_version = "1.0" load_subsystem = "false" hw_render = "false" needs_fullpath = "true" disk_control = "false" is_experimental = "false" needs_kbd_mouse_focus = "true" description = "A port of the mature and well-known DOSBox emulator to libretro. This core is kept up-to-date with the latest sources from DOSBox's SVN trunk and provides some improvements over the DOSBox-SVN core, including native MIDI support (as well as Soundfont-based MIDI support via FluidSynth and BASSMIDI), cycle-accurate OPL3 (YMF262) emulation courtesy of Nuked OPL3, MT-32 emulation courtesy of MUNT and experimental 3dfx Voodoo support. This is a good core for users who want a more traditional DOSBox experience vs the DOSBox-Pure core, which is focused on providing a turnkey, game-focused libretro experience."