# Software Information display_name = "MSX/SVI/ColecoVision/SG-1000 (blueMSX)" authors = "Daniel Vik" supported_extensions = "rom|ri|mx1|mx2|col|dsk|cas|sg|sc|m3u" corename = "blueMSX" categories = "Emulator" license = "GPLv2" permissions = "" display_version = "SVN" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Spectravideo|Philips|Al Alamiah|Sony|Sanyo|Mitsubishi|Toshiba|Hitachi|Panasonic|Canon|Casio|Pioneer|Fujitsu|Yamaha|JVC|Kyocera|GoldStar|Samsung|Daewoo|Gradiente|Sharp|Talent|NTT|ACVS/CIEL|DDX|AGE Labs" systemname = "MSX/SVI/ColecoVision/SG-1000" systemid = "msx" # Libretro Features database = "Microsoft - MSX|Microsoft - MSX2|Coleco - ColecoVision|Sega - SG-1000" supports_no_game = "false" savestate = "false" savestate_features = "null" cheats = "false" input_descriptors = "true" memory_descriptors = "false" libretro_saves = "false" core_options = "true" core_options_version = "1.0" load_subsystem = "false" hw_render = "false" needs_fullpath = "true" disk_control = "true" is_experimental = "false" needs_kbd_mouse_focus = "true" notes = "(!) The libretro port of blueMSX requires the BIOS files|from full standalone package inside the 'System\Machines' directory |and media database files into 'System\Databases' directory.|https://docs.libretro.com/library/bluemsx/#bios|(!) ColecoVision Gamepad Mapping is as follow:|Button 1 as Retropad A|Button 2 as Retropad B|Dial keys 1 to 8 as X, Y, R, L, R2, L2, R3, L3|Star as Select, Hash as Start|0 & 9 are on keyboard 1 & 2 for Player 1|0 & 9 are on keyboard 3 & 4 for Player 2.|(!) To play SpectraVideo cassettes type 'cload' then 'run'|or BLOAD ''CAS:'',R depending of game." description = "A port of the blueMSX emulator to libretro. This emulator is cycle accurate and covers all generations of MSX computers, as well as SVI, ColecoVision and Sega SG-1000 machines. This core requires the 'Databases' and 'Machines' folders from a standalone installation of blueMSX to be placed in the frontend's system directory to function."