display_name = "Arcade (FinalBurn Neo)" authors = "Team FBNeo" supported_extensions = "zip|7z|cue" corename = "FinalBurn Neo" manufacturer = "Various" categories = "Emulator" systemname = "Arcade (various)" systemid = "fb_alpha" database = "FBNeo - Arcade Games" database_match_archive_member = "false" license = "Non-commercial" permissions = "" display_version = "v0.2.97.44" supports_no_game = "false" firmware_count = 10 firmware0_desc = "fbneo/neogeo.zip (Neo Geo BIOS)" firmware0_path = "fbneo/neogeo.zip" firmware0_opt = "true" firmware1_desc = "fbneo/neocdz.zip (Neo Geo CDZ System BIOS)" firmware1_path = "fbneo/neocdz.zip" firmware1_opt = "true" firmware2_desc = "fbneo/decocass.zip (DECO Cassette System BIOS)" firmware2_path = "fbneo/decocass.zip" firmware2_opt = "true" firmware3_desc = "fbneo/isgsm.zip (ISG Selection Master Type 2006 System BIOS)" firmware3_path = "fbneo/isgsm.zip" firmware3_opt = "true" firmware4_desc = "fbneo/midssio.zip (Midway SSIO Sound Board Internal ROM)" firmware4_path = "fbneo/midssio.zip" firmware4_opt = "true" firmware5_desc = "fbneo/nmk004.zip (NMK004 Internal ROM)" firmware5_path = "fbneo/nmk004.zip" firmware5_opt = "true" firmware6_desc = "fbneo/pgm.zip (PGM System BIOS)" firmware6_path = "fbneo/pgm.zip" firmware6_opt = "true" firmware7_desc = "fbneo/skns.zip (Super Kaneko Nova System BIOS)" firmware7_path = "fbneo/skns.zip" firmware7_opt = "true" firmware8_desc = "fbneo/ym2608.zip (YM2608 Internal ROM)" firmware8_path = "fbneo/ym2608.zip" firmware8_opt = "true" firmware9_desc = "fbneo/cchip.zip (C-Chip Internal ROM)" firmware9_path = "fbneo/cchip.zip" firmware9_opt = "true" notes = "(!) The BIOS files can also be inside the ROM directory or the root of SYSTEM directory.|(!) Homepage : https://neo-source.com/"