# Software Information display_name = "Commodore - VIC-20 (VICE xvic)" categories = "Emulator" authors = "VICE Team" corename = "VICE xvic" supported_extensions = "d64|d71|d80|d81|d82|g64|g41|x64|t64|tap|prg|p00|crt|bin|zip|gz|d6z|d7z|d8z|g6z|g4z|x6z|cmd|m3u|vfl|vsf|nib|nbz|d2m|d4m|20|40|60|a0|b0|rom" license = "GPLv2" permissions = "" display_version = "3.8" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Commodore" systemname = "VIC-20" systemid = "commodore_vic20" # Libretro Features database = "Commodore - VIC-20" supports_no_game = "true" savestate = "true" savestate_features = "serialized" cheats = "true" input_descriptors = "true" memory_descriptors = "true" libretro_saves = "true" core_options = "true" load_subsystem = "false" hw_render = "false" needs_fullpath = "true" disk_control = "true" is_experimental = "false" description = "The VICE VIC-20 emulator, isolated and ported to libretro. This core emulates all of the internal hardware, including the VIA chips. The VIC-I video chip is fully emulated except for NTSC interlace mode."