# Software Information display_name = "Laserdisc arcade game (DirkSimple)" authors = "Ryan C. Gordon" supported_extensions = "ogv|dirksimple" corename = "DirkSimple" categories = "Emulator" license = "zlib" permissions = "" display_version = "0.2" # Hardware Information # even within Dragon's Lair 1, the European version had a different publisher with a totally different cabinet and laserdisc player. manufacturer = "various" systemname = "Laserdisc arcade game" systemid = "laserdisc" # Libretro Features supports_no_game = "false" savestate = "true" savestate_features = "serialized" cheats = "false" hw_render = "false" notes = "DirkSimple plays laserdisc arcade games, like Dragon's Lair. The games are not emulated ROMs, but reimplemented in Lua, and using an Ogg Theora video of the laserdisc's contents." description = "A player of laserdisc arcade games."