retrolink.sh: Silence shellcheck warnings.
Line 6:
start=$(readelf -V $1 | grep -A1 .gnu.version_r | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f6)
^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
Line 7:
pos=$(readelf -V $1 | grep 'Flags: none' | cut -d' ' -f3 | sed 's/://')
^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
Line 9:
printf '\x02' | dd if=/dev/stdin of=$1 seek=$(($start+$pos+4)) count=1 bs=1 conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null
^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
^-- SC2004: $/${} is unnecessary on arithmetic variables.
^-- SC2004: $/${} is unnecessary on arithmetic variables.
2017-12-01 22:50:17 -08:00 |