Script for creating the table of enabled targets

This commit is contained in:
Vladimir Serbinenko 2020-05-01 19:25:17 +02:00
parent 170239cb26
commit daa862e6fb

205 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
# License: MIT
# Copyright (C) Google
# Author: Vladimit 'phcoder' Serbinenko
import os
import csv
MISSING = 'missing'
OK = 'OK'
DISABLED = 'disabled'
ENABLED = 'enabled'
coremap = {}
allcores = set()
allplatformset = set()
corestatus = {}
corereason = {}
GFX_FEATS = ['gfxaccel', 'gl1', 'gl2', 'gl3', 'gles2', 'gles3']
CPU_FEATS = ['x86_any', 'libco', 'cpu64', 'threads', 'jit']
PERIPHERAL_FEATS = ['cdrom', 'usb']
DESKTOP_ALL = list(set(ALL_FEATS) - set(['gles2', 'gles3', 'cpu64', 'x86_any']))
DESKTOP_X64 = DESKTOP_ALL + ['x86_any', 'cpu64']
DESKTOP_X86 = DESKTOP_ALL + ['x86_any']
UWP = ['gfxaccel', 'gles2', 'threads', 'libco'] + ['cdrom', 'usb'] # unsure about second part
MOBILE = ['gfxaccel', 'gles2', 'gles3', 'threads', 'libco']
features_platforms = {
# Misc
'emscripten': ['gfxaccel', 'gles2'],
# consoles
'3ds': ['threads', 'libco', 'jit'],
'psl1ght': ['cpu64'] + ['libco', 'cdrom', 'usb', 'jit'], # unsure about second part
'gamecube': ['threads', 'libco'] + ['cdrom', 'jit'], # unsure about second part
'wii': ['threads', 'libco'] + ['cdrom', 'usb', 'jit'], # unsure about second part
'ps2': [] + ['libco', 'cpu64', 'threads', 'cdrom', 'usb', 'jit'], # unsure about second part
'ps3': ['threads', 'cpu64'] + ['libco', 'cdrom', 'usb', 'jit'], # unsure about second part
'psp': ['libco', 'threads'] + ['jit'], # unsure about second part
'libnx': ['gfxaccel', 'gl1', 'gl2', 'gl3', 'libco', 'cpu64', 'threads', 'jit'] + ['usb'], # unsure about second part
'wiiu': ['libco'] + ['cdrom', 'usb', 'jit'], # unsure about second part
'vita': ['gfxaccel', 'gl1', 'gl2', 'threads', 'libco', 'jit'], # 'gl3', 'gles2', 'gles3'?
'windows-uwp-arm': UWP,
'windows-uwp-x64': UWP + ['x86_any', 'cpu64'],
'windows-uwp-x86': UWP + ['x86_any'],
# Mobile
'android' : MOBILE + ['x86_any', 'cpu64', 'jit'],
'ios': MOBILE,
'ios9': MOBILE,
'ios-arm64': MOBILE + ['cpu64'],
'tvos-arm64': MOBILE + ['cpu64'],
'qnx': MOBILE, # Unsure about usb
# Desktop
'linux-x64': DESKTOP_X64,
'windows-x64': DESKTOP_X64,
'osx-x64': DESKTOP_X64,
'linux-x86': DESKTOP_X86,
'windows-x86': DESKTOP_X86,
'linux-arm7neonhf': DESKTOP_ARM32,
'linux-armhf': DESKTOP_ARM32,
'xbox-x86': DESKTOP_X86,
features_cores = {
'3dengine': ['gl2'], # Should be gl2 or gles2 but current bugs prevent operating with gles2
'atari800': ['libco'],
'blastem': ['x86_any'],
'boom3': ['gl1'],
'boom3_xp': ['gl1'],
'bsnes': ['libco'],
'bsnes2014': ['libco'],
'bsnes_cplusplus98': ['libco'],
'bsnes_hd_beta': ['libco'],
'bsnes_mercury': ['libco'],
'citra': ['gfxaccel'],
'citra_canary': ['gfxaccel'],
'craft': ['gfxaccel'],
'dolphin': ['cpu64', 'jit'],
'dosbox_svn': ['libco'],
'dosbox_svn_ce': ['libco'],
'dosbox_core': ['threads'],
'ffmpeg': ['threads'],
'flycast': ['gfxaccel'],
'frodo': ['libco'],
'hatari': ['libco'],
'gpsp': ['libco'],
'ishiiruka': ['cpu64'],
'kronos': ['gl3'],
'mednafen_psx_hw': ['gfxaccel'],
'mupen64plus_next': ['gfxaccel', 'libco'],
'mupen64plus_next_gles3': ['gles3', 'libco'],
'openlara': ['gfxaccel'],
'parallel_n64': ['gfxaccel', 'libco'],
'play': ['gfxaccel'],
'redbook': ['cdrom'],
'remotejoy': ['usb'],
'reminiscence': ['libco'],
'scummvm': ['libco'],
'thepowdertoy': ['threads'],
'vitaquake3': ['gl1'],
'vitavoyager': ['gl1'],
'yabasanshiro': ['gfxaccel']
def strip_suffix(s, suffix):
if s.endswith(suffix):
return s[:-len(suffix)]
return s
def strip_suffixes(s, suffixes):
r = s
for suffix in suffixes:
r = strip_suffix(r, suffix)
return r
def strip_prefix(s, prefix):
if s.startswith(prefix):
return s[len(prefix):]
return s
def strip_prefixes(s, prefixes):
r = s
for prefix in prefixes:
r = strip_prefix(r, prefix)
return r
def file_to_platform(fname):
s = strip_suffixes(fname, ["-generic", "-noccache", "-r16b", "-cross", "_dw2", "_seh", "_sjlj", "_w32"])
s = strip_prefixes(s, ["cores-"])
for infix in ["msvc2003", "msvc2005", "msvc2010", "msvc2017", "desktop"]:
s = s.replace("-" + infix + "-", "-")
return s
for root, _, files in os.walk("recipes"):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".conf") or file.endswith(".ra") or file.endswith(".yml") or file.endswith(".info") or file.endswith(".sh") or file.startswith("retroarch-"):
if file in ["cores-android-aarch64", "cores-android-armv7-ndk-mame"]:
platform = file_to_platform(file)
with open(os.path.join(root, file)) as fin:
for line in fin:
sp = line.split()
if len(sp) == 0:
core = sp[0]
k = (platform, core)
if k not in coremap:
coremap[k] = []
coremap[k].append({'file': file, ENABLED: sp[4]})
allplatforms = sorted(allplatformset)
cf = open ("comptable.csv", "w")
c = csv.writer(cf)
c.writerow([""] + allplatforms)
for core in allcores:
row = [core]
for platform in allplatforms:
k = (platform, core)
if k not in coremap:
status = MISSING
enabled = False
for x in coremap[k]:
if x[ENABLED] == 'YES':
enabled = True
if enabled:
status = OK
status = DISABLED
corestatus[k] = status
if core in features_cores and platform in features_platforms:
missing = set(features_cores[core]) - set(features_platforms[platform])
if missing:
corereason[k] = ','.join(missing)
for core in sorted (allcores):
row = [core]
for platform in allplatforms:
k = (platform, core)
st = corestatus[k]
s = st
if st != OK and k in corereason:
s += " (" + corereason[k] + ")"
if st == OK and k in corereason:
print("%s is enabled on %s despite %s" % (core, platform, corereason[k]))
row += [s]