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* @file lv_ta.c
#include "lv_ta.h"
#if USE_LV_TA != 0
#include "../lv_core/lv_group.h"
#include "../lv_core/lv_refr.h"
#include "../lv_draw/lv_draw.h"
#include "../lv_themes/lv_theme.h"
#include "../lv_misc/lv_anim.h"
#include "../lv_misc/lv_txt.h"
#include "../lv_misc/lv_math.h"
/*Test configuration*/
#define LV_TA_CURSOR_BLINK_TIME 400 /*ms*/
#define LV_TA_PWD_SHOW_TIME 1500 /*ms*/
#define LV_TA_DEF_WIDTH (2 * LV_DPI)
#define LV_TA_DEF_HEIGHT (1 * LV_DPI)
static bool lv_ta_design(lv_obj_t * ta, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode);
static bool lv_ta_scrollable_design(lv_obj_t * scrl, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode);
static lv_res_t lv_ta_signal(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_signal_t sign, void * param);
static lv_res_t lv_ta_scrollable_signal(lv_obj_t * scrl, lv_signal_t sign, void * param);
static void cursor_blink_anim(lv_obj_t * ta, uint8_t show);
static void pwd_char_hider_anim(lv_obj_t * ta, int32_t x);
static void pwd_char_hider(lv_obj_t * ta);
static bool char_is_accepted(lv_obj_t * ta, uint32_t c);
static void get_cursor_style(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_style_t * style_res);
static void refr_cursor_area(lv_obj_t * ta);
static lv_design_func_t ancestor_design;
static lv_design_func_t scrl_design;
static lv_signal_func_t ancestor_signal;
static lv_signal_func_t scrl_signal;
* Create a text area objects
* @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new text area
* @param copy pointer to a text area object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it
* @return pointer to the created text area
lv_obj_t * lv_ta_create(lv_obj_t * par, const lv_obj_t * copy)
LV_LOG_TRACE("text area create started");
/*Create the ancestor object*/
lv_obj_t * new_ta = lv_page_create(par, copy);
if(new_ta == NULL) return NULL;
if(ancestor_signal == NULL) ancestor_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(new_ta);
if(ancestor_design == NULL) ancestor_design = lv_obj_get_design_func(new_ta);
if(scrl_signal == NULL) scrl_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(lv_page_get_scrl(new_ta));
if(scrl_design == NULL) scrl_design = lv_obj_get_design_func(lv_page_get_scrl(new_ta));
/*Allocate the object type specific extended data*/
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_allocate_ext_attr(new_ta, sizeof(lv_ta_ext_t));
if(ext == NULL) return NULL;
ext->cursor.state = 1;
ext->pwd_mode = 0;
ext->pwd_tmp = NULL;
ext->accapted_chars = NULL;
ext->max_length = 0;
ext->cursor.style = NULL;
ext->cursor.pos = 0;
ext->cursor.type = LV_CURSOR_LINE;
ext->cursor.valid_x = 0;
ext->one_line = 0;
ext->label = NULL;
lv_obj_set_signal_func(new_ta, lv_ta_signal);
lv_obj_set_signal_func(lv_page_get_scrl(new_ta), lv_ta_scrollable_signal);
lv_obj_set_design_func(new_ta, lv_ta_design);
/*Init the new text area object*/
if(copy == NULL) {
ext->label = lv_label_create(new_ta, NULL);
lv_obj_set_design_func(ext->page.scrl, lv_ta_scrollable_design);
lv_label_set_long_mode(ext->label, LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK);
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, "Text area");
lv_obj_set_click(ext->label, false);
lv_obj_set_size(new_ta, LV_TA_DEF_WIDTH, LV_TA_DEF_HEIGHT);
lv_ta_set_sb_mode(new_ta, LV_SB_MODE_DRAG);
lv_page_set_style(new_ta, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SCRL, &lv_style_transp_tight);
/*Set the default styles*/
lv_theme_t * th = lv_theme_get_current();
if(th) {
lv_ta_set_style(new_ta, LV_TA_STYLE_BG, th->ta.area);
lv_ta_set_style(new_ta, LV_TA_STYLE_SB, th->ta.sb);
} else {
lv_ta_set_style(new_ta, LV_TA_STYLE_BG, &lv_style_pretty);
/*Copy an existing object*/
else {
lv_obj_set_design_func(ext->page.scrl, lv_ta_scrollable_design);
lv_ta_ext_t * copy_ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(copy);
ext->label = lv_label_create(new_ta, copy_ext->label);
ext->pwd_mode = copy_ext->pwd_mode;
ext->accapted_chars = copy_ext->accapted_chars;
ext->max_length = copy_ext->max_length;
ext->cursor.style = copy_ext->cursor.style;
ext->cursor.pos = copy_ext->cursor.pos;
ext->cursor.valid_x = copy_ext->cursor.valid_x;
ext->cursor.type = copy_ext->cursor.type;
if(copy_ext->one_line) lv_ta_set_one_line(new_ta, true);
lv_ta_set_style(new_ta, LV_TA_STYLE_CURSOR, lv_ta_get_style(copy, LV_TA_STYLE_CURSOR));
/*Refresh the style with new signal function*/
/*Create a cursor blinker animation*/
lv_anim_t a;
a.var = new_ta;
a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)cursor_blink_anim;
a.act_time = 0;
a.end_cb = NULL;
a.start = 1;
a.end = 0;
a.repeat = 1;
a.repeat_pause = 0;
a.playback = 1;
a.playback_pause = 0;
a.path = lv_anim_path_step;
LV_LOG_INFO("text area created");
return new_ta;
* Add/remove functions
* Insert a character to the current cursor position.
* To add a wide char, e.g. 'Á' use `lv_txt_encoded_conv_wc('Á')`
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @param c a character (e.g. 'a')
void lv_ta_add_char(lv_obj_t * ta, uint32_t c)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(ext->one_line && (c == '\n' || c == '\r')) {
LV_LOG_INFO("Text area: line break ignored in one-line mode");
uint32_t c_uni = lv_txt_encoded_next((const char *)&c, NULL);
if(char_is_accepted(ta, c_uni) == false) {
LV_LOG_INFO("Character is no accepted by the text area (too long text or not in the accepted list)");
/*Disable edge flash. If a new line was added it could show edge flash effect*/
bool edge_flash_en = lv_ta_get_edge_flash(ta);
lv_ta_set_edge_flash(ta, false);
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) pwd_char_hider(ta); /*Make sure all the current text contains only '*'*/
uint32_t letter_buf[2];
letter_buf[0] = c;
letter_buf[1] = '\0';
lv_label_ins_text(ext->label, ext->cursor.pos, (const char *)letter_buf); /*Insert the character*/
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
ext->pwd_tmp = lv_mem_realloc(ext->pwd_tmp, strlen(ext->pwd_tmp) + 2); /*+2: the new char + \0 */
if(ext->pwd_tmp == NULL) return;
lv_txt_ins(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor.pos, (const char *)letter_buf);
/*Auto hide characters*/
lv_anim_t a;
a.var = ta;
a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)pwd_char_hider_anim;
a.act_time = 0;
a.end_cb = (lv_anim_cb_t)pwd_char_hider;
a.start = 0;
a.end = 1;
a.repeat = 0;
a.repeat_pause = 0;
a.playback = 0;
a.playback_pause = 0;
a.path = lv_anim_path_step;
/*Move the cursor after the new character*/
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta) + 1);
/*Revert the original edge flash state*/
lv_ta_set_edge_flash(ta, edge_flash_en);
* Insert a text to the current cursor position
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @param txt a '\0' terminated string to insert
void lv_ta_add_text(lv_obj_t * ta, const char * txt)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) pwd_char_hider(ta); /*Make sure all the current text contains only '*'*/
/*Add the character one-by-one if not all characters are accepted or there is character limit.*/
if(lv_ta_get_accepted_chars(ta) || lv_ta_get_max_length(ta)) {
uint32_t i = 0;
while(txt[i] != '\0') {
uint32_t c = lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, &i);
lv_ta_add_char(ta, lv_txt_unicode_to_encoded(c));
/*Disable edge flash. If a new line was added it could show edge flash effect*/
bool edge_flash_en = lv_ta_get_edge_flash(ta);
lv_ta_set_edge_flash(ta, false);
/*Insert the text*/
lv_label_ins_text(ext->label, ext->cursor.pos, txt);
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
ext->pwd_tmp = lv_mem_realloc(ext->pwd_tmp, strlen(ext->pwd_tmp) + strlen(txt) + 1);
if(ext->pwd_tmp == NULL) return;
lv_txt_ins(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor.pos, txt);
/*Auto hide characters*/
lv_anim_t a;
a.var = ta;
a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)pwd_char_hider_anim;
a.act_time = 0;
a.end_cb = (lv_anim_cb_t)pwd_char_hider;
a.start = 0;
a.end = 1;
a.repeat = 0;
a.repeat_pause = 0;
a.playback = 0;
a.playback_pause = 0;
a.path = lv_anim_path_step;
/*Move the cursor after the new text*/
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta) + lv_txt_get_encoded_length(txt));
/*Revert the original edge flash state*/
lv_ta_set_edge_flash(ta, edge_flash_en);
* Delete a the left character from the current cursor position
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
void lv_ta_del_char(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
uint16_t cur_pos = ext->cursor.pos;
if(cur_pos == 0) return;
char * label_txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
/*Delete a character*/
lv_txt_cut(label_txt, ext->cursor.pos - 1, 1);
/*Refresh the label*/
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, label_txt);
/*Don't let 'width == 0' because cursor will not be visible*/
if(lv_obj_get_width(ext->label) == 0) {
lv_style_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
lv_obj_set_width(ext->label, style->line.width);
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
#if LV_TXT_UTF8 == 0
lv_txt_cut(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor.pos - 1, 1);
uint32_t byte_pos = lv_txt_encoded_get_byte_id(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor.pos - 1);
lv_txt_cut(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor.pos - 1, lv_txt_encoded_size(&label_txt[byte_pos]));
ext->pwd_tmp = lv_mem_realloc(ext->pwd_tmp, strlen(ext->pwd_tmp) + 1);
if(ext->pwd_tmp == NULL) return;
/*Move the cursor to the place of the deleted character*/
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, ext->cursor.pos - 1);
* Setter functions
* Set the text of a text area
* @param ta pointer to a text area
* @param txt pointer to the text
void lv_ta_set_text(lv_obj_t * ta, const char * txt)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
/*Add the character one-by-one if not all characters are accepted or there is character limit.*/
if(lv_ta_get_accepted_chars(ta) || lv_ta_get_max_length(ta)) {
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, "");
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, LV_TA_CURSOR_LAST);
uint32_t i = 0;
while(txt[i] != '\0') {
uint32_t c = lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, &i);
lv_ta_add_char(ta, lv_txt_unicode_to_encoded(c));
} else {
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, txt);
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, LV_TA_CURSOR_LAST);
/*Don't let 'width == 0' because the cursor will not be visible*/
if(lv_obj_get_width(ext->label) == 0) {
lv_style_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
lv_obj_set_width(ext->label, lv_font_get_width(style->text.font, ' '));
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
ext->pwd_tmp = lv_mem_realloc(ext->pwd_tmp, strlen(txt) + 1);
if(ext->pwd_tmp == NULL) return;
strcpy(ext->pwd_tmp, txt);
/*Auto hide characters*/
lv_anim_t a;
a.var = ta;
a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)pwd_char_hider_anim;
a.act_time = 0;
a.end_cb = (lv_anim_cb_t)pwd_char_hider;
a.start = 0;
a.end = 1;
a.repeat = 0;
a.repeat_pause = 0;
a.playback = 0;
a.playback_pause = 0;
a.path = lv_anim_path_step;
* Set the cursor position
* @param obj pointer to a text area object
* @param pos the new cursor position in character index
* < 0 : index from the end of the text
* LV_TA_CURSOR_LAST: go after the last character
void lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(lv_obj_t * ta, int16_t pos)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(ext->cursor.pos == pos) return;
uint16_t len = lv_txt_get_encoded_length(lv_label_get_text(ext->label));
if(pos < 0) pos = len + pos;
if(pos > len || pos == LV_TA_CURSOR_LAST) pos = len;
ext->cursor.pos = pos;
/*Position the label to make the cursor visible*/
lv_obj_t * label_par = lv_obj_get_parent(ext->label);
lv_point_t cur_pos;
lv_style_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(ta);
const lv_font_t * font_p = style->text.font;
lv_area_t label_cords;
lv_area_t ta_cords;
lv_label_get_letter_pos(ext->label, pos, &cur_pos);
lv_obj_get_coords(ta, &ta_cords);
lv_obj_get_coords(ext->label, &label_cords);
/*Check the top*/
lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height(font_p);
if(lv_obj_get_y(label_par) + cur_pos.y < 0) {
lv_obj_set_y(label_par, - cur_pos.y + style->body.padding.ver);
/*Check the bottom*/
if(label_cords.y1 + cur_pos.y + font_h + style->body.padding.ver > ta_cords.y2) {
lv_obj_set_y(label_par, -(cur_pos.y - lv_obj_get_height(ta) +
font_h + 2 * style->body.padding.ver));
/*Check the left (use the font_h as general unit)*/
if(lv_obj_get_x(label_par) + cur_pos.x < font_h) {
lv_obj_set_x(label_par, - cur_pos.x + font_h);
/*Check the right (use the font_h as general unit)*/
if(label_cords.x1 + cur_pos.x + font_h + style->body.padding.hor > ta_cords.x2) {
lv_obj_set_x(label_par, -(cur_pos.x - lv_obj_get_width(ta) +
font_h + 2 * style->body.padding.hor));
ext->cursor.valid_x = cur_pos.x;
/*Reset cursor blink animation*/
lv_anim_t a;
a.var = ta;
a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)cursor_blink_anim;
a.act_time = 0;
a.end_cb = NULL;
a.start = 1;
a.end = 0;
a.repeat = 1;
a.repeat_pause = 0;
a.playback = 1;
a.playback_pause = 0;
a.path = lv_anim_path_step;
* Set the cursor type.
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @param cur_type: element of 'lv_ta_cursor_type_t'
void lv_ta_set_cursor_type(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_cursor_type_t cur_type)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(ext->cursor.type == cur_type) return;
ext->cursor.type = cur_type;
* Enable/Disable password mode
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @param en true: enable, false: disable
void lv_ta_set_pwd_mode(lv_obj_t * ta, bool en)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(ext->pwd_mode == en) return;
/*Pwd mode is now enabled*/
if(ext->pwd_mode == 0 && en != false) {
char * txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
uint16_t len = strlen(txt);
ext->pwd_tmp = lv_mem_alloc(len + 1);
if(ext->pwd_tmp == NULL) return;
strcpy(ext->pwd_tmp, txt);
uint16_t i;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
txt[i] = '*'; /*All char to '*'*/
txt[i] = '\0';
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, NULL);
/*Pwd mode is now disabled*/
else if(ext->pwd_mode == 1 && en == false) {
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, ext->pwd_tmp);
ext->pwd_tmp = NULL;
ext->pwd_mode = en == false ? 0 : 1;
* Configure the text area to one line or back to normal
* @param ta pointer to a Text area object
* @param en true: one line, false: normal
void lv_ta_set_one_line(lv_obj_t * ta, bool en)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(ext->one_line == en) return;
if(en) {
lv_style_t * style_ta = lv_obj_get_style(ta);
lv_style_t * style_scrl = lv_obj_get_style(lv_page_get_scrl(ta));
lv_style_t * style_label = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height(style_label->text.font);
ext->one_line = 1;
lv_page_set_scrl_fit(ta, true, true);
lv_obj_set_height(ta, font_h + (style_ta->body.padding.ver + style_scrl->body.padding.ver) * 2);
lv_label_set_long_mode(ext->label, LV_LABEL_LONG_EXPAND);
lv_obj_set_pos(lv_page_get_scrl(ta), style_ta->body.padding.hor, style_ta->body.padding.ver);
} else {
lv_style_t * style_ta = lv_obj_get_style(ta);
ext->one_line = 0;
lv_page_set_scrl_fit(ta, false, true);
lv_label_set_long_mode(ext->label, LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK);
lv_obj_set_height(ta, LV_TA_DEF_HEIGHT);
lv_obj_set_pos(lv_page_get_scrl(ta), style_ta->body.padding.hor, style_ta->body.padding.ver);
* Set the alignment of the text area.
* In one line mode the text can be scrolled only with `LV_LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT`.
* This function should be called if the size of text area changes.
* @param ta pointer to a text are object
* @param align the desired alignment from `lv_label_align_t`. (LV_LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT/CENTER/RIGHT)
void lv_ta_set_text_align(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_label_align_t align)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
lv_obj_t * label = lv_ta_get_label(ta);
if(!ext->one_line) {
lv_label_set_align(label, align);
} else {
/*Normal left align. Just let the text expand*/
if(align == LV_LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT) {
lv_label_set_long_mode(label, LV_LABEL_LONG_EXPAND);
lv_page_set_scrl_fit(ta, true, false);
lv_label_set_align(label, align);
/*Else use fix label width equal to the Text area width*/
else {
lv_label_set_long_mode(label, LV_LABEL_LONG_CROP);
lv_page_set_scrl_fit(ta, false, false);
lv_page_set_scrl_width(ta, 1); /*To refresh the scrollable's width*/
lv_label_set_align(label, align);
lv_style_t * bg_style = lv_ta_get_style(ta, LV_TA_STYLE_BG);
lv_obj_set_width(label, lv_obj_get_width(ta) - 2 * bg_style->body.padding.hor);
* Set a list of characters. Only these characters will be accepted by the text area
* @param ta pointer to Text Area
* @param list list of characters. Only the pointer is saved. E.g. "+-.,0123456789"
void lv_ta_set_accepted_chars(lv_obj_t * ta, const char * list)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
ext->accapted_chars = list;
* Set max length of a Text Area.
* @param ta pointer to Text Area
* @param num the maximal number of characters can be added (`lv_ta_set_text` ignores it)
void lv_ta_set_max_length(lv_obj_t * ta, uint16_t num)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
ext->max_length = num;
* Set a style of a text area
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @param type which style should be set
* @param style pointer to a style
void lv_ta_set_style(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_ta_style_t type, lv_style_t * style)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
switch(type) {
lv_page_set_style(ta, LV_PAGE_STYLE_BG, style);
lv_page_set_style(ta, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SB, style);
lv_page_set_style(ta, LV_PAGE_STYLE_EDGE_FLASH, style);
ext->cursor.style = style;
lv_obj_refresh_ext_size(lv_page_get_scrl(ta)); /*Refresh ext. size because of cursor drawing*/
* Getter functions
* Get the text of a text area. In password mode it gives the real text (not '*'s).
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @return pointer to the text
const char * lv_ta_get_text(const lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
const char * txt;
if(ext->pwd_mode == 0) {
txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
} else {
txt = ext->pwd_tmp;
return txt;
* Get the label of a text area
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @return pointer to the label object
lv_obj_t * lv_ta_get_label(const lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
return ext->label;
* Get the current cursor position in character index
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @return the cursor position
uint16_t lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(const lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
return ext->cursor.pos;
* Get the current cursor type.
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @return element of 'lv_ta_cursor_type_t'
lv_cursor_type_t lv_ta_get_cursor_type(const lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
return ext->cursor.type;
* Get the password mode attribute
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @return true: password mode is enabled, false: disabled
bool lv_ta_get_pwd_mode(const lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
return ext->pwd_mode == 0 ? false : true;
* Get the one line configuration attribute
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @return true: one line configuration is enabled, false: disabled
bool lv_ta_get_one_line(const lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
return ext->one_line == 0 ? false : true;
* Get a list of accepted characters.
* @param ta pointer to Text Area
* @return list of accented characters.
const char * lv_ta_get_accepted_chars(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
return ext->accapted_chars;
* Set max length of a Text Area.
* @param ta pointer to Text Area
* @return the maximal number of characters to be add
uint16_t lv_ta_get_max_length(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
return ext->max_length;
* Get a style of a text area
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @param type which style should be get
* @return style pointer to a style
lv_style_t * lv_ta_get_style(const lv_obj_t * ta, lv_ta_style_t type)
lv_style_t * style = NULL;
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
switch(type) {
style = lv_page_get_style(ta, LV_PAGE_STYLE_BG);
style = lv_page_get_style(ta, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SB);
style = lv_page_get_style(ta, LV_PAGE_STYLE_EDGE_FLASH);
style = ext->cursor.style;
style = NULL;
return style;
* Other functions
* Move the cursor one character right
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
void lv_ta_cursor_right(lv_obj_t * ta)
uint16_t cp = lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta);
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, cp);
* Move the cursor one character left
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
void lv_ta_cursor_left(lv_obj_t * ta)
uint16_t cp = lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta);
if(cp > 0) {
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, cp);
* Move the cursor one line down
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
void lv_ta_cursor_down(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
lv_point_t pos;
/*Get the position of the current letter*/
lv_label_get_letter_pos(ext->label, lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta), &pos);
/*Increment the y with one line and keep the valid x*/
lv_style_t * label_style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
const lv_font_t * font_p = label_style->text.font;
lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height(font_p);
pos.y += font_h + label_style->text.line_space + 1;
pos.x = ext->cursor.valid_x;
/*Do not go below the last line*/
if(pos.y < lv_obj_get_height(ext->label)) {
/*Get the letter index on the new cursor position and set it*/
uint16_t new_cur_pos = lv_label_get_letter_on(ext->label, &pos);
lv_coord_t cur_valid_x_tmp = ext->cursor.valid_x; /*Cursor position set overwrites the valid positon */
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, new_cur_pos);
ext->cursor.valid_x = cur_valid_x_tmp;
* Move the cursor one line up
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
void lv_ta_cursor_up(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
lv_point_t pos;
/*Get the position of the current letter*/
lv_label_get_letter_pos(ext->label, lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta), &pos);
/*Decrement the y with one line and keep the valid x*/
lv_style_t * label_style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
const lv_font_t * font = label_style->text.font;
lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height(font);
pos.y -= font_h + label_style->text.line_space - 1;
pos.x = ext->cursor.valid_x;
/*Get the letter index on the new cursor position and set it*/
uint16_t new_cur_pos = lv_label_get_letter_on(ext->label, &pos);
lv_coord_t cur_valid_x_tmp = ext->cursor.valid_x; /*Cursor position set overwrites the valid positon */
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, new_cur_pos);
ext->cursor.valid_x = cur_valid_x_tmp;
* Handle the drawing related tasks of the text areas
* @param ta pointer to an object
* @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area
* @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area
* (return 'true' if yes)
* LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN: draw the object (always return 'true')
* LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn
* @param return true/false, depends on 'mode'
static bool lv_ta_design(lv_obj_t * ta, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode)
if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) {
/*Return false if the object is not covers the mask_p area*/
return ancestor_design(ta, mask, mode);
} else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) {
/*Draw the object*/
ancestor_design(ta, mask, mode);
} else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST) {
ancestor_design(ta, mask, mode);
return true;
* An extended scrollable design of the page. Calls the normal design function and draws a cursor.
* @param scrl pointer to the scrollable part of the Text area
* @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area
* @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area
* (return 'true' if yes)
* LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN: draw the object (always return 'true')
* LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn
* @return return true/false, depends on 'mode'
static bool lv_ta_scrollable_design(lv_obj_t * scrl, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode)
if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) {
/*Return false if the object is not covers the mask_p area*/
return scrl_design(scrl, mask, mode);
} else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) {
/*Draw the object*/
scrl_design(scrl, mask, mode);
} else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST) {
scrl_design(scrl, mask, mode);
/*Draw the cursor*/
lv_obj_t * ta = lv_obj_get_parent(scrl);
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_NONE ||
(ext->cursor.type & LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN) ||
ext->cursor.state == 0) {
return true; /*The cursor is not visible now*/
lv_style_t cur_style;
get_cursor_style(ta, &cur_style);
const char * txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
/*Draw he cursor according to the type*/
lv_area_t cur_area;
lv_area_copy(&cur_area, &ext->cursor.area);
cur_area.x1 += ext->label->coords.x1;
cur_area.y1 += ext->label->coords.y1;
cur_area.x2 += ext->label->coords.x1;
cur_area.y2 += ext->label->coords.y1;
lv_opa_t opa_scale = lv_obj_get_opa_scale(ta);
if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_LINE) {
lv_draw_rect(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale);
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_BLOCK) {
lv_draw_rect(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale);
#if LV_TXT_UTF8 == 0
char letter_buf[2];
letter_buf[0] = txt[ext->cursor.txt_byte_pos];
letter_buf[1] = '\0';
char letter_buf[8] = {0};
memcpy(letter_buf, &txt[ext->cursor.txt_byte_pos], lv_txt_encoded_size(&txt[ext->cursor.txt_byte_pos]));
cur_area.x1 += cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 += cur_style.body.padding.ver;
lv_draw_label(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale, letter_buf, LV_TXT_FLAG_NONE, 0);
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_OUTLINE) {
cur_style.body.empty = 1;
if(cur_style.body.border.width == 0) cur_style.body.border.width = 1; /*Be sure the border will be drawn*/
lv_draw_rect(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale);
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_UNDERLINE) {
lv_draw_rect(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale);
return true;
* Signal function of the text area
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum
* @param param pointer to a signal specific variable
* @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted
static lv_res_t lv_ta_signal(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_signal_t sign, void * param)
lv_res_t res;
/* Include the ancient signal function */
res = ancestor_signal(ta, sign, param);
if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CLEANUP) {
if(ext->pwd_tmp != NULL) lv_mem_free(ext->pwd_tmp);
/* (The created label will be deleted automatically) */
} else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_STYLE_CHG) {
if(ext->label) {
lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(ta);
lv_style_t * style_ta = lv_obj_get_style(ta);
lv_style_t * style_scrl = lv_obj_get_style(scrl);
if(ext->one_line) {
/*In one line mode refresh the Text Area height because 'vpad' can modify it*/
lv_style_t * style_label = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height(style_label->text.font);
lv_obj_set_height(ta, font_h + (style_ta->body.padding.ver + style_scrl->body.padding.ver) * 2);
} else {
/*In not one line mode refresh the Label width because 'hpad' can modify it*/
lv_obj_set_width(ext->label, lv_obj_get_width(scrl) - 2 * style_scrl->body.padding.hor);
lv_obj_set_pos(ext->label, style_scrl->body.padding.hor, style_scrl->body.padding.ver); /*Be sure the Label is in the correct position*/
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, NULL);
} else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CORD_CHG) {
/*Set the label width according to the text area width*/
if(ext->label) {
if(lv_obj_get_width(ta) != lv_area_get_width(param) ||
lv_obj_get_height(ta) != lv_area_get_height(param)) {
lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(ta);
lv_style_t * style_scrl = lv_obj_get_style(scrl);
lv_obj_set_width(ext->label, lv_obj_get_width(scrl) - 2 * style_scrl->body.padding.hor);
lv_obj_set_pos(ext->label, style_scrl->body.padding.hor, style_scrl->body.padding.ver);
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, NULL); /*Refresh the label*/
} else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CONTROLL) {
uint32_t c = *((uint32_t *)param); /*uint32_t because can be UTF-8*/
if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_RIGHT) lv_ta_cursor_right(ta);
else if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_LEFT) lv_ta_cursor_left(ta);
else if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_UP) lv_ta_cursor_up(ta);
else if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_DOWN) lv_ta_cursor_down(ta);
else if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_BACKSPACE) lv_ta_del_char(ta);
else if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_DEL) {
uint16_t cp = lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta);
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, cp + 1);
if(cp != lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta)) lv_ta_del_char(ta);
else {
lv_ta_add_char(ta, c);
} else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_GET_EDITABLE) {
bool * editable = (bool *)param;
*editable = true;
} else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_GET_TYPE) {
lv_obj_type_t * buf = param;
uint8_t i;
for(i = 0; i < LV_MAX_ANCESTOR_NUM - 1; i++) { /*Find the last set data*/
if(buf->type[i] == NULL) break;
buf->type[i] = "lv_ta";
} else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_DEFOCUS) {
lv_cursor_type_t cur_type;
cur_type = lv_ta_get_cursor_type(ta);
lv_ta_set_cursor_type(ta, cur_type | LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN);
} else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_FOCUS) {
lv_cursor_type_t cur_type;
cur_type = lv_ta_get_cursor_type(ta);
lv_group_t * g = lv_obj_get_group(ta);
bool editing = lv_group_get_editing(g);
lv_hal_indev_type_t indev_type = lv_indev_get_type(lv_indev_get_act());
/*Encoders need special handling*/
if(indev_type == LV_INDEV_TYPE_ENCODER) {
if(editing) lv_ta_set_cursor_type(ta, cur_type & (~LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN));
else lv_ta_set_cursor_type(ta, cur_type | LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN);
else {
lv_ta_set_cursor_type(ta, cur_type & (~LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN));
return res;
* Signal function of the scrollable part of the text area
* @param scrl pointer to scrollable part of a text area object
* @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum
* @param param pointer to a signal specific variable
* @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted
static lv_res_t lv_ta_scrollable_signal(lv_obj_t * scrl, lv_signal_t sign, void * param)
lv_res_t res;
lv_obj_t * ta = lv_obj_get_parent(scrl);
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
/* Include the ancient signal function */
res = scrl_signal(scrl, sign, param);
if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
/*Set ext. size because the cursor might be out of this object*/
lv_style_t * style_label = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height(style_label->text.font);
scrl->ext_size = LV_MATH_MAX(scrl->ext_size, style_label->text.line_space + font_h);
#if 0
else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CORD_CHG) {
/*Set the label width according to the text area width*/
if(ext->label) {
if(lv_obj_get_width(ta) != lv_area_get_width(param) ||
lv_obj_get_height(ta) != lv_area_get_height(param)) {
lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(ta);
lv_style_t * style_scrl = lv_obj_get_style(scrl);
lv_obj_set_width(ext->label, lv_obj_get_width(scrl) - 2 * style_scrl->body.padding.hor);
lv_obj_set_pos(ext->label, style_scrl->body.padding.hor, style_scrl->body.padding.ver);
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, NULL); /*Refresh the label*/
return res;
* Called to blink the cursor
* @param ta pointer to a text area
* @param hide 1: hide the cursor, 0: show it
static void cursor_blink_anim(lv_obj_t * ta, uint8_t show)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(show != ext->cursor.state) {
ext->cursor.state = show == 0 ? 0 : 1;
if(ext->cursor.type != LV_CURSOR_NONE &&
(ext->cursor.type & LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN) == 0)
lv_area_t area_tmp;
lv_area_copy(&area_tmp, &ext->cursor.area);
area_tmp.x1 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y1 += ext->label->coords.y1;
area_tmp.x2 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y2 += ext->label->coords.y1;
* Dummy function to animate char hiding in pwd mode.
* Does nothing, but a function is required in car hiding anim.
* (pwd_char_hider callback do the real job)
* @param ta unused
* @param x unused
static void pwd_char_hider_anim(lv_obj_t * ta, int32_t x)
* Hide all characters (convert them to '*')
* @param ta: pointer to text area object
static void pwd_char_hider(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
char * txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
int16_t len = lv_txt_get_encoded_length(txt);
bool refr = false;
uint16_t i;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
txt[i] = '*';
refr = true;
txt[i] = '\0';
if(refr != false) lv_label_set_text(ext->label, txt);
* Test an unicode character if it is accepted or not. Checks max length and accepted char list.
* @param ta pointer to a test area object
* @param c an unicode character
* @return true: accapted; false: rejected
static bool char_is_accepted(lv_obj_t * ta, uint32_t c)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
/*If no restriction accept it*/
if(ext->accapted_chars == NULL && ext->max_length == 0) return true;
/*Too many characters?*/
if(ext->max_length > 0 &&
lv_txt_get_encoded_length(lv_ta_get_text(ta)) >= ext->max_length) {
return false;
/*Accepted character?*/
if(ext->accapted_chars) {
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t a;
while(ext->accapted_chars[i] != '\0') {
a = lv_txt_encoded_next(ext->accapted_chars, &i);
if(a == c) return true; /*Accepted*/
return false; /*The character wasn't in the list*/
} else {
return true; /*If the accepted char list in not specified the accept the character*/
static void get_cursor_style(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_style_t * style_res)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
lv_style_t * label_style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
if(ext->cursor.style) {
lv_style_copy(style_res, ext->cursor.style);
} else {
/*If cursor style is not specified then use the modified label style */
lv_style_copy(style_res, label_style);
lv_color_t clv_color_tmp = style_res->text.color; /*Make letter color to cursor color*/
style_res->text.color = style_res->body.main_color; /*In block mode the letter color will be current background color*/
style_res->body.main_color = clv_color_tmp;
style_res->body.grad_color = clv_color_tmp;
style_res->body.border.color = clv_color_tmp;
style_res->body.border.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
style_res->body.border.width = 1;
style_res->body.shadow.width = 0;
style_res->body.radius = 0;
style_res->body.empty = 0;
style_res->body.padding.hor = 0;
style_res->body.padding.ver = 0;
style_res->line.width = 1;
style_res->body.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
static void refr_cursor_area(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
lv_style_t * label_style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
lv_style_t cur_style;
get_cursor_style(ta, &cur_style);
uint16_t cur_pos = lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta);
const char * txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
uint32_t byte_pos;
#if LV_TXT_UTF8 != 0
byte_pos = lv_txt_encoded_get_byte_id(txt, cur_pos);
uint32_t letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(&txt[byte_pos], NULL);
byte_pos = cur_pos;
uint32_t letter = txt[byte_pos];
lv_coord_t letter_h = lv_font_get_height(label_style->text.font);
/*Set letter_w (set not 0 on non printable but valid chars)*/
lv_coord_t letter_w;
if(letter == '\0' || letter == '\n' || letter == '\r') {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, ' ');
} else {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, letter);
lv_point_t letter_pos;
lv_label_get_letter_pos(ext->label, cur_pos, &letter_pos);
/*If the cursor is out of the text (most right) draw it to the next line*/
if(letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 + letter_w > ext->label->coords.x2 && ext->one_line == 0 && lv_label_get_align(ext->label) != LV_LABEL_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
letter_pos.x = 0;
letter_pos.y += letter_h + label_style->text.line_space;
if(letter != '\0') {
byte_pos += lv_txt_encoded_size(&txt[byte_pos]);
letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(&txt[byte_pos], NULL);
if(letter == '\0' || letter == '\n' || letter == '\r') {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, ' ');
} else {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, letter);
/*Save the byte position. It is required to draw `LV_CURSOR_BLOCK`*/
ext->cursor.txt_byte_pos = byte_pos;
/*Draw he cursor according to the type*/
lv_area_t cur_area;
if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_LINE) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor - (cur_style.line.width >> 1) - (cur_style.line.width & 0x1);
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver;
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor + (cur_style.line.width >> 1);
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h;
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_BLOCK) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x - cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y - cur_style.body.padding.ver;
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor + letter_w;
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h;
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_OUTLINE) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x - cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y - cur_style.body.padding.ver;
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor + letter_w;
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h;
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_UNDERLINE) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h - (cur_style.line.width >> 1);
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor + letter_w;
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h + (cur_style.line.width >> 1) + (cur_style.line.width & 0x1);
/*Save the new area*/
lv_area_t area_tmp;
lv_area_copy(&area_tmp, &ext->cursor.area);
area_tmp.x1 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y1 += ext->label->coords.y1;
area_tmp.x2 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y2 += ext->label->coords.y1;
lv_area_copy(&ext->cursor.area, &cur_area);
lv_area_copy(&area_tmp, &ext->cursor.area);
area_tmp.x1 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y1 += ext->label->coords.y1;
area_tmp.x2 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y2 += ext->label->coords.y1;