// Formatting library for C++ - tests of the OS-specific functionality // // Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich // All rights reserved. // // For the license information refer to format.h. #include "fmt/os.h" #include // std::exit #include #include #include "gtest-extra.h" #include "util.h" using fmt::buffered_file; using testing::HasSubstr; using wstring_view = fmt::basic_string_view; static std::string uniq_file_name(unsigned line_number) { return "test-file" + std::to_string(line_number); } #ifdef _WIN32 # include TEST(os_test, format_windows_error) { LPWSTR message = nullptr; auto result = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nullptr, ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), reinterpret_cast(&message), 0, nullptr); auto utf8_message = fmt::detail::to_utf8(wstring_view(message, result - 2)); LocalFree(message); fmt::memory_buffer actual_message; fmt::detail::format_windows_error(actual_message, ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, "test"); EXPECT_EQ(fmt::format("test: {}", utf8_message.str()), fmt::to_string(actual_message)); actual_message.resize(0); } TEST(os_test, format_long_windows_error) { LPWSTR message = nullptr; // this error code is not available on all Windows platforms and // Windows SDKs, so do not fail the test if the error string cannot // be retrieved. int provisioning_not_allowed = 0x80284013L; // TBS_E_PROVISIONING_NOT_ALLOWED auto result = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nullptr, static_cast(provisioning_not_allowed), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), reinterpret_cast(&message), 0, nullptr); if (result == 0) { LocalFree(message); return; } auto utf8_message = fmt::detail::to_utf8(wstring_view(message, result - 2)); LocalFree(message); fmt::memory_buffer actual_message; fmt::detail::format_windows_error(actual_message, provisioning_not_allowed, "test"); EXPECT_EQ(fmt::format("test: {}", utf8_message.str()), fmt::to_string(actual_message)); } TEST(os_test, windows_error) { auto error = std::system_error(std::error_code()); try { throw fmt::windows_error(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, "test {}", "error"); } catch (const std::system_error& e) { error = e; } fmt::memory_buffer message; fmt::detail::format_windows_error(message, ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, "test error"); EXPECT_THAT(error.what(), HasSubstr(to_string(message))); EXPECT_EQ(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, error.code().value()); } TEST(os_test, report_windows_error) { fmt::memory_buffer out; fmt::detail::format_windows_error(out, ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, "test error"); out.push_back('\n'); EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, fmt::report_windows_error(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, "test error"), fmt::to_string(out)); } # if FMT_USE_FCNTL && !defined(__MINGW32__) TEST(file_test, open_windows_file) { using fmt::file; file out = file::open_windows_file(L"test-file", file::WRONLY | file::CREATE | file::TRUNC); out.write("x", 1); file in = file::open_windows_file(L"test-file", file::RDONLY); EXPECT_READ(in, "x"); } # endif // FMT_USE_FCNTL && !defined(__MINGW32__) #endif // _WIN32 #if FMT_USE_FCNTL using fmt::file; auto isclosed(int fd) -> bool { char buffer; auto result = std::streamsize(); SUPPRESS_ASSERT(result = FMT_POSIX(read(fd, &buffer, 1))); return result == -1 && errno == EBADF; } // Opens a file for reading. auto open_file() -> file { auto pipe = fmt::pipe(); pipe.write_end.write(file_content, std::strlen(file_content)); pipe.write_end.close(); return std::move(pipe.read_end); } // Attempts to write a string to a file. void write(file& f, fmt::string_view s) { size_t num_chars_left = s.size(); const char* ptr = s.data(); do { size_t count = f.write(ptr, num_chars_left); ptr += count; // We can't write more than size_t bytes since num_chars_left // has type size_t. num_chars_left -= count; } while (num_chars_left != 0); } TEST(buffered_file_test, default_ctor) { auto f = buffered_file(); EXPECT_TRUE(f.get() == nullptr); } TEST(buffered_file_test, move_ctor) { buffered_file bf = open_buffered_file(); FILE* fp = bf.get(); EXPECT_TRUE(fp != nullptr); buffered_file bf2(std::move(bf)); EXPECT_EQ(fp, bf2.get()); EXPECT_TRUE(bf.get() == nullptr); } TEST(buffered_file_test, move_assignment) { buffered_file bf = open_buffered_file(); FILE* fp = bf.get(); EXPECT_TRUE(fp != nullptr); buffered_file bf2; bf2 = std::move(bf); EXPECT_EQ(fp, bf2.get()); EXPECT_TRUE(bf.get() == nullptr); } TEST(buffered_file_test, move_assignment_closes_file) { buffered_file bf = open_buffered_file(); buffered_file bf2 = open_buffered_file(); int old_fd = bf2.descriptor(); bf2 = std::move(bf); EXPECT_TRUE(isclosed(old_fd)); } TEST(buffered_file_test, move_from_temporary_in_ctor) { FILE* fp = nullptr; buffered_file f = open_buffered_file(&fp); EXPECT_EQ(fp, f.get()); } TEST(buffered_file_test, move_from_temporary_in_assignment) { FILE* fp = nullptr; auto f = buffered_file(); f = open_buffered_file(&fp); EXPECT_EQ(fp, f.get()); } TEST(buffered_file_test, move_from_temporary_in_assignment_closes_file) { buffered_file f = open_buffered_file(); int old_fd = f.descriptor(); f = open_buffered_file(); EXPECT_TRUE(isclosed(old_fd)); } TEST(buffered_file_test, close_file_in_dtor) { int fd = 0; { buffered_file f = open_buffered_file(); fd = f.descriptor(); } EXPECT_TRUE(isclosed(fd)); } TEST(buffered_file_test, close_error_in_dtor) { auto f = std::unique_ptr(new buffered_file(open_buffered_file())); EXPECT_WRITE( stderr, { // The close function must be called inside EXPECT_WRITE, // otherwise the system may recycle closed file descriptor when // redirecting the output in EXPECT_STDERR and the second close // will break output redirection. FMT_POSIX(close(f->descriptor())); SUPPRESS_ASSERT(f.reset(nullptr)); }, system_error_message(EBADF, "cannot close file") + "\n"); } TEST(buffered_file_test, close) { buffered_file f = open_buffered_file(); int fd = f.descriptor(); f.close(); EXPECT_TRUE(f.get() == nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(isclosed(fd)); } TEST(buffered_file_test, close_error) { buffered_file f = open_buffered_file(); FMT_POSIX(close(f.descriptor())); EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR_NOASSERT(f.close(), EBADF, "cannot close file"); EXPECT_TRUE(f.get() == nullptr); } TEST(buffered_file_test, descriptor) { auto f = open_buffered_file(); EXPECT_TRUE(f.descriptor() != -1); file copy = file::dup(f.descriptor()); EXPECT_READ(copy, file_content); } TEST(ostream_test, move) { auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); fmt::ostream out = fmt::output_file(test_file); fmt::ostream moved(std::move(out)); moved.print("hello"); } TEST(ostream_test, move_while_holding_data) { auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); { fmt::ostream out = fmt::output_file(test_file); out.print("Hello, "); fmt::ostream moved(std::move(out)); moved.print("world!\n"); } { file in(test_file, file::RDONLY); EXPECT_READ(in, "Hello, world!\n"); } } TEST(ostream_test, print) { auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); fmt::ostream out = fmt::output_file(test_file); out.print("The answer is {}.\n", 42); out.close(); file in(test_file, file::RDONLY); EXPECT_READ(in, "The answer is 42.\n"); } TEST(ostream_test, buffer_boundary) { auto str = std::string(4096, 'x'); auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); fmt::ostream out = fmt::output_file(test_file); out.print("{}", str); out.print("{}", str); out.close(); file in(test_file, file::RDONLY); EXPECT_READ(in, str + str); } TEST(ostream_test, buffer_size) { auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); fmt::ostream out = fmt::output_file(test_file, fmt::buffer_size = 1); out.print("{}", "foo"); out.close(); file in(test_file, file::RDONLY); EXPECT_READ(in, "foo"); } TEST(ostream_test, truncate) { auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); { fmt::ostream out = fmt::output_file(test_file); out.print("0123456789"); } { fmt::ostream out = fmt::output_file(test_file); out.print("foo"); } file in(test_file, file::RDONLY); EXPECT_EQ("foo", read(in, 4)); } TEST(ostream_test, flush) { auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); auto out = fmt::output_file(test_file); out.print("x"); out.flush(); auto in = fmt::file(test_file, file::RDONLY); EXPECT_READ(in, "x"); } TEST(file_test, default_ctor) { file f; EXPECT_EQ(-1, f.descriptor()); } TEST(file_test, open_buffered_file_in_ctor) { auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); FILE* fp = safe_fopen(test_file.c_str(), "w"); std::fputs(file_content, fp); std::fclose(fp); file f(test_file.c_str(), file::RDONLY); // Check if the file is open by reading one character from it. char buffer; bool isopen = FMT_POSIX(read(f.descriptor(), &buffer, 1)) == 1; ASSERT_TRUE(isopen); } TEST(file_test, open_buffered_file_error) { EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR(file("nonexistent", file::RDONLY), ENOENT, "cannot open file nonexistent"); } TEST(file_test, move_ctor) { file f = open_file(); int fd = f.descriptor(); EXPECT_NE(-1, fd); file f2(std::move(f)); EXPECT_EQ(fd, f2.descriptor()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, f.descriptor()); } TEST(file_test, move_assignment) { file f = open_file(); int fd = f.descriptor(); EXPECT_NE(-1, fd); file f2; f2 = std::move(f); EXPECT_EQ(fd, f2.descriptor()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, f.descriptor()); } TEST(file_test, move_assignment_closes_file) { file f = open_file(); file f2 = open_file(); int old_fd = f2.descriptor(); f2 = std::move(f); EXPECT_TRUE(isclosed(old_fd)); } file open_buffered_file(int& fd) { file f = open_file(); fd = f.descriptor(); return f; } TEST(file_test, move_from_temporary_in_ctor) { int fd = 0xdead; file f(open_buffered_file(fd)); EXPECT_EQ(fd, f.descriptor()); } TEST(file_test, move_from_temporary_in_assignment) { int fd = 0xdead; file f; f = open_buffered_file(fd); EXPECT_EQ(fd, f.descriptor()); } TEST(file_test, move_from_temporary_in_assignment_closes_file) { int fd = 0xdead; file f = open_file(); int old_fd = f.descriptor(); f = open_buffered_file(fd); EXPECT_TRUE(isclosed(old_fd)); } TEST(file_test, close_file_in_dtor) { int fd = 0; { file f = open_file(); fd = f.descriptor(); } EXPECT_TRUE(isclosed(fd)); } TEST(file_test, close_error_in_dtor) { std::unique_ptr f(new file(open_file())); EXPECT_WRITE( stderr, { // The close function must be called inside EXPECT_WRITE, // otherwise the system may recycle closed file descriptor when // redirecting the output in EXPECT_STDERR and the second close // will break output redirection. FMT_POSIX(close(f->descriptor())); SUPPRESS_ASSERT(f.reset(nullptr)); }, system_error_message(EBADF, "cannot close file") + "\n"); } TEST(file_test, close) { file f = open_file(); int fd = f.descriptor(); f.close(); EXPECT_EQ(-1, f.descriptor()); EXPECT_TRUE(isclosed(fd)); } TEST(file_test, close_error) { file f = open_file(); FMT_POSIX(close(f.descriptor())); EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR_NOASSERT(f.close(), EBADF, "cannot close file"); EXPECT_EQ(-1, f.descriptor()); } TEST(file_test, read) { file f = open_file(); EXPECT_READ(f, file_content); } TEST(file_test, read_error) { auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); file f(test_file, file::WRONLY | file::CREATE); char buf; // We intentionally read from a file opened in the write-only mode to // cause error. EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR(f.read(&buf, 1), EBADF, "cannot read from file"); } TEST(file_test, write) { auto pipe = fmt::pipe(); auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); write(pipe.write_end, test_file); pipe.write_end.close(); EXPECT_READ(pipe.read_end, test_file); } TEST(file_test, write_error) { auto test_file = uniq_file_name(__LINE__); file f(test_file, file::RDONLY | file::CREATE); // We intentionally write to a file opened in the read-only mode to // cause error. EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR(f.write(" ", 1), EBADF, "cannot write to file"); } TEST(file_test, dup) { file f = open_file(); file copy = file::dup(f.descriptor()); EXPECT_NE(f.descriptor(), copy.descriptor()); EXPECT_EQ(file_content, read(copy, std::strlen(file_content))); } # ifndef __COVERITY__ TEST(file_test, dup_error) { int value = -1; EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR_NOASSERT(file::dup(value), EBADF, "cannot duplicate file descriptor -1"); } # endif TEST(file_test, dup2) { file f = open_file(); file copy = open_file(); f.dup2(copy.descriptor()); EXPECT_NE(f.descriptor(), copy.descriptor()); EXPECT_READ(copy, file_content); } TEST(file_test, dup2_error) { file f = open_file(); EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR_NOASSERT( f.dup2(-1), EBADF, fmt::format("cannot duplicate file descriptor {} to -1", f.descriptor())); } TEST(file_test, dup2_noexcept) { file f = open_file(); file copy = open_file(); std::error_code ec; f.dup2(copy.descriptor(), ec); EXPECT_EQ(ec.value(), 0); EXPECT_NE(f.descriptor(), copy.descriptor()); EXPECT_READ(copy, file_content); } TEST(file_test, dup2_noexcept_error) { file f = open_file(); std::error_code ec; SUPPRESS_ASSERT(f.dup2(-1, ec)); EXPECT_EQ(EBADF, ec.value()); } TEST(file_test, pipe) { auto pipe = fmt::pipe(); EXPECT_NE(-1, pipe.read_end.descriptor()); EXPECT_NE(-1, pipe.write_end.descriptor()); write(pipe.write_end, "test"); EXPECT_READ(pipe.read_end, "test"); } TEST(file_test, fdopen) { auto pipe = fmt::pipe(); int read_fd = pipe.read_end.descriptor(); EXPECT_EQ(read_fd, FMT_POSIX(fileno(pipe.read_end.fdopen("r").get()))); } #endif // FMT_USE_FCNTL