# Test if compile errors are produced where necessary. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../..) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${CPP14_FLAG}) function (generate_source result fragment) set(${result} " #define FMT_HEADER_ONLY 1 #include \"fmt/posix.h\" int main() { ${fragment} } " PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (expect_compile code) generate_source(source "${code}") check_cxx_source_compiles("${source}" compiles) if (NOT compiles) set(error_msg "Compile error for: ${code}") endif () # Unset the CMake cache variable compiles. Otherwise the compile test will # just use cached information next time it runs. unset(compiles CACHE) if (error_msg) message(FATAL_ERROR ${error_msg}) endif () endfunction () function (expect_compile_error code) generate_source(source "${code}") check_cxx_source_compiles("${source}" compiles) if (compiles) set(error_msg "No compile error for: ${code}") endif () # Unset the CMake cache variable compiles. Otherwise the compile test will # just use cached information next time it runs. unset(compiles CACHE) if (error_msg) message(FATAL_ERROR ${error_msg}) endif () endfunction () # check if the source file skeleton compiles expect_compile("") # MakeArg doesn't accept [const] volatile char *. expect_compile_error("volatile char s[] = \"test\"; (fmt::internal::MakeArg)(s);") expect_compile_error("const volatile char s[] = \"test\"; (fmt::internal::MakeArg)(s);") # MakeArg doesn't accept wchar_t. expect_compile_error("fmt::internal::MakeValue(L'a');") expect_compile_error("fmt::internal::MakeValue(L\"test\");") # Writing a wide character to a character stream Writer is forbidden. expect_compile_error("fmt::MemoryWriter() << L'a';") expect_compile_error("fmt::MemoryWriter() << fmt::pad(\"abc\", 5, L' ');") expect_compile_error("fmt::MemoryWriter() << fmt::pad(42, 5, L' ');") # Formatting a wide character with a narrow format string is forbidden. expect_compile_error("fmt::format(\"{}\", L'a';") # Make sure that compiler features detected in the header # match the features detected in CMake. if (SUPPORTS_USER_DEFINED_LITERALS) set(supports_udl 1) else () set(supports_udl 0) endif () expect_compile("#if FMT_USE_USER_DEFINED_LITERALS != ${supports_udl} # error #endif")