// Formatting library for C++ - dynamic argument store tests // // Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich // All rights reserved. // // For the license information refer to format.h. #include "fmt/args.h" #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" TEST(args_test, basic) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; store.push_back(42); store.push_back("abc1"); store.push_back(1.5f); EXPECT_EQ("42 and abc1 and 1.5", fmt::vformat("{} and {} and {}", store)); } TEST(args_test, strings_and_refs) { // Unfortunately the tests are compiled with old ABI so strings use COW. fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; char str[] = "1234567890"; store.push_back(str); store.push_back(std::cref(str)); store.push_back(fmt::string_view{str}); str[0] = 'X'; auto result = fmt::vformat("{} and {} and {}", store); EXPECT_EQ("1234567890 and X234567890 and X234567890", result); } struct custom_type { int i = 0; }; FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE template <> struct formatter { auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) { return ctx.begin(); } template auto format(const custom_type& p, FormatContext& ctx) const -> decltype(ctx.out()) { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "cust={}", p.i); } }; FMT_END_NAMESPACE TEST(args_test, custom_format) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; auto c = custom_type(); store.push_back(c); ++c.i; store.push_back(c); ++c.i; store.push_back(std::cref(c)); ++c.i; auto result = fmt::vformat("{} and {} and {}", store); EXPECT_EQ("cust=0 and cust=1 and cust=3", result); } struct to_stringable { friend fmt::string_view to_string_view(to_stringable) { return {}; } }; FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE template <> struct formatter { auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) { return ctx.begin(); } auto format(to_stringable, format_context& ctx) const -> decltype(ctx.out()) { return ctx.out(); } }; FMT_END_NAMESPACE TEST(args_test, to_string_and_formatter) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; auto s = to_stringable(); store.push_back(s); store.push_back(std::cref(s)); fmt::vformat("", store); } TEST(args_test, named_int) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; store.push_back(fmt::arg("a1", 42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::vformat("{a1}", store)); } TEST(args_test, named_strings) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; char str[] = "1234567890"; store.push_back(fmt::arg("a1", str)); store.push_back(fmt::arg("a2", std::cref(str))); str[0] = 'X'; EXPECT_EQ("1234567890 and X234567890", fmt::vformat("{a1} and {a2}", store)); } TEST(args_test, named_arg_by_ref) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; char band[] = "Rolling Stones"; store.push_back(fmt::arg("band", std::cref(band))); band[9] = 'c'; // Changing band affects the output. EXPECT_EQ(fmt::vformat("{band}", store), "Rolling Scones"); } TEST(args_test, named_custom_format) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; auto c = custom_type(); store.push_back(fmt::arg("c1", c)); ++c.i; store.push_back(fmt::arg("c2", c)); ++c.i; store.push_back(fmt::arg("c_ref", std::cref(c))); ++c.i; auto result = fmt::vformat("{c1} and {c2} and {c_ref}", store); EXPECT_EQ("cust=0 and cust=1 and cust=3", result); } TEST(args_test, clear) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; store.push_back(42); auto result = fmt::vformat("{}", store); EXPECT_EQ("42", result); store.push_back(43); result = fmt::vformat("{} and {}", store); EXPECT_EQ("42 and 43", result); store.clear(); store.push_back(44); result = fmt::vformat("{}", store); EXPECT_EQ("44", result); } TEST(args_test, reserve) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; store.reserve(2, 1); store.push_back(1.5f); store.push_back(fmt::arg("a", 42)); auto result = fmt::vformat("{} and {a}", store); EXPECT_EQ("1.5 and 42", result); } struct copy_throwable { copy_throwable() {} copy_throwable(const copy_throwable&) { throw "deal with it"; } }; FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE template <> struct formatter { auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) { return ctx.begin(); } auto format(copy_throwable, format_context& ctx) const -> decltype(ctx.out()) { return ctx.out(); } }; FMT_END_NAMESPACE TEST(args_test, throw_on_copy) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store store; store.push_back(std::string("foo")); try { store.push_back(copy_throwable()); } catch (...) { } EXPECT_EQ(fmt::vformat("{}", store), "foo"); } TEST(args_test, move_constructor) { using store_type = fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store; auto store = std::unique_ptr(new store_type()); store->push_back(42); store->push_back(std::string("foo")); store->push_back(fmt::arg("a1", "foo")); auto moved_store = std::move(*store); store.reset(); EXPECT_EQ(fmt::vformat("{} {} {a1}", moved_store), "42 foo foo"); }