.. _string-formatting-api: ************* API Reference ************* All functions and classes provided by the C++ Format library reside in namespace ``fmt`` and macros have prefix ``FMT_``. For brevity the namespace is usually omitted in examples. Format API ========== The following functions use :ref:`format string syntax ` similar to the one used by Python's `str.format `_ function. They take *format_str* and *args* as arguments. *format_str* is a format string that contains literal text and replacement fields surrounded by braces ``{}``. The fields are replaced with formatted arguments in the resulting string. *args* is an argument list representing arbitrary arguments. .. _format: .. doxygenfunction:: format(CStringRef, ArgList) .. doxygenfunction:: operator""_format(const char *, std::size_t) .. _print: .. doxygenfunction:: print(CStringRef, ArgList) .. doxygenfunction:: print(std::FILE *, CStringRef, ArgList) .. doxygenfunction:: print(std::ostream&, CStringRef, ArgList) .. doxygenclass:: fmt::BasicFormatter :members: Printf formatting functions --------------------------- The following functions use `printf format string syntax `_ with a POSIX extension for positional arguments. .. doxygenfunction:: printf(CStringRef, ArgList) .. doxygenfunction:: fprintf(std::FILE*, CStringRef, ArgList) .. doxygenfunction:: sprintf(CStringRef, ArgList) Write API ========= .. doxygenclass:: fmt::BasicWriter :members: .. doxygenclass:: fmt::BasicMemoryWriter :members: .. doxygenclass:: fmt::BasicArrayWriter :members: .. doxygenfunction:: bin .. doxygenfunction:: oct .. doxygenfunction:: hex .. doxygenfunction:: hexu .. doxygenfunction:: pad(int, unsigned, Char) Utilities ========= .. doxygenfunction:: fmt::arg(StringRef, const T&) .. doxygenfunction:: operator""_a(const char *, std::size_t) .. doxygendefine:: FMT_CAPTURE .. doxygendefine:: FMT_VARIADIC .. doxygenclass:: fmt::ArgList :members: .. doxygenclass:: fmt::BasicStringRef :members: .. doxygenclass:: fmt::BasicCStringRef :members: .. doxygenclass:: fmt::Buffer :protected-members: :members: System Errors ============= .. doxygenclass:: fmt::SystemError :members: .. doxygenclass:: fmt::WindowsError :members: .. _formatstrings: Custom allocators ================= The C++ Format library supports custom dynamic memory allocators. A custom allocator class can be specified as a template argument to :class:`fmt::BasicMemoryWriter`:: typedef fmt::BasicMemoryWriter CustomMemoryWriter; It is also possible to write a formatting function that uses a custom allocator:: typedef std::basic_string, CustomAllocator> CustomString; CustomString format(CustomAllocator alloc, fmt::CStringRef format_str, fmt::ArgList args) { CustomMemoryWriter writer(alloc); writer.write(format_str, args); return CustomString(writer.data(), writer.size(), alloc); } FMT_VARIADIC(CustomString, format, CustomAllocator, fmt::CStringRef)