message(STATUS "CMake version: ${CMAKE_VERSION}") cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) # Determine if fmt is built as a subproject (using add_subdirectory) # or if it is the master project. set(MASTER_PROJECT OFF) if (CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) set(MASTER_PROJECT ON) endif () # Joins arguments and places the results in ${result_var}. function(join result_var) set(result ) foreach (arg ${ARGN}) set(result "${result}${arg}") endforeach () set(${result_var} "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Set the default CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release. # This should be done before the project command since the latter can set # CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE itself (it does so for nmake). if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) join(doc "Choose the type of build, options are: None(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or " "CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel.") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING ${doc}) endif () option(FMT_PEDANTIC "Enable extra warnings and expensive tests." OFF) # Options that control generation of various targets. option(FMT_DOC "Generate the doc target." ${MASTER_PROJECT}) option(FMT_INSTALL "Generate the install target." ${MASTER_PROJECT}) option(FMT_TEST "Generate the test target." ${MASTER_PROJECT}) option(FMT_USE_CPP14 "Enable the addition of C++14 compiler flags." ON) project(FMT) # Get version from core.h file(READ include/fmt/core.h core_h) if (NOT core_h MATCHES "FMT_VERSION ([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])") message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot get FMT_VERSION from core.h.") endif () # Use math to skip leading zeros if any. math(EXPR CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) math(EXPR CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}) math(EXPR CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH ${CMAKE_MATCH_3}) join(FMT_VERSION ${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR}.${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR}. ${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH}) message(STATUS "Version: ${FMT_VERSION}") message(STATUS "Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/support/cmake") include(cxx14) if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX OR (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang")) set(PEDANTIC_COMPILE_FLAGS -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -pedantic) endif () if (MASTER_PROJECT AND CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio") # If Microsoft SDK is installed create script run-msbuild.bat that # calls SetEnv.cmd to set up build environment and runs msbuild. # It is useful when building Visual Studio projects with the SDK # toolchain rather than Visual Studio. include(FindSetEnv) if (WINSDK_SETENV) set(MSBUILD_SETUP "call \"${WINSDK_SETENV}\"") endif () # Set FrameworkPathOverride to get rid of MSB3644 warnings. set(netfxpath "C:\\Program Files\\Reference Assemblies\\Microsoft\\Framework\\.NETFramework\\v4.0") file(WRITE run-msbuild.bat " ${MSBUILD_SETUP} ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} -p:FrameworkPathOverride=\"${netfxpath}\" %*") endif () include(CheckSymbolExists) if (WIN32) check_symbol_exists(open io.h HAVE_OPEN) else () check_symbol_exists(open fcntl.h HAVE_OPEN) endif () function(add_headers VAR) set(headers ${${VAR}}) foreach (header ${ARGN}) set(headers ${headers} include/fmt/${header}) endforeach() set(${VAR} ${headers} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Define the fmt library, its includes and the needed defines. # is added to FMT_HEADERS for the header-only configuration. add_headers(FMT_HEADERS core.h format.h locale.h ostream.h printf.h time.h) if (HAVE_OPEN) add_headers(FMT_HEADERS posix.h) add_headers(FMT_SOURCES endif () add_library(fmt ${FMT_SOURCES} ${FMT_HEADERS} README.rst ChangeLog.rst) # Starting with CMake 3.1 the CXX_STANDARD property can be used instead. # Don't export -std since it may break projects that use other standards. target_compile_options(fmt PRIVATE ${CPP14_FLAG}) if (FMT_PEDANTIC) target_compile_options(fmt PRIVATE ${PEDANTIC_COMPILE_FLAGS}) endif () target_include_directories(fmt PUBLIC $ $) set_target_properties(fmt PROPERTIES VERSION ${FMT_VERSION} SOVERSION ${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR} DEBUG_POSTFIX d) if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) if (UNIX AND NOT APPLE) # Fix rpmlint warning: # unused-direct-shlib-dependency /usr/lib/ /lib/ target_link_libraries(fmt -Wl,--as-needed) endif () target_compile_definitions(fmt PRIVATE FMT_EXPORT INTERFACE FMT_SHARED) endif () # Additionally define a header-only library when CMake is new enough. if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.1.0 OR CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL 3.1.0) add_library(fmt-header-only INTERFACE) target_compile_definitions(fmt-header-only INTERFACE FMT_HEADER_ONLY=1) target_include_directories(fmt-header-only INTERFACE $ $) endif () # Install targets. if (FMT_INSTALL) include(GNUInstallDirs) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) set(FMT_CMAKE_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/fmt CACHE STRING "Installation directory for cmake files, relative to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}.") set(version_config ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/fmt-config-version.cmake) set(project_config ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/fmt-config.cmake) set(targets_export_name fmt-targets) set (INSTALL_TARGETS fmt) if (TARGET fmt-header-only) set(INSTALL_TARGETS ${INSTALL_TARGETS} fmt-header-only) endif () set(FMT_LIB_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} CACHE STRING "Installation directory for libraries, relative to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}.") set(FMT_INC_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/fmt CACHE STRING "Installation directory for include files, relative to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}.") # Generate the version, config and target files into the build directory. write_basic_package_version_file( ${version_config} VERSION ${FMT_VERSION} COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion) configure_package_config_file( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/support/cmake/ ${project_config} INSTALL_DESTINATION ${FMT_CMAKE_DIR}) export(TARGETS ${INSTALL_TARGETS} FILE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${targets_export_name}.cmake) # Install version, config and target files. install( FILES ${project_config} ${version_config} DESTINATION ${FMT_CMAKE_DIR}) install(EXPORT ${targets_export_name} DESTINATION ${FMT_CMAKE_DIR}) # Install the library and headers. install(TARGETS ${INSTALL_TARGETS} EXPORT ${targets_export_name} DESTINATION ${FMT_LIB_DIR}) install(FILES ${FMT_HEADERS} DESTINATION ${FMT_INC_DIR}) endif () if (FMT_DOC) add_subdirectory(doc) endif () if (FMT_TEST) enable_testing() add_subdirectory(test) endif () set(gitignore ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.gitignore) if (MASTER_PROJECT AND EXISTS ${gitignore}) # Get the list of ignored files from .gitignore. file (STRINGS ${gitignore} lines) LIST(REMOVE_ITEM lines /doc/html) foreach (line ${lines}) string(REPLACE "." "[.]" line "${line}") string(REPLACE "*" ".*" line "${line}") set(ignored_files ${ignored_files} "${line}$" "${line}/") endforeach () set(ignored_files ${ignored_files} /.git /breathe /format-benchmark sphinx/ .buildinfo .doctrees) set(CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR ZIP) set(CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES ${ignored_files}) set(CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME fmt-${FMT_VERSION}) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME fmt) set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_README ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/README.rst) include(CPack) endif ()