# Get Started To use the {fmt} library, add `fmt/core.h`, `fmt/format.h`, `fmt/format-inl.h`, `src/format.cc` and optionally other headers from a [release archive]( https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/releases/latest) or the [git repository]( https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt) to your project. Alternatively, you can build the library with CMake. ## Building the Library The included [CMake build script](https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt) can be used to build the fmt library on a wide range of platforms. CMake is freely available for download from . CMake works by generating native makefiles or project files that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. The typical workflow starts with: mkdir build # Create a directory to hold the build output. cd build cmake .. # Generate native build scripts. run in the `fmt` repository. If you are on a \*nix system, you should now see a Makefile in the current directory. Now you can build the library by running `make`{.interpreted-text role="command"}. Once the library has been built you can invoke `make test`{.interpreted-text role="command"} to run the tests. You can control generation of the make `test` target with the `FMT_TEST` CMake option. This can be useful if you include fmt as a subdirectory in your project but don\'t want to add fmt\'s tests to your `test` target. If you use Windows and have Visual Studio installed, a `FMT.sln` file and several `.vcproj` files will be created. You can then build them using Visual Studio or msbuild. On Mac OS X with Xcode installed, an `.xcodeproj`{.interpreted-text role="file"} file will be generated. To build a [shared library](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_%28computing%29#Shared_libraries) set the `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` CMake variable to `TRUE`: cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=TRUE .. To build a [static library]{.title-ref} with position independent code (required if the main consumer of the fmt library is a shared library i.e. a Python extension) set the `CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE` CMake variable to `TRUE`: cmake -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=TRUE .. ## Installing the Library After building the library you can install it on a Unix-like system by running `sudo make install`{.interpreted-text role="command"}. ## Usage with CMake You can add the `fmt` library directory into your project and include it in your `CMakeLists.txt` file: add_subdirectory(fmt) or add_subdirectory(fmt EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) to exclude it from `make`, `make all`, or `cmake --build .`. You can detect and use an installed version of {fmt} as follows: find_package(fmt) target_link_libraries( fmt::fmt) Setting up your target to use a header-only version of `fmt` is equally easy: target_link_libraries( PRIVATE fmt::fmt-header-only) ## Usage with build2 You can use [build2](https://build2.org), a dependency manager and a build-system combined, to use `fmt`. Currently this package is available in these package repositories: - **https://cppget.org/fmt/** for released and published versions. - [The git repository with the sources of the build2 package of fmt](https://github.com/build2-packaging/fmt.git) for unreleased or custom revisions of `fmt`. **Usage:** - `build2` package name: `fmt` - Library target name : `lib{fmt}` For example, to make your `build2` project depend on `fmt`: - Add one of the repositories to your configurations, or in your `repositories.manifest`, if not already there: : role: prerequisite location: https://pkg.cppget.org/1/stable - Add this package as a dependency to your `./manifest` file (example for `v7.0.x`): depends: fmt ~7.0.0 - Import the target and use it as a prerequisite to your own target using [fmt]{.title-ref} in the appropriate `buildfile`: import fmt = fmt%lib{fmt} lib{mylib} : cxx{**} ... $fmt Then build your project as usual with [b]{.title-ref} or [bdep update]{.title-ref}. For `build2` newcomers or to get more details and use cases, you can read the `build2` [toolchain introduction](https://build2.org/build2-toolchain/doc/build2-toolchain-intro.xhtml). ## Usage with Meson [Meson\'s WrapDB \]{.title-ref} includes a `fmt` package, which repackages fmt to be built by Meson as a subproject. **Usage:** - Install the `fmt` subproject from the WrapDB by running: meson wrap install fmt from the root of your project. - In your project\'s `meson.build` file, add an entry for the new subproject: fmt = subproject('fmt') fmt_dep = fmt.get_variable('fmt_dep') - Include the new dependency object to link with fmt: my_build_target = executable('name', 'src/main.cc', dependencies: [fmt_dep]) **Options:** If desired, `fmt` may be built as a static library, or as a header-only library. For a static build, use the following subproject definition: fmt = subproject('fmt', default_options: 'default_library=static') fmt_dep = fmt.get_variable('fmt_dep') For the header-only version, use: fmt = subproject('fmt') fmt_dep = fmt.get_variable('fmt_header_only_dep') ## Building the Documentation To build the documentation you need the following software installed on your system: - [Python](https://www.python.org/) with pip and virtualenv - [Doxygen](http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/) - [Less](http://lesscss.org/) with `less-plugin-clean-css`. Ubuntu doesn\'t package the `clean-css` plugin so you should use `npm` instead of `apt` to install both `less` and the plugin: sudo npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css. First generate makefiles or project files using CMake as described in the previous section. Then compile the `doc` target/project, for example: make doc This will generate the HTML documentation in `doc/html`. ## Conda fmt can be installed on Linux, macOS and Windows with [Conda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/), using its [conda-forge](https://conda-forge.org) [package](https://github.com/conda-forge/fmt-feedstock), as follows: conda install -c conda-forge fmt ## Vcpkg You can download and install fmt using the [vcpkg](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) dependency manager: git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git cd vcpkg ./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh ./vcpkg integrate install ./vcpkg install fmt The fmt port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please [create an issue or pull request](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) on the vcpkg repository. ## LHelper You can download and install fmt using [lhelper](https://github.com/franko/lhelper) dependency manager: lhelper activate lhelper install fmt All the recipes for lhelper are kept in the [lhelper\'s recipe](https://github.com/franko/lhelper-recipes) repository. ## Android NDK fmt provides [Android.mk file](https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/blob/master/support/Android.mk) that can be used to build the library with [Android NDK](https://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html). For an example of using fmt with Android NDK, see the [android-ndk-example](https://github.com/fmtlib/android-ndk-example) repository. ## Homebrew fmt can be installed on OS X using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/): brew install fmt