// Formatting library for C++ - std::ostream support tests // // Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich // All rights reserved. // // For the license information refer to format.h. #define FMT_STRING_ALIAS 1 #include "fmt/format.h" struct test {}; // Test that there is no issues with specializations when fmt/ostream.h is // included after fmt/format.h. namespace fmt { template <> struct formatter : formatter { template typename FormatContext::iterator format(const test&, FormatContext& ctx) { return formatter::format(42, ctx); } }; } // namespace fmt #include "fmt/ostream.h" #include #include "gmock.h" #include "gtest-extra.h" #include "util.h" using fmt::format; using fmt::format_error; static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Date& d) { os << d.year() << '-' << d.month() << '-' << d.day(); return os; } static std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& os, const Date& d) { os << d.year() << L'-' << d.month() << L'-' << d.day(); return os; } // Make sure that overloaded comma operators do no harm to is_streamable. struct type_with_comma_op {}; template void operator,(type_with_comma_op, const T&); template type_with_comma_op operator<<(T&, const Date&); enum TestEnum {}; static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, TestEnum) { return os << "TestEnum"; } static std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& os, TestEnum) { return os << L"TestEnum"; } enum TestEnum2 { A }; TEST(OStreamTest, Enum) { EXPECT_FALSE((fmt::convert_to_int::value)); EXPECT_EQ("TestEnum", fmt::format("{}", TestEnum())); EXPECT_EQ("0", fmt::format("{}", A)); EXPECT_FALSE((fmt::convert_to_int::value)); EXPECT_EQ(L"TestEnum", fmt::format(L"{}", TestEnum())); EXPECT_EQ(L"0", fmt::format(L"{}", A)); } typedef fmt::back_insert_range> range; struct test_arg_formatter : fmt::arg_formatter { fmt::format_parse_context parse_ctx; test_arg_formatter(fmt::format_context& ctx, fmt::format_specs& s) : fmt::arg_formatter(ctx, &parse_ctx, &s), parse_ctx("") {} }; TEST(OStreamTest, CustomArg) { fmt::memory_buffer buffer; fmt::internal::buffer& base = buffer; fmt::format_context ctx(std::back_inserter(base), fmt::format_args()); fmt::format_specs spec; test_arg_formatter af(ctx, spec); fmt::visit_format_arg( af, fmt::internal::make_arg(TestEnum())); EXPECT_EQ("TestEnum", std::string(buffer.data(), buffer.size())); } TEST(OStreamTest, Format) { EXPECT_EQ("a string", format("{0}", TestString("a string"))); std::string s = format("The date is {0}", Date(2012, 12, 9)); EXPECT_EQ("The date is 2012-12-9", s); Date date(2012, 12, 9); EXPECT_EQ(L"The date is 2012-12-9", format(L"The date is {0}", Date(2012, 12, 9))); } TEST(OStreamTest, FormatSpecs) { EXPECT_EQ("def ", format("{0:<5}", TestString("def"))); EXPECT_EQ(" def", format("{0:>5}", TestString("def"))); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:=5}", TestString("def")), format_error, "format specifier requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_EQ(" def ", format("{0:^5}", TestString("def"))); EXPECT_EQ("def**", format("{0:*<5}", TestString("def"))); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:+}", TestString()), format_error, "format specifier requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:-}", TestString()), format_error, "format specifier requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0: }", TestString()), format_error, "format specifier requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:#}", TestString()), format_error, "format specifier requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:05}", TestString()), format_error, "format specifier requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_EQ("test ", format("{0:13}", TestString("test"))); EXPECT_EQ("test ", format("{0:{1}}", TestString("test"), 13)); EXPECT_EQ("te", format("{0:.2}", TestString("test"))); EXPECT_EQ("te", format("{0:.{1}}", TestString("test"), 2)); } struct EmptyTest {}; static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, EmptyTest) { return os << ""; } TEST(OStreamTest, EmptyCustomOutput) { EXPECT_EQ("", fmt::format("{}", EmptyTest())); } TEST(OStreamTest, Print) { std::ostringstream os; fmt::print(os, "Don't {}!", "panic"); EXPECT_EQ("Don't panic!", os.str()); std::wostringstream wos; fmt::print(wos, L"Don't {}!", L"panic"); EXPECT_EQ(L"Don't panic!", wos.str()); } TEST(OStreamTest, WriteToOStream) { std::ostringstream os; fmt::memory_buffer buffer; const char* foo = "foo"; buffer.append(foo, foo + std::strlen(foo)); fmt::internal::write(os, buffer); EXPECT_EQ("foo", os.str()); } TEST(OStreamTest, WriteToOStreamMaxSize) { std::size_t max_size = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::streamsize max_streamsize = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (max_size <= fmt::internal::to_unsigned(max_streamsize)) return; struct test_buffer : fmt::internal::buffer { explicit test_buffer(std::size_t size) { resize(size); } void grow(std::size_t) {} } buffer(max_size); struct mock_streambuf : std::streambuf { MOCK_METHOD2(xsputn, std::streamsize(const void* s, std::streamsize n)); std::streamsize xsputn(const char* s, std::streamsize n) { const void* v = s; return xsputn(v, n); } } streambuf; struct test_ostream : std::ostream { explicit test_ostream(mock_streambuf& buffer) : std::ostream(&buffer) {} } os(streambuf); testing::InSequence sequence; const char* data = FMT_NULL; typedef std::make_unsigned::type ustreamsize; ustreamsize size = max_size; do { auto n = std::min(size, fmt::internal::to_unsigned(max_streamsize)); EXPECT_CALL(streambuf, xsputn(data, static_cast(n))) .WillOnce(testing::Return(max_streamsize)); data += n; size -= n; } while (size != 0); fmt::internal::write(os, buffer); } TEST(OStreamTest, Join) { int v[3] = {1, 2, 3}; EXPECT_EQ("1, 2, 3", fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(v, v + 3, ", "))); } #if FMT_USE_CONSTEXPR TEST(OStreamTest, ConstexprString) { EXPECT_EQ("42", format(fmt("{}"), std::string("42"))); EXPECT_EQ("a string", format(fmt("{0}"), TestString("a string"))); } #endif namespace fmt_test { struct ABC {}; template Output& operator<<(Output& out, ABC) { out << "ABC"; return out; } } // namespace fmt_test template struct TestTemplate {}; template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, TestTemplate) { return os << 1; } namespace fmt { template struct formatter> : formatter { template typename FormatContext::iterator format(TestTemplate, FormatContext& ctx) { return formatter::format(2, ctx); } }; } // namespace fmt #if !FMT_GCC_VERSION || FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 407 TEST(OStreamTest, Template) { EXPECT_EQ("2", fmt::format("{}", TestTemplate())); } TEST(FormatTest, FormatToN) { char buffer[4]; buffer[3] = 'x'; auto result = fmt::format_to_n(buffer, 3, "{}", fmt_test::ABC()); EXPECT_EQ(3u, result.size); EXPECT_EQ(buffer + 3, result.out); EXPECT_EQ("ABCx", fmt::string_view(buffer, 4)); result = fmt::format_to_n(buffer, 3, "x{}y", fmt_test::ABC()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, result.size); EXPECT_EQ(buffer + 3, result.out); EXPECT_EQ("xABx", fmt::string_view(buffer, 4)); } #endif #if FMT_USE_USER_DEFINED_LITERALS TEST(FormatTest, UDL) { using namespace fmt::literals; EXPECT_EQ("{}"_format("test"), "test"); } #endif