# A basic mkdocstrings handler for {fmt}. # Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as et from mkdocstrings.handlers.base import BaseHandler from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional from subprocess import CalledProcessError, PIPE, Popen, STDOUT class Definition: '''A definition extracted by Doxygen.''' def __init__(self, name: str, kind: Optional[str] = None, node: Optional[et.Element] = None, is_member: bool = False): self.name = name self.kind = kind if kind is not None else node.get('kind') self.id = name if not is_member else None self.params = None self.members = None # A map from Doxygen to HTML tags. tag_map = { 'bold': 'b', 'emphasis': 'em', 'computeroutput': 'code', 'para': 'p', 'programlisting': 'pre', 'verbatim': 'pre' } # A map from Doxygen tags to text. tag_text_map = { 'codeline': '', 'highlight': '', 'sp': ' ' } def escape_html(s: str) -> str: return s.replace("<", "<") def doxyxml2html(nodes: list[et.Element]): out = '' for n in nodes: tag = tag_map.get(n.tag) if not tag: out += tag_text_map[n.tag] out += '<' + tag + '>' if tag else '' out += '' if tag == 'pre' else '' if n.text: out += escape_html(n.text) out += doxyxml2html(n) out += '' if tag == 'pre' else '' out += '' if tag else '' if n.tail: out += n.tail return out def convert_template_params(node: et.Element) -> Optional[list[Definition]]: templateparamlist = node.find('templateparamlist') if templateparamlist is None: return None params = [] for param_node in templateparamlist.findall('param'): name = param_node.find('declname') param = Definition(name.text if name is not None else '', 'param') param.type = param_node.find('type').text params.append(param) return params def get_description(node: et.Element) -> list[et.Element]: return node.findall('briefdescription/para') + \ node.findall('detaileddescription/para') def normalize_type(type: str) -> str: type = type.replace('< ', '<').replace(' >', '>') return type.replace(' &', '&').replace(' *', '*') def convert_type(type: et.Element) -> str: if type is None: return None result = type.text if type.text else '' for ref in type: result += ref.text if ref.tail: result += ref.tail result += type.tail.strip() return normalize_type(result) def convert_params(func: et.Element) -> Definition: params = [] for p in func.findall('param'): d = Definition(p.find('declname').text, 'param') d.type = convert_type(p.find('type')) params.append(d) return params def convert_return_type(d: Definition, node: et.Element) -> None: d.trailing_return_type = None if d.type == 'auto' or d.type == 'constexpr auto': parts = node.find('argsstring').text.split(' -> ') if len(parts) > 1: d.trailing_return_type = normalize_type(parts[1]) def render_decl(d: Definition) -> None: text = '' if d.id is not None: text += f'\n' text += '

  text += '
' if d.template_params is not None: text += 'template <' text += ', '.join( [f'{p.type} {p.name}'.rstrip() for p in d.template_params]) text += '>\n' text += '
' text += '
' end = ';' if d.kind == 'function' or d.kind == 'variable': text += d.type + ' ' if len(d.type) > 0 else '' elif d.kind == 'typedef': text += 'using ' elif d.kind == 'define': end = '' else: text += d.kind + ' ' text += d.name if d.params is not None: params = ', '.join([ (p.type + ' ' if p.type else '') + p.name for p in d.params]) text += '(' + escape_html(params) + ')' if d.trailing_return_type: text += ' -⁠> ' + escape_html(d.trailing_return_type) elif d.kind == 'typedef': text += ' = ' + escape_html(d.type) text += end text += '
' text += '
\n' if d.id is not None: text += f'
\n' return text class CxxHandler(BaseHandler): def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(handler='cxx', **kwargs) headers = [ 'args.h', 'base.h', 'chrono.h', 'color.h', 'compile.h', 'format.h', 'os.h', 'ostream.h', 'printf.h', 'ranges.h', 'std.h', 'xchar.h' ] # Run doxygen. cmd = ['doxygen', '-'] doc_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) include_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(doc_dir), 'include', 'fmt') self._ns2doxyxml = {} self._doxyxml_dir = 'doxyxml' p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) out, _ = p.communicate(input=r''' PROJECT_NAME = fmt GENERATE_XML = YES GENERATE_LATEX = NO GENERATE_HTML = NO INPUT = {0} XML_OUTPUT = {1} QUIET = YES AUTOLINK_SUPPORT = NO MACRO_EXPANSION = YES PREDEFINED = _WIN32=1 \ __linux__=1 \ FMT_ENABLE_IF(...)= \ FMT_USE_USER_DEFINED_LITERALS=1 \ FMT_USE_ALIAS_TEMPLATES=1 \ FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS=1 \ FMT_API= \ "FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE=namespace fmt {{" \ "FMT_END_NAMESPACE=}}" \ "FMT_DOC=1" '''.format( ' '.join([os.path.join(include_dir, h) for h in headers]), self._doxyxml_dir).encode('utf-8')) if p.returncode != 0: raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cmd) # Merge all file-level XMLs into one to simplify search. self._file_doxyxml = None for h in headers: filename = h.replace(".h", "_8h.xml") with open(os.path.join(self._doxyxml_dir, filename)) as f: doxyxml = et.parse(f) if self._file_doxyxml is None: self._file_doxyxml = doxyxml continue root = self._file_doxyxml.getroot() for node in doxyxml.getroot(): root.append(node) def collect_compound(self, identifier: str, cls: list[et.Element]) -> Definition: '''Collect a compound definition such as a struct.''' path = os.path.join(self._doxyxml_dir, cls[0].get('refid') + '.xml') with open(path) as f: xml = et.parse(f) node = xml.find('compounddef') d = Definition(identifier, node=node) d.template_params = convert_template_params(node) d.desc = get_description(node) d.members = [] for m in node.findall('sectiondef[@kind="public-attrib"]/memberdef') + \ node.findall('sectiondef[@kind="public-func"]/memberdef'): name = m.find('name').text # Doxygen incorrectly classifies members of private unnamed unions as # public members of the containing class. if name.endswith('_'): continue desc = get_description(m) if len(desc) == 0: continue kind = m.get('kind') member = Definition(name if name else '', kind=kind, is_member=True) type = m.find('type').text member.type = type if type else '' if kind == 'function': member.params = convert_params(m) convert_return_type(member, m) member.template_params = None member.desc = desc d.members.append(member) return d def collect(self, identifier: str, config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Definition: qual_name = 'fmt::' + identifier param_str = None paren = qual_name.find('(') if paren > 0: qual_name, param_str = qual_name[:paren], qual_name[paren + 1:-1] colons = qual_name.rfind('::') namespace, name = qual_name[:colons], qual_name[colons + 2:] # Load XML. doxyxml = self._ns2doxyxml.get(namespace) if doxyxml is None: path = f'namespace{namespace.replace("::", "_1_1")}.xml' with open(os.path.join(self._doxyxml_dir, path)) as f: doxyxml = et.parse(f) self._ns2doxyxml[namespace] = doxyxml nodes = doxyxml.findall( f"compounddef/sectiondef/memberdef/name[.='{name}']/..") if len(nodes) == 0: nodes = self._file_doxyxml.findall( f"compounddef/sectiondef/memberdef/name[.='{name}']/..") candidates = [] for node in nodes: # Process a function or a typedef. params = None d = Definition(name, node=node) if d.kind == 'function': params = convert_params(node) node_param_str = ', '.join([p.type for p in params]) if param_str and param_str != node_param_str: candidates.append(f'{name}({node_param_str})') continue elif d.kind == 'define': params = [] for p in node.findall('param'): param = Definition(p.find('defname').text, kind='param') param.type = None params.append(param) d.type = convert_type(node.find('type')) d.template_params = convert_template_params(node) d.params = params convert_return_type(d, node) d.desc = get_description(node) return d cls = doxyxml.findall(f"compounddef/innerclass[.='{qual_name}']") if not cls: raise Exception(f'Cannot find {identifier}. Candidates: {candidates}') return self.collect_compound(identifier, cls) def render(self, d: Definition, config: dict) -> str: text = '
\n' text += render_decl(d) text += '
\n' text += doxyxml2html(d.desc) if d.members is not None: for m in d.members: text += self.render(m, config) text += '
\n' text += '
\n' return text def get_handler(theme: str, custom_templates: Optional[str] = None, **config: Any) -> CxxHandler: '''Return an instance of `CxxHandler`. Arguments: theme: The theme to use when rendering contents. custom_templates: Directory containing custom templates. **config: Configuration passed to the handler. ''' return CxxHandler(theme=theme, custom_templates=custom_templates)