// Direct NVCC command line example: // // nvcc ./cuda-cpp14.cu -x cu -I"../include" -l"fmtd" -L"../build/Debug" \ // -std=c++14 -Xcompiler /std:c++14 -Xcompiler /Zc:__cplusplus // Ensure that we are using the latest C++ standard for NVCC // The version is C++14 // // https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html#c-cplusplus-language-support // https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/preprocessor/replace#Predefined_macros static_assert(__cplusplus >= 201402L, "expect C++ 2014 for nvcc"); #include <fmt/base.h> #include <cuda.h> #include <iostream> extern auto make_message_cpp() -> std::string; extern auto make_message_cuda() -> std::string; int main() { std::cout << make_message_cuda() << std::endl; std::cout << make_message_cpp() << std::endl; } auto make_message_cuda() -> std::string { return fmt::format("nvcc compiler \t: __cplusplus == {}", __cplusplus); }