// Formatting library for C++ - module tests // // Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich // All rights reserved. // // For the license information refer to format.h. // // Copyright (c) 2021 - present, Daniela Engert // All Rights Reserved // {fmt} module. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if (__has_include() || defined(__APPLE__) || \ defined(__linux__)) && \ (!defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) || (WINAPI_FAMILY == WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP)) # include # define FMT_USE_FCNTL 1 #else # define FMT_USE_FCNTL 0 #endif #define FMT_NOEXCEPT noexcept import fmt; // check for macros leaking from BMI static bool macro_leaked = #if defined(FMT_CORE_H_) || defined(FMT_FORMAT_H) true; #else false; #endif #include "gtest-extra.h" // an implicitly exported namespace must be visible [module.interface]/2.2 TEST(module_test, namespace) { using namespace fmt; using namespace fmt::literals; ASSERT_TRUE(true); } namespace detail { bool oops_detail_namespace_is_visible; } namespace fmt { bool namespace_detail_invisible() { #if defined(FMT_HIDE_MODULE_BUGS) && \ defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && _MSC_FULL_VER <= 192930129 // bug in msvc up to 16.11-pre1: // the namespace is visible even when it is neither // implicitly nor explicitly exported return true; #else using namespace detail; // this fails to compile if fmt::detail is visible return !oops_detail_namespace_is_visible; #endif } } // namespace fmt // the non-exported namespace 'detail' must be invisible [module.interface]/2 TEST(module_test, detail_namespace) { EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::namespace_detail_invisible()); } // macros must not be imported from a *named* module [cpp.import]/5.1 TEST(module_test, macros) { #if defined(FMT_HIDE_MODULE_BUGS) && \ defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && _MSC_FULL_VER <= 192930129 // bug in msvc up to 16.11-pre1: // include-guard macros leak from BMI // and even worse: they cannot be #undef-ined macro_leaked = false; #endif EXPECT_FALSE(macro_leaked); } // The following is less about functional testing (that's done elsewhere) // but rather visibility of all client-facing overloads, reachability of // non-exported entities, name lookup and overload resolution within // template instantitions. // Excercise all exported entities of the API at least once. // Instantiate as many code paths as possible. TEST(module_test, to_string) { EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::to_string(42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::to_string(42.0)); } TEST(module_test, format) { EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::format("{:}", 42)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", fmt::format("{0}", -42.0)); } TEST(module_test, format_to) { std::string s; fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(s), "{}", 42); EXPECT_EQ("42", s); char buffer[4] = {0}; fmt::format_to(buffer, "{}", 42); EXPECT_EQ("42", std::string_view(buffer)); fmt::memory_buffer mb; fmt::format_to(mb, "{}", 42); EXPECT_EQ("42", std::string_view(buffer)); } TEST(module_test, formatted_size) { EXPECT_EQ(2u, fmt::formatted_size("{}", 42)); } TEST(module_test, format_to_n) { std::string s; auto result = fmt::format_to_n(std::back_inserter(s), 1, "{}", 42); EXPECT_EQ(2u, result.size); char buffer[4] = {0}; fmt::format_to_n(buffer, 3, "{}", 12345); } TEST(module_test, format_args) { auto no_args = fmt::format_args(); EXPECT_FALSE(no_args.get(1)); fmt::basic_format_args args = fmt::make_format_args(42); EXPECT_TRUE(args.max_size() > 0); auto arg0 = args.get(0); EXPECT_TRUE(arg0); decltype(arg0) arg_none; EXPECT_FALSE(arg_none); EXPECT_TRUE(arg0.type() != arg_none.type()); } TEST(module_test, wformat_args) { auto no_args = fmt::wformat_args(); EXPECT_FALSE(no_args.get(1)); fmt::basic_format_args args = fmt::make_wformat_args(42); EXPECT_TRUE(args.get(0)); } TEST(module_test, checked_format_args) { fmt::basic_format_args args = fmt::make_args_checked("{}", 42); EXPECT_TRUE(args.get(0)); } TEST(module_test, dynamic_format_args) { fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store dyn_store; dyn_store.push_back(fmt::arg("a42", 42)); fmt::basic_format_args args = dyn_store; EXPECT_FALSE(args.get(3)); EXPECT_TRUE(args.get(fmt::string_view("a42"))); } TEST(module_test, vformat) { EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::vformat("{}", fmt::make_format_args(42))); } TEST(module_test, vformat_to) { auto store = fmt::make_format_args(42); std::string s; fmt::vformat_to(std::back_inserter(s), "{}", store); EXPECT_EQ("42", s); char buffer[4] = {0}; fmt::vformat_to(buffer, "{:}", store); EXPECT_EQ("42", std::string_view(buffer)); } TEST(module_test, vformat_to_n) { auto store = fmt::make_format_args(12345); std::string s; auto result = fmt::vformat_to_n(std::back_inserter(s), 1, "{}", store); char buffer[4] = {0}; fmt::vformat_to_n(buffer, 3, "{:}", store); } TEST(module_test, print) { EXPECT_WRITE(stdout, fmt::print("{}µ", 42), "42µ"); EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, fmt::print(stderr, "{}µ", 4.2), "4.2µ"); } std::string as_string(std::wstring_view text) { return {reinterpret_cast(text.data()), text.size() * sizeof(text[0])}; } TEST(module_test, vprint) { EXPECT_WRITE(stdout, fmt::vprint("{:}µ", fmt::make_format_args(42)), "42µ"); EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, fmt::vprint(stderr, "{}", fmt::make_format_args(4.2)), "4.2"); EXPECT_WRITE(stdout, fmt::vprint(L"{:}µ", fmt::make_wformat_args(42)), as_string(L"42µ")); EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, fmt::vprint(stderr, L"{}", fmt::make_wformat_args(42)), as_string(L"42")); } TEST(module_test, named_args) { EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::format("{answer}", fmt::arg("answer", 42))); } TEST(module_test, literals) { using namespace fmt::literals; EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::format("{answer}", "answer"_a = 42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", "{}"_format(42)); } TEST(module_test, locale) { auto store = fmt::make_format_args(4.2); const auto classic = std::locale::classic(); EXPECT_EQ("4.2", fmt::format(classic, "{:L}", 4.2)); EXPECT_EQ("4.2", fmt::vformat(classic, "{:L}", store)); std::string s; fmt::vformat_to(classic, std::back_inserter(s), "{:L}", store); EXPECT_EQ("4.2", s); EXPECT_EQ("4.2", fmt::format("{:L}", 4.2)); } TEST(module_test, string_view) { fmt::string_view nsv("fmt"); EXPECT_EQ("fmt", nsv); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::string_view("fmt") == nsv); fmt::wstring_view wsv(L"fmt"); EXPECT_EQ(L"fmt", wsv); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::wstring_view(L"fmt") == wsv); } TEST(module_test, memory_buffer) { fmt::basic_memory_buffer buffer; fmt::format_to(buffer, "{}", "42"); EXPECT_EQ("42", to_string(buffer)); fmt::memory_buffer nbuffer(std::move(buffer)); EXPECT_EQ("42", to_string(nbuffer)); buffer = std::move(nbuffer); EXPECT_EQ("42", to_string(buffer)); nbuffer.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(0u, to_string(nbuffer).size()); fmt::wmemory_buffer wbuffer; EXPECT_EQ(0u, to_string(wbuffer).size()); } TEST(module_test, is_char) { EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::is_char()); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::is_char()); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::is_char()); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::is_char()); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::is_char()); EXPECT_FALSE(fmt::is_char()); } TEST(module_test, ptr) { uintptr_t answer = 42; auto p = std::bit_cast(answer); EXPECT_EQ("0x2a", fmt::to_string(fmt::ptr(p))); std::unique_ptr up(p); EXPECT_EQ("0x2a", fmt::to_string(fmt::ptr(up))); up.release(); auto sp = std::make_shared(0); p = sp.get(); EXPECT_EQ(fmt::to_string(fmt::ptr(p)), fmt::to_string(fmt::ptr(sp))); } TEST(module_test, errors) { auto store = fmt::make_format_args(42); EXPECT_THROW(throw fmt::format_error("oops"), std::exception); EXPECT_THROW(throw fmt::vsystem_error(0, "{}", store), std::system_error); EXPECT_THROW(throw fmt::system_error(0, "{}", 42), std::system_error); fmt::memory_buffer buffer; fmt::format_system_error(buffer, 0, "oops"); auto oops = to_string(buffer); EXPECT_TRUE(oops.size() > 0); EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, fmt::report_system_error(0, "oops"), oops + '\n'); #ifdef _WIN32 EXPECT_THROW(throw fmt::vwindows_error(0, "{}", store), std::system_error); EXPECT_THROW(throw fmt::windows_error(0, "{}", 42), std::system_error); output_redirect redirect(stderr); fmt::report_windows_error(0, "oops"); EXPECT_TRUE(redirect.restore_and_read().size() > 0); #endif } TEST(module_test, error_code) { EXPECT_EQ("generic:42", fmt::format("{0}", std::error_code(42, std::generic_category()))); EXPECT_EQ("system:42", fmt::format("{0}", std::error_code(42, fmt::system_category()))); } TEST(module_test, format_int) { fmt::format_int sanswer(42); EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::string_view(sanswer.data(), sanswer.size())); fmt::format_int uanswer(42u); EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::string_view(uanswer.data(), uanswer.size())); } struct test_formatter : fmt::formatter { bool check() { return true; } }; struct test_dynamic_formatter : fmt::dynamic_formatter<> { bool check() { return true; } }; TEST(module_test, formatter) { EXPECT_TRUE(test_formatter{}.check()); EXPECT_TRUE(test_dynamic_formatter{}.check()); } TEST(module_test, join) { int arr[3] = {1, 2, 3}; std::vector vec{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}; EXPECT_EQ("1, 2, 3", to_string(fmt::join(arr + 0, arr + 3, ", "))); EXPECT_EQ("1, 2, 3", to_string(fmt::join(arr, ", "))); EXPECT_EQ("1, 2, 3", to_string(fmt::join(vec.begin(), vec.end(), ", "))); EXPECT_EQ("1, 2, 3", to_string(fmt::join(vec, ", "))); } TEST(module_test, time) { auto time_now = std::time(nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::localtime(time_now).tm_year > 120); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::gmtime(time_now).tm_year > 120); auto chrono_now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::localtime(chrono_now).tm_year > 120); EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::gmtime(chrono_now).tm_year > 120); } TEST(module_test, time_point) { auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::string_view past("2021-05-20 10:30:15"); EXPECT_TRUE(past < fmt::format("{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}", now)); } TEST(module_test, time_duration) { EXPECT_EQ("42s", fmt::format("{}", std::chrono::seconds{42})); using us = std::chrono::duration; EXPECT_EQ("4.2µs", fmt::format("{:3.1}", us{4.234})); EXPECT_EQ("4.2µs", fmt::format(std::locale::classic(), "{:L}", us{4.2})); } TEST(module_test, weekday) { EXPECT_EQ("Monday", std::format(std::locale::classic(), "{:%A}", fmt::weekday(1))); } TEST(module_test, to_string_view) { using fmt::to_string_view; fmt::string_view nsv{to_string_view("42")}; EXPECT_EQ("42", nsv); fmt::wstring_view wsv{to_string_view(L"42")}; EXPECT_EQ(L"42", wsv); } TEST(module_test, printf) { EXPECT_WRITE(stdout, fmt::printf("%f", 42.123456), "42.123456"); EXPECT_WRITE(stdout, fmt::printf("%d", 42), "42"); } TEST(module_test, fprintf) { EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, fmt::fprintf(stderr, "%d", 42), "42"); std::ostringstream os; fmt::fprintf(os, "%s", "bla"); EXPECT_EQ("bla", os.str()); } TEST(module_test, sprintf) { EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::sprintf("%d", 42)); } TEST(module_test, vprintf) { EXPECT_WRITE(stdout, fmt::vprintf("%d", fmt::make_printf_args(42)), "42"); } TEST(module_test, vfprintf) { auto args = fmt::make_printf_args(42); EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, fmt::vfprintf(stderr, "%d", args), "42"); std::ostringstream os; fmt::vfprintf(os, "%d", args); EXPECT_EQ("42", os.str()); } TEST(module_test, vsprintf) { EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::vsprintf("%d", fmt::make_printf_args(42))); } TEST(module_test, color) { auto fg_check = fg(fmt::rgb(255, 200, 30)); auto bg_check = bg(fmt::color::dark_slate_gray) | fmt::emphasis::italic; auto emphasis_check = fmt::emphasis::underline | fmt::emphasis::bold; EXPECT_EQ("\x1B[30m42\x1B[0m", fmt::format(fg(fmt::terminal_color::black), "{}", 42)); } TEST(module_test, cstring_view) { fmt::cstring_view nsv("fmt"); EXPECT_EQ("fmt", nsv.c_str()); fmt::wcstring_view wsv(L"fmt"); EXPECT_EQ(L"fmt", wsv.c_str()); } TEST(module_test, buffered_file) { EXPECT_TRUE(fmt::buffered_file{}.get() == nullptr); } TEST(module_test, output_file) { fmt::ostream out = fmt::output_file("module-test", fmt::buffer_size = 1); out.close(); } struct custom_context { using char_type = char; using parse_context_type = fmt::format_parse_context; }; TEST(module_test, custom_context) { fmt::basic_format_arg custom_arg; EXPECT_TRUE(!custom_arg); } struct disabled_formatter {}; TEST(module_test, has_formatter) { EXPECT_FALSE( (fmt::has_formatter::value)); } TEST(module_test, is_formattable) { EXPECT_FALSE(fmt::is_formattable::value); }