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2015-03-09 14:37:27 +00:00
2015-03-09 14:37:27 +00:00
C++ Format (cppformat) is an open-source formatting library for C++.
It can be used as a safe alternative to printf or as a fast
alternative to IOStreams.
2012-12-18 14:49:18 +00:00
2015-03-09 14:37:27 +00:00
.. _format-api:
Format API
The replacement-based Format API provides a safe alternative to ``printf``,
``sprintf`` and friends with comparable or `better performance
The `format string syntax <doc/latest/index.html#format-string-syntax>`_ is similar
to the one used by `str.format <>`_
in Python:
.. code:: c++
fmt::format("The answer is {}", 42);
The ``fmt::format`` function returns a string "The answer is 42". You can use
``fmt::MemoryWriter`` to avoid constructing ``std::string``:
.. code:: c++
fmt::MemoryWriter w;
w.write("Look, a {} string", 'C');
w.c_str(); // returns a C string (const char*)
The ``fmt::print`` function performs formatting and writes the result to a file:
.. code:: c++
fmt::print(stderr, "System error code = {}\n", errno);
The file argument can be omitted in which case the function prints to
.. code:: c++
fmt::print("Don't {}\n", "panic");
If your compiler supports C++11, then the formatting functions are implemented
with variadic templates. Otherwise variadic functions are emulated by generating
a set of lightweight wrappers. This ensures compatibility with older compilers
while providing a natural API.
The Format API also supports positional arguments useful for localization:
.. code:: c++
fmt::print("I'd rather be {1} than {0}.", "right", "happy");
.. _write-api:
Write API
The concatenation-based Write API (experimental) provides a
`fast <>`_
stateless alternative to IOStreams:
.. code:: c++
fmt::MemoryWriter out;
out << "The answer in hexadecimal is " << hex(42);
.. _safety:
The library is fully type safe, automatic memory management prevents buffer overflow,
errors in format strings are reported using exceptions. For example, the code
.. code:: c++
fmt::format("The answer is {:d}", "forty-two");
throws a ``FormatError`` exception with description
"unknown format code 'd' for string", because the argument
``"forty-two"`` is a string while the format code ``d``
only applies to integers.
Where possible, errors are catched at compile time. For example, the code
.. code:: c++
fmt::format("Cyrillic letter {}", L'\x42e');
produces a compile-time error because wide character ``L'\x42e'`` cannot be
formatted into a narrow string. You can use a wide format string instead:
.. code:: c++
fmt::format(L"Cyrillic letter {}", L'\x42e');
For comparison, writing a wide character to ``std::ostream`` results in
its numeric value being written to the stream (i.e. 1070 instead of letter 'ю' which
is represented by ``L'\x42e'`` if we use Unicode) which is rarely what is needed.
.. _portability:
C++ Format is highly portable. Here is an incomplete list of operating systems and
compilers where it has been tested and known to work:
* 64-bit (amd64) GNU/Linux with GCC 4.4.3, `4.6.3 <>`_,
4.7.2, 4.8.1 and Intel C++ Compiler (ICC) 14.0.2
* 32-bit (i386) GNU/Linux with GCC 4.4.3, 4.6.3
* Mac OS X with GCC 4.2.1 and Clang 4.2, 5.1.0
* 64-bit Windows with Visual C++ 2010 and
`2013 <>`_
* 32-bit Windows with Visual C++ 2010
Although the library uses C++11 features when available, it also works with older
compilers and standard library implementations.
The output of all formatting functions is consistent across platforms. In particular,
formatting a floating-point infinity always gives ``inf`` while the output
of ``printf`` is platform-dependent in this case. For example,
.. code::
fmt::print("{}", std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
always prints ``inf``.
.. _ease-of-use:
Ease of Use
C++ Format has small self-contained code base consisting of a single header file
and a single source file and no external dependencies. A permissive BSD `license
<>`_ allows using the library both
in open-source and commercial projects.
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