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synced 2025-03-09 16:14:06 +00:00
The console appears to behave against standard IEEE754 specification here, in particular around how NaNs are handled. NaNs appear to have no effect on the result, and are treated the same as positive or negative infinity, based on the sign bit. However, when the result would be NaN (inf - inf, or (-inf) - (-inf)), this results in a completely fogged color, or unfogged color respectively. We handle this by returning a constant zero for the A varaible, and positive or negative infinity for C depending on the sign bits of the A and C registers. This ensures that no NaN value is passed to the GPU in the first place, and that the result of the fog calculation cannot be NaN.
544 lines
16 KiB
544 lines
16 KiB
// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include "Common/ChunkFile.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "VideoCommon/PixelShaderManager.h"
#include "VideoCommon/RenderBase.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoCommon.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h"
#include "VideoCommon/XFMemory.h"
bool PixelShaderManager::s_bFogRangeAdjustChanged;
bool PixelShaderManager::s_bViewPortChanged;
bool PixelShaderManager::s_bIndirectDirty;
bool PixelShaderManager::s_bDestAlphaDirty;
PixelShaderConstants PixelShaderManager::constants;
bool PixelShaderManager::dirty;
void PixelShaderManager::Init()
constants = {};
// Init any intial constants which aren't zero when bpmem is zero.
s_bFogRangeAdjustChanged = true;
s_bViewPortChanged = false;
// fixed Konstants
for (int component = 0; component < 4; component++)
constants.konst[0][component] = 255; // 1
constants.konst[1][component] = 223; // 7/8
constants.konst[2][component] = 191; // 3/4
constants.konst[3][component] = 159; // 5/8
constants.konst[4][component] = 128; // 1/2
constants.konst[5][component] = 96; // 3/8
constants.konst[6][component] = 64; // 1/4
constants.konst[7][component] = 32; // 1/8
// Invalid Konstants (reads as zero on hardware)
constants.konst[8][component] = 0;
constants.konst[9][component] = 0;
constants.konst[10][component] = 0;
constants.konst[11][component] = 0;
// Annoyingly, alpha reads zero values for the .rgb colors (offically
// defined as invalid)
// If it wasn't for this, we could just use one of the first 3 colunms
// instead of
// wasting an entire 4th column just for alpha.
if (component == 3)
constants.konst[12][component] = 0;
constants.konst[13][component] = 0;
constants.konst[14][component] = 0;
constants.konst[15][component] = 0;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::Dirty()
// This function is called after a savestate is loaded.
// Any constants that can changed based on settings should be re-calculated
s_bFogRangeAdjustChanged = true;
SetEfbScaleChanged(g_renderer->EFBToScaledXf(1), g_renderer->EFBToScaledYf(1));
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetConstants()
if (s_bFogRangeAdjustChanged)
// set by two components, so keep changed flag here
// TODO: try to split both registers and move this logic to the shader
if (!g_ActiveConfig.bDisableFog && bpmem.fogRange.Base.Enabled == 1)
// bpmem.fogRange.Base.Center : center of the viewport in x axis. observation:
// bpmem.fogRange.Base.Center = realcenter + 342;
int center = ((u32)bpmem.fogRange.Base.Center) - 342;
// normalize center to make calculations easy
float ScreenSpaceCenter = center / (2.0f * xfmem.viewport.wd);
ScreenSpaceCenter = (ScreenSpaceCenter * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
// bpmem.fogRange.K seems to be a table of precalculated coefficients for the adjust factor
// observations: bpmem.fogRange.K[0].LO appears to be the lowest value and
// bpmem.fogRange.K[4].HI the largest
// they always seems to be larger than 256 so my theory is :
// they are the coefficients from the center to the border of the screen
// so to simplify I use the hi coefficient as K in the shader taking 256 as the scale
// TODO: Shouldn't this be EFBToScaledXf?
constants.fogf[0][0] = ScreenSpaceCenter;
constants.fogf[0][1] =
static_cast<float>(g_renderer->EFBToScaledX(static_cast<int>(2.0f * xfmem.viewport.wd)));
constants.fogf[0][2] = bpmem.fogRange.K[4].HI / 256.0f;
constants.fogf[0][0] = 0;
constants.fogf[0][1] = 1;
constants.fogf[0][2] = 1;
dirty = true;
s_bFogRangeAdjustChanged = false;
if (s_bViewPortChanged)
constants.zbias[1][0] = (s32)xfmem.viewport.farZ;
constants.zbias[1][1] = (s32)xfmem.viewport.zRange;
dirty = true;
s_bViewPortChanged = false;
if (s_bIndirectDirty)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
constants.pack1[i][3] = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < (bpmem.genMode.numtevstages + 1); ++i)
u32 stage = bpmem.tevind[i].bt;
if (stage < bpmem.genMode.numindstages)
// We set some extra bits so the ubershader can quickly check if these
// features are in use.
if (bpmem.tevind[i].IsActive())
constants.pack1[stage][3] =
bpmem.tevindref.getTexCoord(stage) | bpmem.tevindref.getTexMap(stage) << 8 | 1 << 16;
// Note: a tevind of zero just happens to be a passthrough, so no need
// to set an extra bit.
constants.pack1[i][2] =
bpmem.tevind[i].hex; // TODO: This match shadergen, but videosw will
// always wrap.
// The ubershader uses tevind != 0 as a condition whether to calculate texcoords,
// even when texture is disabled, instead of the stage < bpmem.genMode.numindstages.
// We set an unused bit here to indicate that the stage is active, even if it
// is just a pass-through.
constants.pack1[i][2] |= 0x80000000;
constants.pack1[i][2] = 0;
dirty = true;
s_bIndirectDirty = false;
if (s_bDestAlphaDirty)
// Destination alpha is only enabled if alpha writes are enabled. Force entire uniform to zero
// when disabled.
u32 dstalpha = bpmem.blendmode.alphaupdate && bpmem.dstalpha.enable &&
bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format == PEControl::RGBA6_Z24 ?
bpmem.dstalpha.hex :
if (constants.dstalpha != dstalpha)
constants.dstalpha = dstalpha;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetTevColor(int index, int component, s32 value)
auto& c = constants.colors[index];
c[component] = value;
dirty = true;
PRIM_LOG("tev color%d: %d %d %d %d", index, c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
void PixelShaderManager::SetTevKonstColor(int index, int component, s32 value)
auto& c = constants.kcolors[index];
c[component] = value;
dirty = true;
// Konst for ubershaders. We build the whole array on cpu so the gpu can do a single indirect
// access.
if (component != 3) // Alpha doesn't included in the .rgb konsts
constants.konst[index + 12][component] = value;
// .rrrr .gggg .bbbb .aaaa konsts
constants.konst[index + 16 + component * 4][0] = value;
constants.konst[index + 16 + component * 4][1] = value;
constants.konst[index + 16 + component * 4][2] = value;
constants.konst[index + 16 + component * 4][3] = value;
PRIM_LOG("tev konst color%d: %d %d %d %d", index, c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
void PixelShaderManager::SetTevOrder(int index, u32 order)
if (constants.pack2[index][0] != order)
constants.pack2[index][0] = order;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetTevKSel(int index, u32 ksel)
if (constants.pack2[index][1] != ksel)
constants.pack2[index][1] = ksel;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetTevCombiner(int index, int alpha, u32 combiner)
if (constants.pack1[index][alpha] != combiner)
constants.pack1[index][alpha] = combiner;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetTevIndirectChanged()
s_bIndirectDirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetAlpha()
constants.alpha[0] = bpmem.alpha_test.ref0;
constants.alpha[1] = bpmem.alpha_test.ref1;
constants.alpha[3] = static_cast<s32>(bpmem.dstalpha.alpha);
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetAlphaTestChanged()
// Force alphaTest Uniform to zero if it will always pass.
// (set an extra bit to distinguish from "never && never")
// TODO: we could optimize this further and check the actual constants,
// i.e. "a <= 0" and "a >= 255" will always pass.
u32 alpha_test =
bpmem.alpha_test.TestResult() != AlphaTest::PASS ? bpmem.alpha_test.hex | 1 << 31 : 0;
if (constants.alphaTest != alpha_test)
constants.alphaTest = alpha_test;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetDestAlphaChanged()
s_bDestAlphaDirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetTexDims(int texmapid, u32 width, u32 height)
float rwidth = 1.0f / (width * 128.0f);
float rheight = 1.0f / (height * 128.0f);
// TODO: move this check out to callee. There we could just call this function on texture changes
// or better, use textureSize() in glsl
if (constants.texdims[texmapid][0] != rwidth || constants.texdims[texmapid][1] != rheight)
dirty = true;
constants.texdims[texmapid][0] = rwidth;
constants.texdims[texmapid][1] = rheight;
void PixelShaderManager::SetZTextureBias()
constants.zbias[1][3] = bpmem.ztex1.bias;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetViewportChanged()
s_bViewPortChanged = true;
s_bFogRangeAdjustChanged =
true; // TODO: Shouldn't be necessary with an accurate fog range adjust implementation
void PixelShaderManager::SetEfbScaleChanged(float scalex, float scaley)
constants.efbscale[0] = 1.0f / scalex;
constants.efbscale[1] = 1.0f / scaley;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetZSlope(float dfdx, float dfdy, float f0)
constants.zslope[0] = dfdx;
constants.zslope[1] = dfdy;
constants.zslope[2] = f0;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetIndTexScaleChanged(bool high)
constants.indtexscale[high][0] = bpmem.texscale[high].ss0;
constants.indtexscale[high][1] = bpmem.texscale[high].ts0;
constants.indtexscale[high][2] = bpmem.texscale[high].ss1;
constants.indtexscale[high][3] = bpmem.texscale[high].ts1;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetIndMatrixChanged(int matrixidx)
int scale = ((u32)bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col0.s0 << 0) |
((u32)bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col1.s1 << 2) |
((u32)bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col2.s2 << 4);
// xyz - static matrix
// w - dynamic matrix scale / 128
constants.indtexmtx[2 * matrixidx][0] = bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col0.ma;
constants.indtexmtx[2 * matrixidx][1] = bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col1.mc;
constants.indtexmtx[2 * matrixidx][2] = bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col2.me;
constants.indtexmtx[2 * matrixidx][3] = 17 - scale;
constants.indtexmtx[2 * matrixidx + 1][0] = bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col0.mb;
constants.indtexmtx[2 * matrixidx + 1][1] = bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col1.md;
constants.indtexmtx[2 * matrixidx + 1][2] = bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col2.mf;
constants.indtexmtx[2 * matrixidx + 1][3] = 17 - scale;
dirty = true;
PRIM_LOG("indmtx%d: scale=%d, mat=(%d %d %d; %d %d %d)", matrixidx, scale,
bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col0.ma, bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col1.mc,
bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col2.me, bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col0.mb,
bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col1.md, bpmem.indmtx[matrixidx].col2.mf);
void PixelShaderManager::SetZTextureTypeChanged()
switch (bpmem.ztex2.type)
constants.zbias[0][0] = 0;
constants.zbias[0][1] = 0;
constants.zbias[0][2] = 0;
constants.zbias[0][3] = 1;
constants.zbias[0][0] = 1;
constants.zbias[0][1] = 0;
constants.zbias[0][2] = 0;
constants.zbias[0][3] = 256;
constants.zbias[0][0] = 65536;
constants.zbias[0][1] = 256;
constants.zbias[0][2] = 1;
constants.zbias[0][3] = 0;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetZTextureOpChanged()
constants.ztex_op = bpmem.ztex2.op;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetTexCoordChanged(u8 texmapid)
TCoordInfo& tc = bpmem.texcoords[texmapid];
constants.texdims[texmapid][2] = (float)(tc.s.scale_minus_1 + 1) * 128.0f;
constants.texdims[texmapid][3] = (float)(tc.t.scale_minus_1 + 1) * 128.0f;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetFogColorChanged()
if (g_ActiveConfig.bDisableFog)
constants.fogcolor[0] = bpmem.fog.color.r;
constants.fogcolor[1] = bpmem.fog.color.g;
constants.fogcolor[2] = bpmem.fog.color.b;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetFogParamChanged()
if (!g_ActiveConfig.bDisableFog)
constants.fogf[1][0] = bpmem.fog.GetA();
constants.fogi[1] = bpmem.fog.b_magnitude;
constants.fogf[1][2] = bpmem.fog.GetC();
constants.fogi[3] = bpmem.fog.b_shift;
constants.fogParam3 = bpmem.fog.c_proj_fsel.hex;
constants.fogf[1][0] = 0.f;
constants.fogi[1] = 1;
constants.fogf[1][2] = 0.f;
constants.fogi[3] = 1;
constants.fogParam3 = 0;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetFogRangeAdjustChanged()
if (g_ActiveConfig.bDisableFog)
s_bFogRangeAdjustChanged = true;
if (constants.fogRangeBase != bpmem.fogRange.Base.hex)
constants.fogRangeBase = bpmem.fogRange.Base.hex;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetGenModeChanged()
constants.genmode = bpmem.genMode.hex;
s_bIndirectDirty = true;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetZModeControl()
u32 late_ztest = bpmem.UseLateDepthTest();
u32 rgba6_format =
(bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format == PEControl::RGBA6_Z24 && !g_ActiveConfig.bForceTrueColor) ? 1 :
u32 dither = rgba6_format && bpmem.blendmode.dither;
if (constants.late_ztest != late_ztest || constants.rgba6_format != rgba6_format ||
constants.dither != dither)
constants.late_ztest = late_ztest;
constants.rgba6_format = rgba6_format;
constants.dither = dither;
dirty = true;
s_bDestAlphaDirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetBlendModeChanged()
u32 dither = constants.rgba6_format && bpmem.blendmode.dither;
if (constants.dither != dither)
constants.dither = dither;
dirty = true;
BlendingState state = {};
if (constants.blend_enable != state.blendenable)
constants.blend_enable = state.blendenable;
dirty = true;
if (constants.blend_src_factor != state.srcfactor)
constants.blend_src_factor = state.srcfactor;
dirty = true;
if (constants.blend_src_factor_alpha != state.srcfactoralpha)
constants.blend_src_factor_alpha = state.srcfactoralpha;
dirty = true;
if (constants.blend_dst_factor != state.dstfactor)
constants.blend_dst_factor = state.dstfactor;
dirty = true;
if (constants.blend_dst_factor_alpha != state.dstfactoralpha)
constants.blend_dst_factor_alpha = state.dstfactoralpha;
dirty = true;
if (constants.blend_subtract != state.subtract)
constants.blend_subtract = state.subtract;
dirty = true;
if (constants.blend_subtract_alpha != state.subtractAlpha)
constants.blend_subtract_alpha = state.subtractAlpha;
dirty = true;
s_bDestAlphaDirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::SetBoundingBoxActive(bool active)
const bool enable =
active && g_ActiveConfig.bBBoxEnable && g_ActiveConfig.BBoxUseFragmentShaderImplementation();
if (enable == (constants.bounding_box != 0))
constants.bounding_box = active;
dirty = true;
void PixelShaderManager::DoState(PointerWrap& p)
if (p.GetMode() == PointerWrap::MODE_READ)
// Fixup the current state from global GPU state
// NOTE: This requires that all GPU memory has been loaded already.