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Executable File
//Copyright (C) 2016 LunarG, Inc.
//All rights reserved.
//Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
//modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
//are met:
// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
// with the distribution.
// Neither the name of 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.
// Create strings that declare built-in definitions, add built-ins programmatically
// that cannot be expressed in the strings, and establish mappings between
// built-in functions and operators.
// Where to put a built-in:
// TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::initialize(version,profile) context-independent textual built-ins; add them to the right string
// TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::initialize(resources,...) context-dependent textual built-ins; add them to the right string
// TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::identifyBuiltIns(...,symbolTable) context-independent programmatic additions/mappings to the symbol table,
// including identifying what extensions are needed if a version does not allow a symbol
// TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::identifyBuiltIns(...,symbolTable, resources) context-dependent programmatic additions/mappings to the
// symbol table, including identifying what extensions are needed if a version does
// not allow a symbol
#include "hlslParseables.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
namespace { // anonymous namespace functions
const bool UseHlslTypes = false;
const char* BaseTypeName(const char argOrder, const char* scalarName, const char* vecName, const char* matName)
switch (argOrder) {
case 'S': return scalarName;
case 'V': return vecName;
case 'M': return matName;
default: return "UNKNOWN_TYPE";
bool IsTextureType(const char argOrder) { return argOrder == '%' || argOrder == '@'; }
bool IsTextureArrayed(const char argOrder) { return argOrder == '@'; }
bool IsTextureMS(const char /*argOrder*/) { return false; } // TODO: ...
// Reject certain combinations that are illegal sample methods. For example,
// 3D arrays.
bool IsIllegalSample(const glslang::TString& name, const char* argOrder, int dim0)
const bool isArrayed = IsTextureArrayed(*argOrder);
const bool isMS = IsTextureMS(*argOrder);
// there are no 3D arrayed textures, or 3D SampleCmp
if (dim0 == 3 && (isArrayed || name == "SampleCmp"))
return true;
const int numArgs = int(std::count(argOrder, argOrder + strlen(argOrder), ',')) + 1;
// Reject invalid offset arrayed forms with cubemaps
if (isArrayed && dim0 == 4) {
if ((name == "Sample" && numArgs >= 4) ||
(name == "SampleBias" && numArgs >= 5) ||
(name == "SampleCmp" && numArgs >= 5) ||
(name == "SampleCmpLevelZero" && numArgs >= 4) ||
(name == "SampleGrad" && numArgs >= 6) ||
(name == "SampleLevel" && numArgs >= 5))
return true;
// Reject invalid Loads
if (name == "Load") {
if ((numArgs >= 3 && !isMS) || // Load with sampleindex requires multisample
(dim0 == 4)) // Load does not support any cubemaps, arrayed or not.
return true;
return false;
// Create and return a type name. This is done in GLSL, not HLSL conventions, until such
// time as builtins are parsed using the HLSL parser.
// order: S = scalar, V = vector, M = matrix
// argType: F = float, D = double, I = int, U = uint, B = bool, S = sampler
// dim0 = vector dimension, or matrix 1st dimension
// dim1 = matrix 2nd dimension
glslang::TString& AppendTypeName(glslang::TString& s, const char* argOrder, const char* argType, int dim0, int dim1)
const bool isTranspose = (argOrder[0] == '^');
const bool isMatMul = (argOrder[0] == '#');
const bool isTexture = IsTextureType(argOrder[0]);
const bool isArrayed = IsTextureArrayed(argOrder[0]);
//const bool isMS = IsTextureMS(argOrder[0]);
char order = *argOrder;
char type = *argType;
if (isTranspose) { // Take transpose of matrix dimensions
order = *++argOrder;
std::swap(dim0, dim1);
} else if (isMatMul) {
order = *++argOrder;
dim0 = dim1; // set vector dimension to mat col
} else if (isTexture) {
order = *++argOrder;
if (type == 'F') // map base type to texture of that type.
type = 'T'; // e.g, int -> itexture, uint -> utexture, etc.
else if (type == 'I')
type = 'i';
else if (type == 'U')
type = 'u';
if (UseHlslTypes) {
switch (type) {
case '-': s += "void"; break;
case 'F': s += "float"; break;
case 'D': s += "double"; break;
case 'I': s += "int"; break;
case 'U': s += "uint"; break;
case 'B': s += "bool"; break;
case 'S': s += "sampler"; break;
case 'T': s += "Texture"; break;
case 'i': s += "Texture <int4>"; break;
case 'u': s += "Texture <uint4>"; break;
default: s += "UNKNOWN_TYPE"; break;
} else {
switch (type) {
case '-': s += "void"; break;
case 'F': s += BaseTypeName(order, "float", "vec", "mat"); break;
case 'D': s += BaseTypeName(order, "double", "dvec", "dmat"); break;
case 'I': s += BaseTypeName(order, "int", "ivec", "imat"); break;
case 'U': s += BaseTypeName(order, "uint", "uvec", "umat"); break;
case 'B': s += BaseTypeName(order, "bool", "bvec", "bmat"); break;
case 'S': s += "sampler"; break;
case 'T': // fall through
case 'i': // ...
case 'u': // ...
if (type != 'T')
s += type;
s += "texture";
default: s += "UNKNOWN_TYPE"; break;
// handle fixed vector sizes, such as float3, and only ever 3.
const int fixedVecSize = isdigit(argOrder[1]) ? (argOrder[1] - '0') : 0;
if (fixedVecSize != 0)
dim0 = dim1 = fixedVecSize;
// Add sampler dimensions
if (type == 'S' || isTexture) {
if (order == 'V') {
switch (dim0) {
case 1: s += "1D"; break;
case 2: s += "2D"; break;
case 3: s += "3D"; break;
case 4: s += "Cube"; break;
default: s += "UNKNOWN_SAMPLER"; break;
} else {
// Non-sampler type:
// verify dimensions
if (((order == 'V' || order == 'M') && (dim0 < 1 || dim0 > 4)) ||
(order == 'M' && (dim1 < 1 || dim1 > 4))) {
return s;
switch (order) {
case '-': break; // no dimensions for voids
case 'S': break; // no dimensions on scalars
case 'V': s += ('0' + char(dim0)); break;
case 'M':
if (!UseHlslTypes) // GLSL has column first for mat types
std::swap(dim0, dim1);
s += ('0' + char(dim0));
s += 'x';
s += ('0' + char(dim1));
// handle arrayed textures
if (isArrayed)
s += "Array";
return s;
// TODO: the GLSL parser is currently used to parse HLSL prototypes. However, many valid HLSL prototypes
// are not valid GLSL prototypes. This rejects the invalid ones. Thus, there is a single switch below
// to enable creation of the entire HLSL space.
inline bool IsValidGlsl(const char* cname, char retOrder, char retType, char argOrder, char argType,
int dim0, int dim1, int dim0Max, int dim1Max)
const bool isVec = dim0Max > 1 || argType == 'V';
const bool isMat = dim1Max > 1 || argType == 'M';
if (!IsTextureType(argOrder) &&
((isVec && dim0 == 1) || // avoid vec1
(isMat && dim0 == 1 && dim1 == 1))) // avoid mat1x1
return false;
const std::string name(cname); // for ease of comparison. slow, but temporary, until HLSL parser is online.
if (isMat && dim1 == 1) // TODO: avoid mat Nx1 until we find the right GLSL profile
return false;
if ((isMat && (argType == 'I' || argType == 'U' || argType == 'B')) ||
(retOrder == 'M' && (retType == 'I' || retType == 'U' || retType == 'B')))
return false;
if (name == "GetRenderTargetSamplePosition" ||
name == "tex1D" ||
name == "tex1Dgrad")
return false;
return true;
// Return true for the end of a single argument key, which can be the end of the string, or
// the comma separator.
inline bool IsEndOfArg(const char* arg)
return arg == nullptr || *arg == '\0' || *arg == ',';
// return position of end of argument specifier
inline const char* FindEndOfArg(const char* arg)
while (!IsEndOfArg(arg))
return *arg == '\0' ? nullptr : arg;
// Return pointer to beginning of Nth argument specifier in the string.
inline const char* NthArg(const char* arg, int n)
for (int x=0; x<n && arg; ++x)
if ((arg = FindEndOfArg(arg)) != nullptr)
++arg; // skip arg separator
return arg;
inline void FindVectorMatrixBounds(const char* argOrder, int fixedVecSize, int& dim0Min, int& dim0Max, int& /*dim1Min*/, int& dim1Max)
for (int arg = 0; ; ++arg) {
const char* nthArgOrder(NthArg(argOrder, arg));
if (nthArgOrder == nullptr)
else if (*nthArgOrder == 'V')
dim0Max = 4;
else if (*nthArgOrder == 'M')
dim0Max = dim1Max = 4;
if (fixedVecSize > 0) // handle fixed sized vectors
dim0Min = dim0Max = fixedVecSize;
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace glslang {
// Handle creation of mat*mat specially, since it doesn't fall conveniently out of
// the generic prototype creation code below.
void TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::createMatTimesMat()
TString& s = commonBuiltins;
const int first = (UseHlslTypes ? 1 : 2);
for (int xRows = first; xRows <=4; xRows++) {
for (int xCols = first; xCols <=4; xCols++) {
const int yRows = xCols;
for (int yCols = first; yCols <=4; yCols++) {
const int retRows = xRows;
const int retCols = yCols;
AppendTypeName(s, "M", "F", retRows, retCols); // add return type
s.append(" "); // space between type and name
s.append("mul"); // intrinsic name
s.append("("); // open paren
AppendTypeName(s, "M", "F", xRows, xCols); // add X input
s.append(", ");
AppendTypeName(s, "M", "F", yRows, yCols); // add Y input
s.append(");\n"); // close paren
// Add all context-independent built-in functions and variables that are present
// for the given version and profile. Share common ones across stages, otherwise
// make stage-specific entries.
// Most built-ins variables can be added as simple text strings. Some need to
// be added programmatically, which is done later in IdentifyBuiltIns() below.
void TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::initialize(int /*version*/, EProfile /*profile*/, const SpvVersion& /*spvVersion*/)
static const EShLanguageMask EShLangAll = EShLanguageMask(EShLangCount - 1);
// This structure encodes the prototype information for each HLSL intrinsic.
// Because explicit enumeration would be cumbersome, it's procedurally generated.
// orderKey can be:
// S = scalar, V = vector, M = matrix, - = void
// typekey can be:
// D = double, F = float, U = uint, I = int, B = bool, S = sampler
// An empty order or type key repeats the first one. E.g: SVM,, means 3 args each of SVM.
// '>' as first letter of order creates an output parameter
// '<' as first letter of order creates an input parameter
// '^' as first letter of order takes transpose dimensions
// '#' as first letter of order sets rows=cols for mats
// '%' as first letter of order creates texture of given F/I/U type (texture, itexture, etc)
// '@' as first letter of order creates arrayed texture of given type
static const struct {
const char* name; // intrinsic name
const char* retOrder; // return type key: empty matches order of 1st argument
const char* retType; // return type key: empty matches type of 1st argument
const char* argOrder; // argument order key
const char* argType; // argument type key
unsigned int stage; // stage mask
} hlslIntrinsics[] = {
// name retOrd retType argOrder argType stage mask
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
{ "abort", nullptr, nullptr, "-", "-", EShLangAll },
{ "abs", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "DFUI", EShLangAll },
{ "acos", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "all", "S", "B", "SVM", "BFI", EShLangAll },
{ "AllMemoryBarrier", nullptr, nullptr, "-", "-", EShLangComputeMask },
{ "AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync", nullptr, nullptr, "-", "-", EShLangComputeMask },
{ "any", "S", "B", "SVM", "BFI", EShLangAll },
{ "asdouble", "S", "D", "S,", "U,", EShLangAll },
{ "asdouble", "V2", "D", "V2,", "U,", EShLangAll },
{ "asfloat", nullptr, "F", "SVM", "BFIU", EShLangAll },
{ "asin", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "asint", nullptr, "I", "SVM", "FU", EShLangAll },
{ "asuint", nullptr, "U", "SVM", "FU", EShLangAll },
{ "atan", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "atan2", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,", "F,", EShLangAll },
{ "ceil", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "CheckAccessFullyMapped", "S", "B" , "S", "U", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "clamp", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,,", "FUI,,", EShLangAll },
{ "clip", "-", "-", "SVM", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "cos", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "cosh", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "countbits", nullptr, nullptr, "SV", "U", EShLangAll },
{ "cross", nullptr, nullptr, "V3,", "F,", EShLangAll },
{ "D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4", "V4", "I", "V4", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "ddx", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "ddx_coarse", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "ddx_fine", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "ddy", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "ddy_coarse", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "ddy_fine", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "degrees", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "determinant", "S", "F", "M", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "DeviceMemoryBarrier", nullptr, nullptr, "-", "-", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "DeviceMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync", nullptr, nullptr, "-", "-", EShLangComputeMask },
{ "distance", "S", "F", "V,", "F,", EShLangAll },
{ "dot", "S", nullptr, "V,", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "dst", nullptr, nullptr, "V4,V4", "F,", EShLangAll },
// { "errorf", "-", "-", "", "", EShLangAll }, TODO: varargs
{ "EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "EvaluateAttributeAtSample", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,S", "F,U", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "EvaluateAttributeSnapped", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,V2", "F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "exp", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "exp2", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "f16tof32", nullptr, "F", "SV", "U", EShLangAll },
{ "f32tof16", nullptr, "U", "SV", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "faceforward", nullptr, nullptr, "V,,", "F,,", EShLangAll },
{ "firstbithigh", nullptr, nullptr, "SV", "UI", EShLangAll },
{ "firstbitlow", nullptr, nullptr, "SV", "UI", EShLangAll },
{ "floor", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "fma", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,,", "D,,", EShLangAll },
{ "fmod", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,", "F,", EShLangAll },
{ "frac", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "frexp", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,", "F,", EShLangAll },
{ "fwidth", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "GetRenderTargetSampleCount", "S", "U", "-", "-", EShLangAll },
{ "GetRenderTargetSamplePosition", "V2", "F", "V1", "I", EShLangAll },
{ "GroupMemoryBarrier", nullptr, nullptr, "-", "-", EShLangComputeMask },
{ "GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync", nullptr, nullptr, "-", "-", EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedAdd", "-", "-", "SVM,,>", "UI,,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedAdd", "-", "-", "SVM,", "UI,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedAnd", "-", "-", "SVM,,>", "UI,,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedAnd", "-", "-", "SVM,", "UI,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedCompareExchange", "-", "-", "SVM,,,>", "UI,,,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedCompareStore", "-", "-", "SVM,,", "UI,,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedExchange", "-", "-", "SVM,,>", "UI,,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedMax", "-", "-", "SVM,,>", "UI,,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedMax", "-", "-", "SVM,", "UI,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedMin", "-", "-", "SVM,,>", "UI,,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedMin", "-", "-", "SVM,", "UI,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedOr", "-", "-", "SVM,,>", "UI,,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedOr", "-", "-", "SVM,", "UI,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedXor", "-", "-", "SVM,,>", "UI,,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "InterlockedXor", "-", "-", "SVM,", "UI,", EShLangFragmentMask | EShLangComputeMask },
{ "isfinite", nullptr, "B" , "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "isinf", nullptr, "B" , "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "isnan", nullptr, "B" , "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "ldexp", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,", "F,", EShLangAll },
{ "length", "S", "F", "V", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "lerp", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,,", "F,,", EShLangAll },
{ "lit", "V4", "F", "S,,", "F,,", EShLangAll },
{ "log", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "log10", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "log2", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "mad", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,,", "DFUI,,", EShLangAll },
{ "max", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "min", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "modf", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,>", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "msad4", "V4", "U", "S,V2,V4", "U,,", EShLangAll },
{ "mul", "S", nullptr, "S,S", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "mul", "V", nullptr, "S,V", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "mul", "M", nullptr, "S,M", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "mul", "V", nullptr, "V,S", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "mul", "S", nullptr, "V,V", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "mul", "#V", nullptr, "V,M", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "mul", "M", nullptr, "M,S", "FI,", EShLangAll },
{ "mul", "V", nullptr, "M,#V", "FI,", EShLangAll },
// mat*mat form of mul is handled in createMatTimesMat()
{ "noise", "S", "F", "V", "F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "normalize", nullptr, nullptr, "V", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "pow", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,", "F,", EShLangAll },
// { "printf", "-", "-", "", "", EShLangAll }, TODO: varargs
{ "Process2DQuadTessFactorsAvg", "-", "-", "V4,V2,>V4,>V2,>V2", "F,,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "Process2DQuadTessFactorsMax", "-", "-", "V4,V2,>V4,>V2,>V2", "F,,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "Process2DQuadTessFactorsMin", "-", "-", "V4,V2,>V4,>V2,>V2", "F,,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "ProcessIsolineTessFactors", "-", "-", "S,,>,>", "F,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "ProcessQuadTessFactorsAvg", "-", "-", "V4,S,>V4,>V2,>V2", "F,,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "ProcessQuadTessFactorsMax", "-", "-", "V4,S,>V4,>V2,>V2", "F,,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "ProcessQuadTessFactorsMin", "-", "-", "V4,S,>V4,>V2,>V2", "F,,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "ProcessTriTessFactorsAvg", "-", "-", "V3,S,>V3,>S,>S", "F,,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "ProcessTriTessFactorsMax", "-", "-", "V3,S,>V3,>S,>S", "F,,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "ProcessTriTessFactorsMin", "-", "-", "V3,S,>V3,>S,>S", "F,,,,", EShLangTessControlMask },
{ "radians", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "rcp", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "FD", EShLangAll },
{ "reflect", nullptr, nullptr, "V,", "F,", EShLangAll },
{ "refract", nullptr, nullptr, "V,V,S", "F,,", EShLangAll },
{ "reversebits", nullptr, nullptr, "SV", "U", EShLangAll },
{ "round", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "rsqrt", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "saturate", nullptr, nullptr , "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "sign", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "FI", EShLangAll },
{ "sin", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "sincos", "-", "-", "SVM,>,>", "F,,", EShLangAll },
{ "sinh", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "smoothstep", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,,", "F,,", EShLangAll },
{ "sqrt", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "step", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM,", "F,", EShLangAll },
{ "tan", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "tanh", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "tex1D", "V4", "F", "V1,S", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex1D", "V4", "F", "V1,S,V1,V1", "S,F,F,F",EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex1Dbias", "V4", "F", "V1,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex1Dgrad", "V4", "F", "V1,V1,V1,V1","S,F,F,F",EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex1Dlod", "V4", "F", "V1,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex1Dproj", "V4", "F", "V1,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex2D", "V4", "F", "V2,V2", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex2D", "V4", "F", "V2,V2,V2,V2","S,F,F,F",EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex2Dbias", "V4", "F", "V2,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex2Dgrad", "V4", "F", "V2,V2,V2,V2","S,F,F,F",EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex2Dlod", "V4", "F", "V2,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex2Dproj", "V4", "F", "V2,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex3D", "V4", "F", "V3,V3", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex3D", "V4", "F", "V3,V3,V3,V3","S,F,F,F",EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex3Dbias", "V4", "F", "V3,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex3Dgrad", "V4", "F", "V3,V3,V3,V3","S,F,F,F",EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex3Dlod", "V4", "F", "V3,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "tex3Dproj", "V4", "F", "V3,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "texCUBE", "V4", "F", "V4,V3", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "texCUBE", "V4", "F", "V4,V3,V3,V3","S,F,F,F",EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "texCUBEbias", "V4", "F", "V4,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "texCUBEgrad", "V4", "F", "V4,V3,V3,V3","S,F,F,F",EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "texCUBElod", "V4", "F", "V4,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "texCUBEproj", "V4", "F", "V4,V4", "S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "transpose", "^M", nullptr, "M", "F", EShLangAll },
{ "trunc", nullptr, nullptr, "SVM", "F", EShLangAll },
// Texture object methods. Return type can be overridden by shader declaration.
// !O = no offset, O = offset, !A = no array, A = array
{ "Sample", /*!O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V", "FIU,S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "Sample", /* O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,V", "FIU,S,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "Sample", /*!O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V", "FIU,S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "Sample", /* O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,V", "FIU,S,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "SampleBias", /*!O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,S", "FIU,S,F,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "SampleBias", /* O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,S,V", "FIU,S,F,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "SampleBias", /*!O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,S", "FIU,S,F,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "SampleBias", /* O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,S,V", "FIU,S,F,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleCmp", /*!O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,S", "FIU,S,F,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleCmp", /* O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,S,V", "FIU,S,F,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleCmp", /*!O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,S", "FIU,S,F,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleCmp", /* O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,S,V", "FIU,S,F,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleCmpLevelZero", /*!O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V", "FIU,S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleCmpLevelZero", /* O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,V", "FIU,S,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleCmpLevelZero", /*!O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V", "FIU,S,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleCmpLevelZero", /* O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,V", "FIU,S,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
{ "SampleGrad", /*!O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,V,V", "FIU,S,F,F,F", EShLangAll },
{ "SampleGrad", /* O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,V,V,V", "FIU,S,F,F,F,I", EShLangAll },
{ "SampleGrad", /*!O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,V,V", "FIU,S,F,F,F", EShLangAll },
{ "SampleGrad", /* O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,V,V,V", "FIU,S,F,F,F,I", EShLangAll },
// { "SampleLevel", /*!O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,S", "FIU,S,F,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleLevel", /* O !A*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,S,V,S,V", "FIU,S,F,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleLevel", /*!O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,S", "FIU,S,F,F", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "SampleLevel", /* O A*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,S,V,S,V", "FIU,S,F,F,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// TODO: ...
// { "Load", "V4", nullptr, "%V,V", "FIU,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "Load", /* +sampleidex*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,V,S", "FIU,I,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "Load", /* +samplindex, offset*/ "V4", nullptr, "%V,V,S,V", "FIU,I,I,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "Load", "V4", nullptr, "@V,V", "FIU,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "Load", /* +sampleidex*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,V,S", "FIU,I,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// { "Load", /* +samplindex, offset*/ "V4", nullptr, "@V,V,S,V", "FIU,I,I,I", EShLangFragmentMask },
// Mark end of list, since we want to avoid a range-based for, as some compilers don't handle it yet.
{ nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0 },
// Set this to true to avoid generating prototypes that will be invalid for the GLSL parser.
// TODO: turn it off (and remove the code) when the HLSL parser can be used to parse builtins.
static const bool skipInvalidGlsl = true;
// Create prototypes for the intrinsics. TODO: Avoid ranged based for until all compilers can handle it.
for (int icount = 0; hlslIntrinsics[icount].name; ++icount) {
const auto& intrinsic = hlslIntrinsics[icount];
for (int stage = 0; stage < EShLangCount; ++stage) { // for each stage...
if ((intrinsic.stage & (1<<stage)) == 0) // skip inapplicable stages
// reference to either the common builtins, or stage specific builtins.
TString& s = (intrinsic.stage == EShLangAll) ? commonBuiltins : stageBuiltins[stage];
for (const char* argOrder = intrinsic.argOrder; !IsEndOfArg(argOrder); ++argOrder) { // for each order...
const bool isTexture = IsTextureType(*argOrder);
const bool isArrayed = IsTextureArrayed(*argOrder);
const int fixedVecSize = isdigit(argOrder[1]) ? (argOrder[1] - '0') : 0;
// calculate min and max vector and matrix dimensions
int dim0Min = 1;
int dim0Max = 1;
int dim1Min = 1;
int dim1Max = 1;
FindVectorMatrixBounds(argOrder, fixedVecSize, dim0Min, dim0Max, dim1Min, dim1Max);
for (const char* argType = intrinsic.argType; !IsEndOfArg(argType); ++argType) { // for each type...
for (int dim0 = dim0Min; dim0 <= dim0Max; ++dim0) { // for each dim 0...
for (int dim1 = dim1Min; dim1 <= dim1Max; ++dim1) { // for each dim 1...
const char* retOrder = intrinsic.retOrder ? intrinsic.retOrder : argOrder;
const char* retType = intrinsic.retType ? intrinsic.retType : argType;
if (skipInvalidGlsl && !IsValidGlsl(intrinsic.name, *retOrder, *retType, *argOrder, *argType,
dim0, dim1, dim0Max, dim1Max))
// Reject some forms of sample methods that don't exist.
if (isTexture && IsIllegalSample(intrinsic.name, argOrder, dim0))
AppendTypeName(s, retOrder, retType, dim0, dim1); // add return type
s.append(" "); // space between type and name
s.append(intrinsic.name); // intrinsic name
s.append("("); // open paren
// Append argument types, if any.
for (int arg = 0; ; ++arg) {
const char* nthArgOrder(NthArg(argOrder, arg));
const char* nthArgType(NthArg(argType, arg));
if (nthArgOrder == nullptr || nthArgType == nullptr)
// cube textures use vec3 coordinates
int argDim0 = isTexture && arg > 0 ? std::min(dim0, 3) : dim0;
// arrayed textures have one extra coordinate dimension
if (isArrayed && arg == 2)
// For textures, the 1D case isn't a 1-vector, but a scalar.
if (isTexture && argDim0 == 1 && arg > 0 && *nthArgOrder == 'V')
nthArgOrder = "S";
s.append(arg > 0 ? ", ": ""); // comma separator if needed
if (*nthArgOrder == '>') { // output params
s.append("out ");
} else if (*nthArgOrder == '<') { // input params
s.append("in ");
// Comma means use the 1st argument order and type.
if (*nthArgOrder == ',' || *nthArgOrder == '\0') nthArgOrder = argOrder;
if (*nthArgType == ',' || *nthArgType == '\0') nthArgType = argType;
AppendTypeName(s, nthArgOrder, nthArgType, argDim0, dim1); // Add arguments
s.append(");\n"); // close paren and trailing semicolon
if (fixedVecSize > 0 || isTexture) // skip over special characters
if (intrinsic.stage == EShLangAll) // common builtins are only added once.
createMatTimesMat(); // handle this case separately, for convenience
// printf("Common:\n%s\n", getCommonString().c_str());
// printf("Frag:\n%s\n", getStageString(EShLangFragment).c_str());
// printf("Vertex:\n%s\n", getStageString(EShLangVertex).c_str());
// printf("Geo:\n%s\n", getStageString(EShLangGeometry).c_str());
// printf("TessCtrl:\n%s\n", getStageString(EShLangTessControl).c_str());
// printf("TessEval:\n%s\n", getStageString(EShLangTessEvaluation).c_str());
// printf("Compute:\n%s\n", getStageString(EShLangCompute).c_str());
// Add context-dependent built-in functions and variables that are present
// for the given version and profile. All the results are put into just the
// commonBuiltins, because it is called for just a specific stage. So,
// add stage-specific entries to the commonBuiltins, and only if that stage
// was requested.
void TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::initialize(const TBuiltInResource& /*resources*/, int /*version*/, EProfile /*profile*/,
const SpvVersion& /*spvVersion*/, EShLanguage /*language*/)
// Finish adding/processing context-independent built-in symbols.
// 1) Programmatically add symbols that could not be added by simple text strings above.
// 2) Map built-in functions to operators, for those that will turn into an operation node
// instead of remaining a function call.
// 3) Tag extension-related symbols added to their base version with their extensions, so
// that if an early version has the extension turned off, there is an error reported on use.
void TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::identifyBuiltIns(int /*version*/, EProfile /*profile*/, const SpvVersion& /*spvVersion*/, EShLanguage /*language*/,
TSymbolTable& symbolTable)
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("abort", EOpAbort);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("abs", EOpAbs);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("acos", EOpAcos);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("all", EOpAll);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("AllMemoryBarrier", EOpMemoryBarrier);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync", EOpAllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("any", EOpAny);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("asdouble", EOpAsDouble);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("asfloat", EOpIntBitsToFloat);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("asin", EOpAsin);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("asint", EOpFloatBitsToInt);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("asuint", EOpFloatBitsToUint);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atan", EOpAtan);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atan2", EOpAtan);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("ceil", EOpCeil);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("CheckAccessFullyMapped");
symbolTable.relateToOperator("clamp", EOpClamp);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("clip", EOpClip);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("cos", EOpCos);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("cosh", EOpCosh);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("countbits", EOpBitCount);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("cross", EOpCross);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4", EOpD3DCOLORtoUBYTE4);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("ddx", EOpDPdx);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("ddx_coarse", EOpDPdxCoarse);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("ddx_fine", EOpDPdxFine);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("ddy", EOpDPdy);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("ddy_coarse", EOpDPdyCoarse);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("ddy_fine", EOpDPdyFine);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("degrees", EOpDegrees);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("determinant", EOpDeterminant);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("DeviceMemoryBarrier", EOpGroupMemoryBarrier);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("DeviceMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync", EOpGroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync); // ...
symbolTable.relateToOperator("distance", EOpDistance);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("dot", EOpDot);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("dst", EOpDst);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("errorf", EOpErrorf);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid", EOpInterpolateAtCentroid);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("EvaluateAttributeAtSample", EOpInterpolateAtSample);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("EvaluateAttributeSnapped", EOpEvaluateAttributeSnapped);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("exp", EOpExp);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("exp2", EOpExp2);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("f16tof32", EOpF16tof32);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("f32tof16", EOpF32tof16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("faceforward", EOpFaceForward);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("firstbithigh", EOpFindMSB);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("firstbitlow", EOpFindLSB);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("floor", EOpFloor);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("fma", EOpFma);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("fmod", EOpMod);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("frac", EOpFract);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("frexp", EOpFrexp);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("fwidth", EOpFwidth);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("GetRenderTargetSampleCount");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("GetRenderTargetSamplePosition");
symbolTable.relateToOperator("GroupMemoryBarrier", EOpWorkgroupMemoryBarrier);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync", EOpWorkgroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("InterlockedAdd", EOpInterlockedAdd);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("InterlockedAnd", EOpInterlockedAnd);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("InterlockedCompareExchange", EOpInterlockedCompareExchange);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("InterlockedCompareStore", EOpInterlockedCompareStore);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("InterlockedExchange", EOpInterlockedExchange);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("InterlockedMax", EOpInterlockedMax);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("InterlockedMin", EOpInterlockedMin);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("InterlockedOr", EOpInterlockedOr);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("InterlockedXor", EOpInterlockedXor);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("isfinite", EOpIsFinite);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("isinf", EOpIsInf);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("isnan", EOpIsNan);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("ldexp", EOpLdexp);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("length", EOpLength);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("lerp", EOpMix);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("lit", EOpLit);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("log", EOpLog);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("log10", EOpLog10);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("log2", EOpLog2);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("mad", EOpFma);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("max", EOpMax);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("min", EOpMin);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("modf", EOpModf);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("msad4", EOpMsad4);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("mul", EOpGenMul);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("noise", EOpNoise); // TODO: check return type
symbolTable.relateToOperator("normalize", EOpNormalize);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("pow", EOpPow);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("printf", EOpPrintf);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("Process2DQuadTessFactorsAvg");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("Process2DQuadTessFactorsMax");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("Process2DQuadTessFactorsMin");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("ProcessIsolineTessFactors");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("ProcessQuadTessFactorsAvg");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("ProcessQuadTessFactorsMax");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("ProcessQuadTessFactorsMin");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("ProcessTriTessFactorsAvg");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("ProcessTriTessFactorsMax");
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("ProcessTriTessFactorsMin");
symbolTable.relateToOperator("radians", EOpRadians);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("rcp", EOpRcp);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("reflect", EOpReflect);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("refract", EOpRefract);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("reversebits", EOpBitFieldReverse);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("round", EOpRoundEven);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("rsqrt", EOpInverseSqrt);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("saturate", EOpSaturate);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("sign", EOpSign);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("sin", EOpSin);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("sincos", EOpSinCos);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("sinh", EOpSinh);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("smoothstep", EOpSmoothStep);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("sqrt", EOpSqrt);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("step", EOpStep);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tan", EOpTan);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tanh", EOpTanh);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex1D", EOpTexture);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex1Dbias", EOpTextureBias);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex1Dgrad", EOpTextureGrad);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex1Dlod", EOpTextureLod);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex1Dproj", EOpTextureProj);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex2D", EOpTexture);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex2Dbias", EOpTextureBias);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex2Dgrad", EOpTextureGrad);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex2Dlod", EOpTextureLod);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex2Dproj", EOpTextureProj);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex3D", EOpTexture);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex3Dbias", EOpTextureBias);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex3Dgrad", EOpTextureGrad);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex3Dlod", EOpTextureLod);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("tex3Dproj", EOpTextureProj);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("texCUBE", EOpTexture);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("texCUBEbias", EOpTextureBias);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("texCUBEgrad", EOpTextureGrad);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("texCUBElod", EOpTextureLod);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("texCUBEproj", EOpTextureProj);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("transpose", EOpTranspose);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("trunc", EOpTrunc);
// Texture methods
symbolTable.relateToOperator("Sample", EOpMethodSample);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("SampleBias", EOpMethodSampleBias);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("SampleCmp", EOpMethodSampleCmp);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("SampleCmpLevelZero", EOpMethodSampleCmpLevelZero);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("SampleGrad", EOpMethodSampleGrad);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("SampleLevel", EOpMethodSampleLevel);
// symbolTable.relateToOperator("Load", EOpMethodLoad);
// Add context-dependent (resource-specific) built-ins not handled by the above. These
// would be ones that need to be programmatically added because they cannot
// be added by simple text strings. For these, also
// 1) Map built-in functions to operators, for those that will turn into an operation node
// instead of remaining a function call.
// 2) Tag extension-related symbols added to their base version with their extensions, so
// that if an early version has the extension turned off, there is an error reported on use.
void TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::identifyBuiltIns(int /*version*/, EProfile /*profile*/, const SpvVersion& /*spvVersion*/, EShLanguage /*language*/,
TSymbolTable& /*symbolTable*/, const TBuiltInResource& /*resources*/)
} // end namespace glslang