mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 01:14:22 +00:00
This happens if someone manually downloads a regular datfile from redump.org and puts it where Dolphin stores datfiles. Dolphin needs "special" datfiles that contain fields for serials and versions. Before this change, all discs (except Datel discs) would show up as "Unknown disc" when using a regular datfile.
1378 lines
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1378 lines
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// Copyright 2019 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include "DiscIO/VolumeVerifier.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <future>
#include <limits>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <mbedtls/md5.h>
#include <mbedtls/sha1.h>
#include <minizip/unzip.h>
#include <pugixml.hpp>
#include <zlib.h>
#include "Common/Align.h"
#include "Common/Assert.h"
#include "Common/CommonPaths.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/File.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/HttpRequest.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Common/MinizipUtil.h"
#include "Common/MsgHandler.h"
#include "Common/ScopeGuard.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
#include "Common/Swap.h"
#include "Common/Version.h"
#include "Core/IOS/Device.h"
#include "Core/IOS/ES/ES.h"
#include "Core/IOS/ES/Formats.h"
#include "Core/IOS/IOS.h"
#include "Core/IOS/IOSC.h"
#include "DiscIO/Blob.h"
#include "DiscIO/DiscExtractor.h"
#include "DiscIO/DiscScrubber.h"
#include "DiscIO/Enums.h"
#include "DiscIO/Filesystem.h"
#include "DiscIO/Volume.h"
#include "DiscIO/VolumeWii.h"
namespace DiscIO
RedumpVerifier::DownloadState RedumpVerifier::m_gc_download_state;
RedumpVerifier::DownloadState RedumpVerifier::m_wii_download_state;
void RedumpVerifier::Start(const Volume& volume)
// We use GetGameTDBID instead of GetGameID so that Datel discs will be represented by an empty
// string, which matches Redump not having any serials for Datel discs.
m_game_id = volume.GetGameTDBID();
if (m_game_id.size() > 4)
m_game_id = m_game_id.substr(0, 4);
m_revision = volume.GetRevision().value_or(0);
m_disc_number = volume.GetDiscNumber().value_or(0);
m_size = volume.GetSize();
const DiscIO::Platform platform = volume.GetVolumeType();
m_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, platform]() -> std::vector<PotentialMatch> {
std::string system;
DownloadState* download_state;
switch (platform)
case Platform::GameCubeDisc:
system = "gc";
download_state = &m_gc_download_state;
case Platform::WiiDisc:
system = "wii";
download_state = &m_wii_download_state;
m_result.status = Status::Error;
return {};
DownloadStatus status;
std::lock_guard lk(download_state->mutex);
download_state->status = DownloadDatfile(system, download_state->status);
status = download_state->status;
switch (download_state->status)
case DownloadStatus::FailButOldCacheAvailable:
ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Failed to fetch data from Redump.org, using old cached data instead");
case DownloadStatus::Success:
return ScanDatfile(ReadDatfile(system), system);
case DownloadStatus::SystemNotAvailable:
m_result = {Status::Error, Common::GetStringT("Wii data is not public yet")};
return {};
case DownloadStatus::Fail:
m_result = {Status::Error, Common::GetStringT("Failed to connect to Redump.org")};
return {};
static std::string GetPathForSystem(const std::string& system)
return File::GetUserPath(D_REDUMPCACHE_IDX) + DIR_SEP + system + ".zip";
RedumpVerifier::DownloadStatus RedumpVerifier::DownloadDatfile(const std::string& system,
DownloadStatus old_status)
if (old_status == DownloadStatus::Success || old_status == DownloadStatus::SystemNotAvailable)
return old_status;
Common::HttpRequest request;
const std::optional<std::vector<u8>> result =
request.Get("http://redump.org/datfile/" + system + "/serial,version",
{{"User-Agent", Common::scm_rev_str}});
const std::string output_path = GetPathForSystem(system);
if (!result)
return File::Exists(output_path) ? DownloadStatus::FailButOldCacheAvailable :
if (result->size() > 1 && (*result)[0] == '<' && (*result)[1] == '!')
// This is an HTML page, not a zip file like we want
if (File::Exists(output_path))
return DownloadStatus::FailButOldCacheAvailable;
const std::string system_not_available_message = "System \"" + system + "\" doesn't exist.";
const bool system_not_available_match =
result->end() != std::search(result->begin(), result->end(),
return system_not_available_match ? DownloadStatus::SystemNotAvailable : DownloadStatus::Fail;
if (!File::IOFile(output_path, "wb").WriteBytes(result->data(), result->size()))
ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Failed to write downloaded datfile to %s", output_path.c_str());
return DownloadStatus::Success;
std::vector<u8> RedumpVerifier::ReadDatfile(const std::string& system)
unzFile file = unzOpen(GetPathForSystem(system).c_str());
if (!file)
return {};
Common::ScopeGuard file_guard{[&] { unzClose(file); }};
// Check that the zip file contains exactly one file
if (unzGoToFirstFile(file) != UNZ_OK)
return {};
if (unzGoToNextFile(file) != UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE)
return {};
// Read the file
if (unzGoToFirstFile(file) != UNZ_OK)
return {};
unz_file_info file_info;
unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &file_info, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0);
std::vector<u8> data(file_info.uncompressed_size);
if (!Common::ReadFileFromZip(file, &data))
return {};
return data;
static u8 ParseHexDigit(char c)
if (c < '0')
return 0; // Error
if (c >= 'a')
c -= 'a' - 'A';
if (c >= 'A')
c -= 'A' - ('9' + 1);
c -= '0';
if (c >= 0x10)
return 0; // Error
return c;
static std::vector<u8> ParseHash(const char* str)
std::vector<u8> hash;
while (str[0] && str[1])
hash.push_back(static_cast<u8>(ParseHexDigit(str[0]) * 0x10 + ParseHexDigit(str[1])));
str += 2;
return hash;
std::vector<RedumpVerifier::PotentialMatch> RedumpVerifier::ScanDatfile(const std::vector<u8>& data,
const std::string& system)
pugi::xml_document doc;
if (!doc.load_buffer(data.data(), data.size()))
m_result = {Status::Error, Common::GetStringT("Failed to parse Redump.org data")};
return {};
std::vector<PotentialMatch> potential_matches;
bool serials_exist = false;
bool versions_exist = false;
const pugi::xml_node datafile = doc.child("datafile");
for (const pugi::xml_node game : datafile.children("game"))
std::string version_string = game.child("version").text().as_string();
if (!version_string.empty())
versions_exist = true;
// Strip out prefix (e.g. "v1.02" -> "02", "Rev 2" -> "2")
const size_t last_non_numeric = version_string.find_last_not_of("0123456789");
if (last_non_numeric != std::string::npos)
version_string = version_string.substr(last_non_numeric + 1);
const int version = version_string.empty() ? 0 : std::stoi(version_string);
// The revisions for Korean GameCube games whose four-char game IDs end in E are numbered from
// 0x30 in ring codes and in disc headers, but Redump switched to numbering them from 0 in 2019.
if (version % 0x30 != m_revision % 0x30)
const std::string serials = game.child("serial").text().as_string();
if (!serials.empty())
serials_exist = true;
if (serials.empty() || StringBeginsWith(serials, "DS"))
// GC Datel discs have no serials in Redump, Wii Datel discs have serials like "DS000101"
if (!m_game_id.empty())
continue; // Non-empty m_game_id means we're verifying a non-Datel disc
bool serial_match_found = false;
// If a disc has multiple possible serials, they are delimited with ", ". We want to loop
// through all the serials until we find a match, because even though they normally only
// differ in the region code at the end (which we don't care about), there is an edge case
// disc with the game ID "G96P" and the serial "DL-DOL-D96P-EUR, DL-DOL-G96P-EUR".
for (const std::string& serial_str : SplitString(serials, ','))
const std::string_view serial = StripSpaces(serial_str);
// Skip the prefix, normally either "DL-DOL-" or "RVL-" (depending on the console),
// but there are some exceptions like the "RVLE-SBSE-USA-B0" serial.
const size_t first_dash = serial.find_first_of('-', 3);
const size_t game_id_start =
first_dash == std::string::npos ? std::string::npos : first_dash + 1;
if (game_id_start == std::string::npos || serial.size() < game_id_start + 4)
ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Invalid serial in redump datfile: %s", serial_str.c_str());
const std::string_view game_id = serial.substr(game_id_start, 4);
if (game_id != m_game_id)
u8 disc_number = 0;
if (serial.size() > game_id_start + 5 && serial[game_id_start + 5] >= '0' &&
serial[game_id_start + 5] <= '9')
disc_number = serial[game_id_start + 5] - '0';
if (disc_number != m_disc_number)
serial_match_found = true;
if (!serial_match_found)
PotentialMatch& potential_match = potential_matches.emplace_back();
const pugi::xml_node rom = game.child("rom");
potential_match.size = rom.attribute("size").as_ullong();
potential_match.hashes.crc32 = ParseHash(rom.attribute("crc").value());
potential_match.hashes.md5 = ParseHash(rom.attribute("md5").value());
potential_match.hashes.sha1 = ParseHash(rom.attribute("sha1").value());
if (!serials_exist || !versions_exist)
// If we reach this, the user has most likely downloaded a datfile manually,
// so show a panic alert rather than just using ERROR_LOG
// i18n: "Serial" refers to serial numbers, e.g. RVL-RSBE-USA
PanicAlertT("Serial and/or version data is missing from %s", GetPathForSystem(system).c_str());
m_result = {Status::Error, Common::GetStringT("Failed to parse Redump.org data")};
return {};
return potential_matches;
static bool HashesMatch(const std::vector<u8>& calculated, const std::vector<u8>& expected)
return calculated.empty() || calculated == expected;
RedumpVerifier::Result RedumpVerifier::Finish(const Hashes<std::vector<u8>>& hashes)
if (m_result.status == Status::Error)
return m_result;
if (hashes.crc32.empty() && hashes.md5.empty() && hashes.sha1.empty())
return m_result;
const std::vector<PotentialMatch> potential_matches = m_future.get();
for (PotentialMatch p : potential_matches)
if (HashesMatch(hashes.crc32, p.hashes.crc32) && HashesMatch(hashes.md5, p.hashes.md5) &&
HashesMatch(hashes.sha1, p.hashes.sha1) && m_size == p.size)
return {Status::GoodDump, Common::GetStringT("Good dump")};
// We only return bad dump if there's a disc that we know this dump should match but that doesn't
// match. For disc without IDs (i.e. Datel discs), we don't have a good way of knowing whether we
// have a bad dump or just a dump that isn't in Redump, so we always pick unknown instead of bad
// dump for those to be on the safe side. (Besides, it's possible to dump a Datel disc correctly
// and have it not match Redump if you don't use the same replacement value for bad sectors.)
if (!potential_matches.empty() && !m_game_id.empty())
return {Status::BadDump, Common::GetStringT("Bad dump")};
return {Status::Unknown, Common::GetStringT("Unknown disc")};
constexpr u64 MINI_DVD_SIZE = 1459978240; // GameCube
constexpr u64 SL_DVD_SIZE = 4699979776; // Wii retail
constexpr u64 SL_DVD_R_SIZE = 4707319808; // Wii RVT-R
constexpr u64 DL_DVD_SIZE = 8511160320; // Wii retail
constexpr u64 DL_DVD_R_SIZE = 8543666176; // Wii RVT-R
constexpr u64 BLOCK_SIZE = 0x20000;
VolumeVerifier::VolumeVerifier(const Volume& volume, bool redump_verification,
Hashes<bool> hashes_to_calculate)
: m_volume(volume), m_redump_verification(redump_verification),
m_calculating_any_hash(hashes_to_calculate.crc32 || hashes_to_calculate.md5 ||
if (!m_calculating_any_hash)
m_redump_verification = false;
VolumeVerifier::~VolumeVerifier() = default;
void VolumeVerifier::Start()
m_started = true;
if (m_redump_verification)
m_is_tgc = m_volume.GetBlobType() == BlobType::TGC;
m_is_datel = IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType()) &&
!GetBootDOLOffset(m_volume, m_volume.GetGamePartition()).has_value();
m_is_not_retail =
(m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiDisc && !m_volume.IsEncryptedAndHashed()) ||
if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD)
CheckCorrectlySigned(PARTITION_NONE, Common::GetStringT("This title is not correctly signed."));
void VolumeVerifier::CheckPartitions()
const std::vector<Partition> partitions = m_volume.GetPartitions();
if (partitions.empty())
if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() != Platform::WiiWAD &&
Common::GetStringT("The filesystem is invalid or could not be read."));
std::optional<u32> partitions_in_first_table = m_volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(0x40000, PARTITION_NONE);
if (partitions_in_first_table && *partitions_in_first_table > 8)
// Not sure if 8 actually is the limit, but there certainly aren't any discs
// released that have as many partitions as 8 in the first partition table.
// The only game that has that many partitions in total is Super Smash Bros. Brawl,
// and that game places all partitions other than UPDATE and DATA in the second table.
Common::GetStringT("There are too many partitions in the first partition table."));
std::vector<u32> types;
for (const Partition& partition : partitions)
const std::optional<u32> type = m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition);
if (type)
if (std::find(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PARTITION_UPDATE) == types.cend())
AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The update partition is missing."));
const bool has_data_partition =
std::find(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PARTITION_DATA) != types.cend();
if (!m_is_datel && !has_data_partition)
AddProblem(Severity::High, Common::GetStringT("The data partition is missing."));
const bool has_channel_partition =
std::find(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PARTITION_CHANNEL) != types.cend();
if (ShouldHaveChannelPartition() && !has_channel_partition)
AddProblem(Severity::Medium, Common::GetStringT("The channel partition is missing."));
const bool has_install_partition =
std::find(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PARTITION_INSTALL) != types.cend();
if (ShouldHaveInstallPartition() && !has_install_partition)
AddProblem(Severity::High, Common::GetStringT("The install partition is missing."));
if (ShouldHaveMasterpiecePartitions() &&
types.cend() ==
std::find_if(types.cbegin(), types.cend(), [](u32 type) { return type >= 0xFF; }))
// i18n: This string is referring to a game mode in Super Smash Bros. Brawl called Masterpieces
// where you play demos of NES/SNES/N64 games. Official translations:
// 名作トライアル (Japanese), Masterpieces (English), Meisterstücke (German), Chefs-d'œuvre
// (French), Clásicos (Spanish), Capolavori (Italian), 클래식 게임 체험판 (Korean).
// If your language is not one of the languages above, consider leaving the string untranslated
// so that people will recognize it as the name of the game mode.
AddProblem(Severity::Medium, Common::GetStringT("The Masterpiece partitions are missing."));
for (const Partition& partition : partitions)
if (m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition) == PARTITION_UPDATE && partition.offset != 0x50000)
Common::GetStringT("The update partition is not at its normal position."));
const u64 normal_data_offset = m_volume.IsEncryptedAndHashed() ? 0xF800000 : 0x838000;
if (m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition) == PARTITION_DATA &&
partition.offset != normal_data_offset && !has_channel_partition && !has_install_partition)
"The data partition is not at its normal position. This will affect the "
"emulated loading times. When using NetPlay or sending input recordings to "
"other people, you will experience desyncs if anyone is using a good dump."));
for (const Partition& partition : partitions)
bool VolumeVerifier::CheckPartition(const Partition& partition)
std::optional<u32> type = m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition);
if (!type)
// Not sure if this can happen in practice
AddProblem(Severity::Medium, Common::GetStringT("The type of a partition could not be read."));
return false;
Severity severity = Severity::Medium;
if (*type == PARTITION_DATA || *type == PARTITION_INSTALL)
severity = Severity::High;
else if (*type == PARTITION_UPDATE)
severity = Severity::Low;
const std::string name = GetPartitionName(type);
if (partition.offset % VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE != 0 ||
m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(0, partition) % VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE != 0)
StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("The %s partition is not properly aligned.").c_str(),
if (!m_is_datel)
StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("The %s partition is not correctly signed.").c_str(),
if (m_volume.SupportsIntegrityCheck() && !m_volume.CheckH3TableIntegrity(partition))
std::string text = StringFromFormat(
Common::GetStringT("The H3 hash table for the %s partition is not correct.").c_str(),
AddProblem(Severity::Low, std::move(text));
bool invalid_disc_header = false;
std::vector<u8> disc_header(0x80);
constexpr u32 WII_MAGIC = 0x5D1C9EA3;
if (!m_volume.Read(0, disc_header.size(), disc_header.data(), partition))
invalid_disc_header = true;
else if (Common::swap32(disc_header.data() + 0x18) != WII_MAGIC)
for (size_t i = 0; i < disc_header.size(); i += 4)
if (Common::swap32(disc_header.data() + i) != i)
invalid_disc_header = true;
// The loop above ends without breaking for discs that legitimately lack updates.
// No such discs have been released to end users. Most such discs are debug signed,
// but there is apparently at least one that is retail signed, the Movie-Ch Install Disc.
return false;
if (invalid_disc_header)
// This can happen when certain programs that create WBFS files scrub the entirety of
// the Masterpiece partitions in Super Smash Bros. Brawl without removing them from
// the partition table. https://bugs.dolphin-emu.org/issues/8733
std::string text = StringFromFormat(
Common::GetStringT("The %s partition does not seem to contain valid data.").c_str(),
AddProblem(severity, std::move(text));
return false;
// Prepare for hash verification in the Process step
if (m_volume.SupportsIntegrityCheck())
u64 offset = m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(0, partition);
const std::optional<u64> size =
m_volume.ReadSwappedAndShifted(partition.offset + 0x2bc, PARTITION_NONE);
const u64 end_offset = offset + size.value_or(0);
for (size_t i = 0; offset < end_offset; ++i, offset += VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE)
m_blocks.emplace_back(BlockToVerify{partition, offset, i});
m_block_errors.emplace(partition, 0);
const DiscIO::FileSystem* filesystem = m_volume.GetFileSystem(partition);
if (!filesystem)
if (m_is_datel)
// Datel's Wii Freeloader has an invalid FST in its only partition
return true;
std::string text = StringFromFormat(
Common::GetStringT("The %s partition does not have a valid file system.").c_str(),
AddProblem(severity, std::move(text));
return false;
std::unique_ptr<FileInfo> file_info = filesystem->FindFileInfo("_sys");
bool has_correct_ios = false;
if (file_info)
const IOS::ES::TMDReader& tmd = m_volume.GetTMD(m_volume.GetGamePartition());
if (tmd.IsValid())
const std::string correct_ios = "IOS" + std::to_string(tmd.GetIOSId() & 0xFF) + "-";
for (const FileInfo& f : *file_info)
if (StringBeginsWith(f.GetName(), correct_ios))
has_correct_ios = true;
if (!has_correct_ios)
// This is reached for hacked dumps where the update partition has been replaced with
// a very old update partition so that no updates will be installed.
Common::GetStringT("The update partition does not contain the IOS used by this title."));
return true;
std::string VolumeVerifier::GetPartitionName(std::optional<u32> type) const
if (!type)
return "???";
std::string name = NameForPartitionType(*type, false);
if (ShouldHaveMasterpiecePartitions() && *type > 0xFF)
// i18n: This string is referring to a game mode in Super Smash Bros. Brawl called Masterpieces
// where you play demos of NES/SNES/N64 games. This string is referring to a specific such demo
// rather than the game mode as a whole, so please use the singular form. Official translations:
// 名作トライアル (Japanese), Masterpieces (English), Meisterstücke (German), Chefs-d'œuvre
// (French), Clásicos (Spanish), Capolavori (Italian), 클래식 게임 체험판 (Korean).
// If your language is not one of the languages above, consider leaving the string untranslated
// so that people will recognize it as the name of the game mode.
name = StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("%s (Masterpiece)").c_str(), name.c_str());
return name;
void VolumeVerifier::CheckCorrectlySigned(const Partition& partition, std::string error_text)
IOS::HLE::Kernel ios;
const auto es = ios.GetES();
const std::vector<u8> cert_chain = m_volume.GetCertificateChain(partition);
m_volume.GetTicket(partition), cert_chain) ||
m_volume.GetTMD(partition), cert_chain))
AddProblem(Severity::Low, std::move(error_text));
bool VolumeVerifier::IsDebugSigned() const
const IOS::ES::TicketReader& ticket = m_volume.GetTicket(m_volume.GetGamePartition());
return ticket.IsValid() ? ticket.GetConsoleType() == IOS::HLE::IOSC::ConsoleType::RVT : false;
bool VolumeVerifier::ShouldHaveChannelPartition() const
const std::unordered_set<std::string> channel_discs{
"RFNE01", "RFNJ01", "RFNK01", "RFNP01", "RFNW01", "RFPE01", "RFPJ01", "RFPK01", "RFPP01",
"RFPW01", "RGWE41", "RGWJ41", "RGWP41", "RGWX41", "RMCE01", "RMCJ01", "RMCK01", "RMCP01",
return channel_discs.find(m_volume.GetGameID()) != channel_discs.end();
bool VolumeVerifier::ShouldHaveInstallPartition() const
const std::unordered_set<std::string> dragon_quest_x{"S4MJGD", "S4SJGD", "S6TJGD", "SDQJGD"};
return dragon_quest_x.find(m_volume.GetGameID()) != dragon_quest_x.end();
bool VolumeVerifier::ShouldHaveMasterpiecePartitions() const
const std::unordered_set<std::string> ssbb{"RSBE01", "RSBJ01", "RSBK01", "RSBP01"};
return ssbb.find(m_volume.GetGameID()) != ssbb.end();
bool VolumeVerifier::ShouldBeDualLayer() const
// The Japanese versions of Xenoblade and The Last Story are single-layer
// (unlike the other versions) and must not be added to this list.
const std::unordered_set<std::string> dual_layer_discs{
"R3ME01", "R3MP01", "R3OE01", "R3OJ01", "R3OP01", "RSBE01", "RSBJ01", "RSBK01", "RSBP01",
"RXMJ8P", "S59E01", "S59JC8", "S59P01", "S5QJC8", "SK8X52", "SAKENS", "SAKPNS", "SK8V52",
"SK8X52", "SLSEXJ", "SLSP01", "SQIE4Q", "SQIP4Q", "SQIY4Q", "SR5E41", "SR5P41", "SUOE41",
"SUOP41", "SVXX52", "SVXY52", "SX4E01", "SX4P01", "SZ3EGT", "SZ3PGT",
return dual_layer_discs.find(m_volume.GetGameID()) != dual_layer_discs.end();
void VolumeVerifier::CheckDiscSize()
if (!IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType()))
m_biggest_referenced_offset = GetBiggestReferencedOffset();
if (ShouldBeDualLayer() && m_biggest_referenced_offset <= SL_DVD_R_SIZE)
"This game has been hacked to fit on a single-layer DVD. Some content such as "
"pre-rendered videos, extra languages or entire game modes will be broken. "
"This problem generally only exists in illegal copies of games."));
if (!m_volume.IsSizeAccurate())
Common::GetStringT("The format that the disc image is saved in does not "
"store the size of the disc image."));
else if (!m_is_tgc)
const Platform platform = m_volume.GetVolumeType();
const bool is_gc_size = platform == Platform::GameCubeDisc || m_is_datel;
const u64 size = m_volume.GetSize();
const bool valid_gamecube = size == MINI_DVD_SIZE;
const bool valid_retail_wii = size == SL_DVD_SIZE || size == DL_DVD_SIZE;
const bool valid_debug_wii = size == SL_DVD_R_SIZE || size == DL_DVD_R_SIZE;
const bool debug = IsDebugSigned();
if ((is_gc_size && !valid_gamecube) ||
(!is_gc_size && (debug ? !valid_debug_wii : !valid_retail_wii)))
if (debug && valid_retail_wii)
Common::GetStringT("This debug disc image has the size of a retail disc image."));
if ((is_gc_size && size < MINI_DVD_SIZE) || (!is_gc_size && size < SL_DVD_SIZE))
Common::GetStringT("This disc image has an unusual size. This will likely make the "
"emulated loading times longer. When using NetPlay or sending "
"input recordings to other people, you will likely experience "
"desyncs if anyone is using a good dump."));
AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("This disc image has an unusual size."));
u64 VolumeVerifier::GetBiggestReferencedOffset() const
std::vector<Partition> partitions = m_volume.GetPartitions();
if (partitions.empty())
const u64 disc_header_size = m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::GameCubeDisc ? 0x460 : 0x50000;
u64 biggest_offset = disc_header_size;
for (const Partition& partition : partitions)
if (partition != PARTITION_NONE)
const u64 offset = m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(0x440, partition);
biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, offset);
const std::optional<u64> dol_offset = GetBootDOLOffset(m_volume, partition);
if (dol_offset)
const std::optional<u64> dol_size = GetBootDOLSize(m_volume, partition, *dol_offset);
if (dol_size)
const u64 offset = m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(*dol_offset + *dol_size, partition);
biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, offset);
const std::optional<u64> fst_offset = GetFSTOffset(m_volume, partition);
const std::optional<u64> fst_size = GetFSTSize(m_volume, partition);
if (fst_offset && fst_size)
const u64 offset = m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(*fst_offset + *fst_size, partition);
biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, offset);
const FileSystem* fs = m_volume.GetFileSystem(partition);
if (fs)
const u64 offset =
m_volume.PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(GetBiggestReferencedOffset(fs->GetRoot()), partition);
biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, offset);
return biggest_offset;
u64 VolumeVerifier::GetBiggestReferencedOffset(const FileInfo& file_info) const
if (file_info.IsDirectory())
u64 biggest_offset = 0;
for (const FileInfo& f : file_info)
biggest_offset = std::max(biggest_offset, GetBiggestReferencedOffset(f));
return biggest_offset;
return file_info.GetOffset() + file_info.GetSize();
void VolumeVerifier::CheckMisc()
const std::string game_id_unencrypted = m_volume.GetGameID(PARTITION_NONE);
const std::string game_id_encrypted = m_volume.GetGameID(m_volume.GetGamePartition());
if (game_id_unencrypted != game_id_encrypted)
bool inconsistent_game_id = true;
if (game_id_encrypted == "RELSAB")
if (StringBeginsWith(game_id_unencrypted, "410"))
// This is the Wii Backup Disc (aka "pinkfish" disc),
// which legitimately has an inconsistent game ID.
inconsistent_game_id = false;
else if (StringBeginsWith(game_id_unencrypted, "010"))
// Hacked version of the Wii Backup Disc (aka "pinkfish" disc).
std::string proper_game_id = game_id_unencrypted;
proper_game_id[0] = '4';
StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("The game ID is %s but should be %s.").c_str(),
game_id_unencrypted.c_str(), proper_game_id.c_str()));
inconsistent_game_id = false;
if (inconsistent_game_id)
AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The game ID is inconsistent."));
const Region region = m_volume.GetRegion();
constexpr std::string_view GAMECUBE_PLACEHOLDER_ID = "RELSAB";
constexpr std::string_view WII_PLACEHOLDER_ID = "RABAZZ";
if (game_id_encrypted.size() < 4)
AddProblem(Severity::Low, Common::GetStringT("The game ID is unusually short."));
else if (!m_is_datel && game_id_encrypted != GAMECUBE_PLACEHOLDER_ID &&
game_id_encrypted != WII_PLACEHOLDER_ID)
char country_code;
if (IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType()))
country_code = game_id_encrypted[3];
country_code = static_cast<char>(m_volume.GetTitleID().value_or(0) & 0xff);
const Platform platform = m_volume.GetVolumeType();
const std::optional<u16> revision = m_volume.GetRevision();
if (CountryCodeToRegion(country_code, platform, region, revision) != region)
"The region code does not match the game ID. If this is because the "
"region code has been modified, the game might run at the wrong speed, "
"graphical elements might be offset, or the game might not run at all."));
const IOS::ES::TMDReader& tmd = m_volume.GetTMD(m_volume.GetGamePartition());
if (tmd.IsValid())
const u64 ios_id = tmd.GetIOSId() & 0xFF;
// List of launch day Korean IOSes obtained from https://hackmii.com/2008/09/korean-wii/.
// More IOSes were released later that were used in Korean games, but they're all over 40.
// Also, old IOSes like IOS36 did eventually get released for Korean Wiis as part of system
// updates, but there are likely no Korean games using them since those IOSes were old by then.
if (region == Region::NTSC_K && ios_id < 40 && ios_id != 4 && ios_id != 9 && ios_id != 21 &&
ios_id != 37)
// This is intended to catch pirated Korean games that have had the IOS slot set to 36
// as a side effect of having to fakesign after changing the common key slot to 0.
// (IOS36 was the last IOS to have the Trucha bug.) https://bugs.dolphin-emu.org/issues/10319
// i18n: You may want to leave the term "ERROR #002" untranslated,
// since the emulated software always displays it in English.
Common::GetStringT("This Korean title is set to use an IOS that typically isn't used on "
"Korean consoles. This is likely to lead to ERROR #002."));
if (ios_id >= 0x80)
// This is also intended to catch fakesigned pirated Korean games,
// but this time with the IOS slot set to cIOS instead of IOS36.
AddProblem(Severity::High, Common::GetStringT("This title is set to use an invalid IOS."));
m_ticket = m_volume.GetTicket(m_volume.GetGamePartition());
if (m_ticket.IsValid())
const u8 specified_common_key_index = m_ticket.GetCommonKeyIndex();
// Wii discs only use common key 0 (regular) and common key 1 (Korean), not common key 2 (vWii).
if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiDisc && specified_common_key_index > 1)
// i18n: This is "common" as in "shared", not the opposite of "uncommon"
Common::GetStringT("This title is set to use an invalid common key."));
if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD)
m_ticket = m_volume.GetTicketWithFixedCommonKey();
const u8 fixed_common_key_index = m_ticket.GetCommonKeyIndex();
if (specified_common_key_index != fixed_common_key_index)
// Many fakesigned WADs have the common key index set to a (random?) bogus value.
// For WADs, Dolphin will detect this and use the correct key, making this low severity.
std::string text = StringFromFormat(
// i18n: This is "common" as in "shared", not the opposite of "uncommon"
Common::GetStringT("The specified common key index is %u but should be %u.").c_str(),
specified_common_key_index, fixed_common_key_index);
AddProblem(Severity::Low, std::move(text));
if (IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType()))
constexpr u32 NKIT_MAGIC = 0x4E4B4954; // "NKIT"
if (m_volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(0x200, PARTITION_NONE) == NKIT_MAGIC)
Common::GetStringT("This disc image is in the NKit format. It is not a good dump in its "
"current form, but it might become a good dump if converted back. "
"The CRC32 of this file might match the CRC32 of a good dump even "
"though the files are not identical."));
void VolumeVerifier::SetUpHashing()
if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD)
m_content_offsets = m_volume.GetContentOffsets();
else if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiDisc)
// Set up a DiscScrubber for checking whether blocks with errors are unused
m_scrubber.SetupScrub(&m_volume, VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE);
std::sort(m_blocks.begin(), m_blocks.end(),
[](const BlockToVerify& b1, const BlockToVerify& b2) { return b1.offset < b2.offset; });
if (m_hashes_to_calculate.crc32)
m_crc32_context = crc32(0, nullptr, 0);
if (m_hashes_to_calculate.md5)
if (m_hashes_to_calculate.sha1)
void VolumeVerifier::WaitForAsyncOperations() const
if (m_crc32_future.valid())
if (m_md5_future.valid())
if (m_sha1_future.valid())
if (m_content_future.valid())
if (m_block_future.valid())
bool VolumeVerifier::ReadChunkAndWaitForAsyncOperations(u64 bytes_to_read)
std::vector<u8> data(bytes_to_read);
std::lock_guard lk(m_volume_mutex);
if (!m_volume.Read(m_progress, bytes_to_read, data.data(), PARTITION_NONE))
return false;
m_data = std::move(data);
return true;
void VolumeVerifier::Process()
if (m_progress == m_max_progress)
IOS::ES::Content content{};
bool content_read = false;
bool block_read = false;
u64 bytes_to_read = BLOCK_SIZE;
if (m_content_index < m_content_offsets.size() &&
m_content_offsets[m_content_index] == m_progress)
m_volume.GetTMD(PARTITION_NONE).GetContent(m_content_index, &content);
bytes_to_read = Common::AlignUp(content.size, 0x40);
content_read = true;
else if (m_content_index < m_content_offsets.size() &&
m_content_offsets[m_content_index] > m_progress)
bytes_to_read = std::min(bytes_to_read, m_content_offsets[m_content_index] - m_progress);
else if (m_block_index < m_blocks.size() && m_blocks[m_block_index].offset == m_progress)
bytes_to_read = VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
block_read = true;
else if (m_block_index < m_blocks.size() && m_blocks[m_block_index].offset > m_progress)
bytes_to_read = std::min(bytes_to_read, m_blocks[m_block_index].offset - m_progress);
bytes_to_read = std::min(bytes_to_read, m_max_progress - m_progress);
const bool is_data_needed = m_calculating_any_hash || content_read || block_read;
const bool read_succeeded = is_data_needed && ReadChunkAndWaitForAsyncOperations(bytes_to_read);
if (m_calculating_any_hash)
if (!read_succeeded)
m_calculating_any_hash = false;
if (m_hashes_to_calculate.crc32)
m_crc32_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this] {
// Would be nice to use crc32_z here instead of crc32, but it isn't available on Android
m_crc32_context =
crc32(m_crc32_context, m_data.data(), static_cast<unsigned int>(m_data.size()));
if (m_hashes_to_calculate.md5)
m_md5_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this] {
mbedtls_md5_update_ret(&m_md5_context, m_data.data(), m_data.size());
if (m_hashes_to_calculate.sha1)
m_sha1_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this] {
mbedtls_sha1_update_ret(&m_sha1_context, m_data.data(), m_data.size());
if (content_read)
m_content_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, read_succeeded, content] {
if (!read_succeeded || !m_volume.CheckContentIntegrity(content, m_data, m_ticket))
StringFromFormat(Common::GetStringT("Content %08x is corrupt.").c_str(), content.id));
if (m_block_index < m_blocks.size() &&
m_blocks[m_block_index].offset < m_progress + bytes_to_read)
m_md5_future = std::async(
[this, read_succeeded, bytes_to_read](size_t block_index, u64 progress) {
while (block_index < m_blocks.size() &&
m_blocks[block_index].offset < progress + bytes_to_read)
bool success;
if (m_blocks[block_index].offset == progress)
success = read_succeeded &&
m_volume.CheckBlockIntegrity(m_blocks[block_index].block_index, m_data,
std::lock_guard lk(m_volume_mutex);
success = m_volume.CheckBlockIntegrity(m_blocks[block_index].block_index,
const u64 offset = m_blocks[block_index].offset;
if (success)
m_biggest_verified_offset =
std::max(m_biggest_verified_offset, offset + VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE);
if (m_scrubber.CanBlockBeScrubbed(offset))
WARN_LOG(DISCIO, "Integrity check failed for unused block at 0x%" PRIx64, offset);
WARN_LOG(DISCIO, "Integrity check failed for block at 0x%" PRIx64, offset);
m_block_index, m_progress);
while (m_block_index < m_blocks.size() &&
m_blocks[m_block_index].offset < m_progress + bytes_to_read)
m_progress += bytes_to_read;
u64 VolumeVerifier::GetBytesProcessed() const
return m_progress;
u64 VolumeVerifier::GetTotalBytes() const
return m_max_progress;
void VolumeVerifier::Finish()
if (m_done)
m_done = true;
ASSERT(m_content_index == m_content_offsets.size());
ASSERT(m_block_index == m_blocks.size());
if (m_calculating_any_hash)
if (m_hashes_to_calculate.crc32)
m_result.hashes.crc32 = std::vector<u8>(4);
const u32 crc32_be = Common::swap32(m_crc32_context);
const u8* crc32_be_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&crc32_be);
std::copy(crc32_be_ptr, crc32_be_ptr + 4, m_result.hashes.crc32.begin());
if (m_hashes_to_calculate.md5)
m_result.hashes.md5 = std::vector<u8>(16);
mbedtls_md5_finish_ret(&m_md5_context, m_result.hashes.md5.data());
if (m_hashes_to_calculate.sha1)
m_result.hashes.sha1 = std::vector<u8>(20);
mbedtls_sha1_finish_ret(&m_sha1_context, m_result.hashes.sha1.data());
if (IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType()) &&
(m_volume.IsSizeAccurate() || m_volume.SupportsIntegrityCheck()))
u64 volume_size = m_volume.IsSizeAccurate() ? m_volume.GetSize() : m_biggest_verified_offset;
if (m_biggest_referenced_offset > volume_size)
const bool second_layer_missing =
m_biggest_referenced_offset > SL_DVD_SIZE && m_volume.GetSize() >= SL_DVD_SIZE;
std::string text =
second_layer_missing ?
Common::GetStringT("This disc image is too small and lacks some data. The problem is "
"most likely that this is a dual-layer disc that has been dumped "
"as a single-layer disc.") :
Common::GetStringT("This disc image is too small and lacks some data. If your "
"dumping program saved the disc image as several parts, you need "
"to merge them into one file.");
AddProblem(Severity::High, std::move(text));
for (auto [partition, blocks] : m_block_errors)
if (blocks > 0)
const std::string name = GetPartitionName(m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition));
std::string text = StringFromFormat(
Common::GetStringT("Errors were found in %zu blocks in the %s partition.").c_str(),
blocks, name.c_str());
AddProblem(Severity::Medium, std::move(text));
for (auto [partition, blocks] : m_unused_block_errors)
if (blocks > 0)
const std::string name = GetPartitionName(m_volume.GetPartitionType(partition));
std::string text = StringFromFormat(
Common::GetStringT("Errors were found in %zu unused blocks in the %s partition.").c_str(),
blocks, name.c_str());
AddProblem(Severity::Low, std::move(text));
// Show the most serious problems at the top
std::stable_sort(m_result.problems.begin(), m_result.problems.end(),
[](const Problem& p1, const Problem& p2) { return p1.severity > p2.severity; });
const Severity highest_severity =
m_result.problems.empty() ? Severity::None : m_result.problems[0].severity;
if (m_redump_verification)
m_result.redump = m_redump_verifier.Finish(m_result.hashes);
if (m_result.redump.status == RedumpVerifier::Status::GoodDump ||
(m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD && !m_is_not_retail &&
if (m_result.problems.empty())
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("This is a good dump.");
m_result.summary_text =
Common::GetStringT("This is a good dump according to Redump.org, but Dolphin has found "
"problems. This might be a bug in Dolphin.");
if (m_is_datel)
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("Dolphin is unable to verify unlicensed discs.");
if (m_is_tgc)
m_result.summary_text =
Common::GetStringT("Dolphin is unable to verify typical TGC files properly, "
"since they are not dumps of actual discs.");
if (m_result.redump.status == RedumpVerifier::Status::BadDump &&
highest_severity <= Severity::Low)
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT(
"This is a bad dump. This doesn't necessarily mean that the game won't run correctly.");
if (m_result.redump.status == RedumpVerifier::Status::BadDump)
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("This is a bad dump.") + "\n\n";
switch (highest_severity)
case Severity::None:
if (IsWii(m_volume.GetVolumeType()) && !m_is_not_retail)
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT(
"No problems were found. This does not guarantee that this is a good dump, "
"but since Wii titles contain a lot of verification data, it does mean that "
"there most likely are no problems that will affect emulation.");
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("No problems were found.");
case Severity::Low:
m_result.summary_text =
Common::GetStringT("Problems with low severity were found. They will most "
"likely not prevent the game from running.");
case Severity::Medium:
m_result.summary_text +=
Common::GetStringT("Problems with medium severity were found. The whole game "
"or certain parts of the game might not work correctly.");
case Severity::High:
m_result.summary_text += Common::GetStringT(
"Problems with high severity were found. The game will most likely not work at all.");
if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::GameCubeDisc)
m_result.summary_text +=
Common::GetStringT("\n\nBecause GameCube disc images contain little verification data, "
"there may be problems that Dolphin is unable to detect.");
else if (m_is_not_retail)
m_result.summary_text +=
Common::GetStringT("\n\nBecause this title is not for retail Wii consoles, "
"Dolphin cannot verify that it hasn't been tampered with.");
const VolumeVerifier::Result& VolumeVerifier::GetResult() const
return m_result;
void VolumeVerifier::AddProblem(Severity severity, std::string text)
m_result.problems.emplace_back(Problem{severity, std::move(text)});
} // namespace DiscIO