Pokechu22 937bb2aa2e Cache normals in addition to binormals and tangents
Fixes LIT (https://bugs.dolphin-emu.org/issues/13635). The text does not include normals, but has lighting enabled. With the previous default of (0, 0, 0), lighting was always black (as dot(X, (0, 0, 0)) is always 0). It seems like the normal from the map in the background (0, 0, 1) is re-used.

LIT also has the vertex color enabled while vertex color is not specified, the same as SMS's debug cubes; the default MissingColorValue GameINI value of solid white seems to work correctly in this case.
2024-10-12 10:32:41 -07:00

616 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "VideoCommon/VertexLoaderX64.h"
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include "Common/BitSet.h"
#include "Common/CPUDetect.h"
#include "Common/Common.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/Intrinsics.h"
#include "Common/JitRegister.h"
#include "Common/x64ABI.h"
#include "Common/x64Emitter.h"
#include "VideoCommon/CPMemory.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VertexLoaderManager.h"
using namespace Gen;
static const X64Reg src_reg = ABI_PARAM1;
static const X64Reg dst_reg = ABI_PARAM2;
static const X64Reg scratch1 = RAX;
static const X64Reg scratch2 = ABI_PARAM3;
static const X64Reg scratch3 = ABI_PARAM4;
// The remaining number of vertices to be processed. Starts at count - 1, and the final loop has it
// at 0.
static const X64Reg remaining_reg = R10;
static const X64Reg skipped_reg = R11;
static const X64Reg base_reg = RBX;
static const u8* memory_base_ptr = (u8*)&g_main_cp_state.array_strides;
static OpArg MPIC(const void* ptr, X64Reg scale_reg, int scale = SCALE_1)
return MComplex(base_reg, scale_reg, scale, PtrOffset(ptr, memory_base_ptr));
static OpArg MPIC(const void* ptr)
return MDisp(base_reg, PtrOffset(ptr, memory_base_ptr));
VertexLoaderX64::VertexLoaderX64(const TVtxDesc& vtx_desc, const VAT& vtx_att)
: VertexLoaderBase(vtx_desc, vtx_att)
Common::JitRegister::Register(region, GetCodePtr(), "VertexLoaderX64\nVtx desc: \n{}\nVAT:\n{}",
vtx_desc, vtx_att);
OpArg VertexLoaderX64::GetVertexAddr(CPArray array, VertexComponentFormat attribute)
OpArg data = MDisp(src_reg, m_src_ofs);
if (IsIndexed(attribute))
int bits = attribute == VertexComponentFormat::Index8 ? 8 : 16;
LoadAndSwap(bits, scratch1, data);
m_src_ofs += bits / 8;
if (array == CPArray::Position)
CMP(bits, R(scratch1), Imm8(-1));
m_skip_vertex = J_CC(CC_E, Jump::Near);
IMUL(32, scratch1, MPIC(&g_main_cp_state.array_strides[array]));
MOV(64, R(scratch2), MPIC(&VertexLoaderManager::cached_arraybases[array]));
return MRegSum(scratch1, scratch2);
return data;
void VertexLoaderX64::ReadVertex(OpArg data, VertexComponentFormat attribute,
ComponentFormat format, int count_in, int count_out,
bool dequantize, u8 scaling_exponent,
AttributeFormat* native_format)
using ShuffleRow = std::array<__m128i, 3>;
static const Common::EnumMap<ShuffleRow, ComponentFormat::InvalidFloat7> shuffle_lut = {
ShuffleRow{_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFF00L), // 1x u8
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFF01L, 0xFFFFFF00L), // 2x u8
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFF02L, 0xFFFFFF01L, 0xFFFFFF00L)}, // 3x u8
ShuffleRow{_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x00FFFFFFL), // 1x s8
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x01FFFFFFL, 0x00FFFFFFL), // 2x s8
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x02FFFFFFL, 0x01FFFFFFL, 0x00FFFFFFL)}, // 3x s8
ShuffleRow{_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFF0001L), // 1x u16
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFF0203L, 0xFFFF0001L), // 2x u16
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFF0405L, 0xFFFF0203L, 0xFFFF0001L)}, // 3x u16
ShuffleRow{_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x0001FFFFL), // 1x s16
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x0203FFFFL, 0x0001FFFFL), // 2x s16
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x0405FFFFL, 0x0203FFFFL, 0x0001FFFFL)}, // 3x s16
ShuffleRow{_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x00010203L), // 1x float
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x04050607L, 0x00010203L), // 2x float
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x08090A0BL, 0x04050607L, 0x00010203L)}, // 3x float
ShuffleRow{_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x00010203L), // 1x invalid
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x04050607L, 0x00010203L), // 2x invalid
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x08090A0BL, 0x04050607L, 0x00010203L)}, // 3x invalid
ShuffleRow{_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x00010203L), // 1x invalid
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x04050607L, 0x00010203L), // 2x invalid
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x08090A0BL, 0x04050607L, 0x00010203L)}, // 3x invalid
ShuffleRow{_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x00010203L), // 1x invalid
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x04050607L, 0x00010203L), // 2x invalid
_mm_set_epi32(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x08090A0BL, 0x04050607L, 0x00010203L)}, // 3x invalid
static const __m128 scale_factors[32] = {
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 0)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 1)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 2)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 3)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 4)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 5)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 6)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 7)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 8)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 9)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 10)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 11)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 12)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 13)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 14)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 15)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 16)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 17)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 18)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 19)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 20)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 21)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 22)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 23)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 24)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 25)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 26)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 27)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 28)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 29)),
_mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 30)), _mm_set_ps1(1. / (1u << 31)),
X64Reg coords = XMM0;
const auto write_zfreeze = [&]() { // zfreeze
if (native_format == &m_native_vtx_decl.position)
CMP(32, R(remaining_reg), Imm8(3));
FixupBranch dont_store = J_CC(CC_AE);
// The position cache is composed of 3 rows of 4 floats each; since each float is 4 bytes,
// we need to scale by 4 twice to cover the 4 floats.
LEA(32, scratch3, MScaled(remaining_reg, SCALE_4, 0));
MOVUPS(MPIC(VertexLoaderManager::position_cache.data(), scratch3, SCALE_4), coords);
else if (native_format == &m_native_vtx_decl.normals[0])
TEST(32, R(remaining_reg), R(remaining_reg));
FixupBranch dont_store = J_CC(CC_NZ);
// For similar reasons, the cached normal is 4 floats each
MOVUPS(MPIC(VertexLoaderManager::normal_cache.data()), coords);
else if (native_format == &m_native_vtx_decl.normals[1])
TEST(32, R(remaining_reg), R(remaining_reg));
FixupBranch dont_store = J_CC(CC_NZ);
// For similar reasons, the cached tangent and binormal are 4 floats each
MOVUPS(MPIC(VertexLoaderManager::tangent_cache.data()), coords);
else if (native_format == &m_native_vtx_decl.normals[2])
CMP(32, R(remaining_reg), R(remaining_reg));
FixupBranch dont_store = J_CC(CC_NZ);
// For similar reasons, the cached tangent and binormal are 4 floats each
MOVUPS(MPIC(VertexLoaderManager::binormal_cache.data()), coords);
int elem_size = GetElementSize(format);
int load_bytes = elem_size * count_in;
OpArg dest = MDisp(dst_reg, m_dst_ofs);
native_format->components = count_out;
native_format->enable = true;
native_format->offset = m_dst_ofs;
native_format->type = ComponentFormat::Float;
native_format->integer = false;
m_dst_ofs += sizeof(float) * count_out;
if (attribute == VertexComponentFormat::Direct)
m_src_ofs += load_bytes;
if (cpu_info.bSSSE3)
if (load_bytes > 8)
MOVDQU(coords, data);
else if (load_bytes > 4)
MOVQ_xmm(coords, data);
MOVD_xmm(coords, data);
PSHUFB(coords, MPIC(&shuffle_lut[format][count_in - 1]));
// Sign-extend.
if (format == ComponentFormat::Byte)
PSRAD(coords, 24);
if (format == ComponentFormat::Short)
PSRAD(coords, 16);
// SSE2
X64Reg temp = XMM1;
switch (format)
case ComponentFormat::UByte:
MOVD_xmm(coords, data);
PXOR(temp, R(temp));
PUNPCKLBW(coords, R(temp));
PUNPCKLWD(coords, R(temp));
case ComponentFormat::Byte:
MOVD_xmm(coords, data);
PUNPCKLBW(coords, R(coords));
PUNPCKLWD(coords, R(coords));
PSRAD(coords, 24);
case ComponentFormat::UShort:
case ComponentFormat::Short:
switch (count_in)
case 1:
LoadAndSwap(32, scratch3, data);
MOVD_xmm(coords, R(scratch3)); // ......X.
case 2:
LoadAndSwap(32, scratch3, data);
MOVD_xmm(coords, R(scratch3)); // ......XY
PSHUFLW(coords, R(coords), 0x24); // ....Y.X.
case 3:
LoadAndSwap(64, scratch3, data);
MOVQ_xmm(coords, R(scratch3)); // ....XYZ.
PUNPCKLQDQ(coords, R(coords)); // ..Z.XYZ.
PSHUFLW(coords, R(coords), 0xAC); // ..Z.Y.X.
if (format == ComponentFormat::Short)
PSRAD(coords, 16);
PSRLD(coords, 16);
case ComponentFormat::Float:
case ComponentFormat::InvalidFloat5:
case ComponentFormat::InvalidFloat6:
case ComponentFormat::InvalidFloat7:
// Floats don't need to be scaled or converted,
// so we can just load/swap/store them directly
// and return early.
// (In SSSE3 we still need to store them.)
for (int i = 0; i < count_in; i++)
LoadAndSwap(32, scratch3, data);
MOV(32, dest, R(scratch3));
// zfreeze
if (native_format == &m_native_vtx_decl.position ||
native_format == &m_native_vtx_decl.normals[1] ||
native_format == &m_native_vtx_decl.normals[2])
if (cpu_info.bSSE4_1)
PINSRD(coords, R(scratch3), i);
PINSRW(coords, R(scratch3), 2 * i + 0);
SHR(32, R(scratch3), Imm8(16));
PINSRW(coords, R(scratch3), 2 * i + 1);
if (format < ComponentFormat::Float)
CVTDQ2PS(coords, R(coords));
if (dequantize && scaling_exponent)
MULPS(coords, MPIC(&scale_factors[scaling_exponent]));
switch (count_out)
case 1:
MOVSS(dest, coords);
case 2:
MOVLPS(dest, coords);
case 3:
MOVUPS(dest, coords);
void VertexLoaderX64::ReadColor(OpArg data, VertexComponentFormat attribute, ColorFormat format)
int load_bytes = 0;
switch (format)
case ColorFormat::RGB888:
case ColorFormat::RGB888x:
case ColorFormat::RGBA8888:
MOV(32, R(scratch1), data);
if (format != ColorFormat::RGBA8888)
OR(32, R(scratch1), Imm32(0xFF000000));
MOV(32, MDisp(dst_reg, m_dst_ofs), R(scratch1));
load_bytes = format == ColorFormat::RGB888 ? 3 : 4;
case ColorFormat::RGB565:
LoadAndSwap(16, scratch1, data);
if (cpu_info.bBMI1 && cpu_info.bBMI2FastParallelBitOps)
MOV(32, R(scratch2), Imm32(0x07C3F7C0));
PDEP(32, scratch3, scratch1, R(scratch2));
MOV(32, R(scratch2), Imm32(0xF8FCF800));
PDEP(32, scratch1, scratch1, R(scratch2));
ANDN(32, scratch2, scratch2, R(scratch3));
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2));
SHL(32, R(scratch1), Imm8(11));
LEA(32, scratch2, MScaled(scratch1, SCALE_4, 0));
LEA(32, scratch3, MScaled(scratch2, SCALE_8, 0));
AND(32, R(scratch1), Imm32(0x0000F800));
AND(32, R(scratch2), Imm32(0x00FC0000));
AND(32, R(scratch3), Imm32(0xF8000000));
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2));
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch3));
MOV(32, R(scratch2), R(scratch1));
SHR(32, R(scratch1), Imm8(5));
AND(32, R(scratch1), Imm32(0x07000700));
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2));
SHR(32, R(scratch2), Imm8(6));
AND(32, R(scratch2), Imm32(0x00030000));
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2));
OR(32, R(scratch1), Imm32(0x000000FF));
SwapAndStore(32, MDisp(dst_reg, m_dst_ofs), scratch1);
load_bytes = 2;
case ColorFormat::RGBA4444:
LoadAndSwap(16, scratch1, data);
if (cpu_info.bBMI2FastParallelBitOps)
MOV(32, R(scratch2), Imm32(0x0F0F0F0F));
PDEP(32, scratch1, scratch1, R(scratch2));
MOV(32, R(scratch2), R(scratch1));
SHL(32, R(scratch1), Imm8(8));
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2));
AND(32, R(scratch1), Imm32(0x00FF00FF));
MOV(32, R(scratch2), R(scratch1));
SHL(32, R(scratch1), Imm8(4));
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2));
AND(32, R(scratch1), Imm32(0x0F0F0F0F));
MOV(32, R(scratch2), R(scratch1));
SHL(32, R(scratch1), Imm8(4));
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2));
SwapAndStore(32, MDisp(dst_reg, m_dst_ofs), scratch1);
load_bytes = 2;
case ColorFormat::RGBA6666:
data.AddMemOffset(-1); // subtract one from address so we can use a 32bit load and bswap
LoadAndSwap(32, scratch1, data);
if (cpu_info.bBMI2FastParallelBitOps)
MOV(32, R(scratch2), Imm32(0xFCFCFCFC));
PDEP(32, scratch1, scratch1, R(scratch2));
MOV(32, R(scratch2), R(scratch1));
LEA(32, scratch2, MScaled(scratch1, SCALE_4, 0)); // ______RR RRRRGGGG GGBBBBBB AAAAAA__
AND(32, R(scratch2), Imm32(0x00003FFC)); // ________ ________ __BBBBBB AAAAAA__
SHL(32, R(scratch1), Imm8(6)); // __RRRRRR GGGGGGBB BBBBAAAA AA______
AND(32, R(scratch1), Imm32(0x3FFC0000)); // __RRRRRR GGGGGG__ ________ ________
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2)); // __RRRRRR GGGGGG__ __BBBBBB AAAAAA__
LEA(32, scratch2, MScaled(scratch1, SCALE_4, 0)); // RRRRRRGG GGGG____ BBBBBBAA AAAA____
AND(32, R(scratch2), Imm32(0xFC00FC00)); // RRRRRR__ ________ BBBBBB__ ________
AND(32, R(scratch1), Imm32(0x00FC00FC)); // ________ GGGGGG__ ________ AAAAAA__
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2)); // RRRRRR__ GGGGGG__ BBBBBB__ AAAAAA__
MOV(32, R(scratch2), R(scratch1));
SHR(32, R(scratch1), Imm8(6));
AND(32, R(scratch1), Imm32(0x03030303));
OR(32, R(scratch1), R(scratch2));
SwapAndStore(32, MDisp(dst_reg, m_dst_ofs), scratch1);
load_bytes = 3;
if (attribute == VertexComponentFormat::Direct)
m_src_ofs += load_bytes;
void VertexLoaderX64::GenerateVertexLoader()
BitSet32 regs = {src_reg, dst_reg, scratch1, scratch2,
scratch3, remaining_reg, skipped_reg, base_reg};
regs[RBP] = true; // Give us a stack frame
ABI_PushRegistersAndAdjustStack(regs, 0);
// Backup count since we're going to count it down.
// ABI_PARAM3 is one of the lower registers, so free it for scratch2.
// We also have it end at a value of 0, to simplify indexing for zfreeze;
// this requires subtracting 1 at the start.
LEA(32, remaining_reg, MDisp(ABI_PARAM3, -1));
MOV(64, R(base_reg), R(ABI_PARAM4));
if (IsIndexed(m_VtxDesc.low.Position))
XOR(32, R(skipped_reg), R(skipped_reg));
// TODO: load constants into registers outside the main loop
const u8* loop_start = GetCodePtr();
if (m_VtxDesc.low.PosMatIdx)
MOVZX(32, 8, scratch1, MDisp(src_reg, m_src_ofs));
AND(32, R(scratch1), Imm8(0x3F));
MOV(32, MDisp(dst_reg, m_dst_ofs), R(scratch1));
// zfreeze
CMP(32, R(remaining_reg), Imm8(3));
FixupBranch dont_store = J_CC(CC_AE);
MOV(32, MPIC(VertexLoaderManager::position_matrix_index_cache.data(), remaining_reg, SCALE_4),
m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.components = 4;
m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.enable = true;
m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.offset = m_dst_ofs;
m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.type = ComponentFormat::UByte;
m_native_vtx_decl.posmtx.integer = true;
m_src_ofs += sizeof(u8);
m_dst_ofs += sizeof(u32);
std::array<u32, 8> texmatidx_ofs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_VtxDesc.low.TexMatIdx.Size(); i++)
if (m_VtxDesc.low.TexMatIdx[i])
texmatidx_ofs[i] = m_src_ofs++;
OpArg data = GetVertexAddr(CPArray::Position, m_VtxDesc.low.Position);
int pos_elements = m_VtxAttr.g0.PosElements == CoordComponentCount::XY ? 2 : 3;
ReadVertex(data, m_VtxDesc.low.Position, m_VtxAttr.g0.PosFormat, pos_elements, pos_elements,
m_VtxAttr.g0.ByteDequant, m_VtxAttr.g0.PosFrac, &m_native_vtx_decl.position);
if (m_VtxDesc.low.Normal != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent)
static constexpr Common::EnumMap<u8, ComponentFormat::InvalidFloat7> SCALE_MAP = {7, 6, 15, 14,
0, 0, 0, 0};
const u8 scaling_exponent = SCALE_MAP[m_VtxAttr.g0.NormalFormat];
// Normal
data = GetVertexAddr(CPArray::Normal, m_VtxDesc.low.Normal);
ReadVertex(data, m_VtxDesc.low.Normal, m_VtxAttr.g0.NormalFormat, 3, 3, true, scaling_exponent,
if (m_VtxAttr.g0.NormalElements == NormalComponentCount::NTB)
const bool index3 = IsIndexed(m_VtxDesc.low.Normal) && m_VtxAttr.g0.NormalIndex3;
const int elem_size = GetElementSize(m_VtxAttr.g0.NormalFormat);
const int load_bytes = elem_size * 3;
// Tangent
// If in Index3 mode, and indexed components are used, replace the index with a new index.
if (index3)
data = GetVertexAddr(CPArray::Normal, m_VtxDesc.low.Normal);
// The tangent comes after the normal; even in index3 mode, this offset is applied.
// Note that this is different from adding 1 to the index, as the stride for indices may be
// different from the size of the tangent itself.
ReadVertex(data, m_VtxDesc.low.Normal, m_VtxAttr.g0.NormalFormat, 3, 3, true,
scaling_exponent, &m_native_vtx_decl.normals[1]);
// Undo the offset above so that data points to the normal instead of the tangent.
// This way, we can add 2*elem_size below to always point to the binormal, even if we replace
// data with a new index (which would point to the normal).
// Binormal
if (index3)
data = GetVertexAddr(CPArray::Normal, m_VtxDesc.low.Normal);
data.AddMemOffset(load_bytes * 2);
ReadVertex(data, m_VtxDesc.low.Normal, m_VtxAttr.g0.NormalFormat, 3, 3, true,
scaling_exponent, &m_native_vtx_decl.normals[2]);
for (u8 i = 0; i < m_VtxDesc.low.Color.Size(); i++)
if (m_VtxDesc.low.Color[i] != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent)
data = GetVertexAddr(CPArray::Color0 + i, m_VtxDesc.low.Color[i]);
ReadColor(data, m_VtxDesc.low.Color[i], m_VtxAttr.GetColorFormat(i));
m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].components = 4;
m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].enable = true;
m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].offset = m_dst_ofs;
m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].type = ComponentFormat::UByte;
m_native_vtx_decl.colors[i].integer = false;
m_dst_ofs += 4;
for (u8 i = 0; i < m_VtxDesc.high.TexCoord.Size(); i++)
int elements = m_VtxAttr.GetTexElements(i) == TexComponentCount::ST ? 2 : 1;
if (m_VtxDesc.high.TexCoord[i] != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent)
data = GetVertexAddr(CPArray::TexCoord0 + i, m_VtxDesc.high.TexCoord[i]);
u8 scaling_exponent = m_VtxAttr.GetTexFrac(i);
ReadVertex(data, m_VtxDesc.high.TexCoord[i], m_VtxAttr.GetTexFormat(i), elements,
m_VtxDesc.low.TexMatIdx[i] ? 2 : elements, m_VtxAttr.g0.ByteDequant,
scaling_exponent, &m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i]);
if (m_VtxDesc.low.TexMatIdx[i])
m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].components = 3;
m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].enable = true;
m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].type = ComponentFormat::Float;
m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].integer = false;
MOVZX(64, 8, scratch1, MDisp(src_reg, texmatidx_ofs[i]));
if (m_VtxDesc.high.TexCoord[i] != VertexComponentFormat::NotPresent)
CVTSI2SS(XMM0, R(scratch1));
MOVSS(MDisp(dst_reg, m_dst_ofs), XMM0);
m_dst_ofs += sizeof(float);
m_native_vtx_decl.texcoords[i].offset = m_dst_ofs;
CVTSI2SS(XMM0, R(scratch1));
SHUFPS(XMM0, R(XMM0), 0x45); // 000X -> 0X00
MOVUPS(MDisp(dst_reg, m_dst_ofs), XMM0);
m_dst_ofs += sizeof(float) * 3;
// Prepare for the next vertex.
ADD(64, R(dst_reg), Imm32(m_dst_ofs));
const u8* cont = GetCodePtr();
ADD(64, R(src_reg), Imm32(m_src_ofs));
SUB(32, R(remaining_reg), Imm8(1));
J_CC(CC_AE, loop_start);
// Get the original count.
ABI_PopRegistersAndAdjustStack(regs, 0);
if (IsIndexed(m_VtxDesc.low.Position))
SUB(32, R(ABI_RETURN), R(skipped_reg));
ADD(32, R(skipped_reg), Imm8(1));
ASSERT_MSG(VIDEO, m_vertex_size == m_src_ofs,
"Vertex size from vertex loader ({}) does not match expected vertex size ({})!\nVtx "
"desc: {:08x} {:08x}\nVtx attr: {:08x} {:08x} {:08x}",
m_src_ofs, m_vertex_size, m_VtxDesc.low.Hex, m_VtxDesc.high.Hex, m_VtxAttr.g0.Hex,
m_VtxAttr.g1.Hex, m_VtxAttr.g2.Hex);
m_native_vtx_decl.stride = m_dst_ofs;
int VertexLoaderX64::RunVertices(const u8* src, u8* dst, int count)
m_numLoadedVertices += count;
return ((int (*)(const u8* src, u8* dst, int count, const void* base))region)(src, dst, count,