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600 lines
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600 lines
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// Project description
// -------------------
// Name: nJoy
// Description: A Dolphin Compatible Input Plugin
// Author: Falcon4ever (nJoy@falcon4ever.com)
// Site: www.multigesture.net
// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project.
// Licensetype: GNU General Public License (GPL)
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/
// Include
// ---------
#include "nJoy.h"
#include "LogManager.h"
// Declare config window so that we can write debugging info to it from functions in this file
#if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX
PADConfigDialognJoy* m_ConfigFrame = NULL;
// Variables
// ---------
#define _EXCLUDE_MAIN_ // Avoid certain declarations in nJoy.h
FILE *pFile;
std::vector<InputCommon::CONTROLLER_INFO> joyinfo;
InputCommon::CONTROLLER_STATE PadState[4];
InputCommon::CONTROLLER_MAPPING PadMapping[4];
bool g_EmulatorRunning = false;
bool SDLPolling = true;
#ifdef _WIN32
bool LiveUpdates = false;
bool LiveUpdates = false;
int NumPads = 0, NumDIDevices = -1, LastPad = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
HWND m_hWnd = NULL, m_hConsole = NULL; // Handle to window
SPADInitialize *g_PADInitialize = NULL;
// Standard crap to make wxWidgets happy
#ifdef _WIN32
HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
#if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX
class wxDLLApp : public wxApp
bool OnInit()
return true;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // DLL module handle
DWORD dwReason, // reason called
LPVOID lpvReserved) // reserved
switch (dwReason)
#if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX
int argc = 0;
char **argv = NULL;
wxEntryStart(argc, argv);
if (!wxTheApp || !wxTheApp->CallOnInit())
return FALSE;
#if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX
g_hInstance = hinstDLL;
return TRUE;
#if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX
wxWindow* GetParentedWxWindow(HWND Parent)
#ifdef _WIN32
wxWindow *win = new wxWindow();
#ifdef _WIN32
return win;
// Input Plugin Functions (from spec's)
// ------------------------------------
// Get properties of plugin
// ------------------------
void GetDllInfo(PLUGIN_INFO* _PluginInfo)
_PluginInfo->Version = 0x0100;
_PluginInfo->Type = PLUGIN_TYPE_PAD;
sprintf(_PluginInfo->Name, "nJoy (DebugFast) by Falcon4ever");
#ifndef _DEBUG
sprintf(_PluginInfo->Name, "nJoy by Falcon4ever");
sprintf(_PluginInfo->Name, "nJoy (Debug) by Falcon4ever");
void SetDllGlobals(PLUGIN_GLOBALS* _pPluginGlobals)
globals = _pPluginGlobals;
LogManager::SetInstance((LogManager *)globals->logManager);
// Call config dialog
// ------------------
void DllConfig(HWND _hParent)
// Populate joyinfo for all attached devices
LocalSearchDevices(joyinfo, NumPads);
//g_Config.Load(); // load settings
#if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX
if (!m_ConfigFrame)
m_ConfigFrame = new PADConfigDialognJoy(GetParentedWxWindow(_hParent));
else if (!m_ConfigFrame->GetParent()->IsShown())
// Only allow one open at a time
if (!m_ConfigFrame->IsShown())
void DllDebugger(HWND _hParent, bool Show) {}
// Init PAD (start emulation)
// --------------------------
void Initialize(void *init)
INFO_LOG(PAD, "Initialize: %i\n", SDL_WasInit(0));
g_PADInitialize = (SPADInitialize*)init;
g_EmulatorRunning = true;
#ifdef _WIN32
m_hWnd = (HWND)g_PADInitialize->hWnd;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Populate joyinfo for all attached devices
LocalSearchDevices(joyinfo, NumPads);
// Shutdown PAD (stop emulation)
// -----------------------------
/* Information: This function can not be run twice without an Initialize in between. If
it's run twice the SDL_...() functions below will cause a crash.
Called from: The Dolphin Core, PADConfigDialognJoy::OnClose() */
void Shutdown()
INFO_LOG(PAD, "Shutdown: %i\n", SDL_WasInit(0));
// Always change this variable
g_EmulatorRunning = false;
// Stop debugging
#ifdef _DEBUG
/* Close all devices carefully. We must check that we are not accessing any undefined
vector elements or any bad devices */
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (joyinfo.size() > (u32)PadMapping[i].ID)
PadState[i].joy = NULL;
// Clear the physical device info
NumPads = 0;
// Finally close SDL
// Remove the pointer to the initialize data
g_PADInitialize = NULL;
// Set buttons status from keyboard input. Currently this is done from wxWidgets in the main application.
// --------------
void PAD_Input(u16 _Key, u8 _UpDown)
// Check that Dolphin is in focus, otherwise don't update the pad status
if (!IsFocus()) return;
// Check if the keys are interesting, and then update it
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for(int j = InputCommon::CTL_L_SHOULDER; j <= InputCommon::CTL_START; j++)
if (PadMapping[i].buttons[j] == _Key)
{ PadState[i].buttons[j] = _UpDown; break; }
for(int j = InputCommon::CTL_D_PAD_UP; j <= InputCommon::CTL_D_PAD_RIGHT; j++)
if (PadMapping[i].dpad2[j] == _Key)
{ PadState[i].dpad2[j] = _UpDown; break; }
// Save state
// --------------
void DoState(unsigned char **ptr, int mode)
Recording::DoState(ptr, mode);
// Set PAD status
// --------------
// Called from: SI_DeviceGCController.cpp
// Function: Gives the current pad status to the Core
void PAD_GetStatus(u8 _numPAD, SPADStatus* _pPADStatus)
if (!IsPolling()) return;
// Update joyinfo handles. This is in case the Wiimote plugin has restarted SDL after a pad was conencted/disconnected
// so that the handles are updated.
if (LiveUpdates) LocalSearchDevices(joyinfo, NumPads);
// Check if the pad is avaliable, currently we don't disable pads just because they are
// disconnected
if (!PadState[_numPAD].joy) return;
// Clear pad status
memset(_pPADStatus, 0, sizeof(SPADStatus));
// Check that Dolphin is in focus, otherwise don't update the pad status
if (g_Config.bCheckFocus || IsFocus())
GetJoyState(PadState[_numPAD], PadMapping[_numPAD]);
// Get type
int TriggerType = PadMapping[_numPAD].triggertype;
int TriggerValue = PadState[_numPAD].halfpress ? 100 : 255;
// The analog controls
// -----------
// Read axis values
int i_main_stick_x = PadState[_numPAD].axis[InputCommon::CTL_MAIN_X];
int i_main_stick_y = -PadState[_numPAD].axis[InputCommon::CTL_MAIN_Y];
int i_sub_stick_x = PadState[_numPAD].axis[InputCommon::CTL_SUB_X];
int i_sub_stick_y = -PadState[_numPAD].axis[InputCommon::CTL_SUB_Y];
int TriggerLeft = PadState[_numPAD].axis[InputCommon::CTL_L_SHOULDER];
int TriggerRight = PadState[_numPAD].axis[InputCommon::CTL_R_SHOULDER];
// Check if we should make adjustments
if (PadMapping[_numPAD].bSquareToCircle) InputCommon::Square2Circle(i_main_stick_x, i_main_stick_y, _numPAD, PadMapping[_numPAD].SDiagonal);
// Radius adjustment
if (PadMapping[_numPAD].bRadiusOnOff) InputCommon::RadiusAdjustment(i_main_stick_x, i_main_stick_y, _numPAD, PadMapping[_numPAD].SRadius);
// C-stick
if (PadMapping[_numPAD].bSquareToCircleC) InputCommon::Square2Circle(i_sub_stick_x, i_sub_stick_y, _numPAD, PadMapping[_numPAD].SDiagonalC);
if (PadMapping[_numPAD].bRadiusOnOffC) InputCommon::RadiusAdjustment(i_sub_stick_x, i_sub_stick_y, _numPAD, PadMapping[_numPAD].SRadiusC);
// Convert axis values
u8 main_stick_x = InputCommon::Pad_Convert(i_main_stick_x);
u8 main_stick_y = InputCommon::Pad_Convert(i_main_stick_y);
u8 sub_stick_x = InputCommon::Pad_Convert(i_sub_stick_x);
u8 sub_stick_y = InputCommon::Pad_Convert(i_sub_stick_y);
// Convert the triggers values, if we are using analog triggers at all
if (PadMapping[_numPAD].triggertype == InputCommon::CTL_TRIGGER_SDL)
if (PadMapping[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_L_SHOULDER] >= 1000) TriggerLeft = InputCommon::Pad_Convert(TriggerLeft);
if (PadMapping[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_R_SHOULDER] >= 1000) TriggerRight = InputCommon::Pad_Convert(TriggerRight);
// Set Deadzone
float deadzone = (128.00 * (float)(PadMapping[_numPAD].deadzone + 1.00)) / 100.00;
float distance_main = (float)sqrt((float)(main_stick_x * main_stick_x) + (float)(main_stick_y * main_stick_y));
float distance_sub = (float)sqrt((float)(sub_stick_x * sub_stick_x) + (float)(sub_stick_y * sub_stick_y));
// Send values to Dolpin if they are outside the deadzone
if (distance_main > deadzone)
_pPADStatus->stickX = main_stick_x;
_pPADStatus->stickY = main_stick_y;
if (distance_sub > deadzone)
_pPADStatus->substickX = sub_stick_x;
_pPADStatus->substickY = sub_stick_y;
// The L and R triggers
// -----------
// Neutral value, no button pressed
_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_USE_ORIGIN;
// Check if the digital L button is pressed
if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_L_SHOULDER])
if (!PadState[_numPAD].halfpress)
_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_L;
_pPADStatus->triggerLeft = TriggerValue;
// no the digital L button is not pressed, but the analog left trigger is
else if (TriggerLeft > 0)
_pPADStatus->triggerLeft = TriggerLeft;
// Check if the digital R button is pressed
if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_R_SHOULDER])
if (!PadState[_numPAD].halfpress)
_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_R;
_pPADStatus->triggerRight = TriggerValue;
// no the digital R button is not pressed, but the analog right trigger is
else if (TriggerRight > 0)
_pPADStatus->triggerRight = TriggerRight;
// Update the buttons in analog mode too
if (TriggerLeft > 0xf0) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_L;
if (TriggerRight > 0xf0) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_R;
// The digital buttons
// -----------
if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_A_BUTTON])
_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_A;
_pPADStatus->analogA = 255; // Perhaps support pressure?
if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_B_BUTTON])
_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_B;
_pPADStatus->analogB = 255; // Perhaps support pressure?
if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_X_BUTTON]) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_X;
if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_Y_BUTTON]) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_Y;
if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_Z_TRIGGER]) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_TRIGGER_Z;
if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_START]) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_START;
// The D-pad
// -----------
if (PadMapping[_numPAD].controllertype == InputCommon::CTL_DPAD_HAT)
if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFTUP || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_UP || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP ) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_UP;
if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFTUP || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFT || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN ) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_LEFT;
if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_DOWN || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN ) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_DOWN;
if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHT || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN ) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT;
if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad2[InputCommon::CTL_D_PAD_UP])
_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_UP;
if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad2[InputCommon::CTL_D_PAD_DOWN])
_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_DOWN;
if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad2[InputCommon::CTL_D_PAD_LEFT])
_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_LEFT;
if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad2[InputCommon::CTL_D_PAD_RIGHT])
_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT;
// Update error code
_pPADStatus->err = PAD_ERR_NONE;
///////////////////////////////////////////////// Spec functions
// Supporting functions
// Search for SDL devices
// ----------------
bool LocalSearchDevices(std::vector<InputCommon::CONTROLLER_INFO> &_joyinfo, int &_NumPads)
//DEBUG_LOG(PAD, "LocalSearchDevices");
bool Success = InputCommon::SearchDevices(_joyinfo, _NumPads);
DoLocalSearchDevices(_joyinfo, _NumPads);
return Success;
bool LocalSearchDevicesReset(std::vector<InputCommon::CONTROLLER_INFO> &_joyinfo, int &_NumPads)
//DEBUG_LOG(PAD, "LocalSearchDevicesUpdate: %i", IsPolling());
// Turn off device polling while resetting
bool Success = InputCommon::SearchDevicesReset(_joyinfo, _NumPads);
DoLocalSearchDevices(_joyinfo, _NumPads);
return Success;
bool DoLocalSearchDevices(std::vector<InputCommon::CONTROLLER_INFO> &_joyinfo, int &_NumPads)
// Don't warn the user if no gamepads are detected. If the pad doesn't respond he will open the configuration and fix it.
// Also, if he's using a Wii game he may not care that the gamepad is turned off.
if (_NumPads == 0 && g_EmulatorRunning)
//PanicAlert("nJoy: No Gamepad Detected");
return false;
// Load the first time
if (!g_Config.Loaded) g_Config.Load();
// Update the PadState[].joy handle
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < joyinfo.size(); j++)
if (joyinfo.at(j).Name == PadMapping[i].Name)
PadState[i].joy = joyinfo.at(j).joy;
//DEBUG_LOG(PAD, "Slot %i: %s", i, joyinfo.at(j).Name.c_str());
return true;
// Is the device connected?
// ----------------
bool IsConnected(std::string Name)
for (int i = 0; i < joyinfo.size(); i++)
//DEBUG_LOG(PAD, "IDToName: ID %i id %i %s", ID, i, joyinfo.at(i).Name.c_str());
if (joyinfo.at(i).Name == Name)
return true;
// It could be possible to crash SDL.dll if SDL functions are called during SDL_Quit/SDL_Init. Therefore these functions.
// ----------------
bool IsPolling()
if (!SDLPolling || SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_QUERY) == SDL_ENABLE)
return false;
return true;
void EnablePolling(bool Enable)
if (Enable)
SDLPolling = true;
SDLPolling = false;
// ID to Name
// ----------------
std::string IDToName(int ID)
for (int i = 0; i < joyinfo.size(); i++)
//DEBUG_LOG(PAD, "IDToName: ID %i id %i %s", ID, i, joyinfo.at(i).Name.c_str());
if (joyinfo.at(i).ID == ID)
return joyinfo.at(i).Name;
return "";
// ID to id - Get the gamepad id from a device ID (the ids will be all or some of the IDs)
// ----------------
int IDToid(int ID)
for (int i = 0; i < joyinfo.size(); i++)
if (joyinfo.at(i).ID == ID)
return i;
if (joyinfo.size() > 0)
ERROR_LOG(PAD, "IDToid error");
return 0;
PanicAlert("Error in IDToid. The plugin may crash.");
return -1;
// Check if Dolphin is in focus
// ----------------
bool IsFocus()
return true;
#ifdef _WIN32
HWND RenderingWindow = NULL; if (g_PADInitialize) RenderingWindow = g_PADInitialize->hWnd;
HWND Parent = GetParent(RenderingWindow);
HWND TopLevel = GetParent(Parent);
HWND Config = NULL; if (m_ConfigFrame) Config = (HWND)m_ConfigFrame->GetHWND();
// Support both rendering to main window and not, and the config and eventual console window
if (GetForegroundWindow() == TopLevel || GetForegroundWindow() == RenderingWindow || GetForegroundWindow() == Config || GetForegroundWindow() == m_hConsole)
return true;
return false;
return true;